Category Archives: Aliyah: Jewish immigration to Israel

Aliyah – Jewish immigration to Israel; a new immigrant family from Los Angeles, California, adjusting to life in Jerusalem, learning Hebrew in Ulpan, dealing with the shops, the banks, the health care system and the bureaucracy. They are trying to keep in touch with friends and family in Los Angeles. They read the bad news from the United States and are grateful that they are here.

Welcome to the home of the Jewish people

“When you enter the land that the LORD your God is giving you as a heritage, and you possess it and settle in it,…” (Devarim 26:1) “Mandate for Palestine” The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights Eli E. Hertz “Mandate for Palestine” The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights Map: 1920 – Original territory assigned to the […]

OU calls for Aliyah

The OU (Orthodox Union Israel) Jerusalem World Center is calling for American Jews to make Aliyah   The OU Jerusalem world Center Torah Tidbits #1196 – Va’etchanan – Nachamu OU Torah Tidbits #1196Vaetchanan-Nachamuwhole 19August2016 Lead Tidbit p.4 Read it and weep… or do something! Parshat Va’etchanan contains – among many other things – the prohibition […]

We have no other country – אין לנו ארץ אחרת

Call the Jewish Agency toll-free Alyah : mode d’emploi — Aliá – Información general — Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream סיפורו האישי-לאומי של ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal-national story 14February2015 “Many people around the world ask me, ‘how does such a young country, such a small country, who is attacked […]

Quand est-ce que tu quittes la France?

Israël : Clip pour l’Aliyah “Quand est-ce que tu quittes la France ?”  Israel Clip for Aliyah “When do you leave France?” Reportage : les juifs qui quittent la France pour israël Report: Jews leaving France for Israel Alyah : mode d’emploi Alyah : mode d’emploi Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur […]