Jerusalem 2019

Yom Yerushalayim יום ירושלים

Yom Yerushalayim יום ירושלים‎ the holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem, the Old City and regaining of access to the Kottel כותל (Western Wall) in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. The day is officially marked by state ceremonies and memorial services.

Watch and Listen to the real people that lived through the the events that lead up to the Six Day War in 1967 and the war itself. Six Day War – Israeli victory – Documentary – War of RedemptionCelebration at the Mercaz HaRav Yeshivah on Yom Yerushalayim 5781

Jerusalem – A taste of the Holy City

Nokia Kosher cell Phone

Nokia Kosher cell Phone

2019 has always been a key date in Science Fiction, such as Blade Runner or The Running Man, But technology has caught up to fiction. What technology will we use in the Beit Hamikdash? These are just a small samplings of some ideas.One thing I would like to see is more use of

Computerized voice messages with Kosher Phones of stead of requiring to have a Smart Phone. If Google can do it why not banks and others that use text messages for security codes?

Besides the use of Bar Code have RFID Tags or Smart Cards on everything, Have everyone who is in the Beit Hamikdash wear a Photo ID Smart Card, both for  Kohanim, Levim and for visitors. Color Code everything and have Color lines leading to major places like a bus map. Have voice and sound markers like at crosswalks in Israel (I know, Israel is years ahead of the US and Europe with aiding the Blind and Disabled). Israel already uses Electric Wheelchairs at the Kotel.

RFID Passive Tag

RFID Passive Tag

Smart Card

Smart Card


Commercial vacuum seal bag

Commercial vacuum seal bag

Textured mylar bags wholesale meat

Textured mylar bags wholesale meat

For Korban Pesach: The use of Commercial vacuum seal bags for meat. (The bag is very strong and they have been using it for decades with wholesale meat.) The inner bag is completely Kosher and Tahor, with all the Kashruth seals. A second outer Textured Foil ChannAl Vacuum Bags for insulation and Kashruth double wrapping. A Third Standard Rip proof FedEx outer bag with the Name and Address of the owner along with “Care and Handling” instructions in Hebrew, Yiddish, Arabic, Russian, English, French and Spanish with illustrations. Finally the outer carrying bag with handles.
For Korbanot that are brought in by their owners: Have an advanced CT Scanner that will detect any metal object that the animal has eaten or any thing else that will disqualify it. Have the CT Scanner use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to quickly check the animal.

Banking: Trusted Secure Payments: Paypal Visa MC Amex Discover – Until the Globalist go after you with Sanctions

Buy locally, Charge locally,



Trusted Secure Payments Paypal Visa MC Amex Discover

Trusted Secure Payments Paypal Visa MC Amex Discover

Intergalactic Banking Alliance & Logo

Intergalactic Banking Alliance & Logo

דואר-ישראל Israel Post

דואר-ישראל Israel Post

Red Heifer Update! (June, 2020/Tammuz 5780)

The Temple Institute 29June2020

Eretz Yisrael in the Haftara by Rabbis Ethan Eisen and Tuly Weisz

Jerusalem’s Oldest Charity and the Secret to its Restoration

From his home in Liadi, Russia, Rabbi Shnuer Zalman, the first Lubavitcher Rebbe, established in 1788 the Kolel Chabad soup kitchen in Jerusalem. For more than two and a quarter centuries, Kolel Chabad has been the personal tzedakah of each succeeding Lubavitcher Rebbe. The long lasting and beloved institution dispenses not only food and drink to those who need it most, but helps Yerushalayim assume its vital role as the “city of righteousness, faithful city” as described in our haftara.

The Shabbat preceding Tish’a b’Av is known as Shabbat Chazon, taking its name from the opening words of the haftara. Chanted to the tune of Eicha, the Navi Yishayahu employs the same lament as Yirmiyahu, “How (eicha) the faithful city has become a harlot?! (1:21).

How indeed?

