Yearly Archives: 2020

The New Nazi Boycott of the Jews by the United Nations Human Rights Council

You have read the news about the UNHRC’s Boycott List and what some Companies and Individuals are doing about it. Below is the background and the list of European funded, terror-tied NGOs that spread lies about Israel and the Jews living in Judea, Samaria, The Golan Heights and Jerusalem.   Read all about European Funded, […]

Be Prepared and Stay Healthy

Be Prepared, So that you are not a Statistic. Healthy eaters PROVEN by science to be 40% less likely to need hospitalization if infected with Covid virus, and 10% less likely to catch it in the first place Eating a plant-based diet can help protect against COVID-19, researchers find More Than 75% Of Americans Aged […]

Escape from New York

Anti-Semitism is Growing! Look at the attacks in the past years. Is the American Jewish community 5 years behind the French Jewish Community in the “Terror Wave”? What is happening in the US happened in France and in the UK. Time for American Jews to make Aliyah to Israel. When do we leave? Examples, Facts […]

Wuhan Coronavirus COVID-19 in China

Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV) epidemic news WHAT IS HAPPENING IN CHINA WILL REPEAT THROUGHOUT THE WORLD For all the information and to Prepare for the Pandemic lockdown What you can do to battle the epidemic MESSAGE FROM THE GADOL HADOR: Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s Instructions on How to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones Tzfat […]