Yearly Archives: 2011

The Answer

Pickles an Orange Tabby: What’s wrong?” Moshiko a Siamese cat: “I read these psychology book… I thought I’d find the answer to all my problems.” Moshiko: “I tried blaming others for my troubles and found out…It didn’t help solve what’s bothering me.” Moshiko: “then I blamed myself and this didn’t help solve my problems,” “And […]

The Ham from ZOT: The Escape

Cat 1 and Cat 2 at M.E.O.W. headquarters (see Secret Orders). In the Dungeon of M.E.O.W. headquarters are Agents 8 and 87. Agent 87 in her own cell. “8… I think we need to escape tonight.” In a separate cell, are a Migrating Bird and Agent 8. Agent 8: “All right 87 that laser knife […]

Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation “Another Final Solution”

Outside of a conference room a sign states: “Zillionaires R Us 12:00” George Soros has an invitation: “You are cordially invited to attend the Zillionaires Luncheon” David Rockefeller: “And furthermore…It has been noted that there are too many people on our planet.” “We may have to sterilize people that are the parasites of the world… […]

!OUT אמא אומרת

It’s time to get off the computer and go out and play. OUT! אמא אומרת The kids are on the computers and the mother is worried. “They’ve been at it for hours now…” Mother on the phone to the Doctor: “Doctor… I’m sort of worried about my family…” “They seem to have become zombie – […]