What is the Chazon (vision) of Yeshayahu? Although the opening passage of Yeshayahu does not detail Jerusalem’s devastation, it does contain the underlying reason for the destruction, while at the same time offers the solution for its restoration.
“Learn to do good. Devote yourselves to justice; Aid the wronged. Uphold the rights of the orphan; Defend the cause of the widow… If, then, you agree and give heed, You will eat the good things of the earth; But if you refuse and disobey, You will be devoured by the sword” (v. 17, 20).

As Hashem’s capital city, Yerushalayim exists on a different set of values. The Torah’s strategic defense plan for Jerusalem does not focus on metal detectors or riot police, but righteousness and justice.

The first ruler of Jerusalem is Malki-Tzedek, king of Shalem (B’reishit 14:18), and the ruler of the city when Bnei Yisrael entered the land as a nation was Adoni-Tzedek (Yehoshua 10:1). The Radak (ibid.) explains, “for Jerusalem is the place of justice and peace; it cannot tolerate injustice and oppression and abominable acts for long.”

Not only were the ancient kings of Jerusalem called ‘Tzedek’, but the city itself is referred to by seventy names, many of which refer to its inherent sense of justice. “Ir HaEmet” (Zecharya 8:3), “Nevei Tzedek” (Yirmiyahu 31:22), and in our haftara, “Ir HaTzedek” and “Kiryah Ne’emana” (Yeshayahu 1:25) – all reinforce the values essential to the Holy City.

The call for Yerushalayim to be a haven for the vulnerable goes beyond feeding the poor and needy. Our tradition goes even further and looks out for those who we ordinarily shun. Chazal offer a remarkable interpretation of a central verse in our haftara:
“How (eicha) the faithful city has become a harlot! – she had been full of justice, righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers!” (1:21). The Talmud (Sanhedrin 35a) explains that the “murderers” in this verse actually refers to those sitting in judgment. When trying a capital case in Yerushalayim, the judges must be extremely prudent and not act hastily in their decision making.

According to Rabbi Chanina, any court that finalizes a capital trial in a single day, and does not wait overnight to issue a final ruling, is considered murderous. Rashi explains: the court waits overnight to find a reason to acquit the defendant. Failure to uphold this procedural precaution, in the eyes of the Navi, is tantamount to murder. Yeshayahu here blames the judges of Yerushalayim for failure to be concerned with the most vulnerable members of society. Even someone on trial for murder is entitled to extreme compassion by the judges of the community, how much more so the widows and orphans! .

The return of righteous leaders and judges who will lead the people to relentlessly pursue justice on behalf of the vulnerable allows for Hashem to return His presence to the city and the Holy Temple:

“Then I will restore your judges as at first, and your counselors as at the beginning; after that you will be called ‘City of Righteousness’, ‘Faithful City’. Zion will be redeemed through justice, and those who return to her through righteousness” (v. 26, 27).
On the Shabbat before Tish’a b’Av, we read the words of Yeshayahu to not only recall that the absence of righteousness led to the destruction of Yerushalayim, but to remember that its presence will lead to its rebuilding.

It is particularly noteworthy that the oldest, continuously operating institu- tion in Israel, which predates the first Zionist Congress by more than a century and the founding of the State by nearly two, is a soup kitchen. The legacy of Kolel Chabad stands as a proud testament to the restoration of Yerushalayim in our generation.

Rabbi Tuly Weisz is the director of Israel365 and editor of “The Israel Bible”; Rabbi Dr. Ethan Eisen is a psychologist and a new Oleh, as well as a rebbe in Yeshivat Lev Hatorah. Please send comments to

Torah Tidbits #1239- D’varim – Chazon July 28-29, ’17 – 6 Av 5777 Avot: 3rd perek website:

Using Technology in the Third Beit Hamikdash

From: The Temple Institute

Integrating Modern Technology into the Holy Temple

WILL MASSIVE DIGITAL SCREENS allow worshippers to observe the work of the Kohen Gadol from a great distance? Will escalators carry pilgrims up to the Temple Mount courtyards? Will special buses designed in such a way that they can’t be tainted by spiritual impurity be employed to transport Passover pilgrims and their Pascal offerings? These, and many other fascinating and challenging questions were raised at this year’s 29th annual Temple Institute Passover Symposium, under the banner of “Integrating Modern Technology into the Holy Temple.”

