Yearly Archives: 2011

The White House Intern

White house male intern:”Mr. President sorry, to interrupt. But we are trying to schedule plans for August.” Obama watching Basketball on TV: hum.” Say, have my popularity ratings gone up yet?” Intern: “Well Sir, I’ll have to find out for you. We wanted to know if you were planning anything special for August. Obama: “Since […]

Osama Bin Laden declared dead on May 1

TV news announcer: “It has been confirmed that Osama Bin Ladin has been killed today… public Enemy #1…” Osama Bin Ladin: “Where am I? Why is the line so long?” Person in line: “I’m not sure but I believe I died.” Osama Bin Ladin: “there must be some mistake, I’m much too important to be […]

Bread Wars

Bread Wars -Think Star Wars opening scenes; Two Arab Rats scheming; Lord Bloodlust: “Vacuum Brain, My old friend, Listen for 8 days the cats forsake eating Bread.” “For the cats it is a sin. So, in the entrances of the citadel we must sell bread to their non-religious cats to stain them and keep them […]

Charlaine Harris

Betty Cat is reading a Charlaine Harris book. Bob Cat: “Are you alright?” Betty Cat: “These are so good I can’t put the books down.” Bob Cat: “Haven’t you already read those?” Betty Cat: “Ah yes… But I can’t seem to stop myself.” “This is just the fourth time.” Bob Cat: “That’s insane!” Betty Cat: […]