Yearly Archives: 2016

Sefirat Ha’Omer chart for 5776

Click to enlarge Click to Download the PDF version   Count-the-omeromer-count-5776 The Omer is counted every evening after nightfall, from the second night of Passover till the night before Shavuot Forgot to count the Omer at night? Count the following day, but without a blessing. On subsequent nights, continue counting with a blessing as usual.The blessing […]

Israel is not America

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH UK 0800 075 7200 Come home to the Land of Emuna By Mr. Whiskers   09March2016 ג באדר ב׳ ה׳תשע״ו OK, Everyone has seen the news about the new Pew Research Center poll about Israel’s Religiously Divided Society and even the Pew Research Center had to […]

Mr. Whiskers

  Mr. Whiskers: What’s this? Mrs. Whiskers: Please take the trash out. Mrs. Whiskers: Just some things I don’t need any more. Mr. Whiskers: Eh… I’ll do it later. Kichi: Oops. Duke: The outside Cat’s need is greater then ours. Other Cat: A New Look

Modesty for Women – Wig Vs Scarf

Modesty for Women – Wig Vs. Scarf Rav Ovadia Yossef on Wigs / Sheitels (with English translation)  10July2012 Peah Nochrit (wigs) This is Absolutely Forbidden!!! There are more than 20 poskim who say that this is completely forbidden, it is absolutely forbidden to go out of the house into the public streets wearing a […]