Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Portrait of Jewish Americans 2013

The Pew Research Religion and Public life project has done a survey of the Jewish American population. Jews are getting older, poorer, have a high intermarriage rate, and Jews are not raising their children Jewish, creating a loss of Jewish Identity † The Pew Research Religion and Public life project has done a survey of […]

A visit to Dr. Sigmund Dog

Mrs. Whiskers: “Dr. Dog thank you for seeing me at such short notice.” Dr. Dog: “Und please zit down.” Dr. Dog: “Now und can howw can z I help you?” Mrs. Whiskers: “Dr. Dog I been feeling so unhappy, I feel so out of place, so lost.” Mrs. Whiskers: “And so you see, I feel […]

Susy, the Boxer, sleeping in Bed

      To comply with “non discrimination policies” our token DOG.

New kittens on the block

YouTube are taking cute Cat Videos Down! New kittens on the block New kittens on the block part 2 These kittens seem to have solved the housing shortage in Jerusalem