Yearly Archives: 2011

I really like the comics

In Mr. Whiskers’ kitchen, in Jerusalem, his two teen age new immigrant daughters from Los Angeles California, Spice, who is eating an apple, and Sugar, are sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper,which is in Hebrew. Their mother is thinking to herself ‘Oh, that’s nice seeing those two using their minds and reading’ Mother: […]

The Car Acura Car Cover Sales

Page 1 Side banner: “the” Customer Service Cat with headphones on the computer: “‘’ for all your car cover and car parts need. This is the place. How can I help you today? … My name is Rizzo.” 4 eyed Martian Woman at the computer: “I’ve seen your website for and need a […]

New kittens on the block

YouTube are taking cute Cat Videos Down! New kittens on the block New kittens on the block part 2 These kittens seem to have solved the housing shortage in Jerusalem 

The Car The Ad

Three Birds sitting on a Tree Branch, Frankie: “Are you ready to rumble boys?” Second Bird: “Sure thing, Frankie.” A flock of Birds fly over cars making a mess overhead on all the cars. Car Covered in Chinese Elm tree sap and bird droppings. Car Owner: ” Oh yuck, My Car!” Announcer: “Keep your car […]