Yearly Archives: 2011

The Ham from ZOT: Hiring

Agent 36 and Agent 71 are sitting at ZOT headquarters. Agent 36: “71, I can’t believe you’re leaving H.Q. after all these years!” Agent 71: “Living in a cage for 2 years isn’t living.” Agent 71 looking at her retirement envelop: “I’m going to rent an apartment in Haifa and if I like it, I’ll […]

The Ham from ZOT: Men!!

The Monkey in chair is laughing at the tied up Alien. Mr. Whiskers at his computer: “It’s better for Israel to have a Christian running the White House than a Muslim.. Obama is in Ireland getting drunk. Tornadoes in the Midwest.” Sugar: “How do I look?” Spice: “Erm.” Sugar: “What??” Mother looking at the skirt: […]

The Ham from ZOT: Let Us not forget who we are.

Aliens petting Monkey M.E.O.W. Headquarters; Two cats and the Captain, Cat 1: “Those 2 ZOT agents and one migrating bird have escaped our holding cells Captain?” Captain: “Yes Sir… Apparently they cut through the bars.” Cat 2 to Cat 1: “Alka-Seltzer or Tums?” At ZOT Headquarters: Agent 30 (Miss. Sweetums):”2 is waiting for you.” Agent […]

The Answer 2

Pickles, an Orange Tabby: “Read’n that psychology book again Moshiko?” Moshiko a Siamese cat: “Yes, pickles… I’m still reading.” Moshiko: “Cats that read books are more successful in life. My Dad loved to read every day. May he rest in peace.” Pickles: “Have you figured out the answer to your problem yet?” Pickles: “Maybe it’s […]