THE SIZABLE AUDIENCE which turned out on Wednesday afternoon, March 31st, the first day of chol hammed Pesach, (the intermediary days of Passover), was rewarded with a learned and lively presentation by six leading rabbis and educators, each focusing on specific aspects of the Holy Temple, its architecture, and the Divine service, and how it can be enhanced and facilitated through the introduction of today’s cutting edge technology.

WILL THE BEIT MOKED – THE CHAMBER OF THE HEARTH, the dormitory for the kohanim who are serving in the Holy Temple, still house a large fireplace, or will central heating render the hearth obsolete? Will Passover pilgrims be able to roast their Passover offerings in electric ovens? Do such ovens fulfill all the strict halachic (Jewish law) requirements of what constitutes roasting?

OVER THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED YEARS AGO, when the children of Israel left Egypt, they brought with them the most cutting edge technology of their day, and led by Betzalel, they employed all of their skills and worldly knowledge in the construction of the Tabernacle and the vessels that would be used in the Divine service. Throughout the nearly one thousand years that the two Holy Temples stood, technological advancements took place that helped to facilitate the performance of the Divine service and to enhance the beauty of the Holy Temple.

MOST FAMOUS OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS WAS THE MUCHNI, a separate water reservoir added to the copper laver, solving a problem of water becoming impure if left in the laver overnight. This mechanism was conceived of, designed and executed by none other than the Kohen Gadol of that generation, known as ben Kattin.

CENTURIES EARLIER KING SOLOMON had designed the “great sea” massive water basin which stood outside the first Holy Temple. The historic refurbishing of the second Holy Temple ordered by Herod took advantage of the latest first century CE science and technology.

AS DISCUSSED AT THE SYMPOSIUM, Torah is very specific concerning the dimensions and materials of the various service vessels. The same principle holds true for the basic layout and structure of the Tabernacle and later the Holy Temple. However, where the Torah does not designate specifics, for example, as to what decorative enhancements can be incorporated into the vessels, the artists and artisans are granted free creative license.

NO ONE BUT THE KOHEN GADOL is permitted to enter the Holy of Holies, and he enters it only one time a year, on Yom Kippur. But could a camera be placed within the Holy of Holies, allowing others to witness the Kohen Gadol when he places the burning incense pan before the ark of the covenant? Would this constitute “seeing the Holy of Holies,” which is strictly forbidden, or would viewing the Holy of Holies via a camera be considered as seeing indirectly, and would that then render it permissible?

THIS IS JUST ONE EXAMPLE of a wide range of issues raised at the symposium, all of which will need to be addressed when the Holy Temple is built.

IN ADDITION, AN ANIMATED THREE DIMENSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN for the Lishkat HaGazit, the Chamber of Hewn Stone, the seat of the Great Sanhedrin, commissioned by the Temple Institute was shown to the public for the first time. Half in the sanctified courtyard, and half in the profane, just as it was in second Temple times, the new design also calls for the two story structure to be half underground, incorporating within it a parking facility for the seventy one judges, and a viewing gallery for the public.

AMONG THE DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS WAS ISRAEL’S serving Minister of Science and Technology, Rabbi Professor Daniel Hirshkovitch, a mathematician by profession, who explained how sophisticated mathematical principles can be employed to reveal essential knowledge concerning the design and dimensions of some of the vessels referred to in Torah, but whose precise measurements weren’t delineated. In turn, Rabbi Professor Hirshkovitch revealed the great knowledge of mathematics, physics and engineering possessed by our ancestors.

IN ALL, IT WAS AN ABSORBING AFTERNOON for all who attended. When we talk about and plan the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, we are not talking about an archaeological restoration in which no effort is spared to painstakingly recreate an ancient edifice. The Holy Temple of tomorrow will be a living viable center of worship for all mankind, incorporating all the relevant 21st century technological advancements which can be used to enhance the service and enrich the experience of the pilgrims, and most importantly, give honor to G-d. May we build it soon!

