Category Archives: Politics

Politics that effect life in Israel and the lives of the Political Low Life, Scum bag Turkeys; I mean Politicians

Israel: The World’s First Modern Indigenous State

Indigenous Rights and Israel: A Historical Perspective Barbara Kay: No, Arabs aren’t Israel’s “indigenous” people You have heard the term “Fake News” how about “Fake Heritage” created by the Terrorist Arab Palestinians and their BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel) movement. The Arabs claim that they are the “Real Indigenous People” and make claims […]

A response to the EU Boycott of Yesha Israel

IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism EU Recommends Boycott Against Israelis in Yesha EU court mandates labeling of Israeli ‘settlement’ products Margaret Thatcher’s Amazing Prophecy On The EU The Arab League Boycott and WTO Accession: Can Foreign Policy Excuse Discriminatory Sanctions? EU and UNHCR Blacklisting effects on Arabs The European Union Labels Itself Biased European Union […]

Love Caroline Glick’s logic

The Tribal update presents a song for Yom Haatzmaut, Tawil Fadiha, and Kim Jong On  Caroline Glick: The presence of Jews on the West Bank has nothing to do with prospects for peace קרולין גליק – לוחמת הסברה ציונית – רשימת הימין החדש Column One: Israel: The happy little country Netanyahu thought a moment […]

Let My Brother Go!

UPDATE: Jonathan Pollard lands in Israel 30December2020 Jonathan Pollard freed (אובמה, פולארד, ופסח) Obama, Pollard, and Passover ד’ לחודש הראשון תשע”ג Thursday, March 14, 2013ד’ לחודש הראשון תשע”ג What a fantastic poster! These poster are throughout Jerusalem. Please circulate and I need volunteers to help me flood Jerusalem and Tel Aviv with these posters […]