ISRAEL AT WAR 5784: 1 sheep and 70 wolves


The Jews are a source of Light in the World.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-27May2024-The Jews are a source of Light in the World
It’s time we owned the truth, as offensive as some people might think it is. It’s the truth, and for us to win the messaging war, we need to unite over this narrative, and we need to do it fast!

Hillel Fuld-tweet-27May2024-The Jews are a source of Light in the World

Hillel Fuld-tweet-27May2024-The Jews are a source of Light in the World




“How dare you,”

Noa Tishby-tweet-18December2023-How dare you
HOW DARE YOU @GretaThunberg
. How DARE you call for ethnically cleansing the Jewish people from our ancestral land?? You know nothing. No history, no reality, no truth. So I have this to say to you.

Israel is not a colonialist state – it’s a refugee state which was literally decolonized from Britain.

The majority of Israeli Jews are people of color, whose families were ethnically cleansed from other parts of the Middle East.

Throughout history, the only indigenous sovereign entities to exist in the land have been Jewish states.

Jews originate from the land, derive our religion and our practices from it and despite centuries of exile and displacement have always kept an unbroken presence there.

And you Greta Thunberg, are chanting “crush Zionism” on the streets of Sweden.

Zionism is the Jewish people exercising our right to self-determination in some parts of our only historic, ancestral and indigenous homeland.

Hamas showed us on October 7 what “crushing Zionism” looks like and you want to cheer that on Greta?

Greta Thunberg, if I can borrow your famous phrase, “how dare you!”

But this is how antisemitism works – Find what is most evil to you, and blame it on the Jews, or today – on the Jewish state.

I can understand that younger generations in western societies feel guilty about the evils of colonialism.

But Israel’s history is not your history, and whatever guilt you feel, supporting the massacre of Jews in their ancestral land will not wash away the sins of your fathers. When your ancestors were colonizing the world, my ancestors were being slaughtered by Cossacks.

We were dreaming – next year in Jerusalem – of building a life raft in our homeland. We fled genocidal violence in Europe. We were ethnically cleansed from Arab countries all over the Middle East. And we built a liberal, democratic Jewish state. That is not a colonial enterprise.

Zionism is not a colonial enterprise – Zionism is the decolonization movement of the Jewish people.
And to anyone who cannot accept our presence or who slanders Israel as something it is not, we are here to say: “how dare you.”

Noa Tishby-tweet-18December2023-How dare you

Noa Tishby-tweet-18December2023-How dare you




“It is not in our hands to prevent the murder of workers… and families… but it is in our hands to fix a high price for our blood, so high that the Arab community and the Arab military forces will not be willing to pay it.” – Moshe Dayan

Im Tirtzu-tweet-20May2024-Moshe Dayan Quote high price for our Blood
Wise words.
“It is in our hands to fix a high price for our Blood, So high that the Arab Community and the Arab Military Forces will not be willing to Pay it.” – Moshe Dayan

Im Tirtzu-tweet-20May2024-Moshe Dayan Quote high price for our Blood

Im Tirtzu-tweet-20May2024-Moshe Dayan Quote high price for our Blood

"It is in our hands to fix a high price for our Blood, So high that the Arab Community and the Arab Military Forces will not be willing to Pay it." - Moshe Dayan

“It is in our hands to fix a high price for our Blood, So high that the Arab Community and the Arab Military Forces will not be willing to Pay it.” – Moshe Dayan

It is not in our hands to prevent the murder of workers… and families… but it is in our hands to fix a high price for our blood, so high that the Arab community and the Arab military forces will not be willing to pay it.

As quoted in Warrior : The Autobiography of Ariel Sharon (1989)




Smotrich’s Revenge: Biden’s Sanctions on Settlers Turned into Potential Collapse of PA Banking System

By David Israel – 5 Adar II 5784 – March 15, 2024


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has had it up to here with US sanctions against Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria, and this week decided to release the kraken.


Smotrich responded to the sanctions: “These decisions are a surrender of the Biden administration to the BDS campaign designed to blacken the entire State of Israel and lead to the elimination of the settlement enterprise and the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state. The Israeli government is standing to the right of the settlement. These measures are completely unacceptable and we will fight to cancel them.”


It began with this week’s Axios’ exclusive report that the Biden administration is expected to impose new sanctions on two Jewish outposts in Judea and Samaria from which settlers went out to attack PA Arabs.