These are interesting questions indeed. However, would the use of such technology minimize the miraculous nature of the third Beit Hamikdash? Would the use of such technology minimize the serenity and holiness of the third Beit Hamikdash?

For the first question, I’ll provide 2 reasons why it does not:
1)The very use of such technology is miraculous in and of itself if you compare it to years past.
2)We can say that we do what we need to do – let Hashem do what He needs to do. Other – even greater – miracles will occur. Technology wouldn’t be to minimize the miracles – it would be used to help Kohanim keep track of Korbanot, which is something we need nowadays in our lower state that we did not need 2000 years ago. If Hashem provides a miracle that makes the use of computers obsolete, I’m all for that!

Regarding the second question – would technology minimize the serenity and holiness of the Beit Hamikdash – this is a matter of taste.

We use technology in our Mikdeshei Me’at nowadays – we have atomic alarm clocks to tell us when HaNeitz HaHama is, we have electronic signs telling you when to say Mashiv Haru’ah, etc. Some may argue that when we have our real Beit Hamikdash, it should be no different. After all, we’re not Amish.
Others, however, may contend that the Beit Hamikdash should be a place free of anything worldly. Shoes cannot even be worn – how can we display computers and video screens? It will make the place look like a cross between a slaughter-house and a business office – not the holiest place in the world.

It will be interesting what will be decided. May it be rebuilt soon – במהרה בימינו אמן.

From Dixie Yid:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Guest Post – Technology in the Third Beis Hamikdash

I have had conversations with people of the years about how technology would be incorporated into the third Beis Hamikdash when it will be built. But my friend wrote up a “handbook” for those offering korbanos in the third Beis Hamikdash, imagining in detail what it would be like, and incorporating many halachos in the essay as well. So enjoy the below guest post and IY”H, may we be zoche to see how technology will be incorporated soon in our days!

Bais Hamikdash Tech Update
Due to several documented mix ups with korbanos, the Mikdash Committee has instituted new technology and procedures.
First, all animals to be sold for sacrifices on the Temple Mount area have already had magnetic bar codes firmly affixed to their hooves. Birds have a smaller tag attached to the right foot. Anyone bringing in their own animals for korbanos will have similar bar codes affixed in the examination area. There will be no additional charge for this service.
All of the Klei Shares have embedded tags as well.

Next, korbanos need to be registered on the system with full owner information and korban designation before offering. This can be done online, by cellphone app, or on one of the dedicated terminals installed on the base of the temple mount. Any changes in owner information (particularly for korban pesach group status) needs to be completed before shechita. No exceptions.

Owner information will be checked with Department of Health records in real time. A chatas whose owner has died will not be offered.
Temurah registrations, while discouraged, will still be accepted by the system.
All Kohanim On Duty have been assigned small portable scanners. Before shechita, the KOD must scan the animal as well as the Kli Shares to be receiving the blood. If the animal is in the wrong location (i.e. slaughter in the north is required), the system is programmed to alert the KOD with both audio and visual alerts.

Several help stations have been strategically placed throughout the Azarah. If the KOD has forgotten which avodah he needs to perform or where, he can just scan the kli and a full diagram will come up.

For semicha, the owner(s) will receive a text message when their animal is ready to go. They will then enter the azarah and proceed directly to the automated hoist number of their korban, perform the semicha, and leave. More viewing of the avodas can be done by the AzarahCam at any time.
Due to concerns about tahara and chometz, we will no longer allow people to bring flour, oil, wine, etc. from home to be offered (with the exception of the kohen gadol). Therefore, we have purchased all the supplies needed for menachos and sell them using our system.

The system will go like this. The person purchasing a mincha will enter their information and the korban needed, whether it is challos or wafers, deep fried or shallow fried, kohen owned, etc. A ticket will be generated and sent to the bakery to fill the order. For a minchas nesachim, the ticket will not be generated until the blood of the associated korban is sprinkled. The bakery employee will place the finished mincha in the window facing the kodesh in an ordinary container.

