Category Archives: General: All about cats in Jerusalem

General: All about cats in Jerusalem and where we find them.

Family dinner in Jerusalem



Katz Café; Spot: “Howdy” Strips: “Yo” Spot: “I discovered the secret number of the universe.” Strips: “That so?” Spot: “No, really. it’s 11 and it keeps coming up. Green Cat: “I heard 40 is mystical.” Strips, “No, that’s 42.” Spot: “42?” Strips: “Yes, The “Hubble Constant”, the rate of expansion of the universe.” Green Cat: […]

NORA: Practice Makes Purr-fect

Click to Play the videos Nora: The “Original” Practice Makes Purr-fect Nora The Piano Cat: The Sequel – Better than the original! Nora The Piano Cat: Whose Piano Is It, Anyway? Nora Calls The Piano Tuner ( Nora The Piano Cat YouTube Channel

Anatomy of a cat fight

Anatomy of a cat fight Yellow Tabby: “Would you please share?” Ragu: “I ate so much of Mr. Whisker’s cat food I’m so full and yet I’m apprehensive in leaving.” Yellow Tabby: “Obviously you’re stuffed and can’t eat anymore.” Ragu: “” Yes.” Yellow Tabby: “Surely you could let me have the last bit.” Ragu: “I […]