In early February, the Biden administration weaponized its “settler violence” mantra (based on fake reports by anti-Israel NGOs, according to the Israel Police) as a tool for pushing through the two-state agenda.


The President signed an executive order allowing the United States to issue financial sanctions against “those directing or participating in certain actions, including acts or threats of violence against civilians, intimidating civilians to cause them to leave their homes, destroying or seizing property, or engaging in terrorist activity in the West Bank. And the State Department also today issued four designations under this new executive authority,” NSA’s John Kirby told reporters.


A reporter then asked Kirby: “Is this a signal to those officials in the Israeli government who openly support and facilitate such violence, including Itamar Ben Gvir, who supply the weapons to these people who perpetrate?”


Kirby’s response: “I think it’s a signal to the whole world how seriously President Biden takes this violence against the settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.”


In retaliation, according to Israel Hayom, Smotrich refuses to renew his signature on a document that provides protection from lawsuits to the Israeli banks doing business with the Palestinian Authority –  Discount and Po’alim.


Without government protection, the Israeli banks are expected to sever ties with the PA banks, fearing that they would become exposed to lawsuits on charges of transferring funds to entities that pay out salaries to terrorists.


And since the PA’s economy wholly depends on its relationship with Israel, this means an immediate freeze of economic activity in the Palestinian Authority.


Following the Biden administration’s announcement of sanctions against four Jewish settlers (who had not been convicted of any crime), the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in the US Treasury Department updated its list of sanctioned individuals, and overnight Bank Leumi and Postal Bank froze their accounts.


Now, Smotrich, who prefers his revenge dish eaten cold, is turning the damage of a few thousand shekels to four Jewish settles into the possible collapse of the Palestinian Authority.


In 2018, the Israeli government created the Correspondence Government Company, to absorb the financial risks undertaken by Israeli banks doing business with PA banks. This was done after the Israeli banks threatened to sever their relations with PA institutions lest they be sued for collaborating with terrorists. The new company provides clearance services to Israeli banks, thus keeping them protected from lawsuits. But the new company is also leery about doing business with the PA, which is why the political and security cabinet each year issues a letter of protection to the Israeli banks, signed by the finance minister, absolving the of fiduciary responsibility for the PA’s terrorist shenanigans.


Now Smotrich is refusing to sign this letter of protection.


Israel Hayom’s Ariel Kahana suggested the finance minister is expecting that just as the Americans do not complain to the Israeli banks about their relationship with the Palestinian Authority, they will make it clear that they have no objection to releasing the frozen funds of the sanctioned Jewish settlers.


Otherwise, perhaps the US should start airdropping food packages on Ramallah.


The move means the immediate freezing of significant parts of the economic activity in the Palestinian Authority, whose currency is the shekel. Also, the vast majority of PA exports and imports are done through Israeli ports – no backing from Israeli banks, no trade. And of course, Smotrich’s favorite, the tax money that Israel collects will now be frozen until further notice, tell Ramallah to raise more rabbits and chop more wood for heating – it’s back to a barter economy.




Biden Cries Uncle as Smotrich Wins War against Sanctions on Settlers

By David Israel – 19 Adar II 5784 – March 29, 2024 –


Thursday Bezalel Smotrich beat the Biden administration at its own game.


On March 14, the US Treasury Dept. announced new sanctions against two Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria that the administration accused of being used as a base for attacks on innocent PA Arabs. The Treasury Dept. also sanctioned three Israeli settlers: Moshe Sharvit, Zvi Bar Yosef, and Neriya Ben Pazi.


They followed earlier sanctions against four other Jewish settlers, which Israeli banks promptly blocked from accessing their personal accounts.


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced in response, “These decisions are a surrender of the Biden administration to the BDS campaign designed to blacken the entire State of Israel and lead to the elimination of the settlement enterprise and the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state. The Israeli government is standing to the right of the settlements. These measures are completely unacceptable and we will fight to cancel them.”


In retaliation, Smotrich refused to renew his signature on a document that protects Israeli banks doing business with the Palestinian Authority from lawsuits, namely Discount and Ha’Po’alim.


Without government protection, those Israeli banks would have been forced to sever their ties with the PA banks, fearing that they become exposed to lawsuits on charges of transferring funds to entities that pay out salaries to terrorists.


