Yearly Archives: 2011

Return to regular routine

The Cats are watching Jerusalem Mayor Barkat on TV. Jerusalem Mayor Barkat: “This was an act of a coward!” The Porcupines are watching Jerusalem Mayor Barkat on TV. Jerusalem Mayor Barkat: “It’s important to return to our regular routines as quickly as possible.” A Cat talking on his cell phone while eating a sandwich: “Hey… […]

The Ham from ZOT: Happy Purim 5771

Agent 2 (the Boss) wearing a Cat mask: “Meow.” Agent 30 (Miss. Sweetums) is scared and Mad!: “*@*^%$^&!!!” Agent 87: “Oh my.”  

The Ham from ZOT: What’s wrong Mom?

Mother to her daughter Spice: “Ever since we’ve moved I have lost my identity, I’m suffering from memory loss… I’m in a downturn.” “When I was young I’d be able to pet my cat… but I’m so allergic to them and we’re not allowed a cat or dog here.” Agent 71(Mr. Whiskers Hamster): “Suddenly I […]

The Ham From Zot: Mr. Cheaps

CLICK TO PLAY The Ham The Ham from Zot Agent 8: “Hold!”Agent 87: “Good Morning 8.” Agent 8: “Good Morning 87.” Agent 2: “Morning, I have a new assignment for you both.” Agent 2: “Please, sit down..we have made an exciting breakthrough with M.E.O.W. And we need you both to investigate further.” Agent 2: “What […]