Yearly Archives: 2011

Think Positive: Vegetarian Diet

Spot, an Orange Cat: “Ears! Hey… What’s new?” Ears, an White Dog:” Hi Spot… I’m fine and you?” Spot: “I’m so depressed.” Ears: “Why?” Spot: “Actually I’m tired.” Ears: “So, are you depressed because you’re tired? or Tired of being depressed?” Spot: “Hum… I’m tired and it makes me depressed and I’m tired of it.” […]

Yom Hazikron

Soldiers saluting the Israeli Flag: “We Remember and Honor our fighting men and women and ..WE SALUTE YOU!” An Army of Cats and Hamsters: “Even now… secret forces are gathering against the storm of those who would try to destroy the defenders of the free world. Those forces strike fear into the hearts of the […]


Cat relaxing with a Pillow.

The Queen’s dilemma

The Royal Astrologer to Queen Elizabeth ll: “oh.. Your majesty…you know that bleep I told you about well… you better call President of the United States and ask him to postpone whatever… until after the wedding.” The Queen: “Oh my… I better call the White House.” “Yes, Michelle? This is Queen Elizabeth calling from Great […]