And since the PA’s economy wholly depends on its relationship with Israel, this meant an immediate freeze of economic activity in the Palestinian Authority.


This week, according to Israel Hayom, the US Treasury Dept. sent an urgent letter to the finance minister, explaining that there is no reason for the banks in Israel to prevent Israeli citizens who appear on the sanctions list from making routine use of their bank accounts.


The treasury official explained that the sanctions do not include routine checking or business account operations, which are permissible and will not result in the administration punishing the Israeli banks that allow Jewish settlers to access their money.


The treasury’s letter essentially kills the entire Biden sanctions attack, because the only real harm to the Jewish victims of those sanctions was from not being able to access their bank accounts in Israel. All the other components of those sanctions, originally designed against Russian tycoons, have nothing to do with the settlers who don’t hold assets that can be frozen in America, and don’t fly there.


Back on March 14, Minister Smotrich stated that “these measures are completely unacceptable,” and vowed, “We will fight to cancel them.”


On the eve of Shabbat, Parshat Tzav, 5784, we declare that he did and they got canceled.




Smotrich to transfer $35m in PA funds to families of terror victims

Some families had been waiting for 20 years, despite courts ruling the Palestinian Authority was responsible for their loved ones’ deaths.


(June 13, 2024 / JNS) Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has ordered his office to deduct 130 million shekels ($35 million) from tax and tariff revenue collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority and redirect it to families of terror victims.


The monies will be transferred to 28 families who have won lawsuits against the P.A. over its financial backing of attacks against Israelis, Smotrich, who is also the leader of the Religious Zionism Party, told Arutz 7 on Thursday.


“This week, I signed an order to transfer millions of shekels to the families of terror victims,” he said. “The Palestinian Authority continues to tell the world that it is on the verge of collapse and continues paying the families of terrorists and transferring money for terror.


“The minimum of the minimum [we can do] is to transfer compensation to the families of terror victims from these funds,” added the minister.


Smotrich’s decision puts an end to years of delay on the part of the government. In some cases, families had been waiting to receive the funds for 20 years, despite Israeli courts ruling that the Palestinian Authority was responsible for their loved ones’ deaths.


The newspaper noted that in addition to the 28 families expected to be compensated this week, hundreds of other lawsuits are still pending.


Jerusalem collects 600 million-700 million shekels ($161 million-$188 million) in tax funds on behalf of the P.A. every month under the terms of the Oslo Accords, signed with the PLO in the 1990s.


The Protocol on Economic Relations, aka the Paris Protocol, was signed in April 1994 and incorporated with minor changes into the Oslo II Accord of September 1995.


Almost one billion shekels ($278 million) in yearly tax revenue that Israel collects on behalf of the P.A. goes towards its “pay for slay” policy, under which it disburses monthly stipends to terrorists and their relatives.


In 2018, lawmakers from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party initiated and promoted legislation to offset the sum to put pressure on the Palestinian Authority to stop rewarding terrorism.


Smotrich’s decision to transfer the funds joins a series of steps taken by the finance minister to punish the Palestinian Authority for its support of terrorism and diplomatic measures against the Jewish state.


Last month, he announced his intention to immediately halt the transfer of all tax revenue to the P.A. following its push for statehood and support for the International Criminal Court case against Israel.


“The Palestinians are working against Israel with political terrorism and promoting unilateral measures around the world—I cannot continue to transfer funds to them. If this causes the P.A. to collapse, let it collapse,” Smotrich said.




Smotrich threatens to topple PA if ICC, UN take unilateral action against Israel

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has warned that unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by the U.N. General Assembly will result in an immediate halt to all transfers of funds to the P.A.


(April 25, 2024 / JNS) Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Thursday threatened to crush the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) financially if certain unilateral actions are brought against Israel in the international arena.


In an open letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Smotrich warned that if any decision is made by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to unilaterally issue arrest warrants against Israeli citizens, or “a decision is made unilaterally in the [United Nations] General Assembly to recognize a Palestinian state, I will unilaterally and immediately stop the transfer of all funds to the P.A.”


Smotrich was referring to a recent Channel 12 report that the ICC was considering issuing arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials with the tacit approval of the United States.


Earlier this month, the P.A. submitted a request to the U.N. Security Council to accept it as a full member, a move Israel said would be a reward for terror.


Smotrich said that in the event of either occurring he would stop the transfer of all taxes collected by Israel on behalf of the P.A, and would also rescind the immunity of Israeli banks that have financial dealings with Palestinian entities.


