Category Archives: Positive Thinking

Positive thinking can be described as the practice of embracing the affirmative in our thoughts, our feelings, our actions, our reactions and our speech, a type of attitude. Happy, optimistic people are usually described as having positive attitudes and expressing positive thoughts. People who consistently “look on the bright side” are utilizing positive thinking.

A visit to Dr. Sigmund Dog

Mrs. Whiskers: “Dr. Dog thank you for seeing me at such short notice.” Dr. Dog: “Und please zit down.” Dr. Dog: “Now und can howw can z I help you?” Mrs. Whiskers: “Dr. Dog I been feeling so unhappy, I feel so out of place, so lost.” Mrs. Whiskers: “And so you see, I feel […]

Positive Thinking – Dr. Dog Psychiatric Coupon

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Surviving the Loss of a Friend – A Roundtable discussion

Today we are having our discussion on the process of change. Dr. Dog: “Now I’d like to introduce Dr. Cat.” Dr. Cat: “First of all I’d like to say, change equals loss equals grief.” “A change of circumstances of any kind produces a loss which in turn will produce a grief reaction. When unresolved can […]

Positive Thinking: Psychology Says

Spot, an Orange Cat: “Hey Ears! It’s me, Spot, How are you, you mainjy flea bitten?”Ears a White Dog: “Spot! you trash trailen troll… I’m fine. How ‘s about it?” Spot: “Well, you remember that last conversation I had with you… sigh.” Ears: “Well, let’s see it’s been quite a while.” Spot: “I’m depressed Ears… […]