Yearly Archives: 2016

There must be a creator vs. Global Warming

The Purpose of Life The lies the Academics tell Body Blow To Activists: Whopping 82% Of Berlin’s Voters Refused To Support Net Zero 2030 As Referendum Fails An Inconvenient Truth For Al Gore: The Ice Is Still There Predictions have failed The Scaremongers Are Wrong; Get off twitter, and go have babies! Let’s Play Follow […]

1 sheep and 70 wolves

Everyone that lives in Jerusalem is condemning UN Security Council Resolution 2334 Even American Jews are complaining: If you are Jewish and supporting Barack Obama and John Kerry, well, you would have made a fine helper at Auschwitz. — Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) December 28, 2016 From israel matzav: Oh, what a tangled web we weave. […]


Nefesh B’Nefesh: Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau The Ten Lost Tribes “We have not taken foreign territory or any alien property, but have occupied our ancestral heritage, for some time unjustly wrested from us by our enemies; now that we have a favorable opportunity, we are merely recovering our ancestral heritage” (Maccabees 1, 15:33-34). We weathered […]

Are they right? Hanukkah Food recipes

Hanukkah Food Recipes Torah-Tidbits-1352-chanuka Click to Download the CHANUKA REVIEW for 5780 | How to do Hanukkah   We’ve had enemies before. But the light of our menorahs will continue to shine. Always. — Living Lchaim (@LivingLchaim) December 7, 2023 Living Lchaim -tweet-7December2023-We’ve had enemies before We’ve had enemies before. But the light of […]