Smotrich threatened the latter move in March in response to sanctions imposed by the United States on seven Israeli settlers. Israeli banks, fearful of running afoul of U.S. sanctions, also closed the accounts of the seven.


Smotrich’s threat appeared to work, as shortly afterwards the U.S. Treasury Department, in a letter to the Bank of Israel, clarified that the sanctions weren’t intended to include Israeli banks.


Smotrich’s letter also referred to rumors that the Biden administration is considering sanctions against the ultra-Orthodox Netzach YehudaBattalion.


In October 2022, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) submitted to the State Department a Leahy Law referral against the battalion for alleged “systematic and widespread abuses.”


According to an NGO Monitor report from March, DAWN executive director Sarah Leah Whitson served as director of the Middle East and North Africa Division at Human Rights Watch (HRW) from 2004 to 2019.


“Working closely with executive director Ken Roth, she played a central role in HRW’s antisemitic obsession with Israel,” according to the report.




Smotrich moves to collapse PA economy after ‘political terrorism’

Israel’s finance minister is acting in response to Ramallah’s pursuit of unilateral statehood, ICC prosecution.

Akiva Van Koningsveld


(May 22, 2024 / JNS) Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Wednesday called for a series of punitive steps against the Palestinian Authority in response to Ramallah’s push for unilateral statehood and support for the International Criminal Court case against the Jewish state.


In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the finance minister announced his intention to immediately halt the transfer of all monthly tax revenues that Jerusalem collects on behalf of the P.A.


The announcement came hours after Norway, Ireland and Spain declared their recognition of a Palestinian state, in decisions that the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas terrorist organization welcomed.


Oslo in recent months has been serving as an intermediary to transfer some funds earmarked for the P.A. that Israel froze in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas-led terrorist massacre in the country’s south.


“Norway was the first to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state today, and it cannot be a partner in anything related to Judea and Samaria. I intend to stop the transfer funds and demand the return of all funds transferred,” Smotrich wrote to the prime minister.


Approximately 1 billion shekels ($272 million) has been parked in Norway over the past three months, while Jerusalem transfers some 600 million shekels ($163 million) to Ramallah directly every month.


“The Palestinians are working against Israel with political terrorism and promoting unilateral measures around the world—I cannot continue to transfer funds to them. If this causes the P.A. to collapse, let it collapse,” Ynet cited Smotrich as saying.


The finance minister also decided to cancel a waiver shielding major Israeli banks with business ties to Ramallah from lawsuits stemming from charges of supporting terrorism, a move that the United States previously warned would collapse the Palestinian Authority’s economy.


In addition, the Religious Zionism Party leader demands that Netanyahu take a series of steps to bolster Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, including the immediate approval of 10,000 new housing units, establishing a new town for each country recognizing “Palestine” and advancing a proposal to strengthen Israel’s hold on the area.


Smotrich is also requesting that the government permanently revoke all VIP travel passes for P.A. officials and impose additional sanctions on those leading the campaign against Israel in international bodies.


“I and many other ministers have made an unequivocal demand to take severe measures against the Palestinian Authority for its unilateral actions against Israel, including its pursuit of unilateral recognition of statehood at the U.N. and through bilateral agreements with several countries, and the legal battle it’s waging against the State of Israel in the international court at The Hague to stop the war,” wrote the minister.


“I don’t intend to allow officials to dismiss the issue. There’s urgency for an immediate response that will impose a significant cost on the P.A. for its actions and deter it and other countries,” he said.



Temple Mount structures ages The Jews were here First, Arabs Get Out.

so you built this (1330 years old) on top of this (2978 years old) And I'm the one occupying your land?

so you built this (1330 years old)
on top of this (2978 years old)
And I’m the one occupying your land?


so you built this Mosque (1330 years old)
on top of this The Holy Temple (2978 years old)
And I’m the one occupying your land? “We are BACK!”


Marina Medvin-tweet-31March2024-Temple Mount structures ages, And I’m the one occupying your land
An Israeli posted this in response to a Palestinian in the comments to one of my posts and it was just perfect.