The kohen will take the mincha, scan it for the owner info, and place it in a kli shares while verbally consecrating it for its owner. He will then proceed to perform the proper avodah of the mincha. The system will assist in reminding the kohen of the proper procedure, whether it needs waving, hagasha, kemitza, etc. with audible alerts. Any questions on identifying a particular mincha can be easily resolved with a quick scan of the kli.

A korban Todah will be prevented from being slaughtered until all the loaves have been baked.
Non Jews are not required to pay for minchas nesachim.

Salt will be added to all offerings at no charge.

The system will also arrange the proper order of offerings. This has previously been a very difficult principle to achieve by hand. For example, chatas blood comes before olah blood, but olah limbs are offered before chatas sacrificial parts. The queuing will be done automatically and signal the nearest KOD to perform the next avodah. Audio and visual alerts will warn any KOD about to perform an avodah out of order.

Additional tags will be affixed to the cut up parts of the korban in the flaying area, near the sinks. Absolutely NO meat is to be placed in the Mikdash Refrigerators without proper tags.
The Mikdash Refrigerator doors have sensors as well. Notifications will be sent out for any meat that is nossar, which will now be easy to locate.

Tracking the hides are important for determining ownership. Depending on circumstances, the hide may belong to the mikdash, the kohanim, or the donor. We will auction off each hide and track the sale price to the owners. At the end of each day, all of the kohanim that swiped in (even those with a mum that performed non-avodah labor, but not Mikdash employees) will be automatically credited their share by direct deposit.


Cooking pots have been tagged as well. Pots have to be koshered after use with korbanos, within the time frame allowed for eating the korban, unless the pot is used for another korban, which resets the clock again. This system will track each pot and signal those needing koshering.


The mizbeach has been outfitted with special metal-free sensors. As the kli filled with blood approaches for sprinkling, the KOD will be gently prompted as to which corners to approach and the proper order, and whether sprinkling needs to be done above or below the red line. Similarly, birds post melikah will be sensed if the sprinkling is about to be performed in the wrong place.
After the afternoon Tamid has been offered, the system will go into lockdown mode, and no further sacrifices may be brought until the next morning. Any blood waiting to be sprinkled is to be placed in one of the oscillators until the morning. The next shift of kohanim will be able to identify the blood through the tag on the kli.

The Ulam has sensors installed at the doorway to prevent any korbanei chutz from entering lifnim accidentally.

Sensors and alarms have been set up around all the exits. If a korban that is not allowed to leave the area approaches the exit, an alarm will sound. Similarly, the system will guard against theft of Mikdash property.

Outside in the Ezras Nashim, large screen displays have been installed with real time information on offering status. Text or email alerts to the owners are available at no extra charge.

The Mikdash Bank

Previously, there were 13 ‘horns’ that held coins used for purchasing sacrifices for when the altar was unoccupied. The Kohen entering the room where they were stored had to enter there barefoot in clothing without a hem or pockets etc. -a difficult procedure. We have eliminated this, and set up a Mikdash Bank, with multiple accounts. Balance and activity information is openly available online. All donors will receive a receipt number that can be tracked, with their name listed if they desire. Any withdrawals will list the kohen signing off on it, as well as the tag number of the animal purchased. The main branch of the bank is located near the base of the Temple Mount, eliminating the need for private money changers.

Tisha b’Av: The Third Holy Temple Plans Have Begun

Red Heifer Update: Adar 5780/March 2020

The Temple Institute 11March2020
Important update from the Temple Institute concerning the status of the red heifer candidates that the Temple Institute is raising in Israel. Rabbi Azariah Ariel, head of the Institute’s Kollel research department, and and expert on the halachic laws concerning the red heifer, reports on the heifers’ current status and the Institute’s future plans.

English subtitles included (click on cc on bottom right of video)!

Raise a Red Heifer in Israel / לגדל פרה אדומה בארץ ישראל

Blueprints and Computer Animation of the Sanhedrin Chamber of Hewn Stone

Historic Reenactment of the Omer Barley Offering

The Temple Institute Videos


Accessible Jerusalem

September 11, 2016
By Loren Minsky

The Israeli people are known for an outgoing willingness to help anyone on the street, and this extends without question to those needing disability access, such as assisting blind people with walking sticks to cross streets, and patience when awaiting the wheelchair door on a public bus. This approach comes from an overall Middle Eastern warmth, as well as the fact that many war veterans suffered injuries leading to disabled access needs.

