Category Archives: War News and Comments

How the war and attacks are effecting daily life in Jerusalem and the world

The Face of Peace?

Love of Am Israel THE IRON DOME 2014 PART 2 Published on Aug 17, 2014 Part 1 here:… Like Us At:… Film and Edit by Yaakov Lepon at King David Studio- Jerusalem 2014 We went to the south to show solidarity and support to the troops who were preparing to defend the country. […]

Elie Wiesel: Hamas, stop using children as shields

Click to Download the file Elie-Wiesel-Hamas-Child-Sacrifice Elie Wiesel Condemns Hamas for Using Children as Human Shields, Calls on Gazans to Reject Hamas’s Child Sacrifice by Joshua Levitt August 1, 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel on Friday published a full-page ad in U.S. newspapers condemning Hamas for using children as human shields. Provocatively, Wiesel’s […]

Gaza War Miracles

The Mobile Protection Unit Maran Rav Shteinman: We Are Witnessing ‘Nissim V’Niflaos’ 23July2014 Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita commented on events regarding Operation Protective Edge, the IDF counter-terrorism offensive in Gaza. The gadol hador is quoted in Yated Neeman saying “Our entire lives are run by miracles and in recent days, […]

Erev Tisha B´Av 2014 ערב תשעה באב תשע״ד

Arab terrorist attack Erev Tisha B´Av 2014 Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing Suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem Extradite Haniyeh under US law! Don’t allow him to escape justice! At What Moment Should European Jews Leave? Valley Village: Suspicious Package Forces Evacuation At Shuls Terror In Yerushalayim: One Killed, Six Hurt When Terrorist Goes […]