Marina Medvin-tweet-31March2024-Temple Mount structures ages

Marina Medvin-tweet-31March2024-Temple Mount structures ages



Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service

MOT-tweet-19March2024-Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service
Israel’s 2021 Beauty Queen, Noah Kohwa, has been called up for military service. Am Yisrael Chai #Israel #VictoryForIsrael #IDF #Zionism #IDFHeroes

MOT-tweet-19March2024-Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service

MOT-tweet-19March2024-Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service



The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel

David M Friedman-tweet-18March2024-The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel
Spent this evening at an Army Base in Israel where a Torah Scroll was dedicated to the soldiers. Yishai Rebo, who fills 25,000 seats at Madison Square Garden, showed up to perform for 200. The world doesn’t understand the commitment and spirit of the IDF. These soldiers, almost all reservists with families at home, serve with incredible patriotism and loyalty. They are determined to defend their homeland and the Jewish People. The pundits in DC and at the EU and UN never visit places like this. And that is why they will never understand Israel.

David M Friedman-tweet-18March2024-The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel

David M Friedman-tweet-18March2024-The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel



The World needs to Know

The World needs to Know



Biden Regime Considering New Move to Stab Israel in the Back and Hand Hamas Victory


Robert Spencer | 12:44 PM on March 21, 2024


The Biden regime is in a tough spot. Its far-left base is enraged over its ongoing ostensible support for Israel. Instead of acting with integrity despite the electoral cost and standing by a loyal ally in its time of need, the regime is making a series of moves to betray Israel and give aid and comfort to its enemies.


Now it’s mulling over a step that would constitute the biggest betrayal of all and would hand victory to the Hamas jihad terror group. For the unprincipled Biden regime apparatchiks, it’s all about winning in November.


The New York Sun reported Monday that Old Joe and his henchmen are “reportedly considering leaving Israel short of the armaments it needs to fight Hamas.” The veiled threat was there on that same day, during the callow but thoroughly indoctrinated National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s White House press briefing. A reporter reminded Sullivan that “the deadline for Israel to comply with the National Security Memorandum 20 is coming up on Sunday,” and asked him: “Has Israel responded in writing?”


National Security Memorandum 20 is not exactly a venerable cornerstone of American foreign policy. It is only a few weeks old, dating from Feb. 8. It seeks, among other things, to “prevent arms transfers that risk facilitating or otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law.”


Given the fact that Biden issued it during a time when Israel was being falsely accused of massive human rights violations and when the Biden regime was under heavy pressure to betray Israel or face a massive loss of votes from Muslims and their allies in November, this memorandum has the look of a trap that was being laid and is about to be sprung now.


Sullivan answered: “So, first, when you say ‘to comply,’ what they have to do by Sunday is just provide credible and reliable assurances that they will abide by their international obligations, not obligations we’ve imposed upon them, but — but obligations they have freely accepted with respect to international humanitarian law, which, of course, includes not arbitrarily impeding the flow of humanitarian assistance where they can control that. So, I cannot tell you today — confirm today that they have provided that. Obviously, as you said, they have several more days before they have to do so. And we anticipate that they will.”


So Israel had, as of Monday, not yet complied with a new rule the Biden regime just made up, that arms sales can only go to nations that respect “international humanitarian law.” Israel does respect this law; when independent observers have dubbed the IDF “the most moral army in the world.” The international outrage, however, is growing against the Jewish state. Hamas is eagerly fueling that outrage, fabricating casualty numbers before a world that has been all too eager to be fooled, and even preposterously claiming that Israel was conducting a “genocide.”


Meanwhile, you will be absolutely unshocked to learn that Old Joe’s new rule is being applied selectively. The Sun notes that “In reality, arms are sold to foes and allies alike in all five continents, with little notice of rights violations. Mr. Biden urged Congress last month to approve the sale of F-16s to Turkey, even as it massacres Kurds in Iraq and Syria.” No one asked Jake Sullivan at Monday’s press briefing if arms sales to Turkey would be cut off.


This is just the latest in a growing series of indications that the Biden regime is abandoning Israel and pulling for a Hamas victory. After threats from Nihad Awad of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza City) to withhold the Muslim vote if the regime doesn’t betray Israel, the regime began doing just that, step by step, in slow motion, sending $100 million to Gaza and $10 billion to Hamas’ financiers, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and putting ever-increasing pressure on the Netanyahu government.


Aside from the monstrous immorality of supporting forces that really do want to commit the genocide that Israel is falsely accused of committing, this is short-sighted in the extreme. What do Biden regime apparatchiks think will happen if Hamas defeats Israel and survives this war? Do they think that the jihadis will be so overflowing with gratitude to the U.S. that they won’t ever strike Americans or U.S. interests? They’re in for a rude surprise.



