Category Archives: Aliyah: Jewish immigration to Israel

Aliyah – Jewish immigration to Israel; a new immigrant family from Los Angeles, California, adjusting to life in Jerusalem, learning Hebrew in Ulpan, dealing with the shops, the banks, the health care system and the bureaucracy. They are trying to keep in touch with friends and family in Los Angeles. They read the bad news from the United States and are grateful that they are here.

The Ham from ZOT: Happy Purim 5771

Agent 2 (the Boss) wearing a Cat mask: “Meow.” Agent 30 (Miss. Sweetums) is scared and Mad!: “*@*^%$^&!!!” Agent 87: “Oh my.”  

The Ham from ZOT: What’s wrong Mom?

Mother to her daughter Spice: “Ever since we’ve moved I have lost my identity, I’m suffering from memory loss… I’m in a downturn.” “When I was young I’d be able to pet my cat… but I’m so allergic to them and we’re not allowed a cat or dog here.” Agent 71(Mr. Whiskers Hamster): “Suddenly I […]

A new violin teacher

Mother: “How was your music lesson Spice?” Spice: “Wow it was really great.” “My new teacher Gloria can speak English as she’s American and i understood everything.” Mother: “Yes, That’s important.” Spice: “We played duets and she gave me some music to learn.” “And the best part of the lesson was when I met Fredereck!” […]

Celestial Operator:Ultra Violet Grass Band

The Celestial Operator is a crystal ball which connects people to each other. similar to a video phone or Skype® or a galactic internet. Sugar: “what’s the matter Mom?” Mom: “I miss Alex and David.” Sugar: “Let’s use the iBall® (like an iPhone but for the galactic internet) again, he never answers the phone.” Sugar […]