Category Archives: Positive Thinking

Positive thinking can be described as the practice of embracing the affirmative in our thoughts, our feelings, our actions, our reactions and our speech, a type of attitude. Happy, optimistic people are usually described as having positive attitudes and expressing positive thoughts. People who consistently “look on the bright side” are utilizing positive thinking.

Color Red Alert: Missile Attack on Jerusalem

Jerusalem Israel: The Air Raid Siren is whiling outside: RRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!RRRRRAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRUUUUUU!!! Mother bird chirps to her nestlings, “Moshe, drop that worm! Mr. Worm peeps, “Baruch Hashem.” Everyone prepared?  Get into formation now.” RRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! At the home of Mr. Whiskers… Mrs. Whiskers:“We have no time, let’s go Spice!” Kichi, the Cat is looking through his binoculars out […]

Shabbat under Siege: Plans for Quiet Channel, Special Prayer

Shabbat under Siege: Quiet Channel, Special Prayer Israel prepares for Sabbath attacks with a quiet radio channel and extra prayer. Maayana Miskin , 16October2012 As rocket attacks continue and the IDF prepares for a possible ground operation in Gaza, Israeli families across the country are preparing for the Sabbath. Israel Radio will help with […]

Prayer for Israeli Soldiers

Hebrew Prayer for Members of the Israel Defense Force Invoking God’s protection for the members of the Israel Defense Forces. by staffHe Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God, from […]

Preparation for drinking wine on Purim

Below is the secret tefillah of drinking b’kedusah, drinking in a holy way, on Purim. All know that it’s considered a mitzvah to drink until “ad lo yada”, until one doesn’t know the difference between blessed is Mordechai and cursed is Haman. Unfortunately without proper intention and focus this can both be dangerous (physically) and […]