Biden’s BDS of Jews in Judea and Samaria

Caroline Glick-tweet-5April2024-US to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria
Financial Times is reporting that the US is going to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria.
Marc Rudov-tweet-5April2024-Like this in a DC-area Safeway
Like this in a DC-area Safeway

Caroline Glick-tweet-5April2024-US to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria

Caroline Glick-tweet-5April2024-US to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria



Israel doesn’t trust the Biden administration

Marina Medvin-tweet-13July2024-Israel doesn’t trust the Biden administration
This is the most vital piece of information to come out of Israel as of recent — Israel doesn’t trust the Biden administration with intel against terrorists.

Remember that in November. Our own ally doesn’t trust Biden with intelligence against joint enemies. How can we trust Biden? We can’t.

Do not vote for Biden in 2024.

Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel can not trust Biden
Netanyahu said Israel didn’t inform the U.S. in advance of the airstrike against Deif because it didn’t want to take the risk that it would leak, and then the Hamas commander would go underground again
Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel conducts deadly airstrike targeting Hamas
Israel conducts deadly airstrike targeting Hamas’ top military leader Mohammed Deif – one of the primary masterminds of the October 7 attacks. My report on @axios

Marina Medvin-tweet-13July2024-Israel does not trust the Biden administration

Marina Medvin-tweet-13July2024-Israel does not trust the Biden administration


Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel can not trust Biden

Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel can not trust Biden



Lily_West-tweet-13July2024-Biden administration untrustworthy
This Admin. has proved, they are untrustworthy.

Lily_West-tweet-13July2024-Biden administration untrustworthy

Lily_West-tweet-13July2024-Biden administration untrustworthy



Future of Jewish

An Open Letter to the Jewish People

“Gather about you all who observe the law, and avenge your people. Pay back the Gentiles what they deserve, and observe the precepts of the law.”

Stephen Schecter


When the ancient Greek king’s emissary came to the ancient Israeli city of Modi’in and demanded that the Jews make a sacrifice to the pagan gods, Mattityahu refused, stabbed the Jew who was ready to submit, and called his people to revolt.


“Let everyone who is zealous for the law and who stands by the covenant follow me,” he cried.


The Jews who remained faithful to the covenant joined him, and after many battles drove the Greek army out and recovered their land and their Temple. This victory was not achieved in his lifetime, but in that of his son Judah Maccabee.


Yet on his deathbed, Mattityahu enjoined his sons that although “arrogance and scorn have now grown strong, it is a time of disaster and violent wrath, be zealous for the law and give your lives for the covenant of our ancestors … Do not fear the words of sinners, for their glory ends in corruption and worms.”


And so it was, then as now.

In every generation, we Jews say, someone rises up and wishes to destroy us, but the Lord Who stands steadfast with us as we stand steadfast with Him shall smite our enemies and bring them down.


Passover follows Hanukkah as spring follows winter, and before the next Passover comes upon us, heck before even next Hanukkah comes upon us, the so-called Palestinians will have received their comeuppance, their cities of Gaza shall lie waste and they shall reap the whirlwind of the evil they have sown for over a century.


The only question, my fellow Jews, is whether we will have the courage and fortitude of the Maccabees to redeem our holy land and wage war against our enemies until they have been utterly vanquished.


For over a century, the so-called Palestinians who were not yet Palestinians have been refusing to recognize our aboriginal title to the land. Ever since the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the so-called Palestinians who were not yet Palestinians have rioted, pillaged, and murdered to forestall the great Jewish return to settle in our ancient homeland and reassert our sovereignty as a nation state.


In 1920, 1921, 1929, 1935 to 1938, 1939, 1947, 1948, 1953 to 1955, 1964, 1967, 1972, 1976, 1987, 1993, and all the years thereafter the Muslim Arabs of “Palestine,” of Jordan, and then of Judea and Samaria and now Gaza have attacked, murdered, slandered and hounded the Jews and the Jewish right to statehood. The recent massacre perpetrated by Hamas has a long and ignoble history to which only but a few so-called innocent Palestinians have raised objection.


