Category Archives: Positive Thinking

Positive thinking can be described as the practice of embracing the affirmative in our thoughts, our feelings, our actions, our reactions and our speech, a type of attitude. Happy, optimistic people are usually described as having positive attitudes and expressing positive thoughts. People who consistently “look on the bright side” are utilizing positive thinking.


Hitbodedut – An Introduction to Personal Prayer Emuna Outreach has been working overtime lately. We’re increasingly using the medium of video presentations to deliver the message of Jewish Outreach and Rebbe Nachman’s teachings far and wide, quickly and enjoyably. Olive_grove2 Today, you’re invited to ride out to the Judean Hills with me. Far off the […]

Purim 5774-5775

After you have: Given Tzedakah צדקה‎ (Charity to the poor), Listened to the Megillah reading Twice-Night and Morning, Given the equivalent monetary amount of a silver 1/2 Shekel, Given food to the Poor and given Mishloach manot משלוח מנות‎ Purim baskets delivered to at lest two people. Then had your Purim Sudah in the Afternoon […]

The Cat and the Mailman

Cat vs Mailman – The ultimate test of survival

Another reason to use a good Kosher certification hecksher

Click to download The_Gate_of_Kashrut This Is Agribiz Meat:   Archived: If you buy meat from a supermarket, fast food or most other restaurants, this is where it comes from. It’s not only horrific for the animals, it’s utterly dehumanizing. [6:02] Even if you don’t care about your health, surely you must care about your fellow […]