Category Archives: Aliyah: Jewish immigration to Israel

Aliyah – Jewish immigration to Israel; a new immigrant family from Los Angeles, California, adjusting to life in Jerusalem, learning Hebrew in Ulpan, dealing with the shops, the banks, the health care system and the bureaucracy. They are trying to keep in touch with friends and family in Los Angeles. They read the bad news from the United States and are grateful that they are here.

Ulpan: The sign said: “Learn Hebrew in 10 Days.”

Ulpan: The sign said; “Learn Hebrew in 10 Days.” You have a choice of 10 Days, 5 Days a week for 6 months or Twice a week for 10 Months, either way it’s hard work.[/caption] Mr. and Mrs. Whiskers are in the Hallway at Ulpan. Mrs. Whiskers is very mad. The sign said; “Learn Hebrew […]

Buy locally and save.

Click here for larger image A Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Men are studying. Somewhere in the world (China) a Siamese cat is taking an internet order: “You wish to purchase this product code # 389 269 5452 9 89… Tracking # 566 8666… And that will be $100 for extra shipping costs, insurance fees…. Taxes and […]

Ulpan; Hebrew the easy way!

Click here for larger image Ulpan Teacher: “Yammer,yammer, Le ech bo” Mr. Whiskers: “What did she say?” Mrs. Whiskers: “I’m not sure.” Mr. Whiskers: “Write it all down. I can’t see the backboard.” Mrs. Whiskers: “I have the tape recorder going, you can listen at home.” Ulpan Teacher: “Blah blah blah yammer Yammer Lee le […]

Celestial Operator

Click here for larger image The Celestial Operator is a crystal ball which connects people to each other. similar to a video phone or Skype® or a galactic internet. Mr. Whiskers teenage daughter, Sugar and his wife at home. Sugar to her mother who is very sad: “Why’er so sad Mom?” Mom: “I miss your […]