Of note, in December, 2012, the Knesset passed a comprehensive law requiring most venues to be handicap-accessible by 2018, from wheelchair access to hearing and sight impaired services.

Do keep in mind that while most people are happily supportive, the Jerusalem streets might not be: Jerusalem is hilly, with sidewalks often narrow or nonexistent. The Old City streets and sidewalks, in particular, are largely cobblestoned and unstable. At the same time, most major museums and attractions and several hotels cater for the disabled. In addition, there are transportation options available.

Tourists can learn more about accessible Jerusalem restaurants and Jerusalem attractions on We’ve put together a list below of additional helpful contact information for organizing best accessibility.

Access Israel – Information and Activism on Disabled Access in Israel

Started by someone who needed disability access in Israel, the Access Israel site offers comprehensive information on tourism sites, accommodation options, restaurants, events and taxis that are accessible to special needs travelers.

Phone: +972-9-7451126
More info here and here

Yad Sarah

Yad Sarah ( offers transportation to and from Ben Gurion Airport, intracity and intercity transportation vans, and specific services for tourists in need of disability services. In addition, they offer all kinds of medical equipment for rent, from oxygen to walkers and everything in between.

Phone (Tourism Desk): 972-2-644-4664

Egged Buses – List of Accessible Jerusalem Bus Lines

Egged offers many accessible intercity lines in Jerusalem with a rear entry door set up with automated wheelchair access.

Car Rentals for Special Driving Needs

Many rental car companies provide cars for special driving needs – contact your preferred rental car company for more information.

In particular, the Eldan Car Rental company offers 1600 cc automatic cars with left or right-hand controls – best to reserve 10 days in advance.

Read more about car rental here.


Milbat has a site in Hebrew offering products that ease the daily life of those with disabilities, and also assisting with transportation options.

Phone: +972-3-5303739


Yom Yerushalayim יום ירושלים

Yom Yerushalayim יום ירושלים‎ the holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem, the Old City and regaining of access to the Kottel כותל (Western Wall) in the aftermath of the June 1967 Six-Day War. The day is officially marked by state ceremonies and memorial services.

Watch and Listen to the real people that lived through the the events that lead up to the Six Day War in 1967 and the war itself.

Six Day War – Israeli victory – Documentary – War of Redemption

Six Day War – Israeli victory – Documentary – War of Redemption
The redemption of Jerusalem is a complete and total redemption, even if it has its ups and downs.
Next year in Jerusalem! לשנה הבאה בירושלים!
This video shows what the Arabs wanted to do with the Jews living in Eretz Israel and the miracles that god performed.
Six Days in June (2007)
Director: Ilan Ziv
Writers: Stephen Phizicky, Ilan Ziv
Stars: Levi Eshkol, Andre Nicolas Malouf, Gamal Abdel Nasser
Even though the producers are leftists and think that “If only…” this is a very good historical account.

ירושלים במרכז – שידור חי ממרכז הרב – Celebration at the Mercaz HaRav Yeshivah on Yom Yerushalayim 5781

Posted 10May2021 ערוץ 7: Jonathan Pollard’s Remarks at the Central Thanksgiving Celebration to mark the 54th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem. He starts speaking at 02:08:00 or thereabouts in the video.
עצרת ההודיה המרכזית לציון 54 שנים לאיחוד ירושלים.
עירית ירושלים
משרד ירושלים ומורשת
הרשות לפיתוח ירושלים
הפקה: צ’יקו הפקות ואירועים.
צילום ושידור: רואים את הקולות
The Central Thanksgiving Assembly to mark the 54th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem.
In collaboration with:
Jerusalem Municipality
Jerusalem Office and Heritage
Jerusalem Development Authority
Production: Chico Productions and Events.
Photography and broadcast: See the voices



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