Yearly Archives: 2011

Family dinner in Jerusalem


Glenn Beck; Welcome to Israel! Much success & blessing to you. From your mouth to God’s ears.

Glenn Beck; Welcome to Israel! Much success & blessing to you. From your mouth to God’s ears.


Katz Café; Spot: “Howdy” Strips: “Yo” Spot: “I discovered the secret number of the universe.” Strips: “That so?” Spot: “No, really. it’s 11 and it keeps coming up. Green Cat: “I heard 40 is mystical.” Strips, “No, that’s 42.” Spot: “42?” Strips: “Yes, The “Hubble Constant”, the rate of expansion of the universe.” Green Cat: […]

The Bird Cage Liner Gazette: Obama BarBQs the Dollar

Uncle Sam enters Rehab Clinic and doesn’t want you anymore.Homeland Security declares • Veterans • Conservatives • Gun Owners • Tea party Supporters • and Cats and Dogs As terrorists in the United StatesObama BarBqs the Dollar(Obama dresses as Nero and fiddles as the Dollar Burns) See what his staff is like After The Birthday […]