Yearly Archives: 2011

In the Dungeon

Are you sure we’re going the right way?Shh! I thought I heard something. Yes, yes…we need to maximize our position to insure we can kill the vampire. That’s all very well, but I don’t think we can kill a vampire. Let me look in the book. Yeah, you have to disapperate it or something and […]

A new violin teacher

Mother: “How was your music lesson Spice?” Spice: “Wow it was really great.” “My new teacher Gloria can speak English as she’s American and i understood everything.” Mother: “Yes, That’s important.” Spice: “We played duets and she gave me some music to learn.” “And the best part of the lesson was when I met Fredereck!” […]

A Vegetarian Diet is actually great tasting and good for you

Mrs. Whiskers is at the Doctor’s office. Doctor: “You’re seriously overweight, you have extremely high cholesterol. I will give you a new medicine for the cholesterol.” Mrs. Whiskers: Sigh. Doctor: “And I need to tell you need a complete lifestyle change. Are you exercising?” Mr. Whiskers: I’m not saying a word. Mrs. Whiskers: “I don’t […]

Shuk Kittens in Jerusalem’s Machaneh Yehuda market