And so the time has come, my fellow Jews, to deal the so-called Palestinians the death blow for which their death culture has led them to clamor for over a hundred years. Anyone who believes the so-called Palestinians have a legal claim to a state in the land of Israel is both a legal and historical ignoramus, and perhaps antisemitic.


As for those who prefer to argue the case only on the grounds of morality, thinking there is no smoke without fire and therefore advocate partitioning the land, I would remind them of the Biblical story of the two women who came to King Solomon, each claiming the baby in one of the women’s arms was hers.


When Solomon ordered the baby be cut in half, the real mother protested and asked that the baby be allowed to live with the other woman. The latter eagerly exclaimed let the baby be killed. The wise king then allotted the baby to the former, knowing that no mother would allow their baby to be slaughtered — no mother except a so-called Palestinian mother, who proudly rears her son to be a martyr and go and kill Jews.


These are the innocent civilians over whom ignorant and malicious people the world over, some marching in cities, some running interference in the chancelleries of countries, are now shedding tears and on their behalf imploring, when not indicting, Israel to cease its military campaign in Gaza.


Israel must do no such thing. It must conquer Gaza, all of Gaza. It must demolish every building built by the heathens because it is now treyf (Yiddish for “non-kosher”), and the laws of the Torah insist that no booty should be taken by Jews from enemies who seek their destruction.


Every known Palestine Liberation Organization member, which includes Hamas, should be eliminated. The remaining Muslims in Gaza should be told that until arrangements have been made for their transfer to other countries, they will be allowed to work and rebuild under Israeli supervision, but nothing more.


The mosques will be closed. The United Nations and its agencies will be kicked out of Gaza. All international aid must go through Israel. Any contravention of Israeli rules will be met with severe punishment. And best of all, Jews will be invited to settle in Gaza.


Once Gaza is pacified, this policy should then be applied to the so-called Palestinians in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority should be dismantled, its rulers killed, its cities destroyed, and the remaining population subject to a like-minded supervision.


No protests. No rock throwing. No incitement. Every such action will be punished severely and immediately. Eventually, arrangements will be made, as they have been made in the past in similar situations, for the transfer of so-called Palestinians out of the land. In the meantime, Jewish settlement throughout Judea and Samaria will be encouraged and expedited.


This is the only way to resolve the so-called Arab-Israeli conflict and put an end to it once and for all. The Muslim states, Arab or otherwise, can scream all they want. But unless they are willing to send armies against Israel, they will eventually get hoarse and quiet down.


Even Hezbollah. Even Iran. They too may not want to see Lebanon go down to the sea like a ship. China and Russia may not like it, but they are too busy with imperial adventures in their own backyards to want to divert energy to a situation they misunderstand, and which does not concern them.


As for the Western countries, always ready to mouth pieties about Israel’s right to defend itself but never ready to back it up with words and deeds when Israel is threatened, they are free to threaten Israel with military action and economic boycott which they will justify in the name of tough love between friends.


But the Western democracies, to the extent that they are still democracies that believe in the value of their societies, would be hard pressed to do that without protest from a substantial segment of their citizenry, especially in the United States. Not to mention that Israel also possesses nuclear weapons.


And so the question remains and returns to us Jews: Will it be Hanukkah or Purim? Are we going to be Maccabees or Court Jews? Is the Gaza war going to be a final resolve to build Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s iron wall or simply another occasion for people to argue and protest at Jewish expense about their own agendas for the future of the world?


In my mind, there is no doubt what the answer should be. Mattityahu’s words to his sons on his death bed still ring true: “Gather about you all who observe the law, and avenge your people. Pay back the Gentiles what they deserve, and observe the precepts of the law.”


Amen and amen.



Al Jazeera reporter blames Israel for the rain, hail and flooding

Avi Kaner-tweet-19March2024-Al Jazeera blames Israel for the rain
Al Jazeera reporter blames Israel for the rain, hail and flooding that is causing Jerusalem residents to stay at home instead of going to pray at Al-Aqsa. @hahussain

Avi Kaner-tweet-19March2024-Al Jazeera blames Israel for the rain

Avi Kaner-tweet-19March2024-Al Jazeera blames Israel for the rain



Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey is breaking agreements by blocking ports for Israeli imports and exports

Israel Katz-tweet-2May2024-Erdoğan Trade War
.@RTErdogan is breaking agreements by blocking ports for Israeli imports and exports. This is how a dictator behaves, disregarding the interests of the Turkish people and businessmen, and ignoring international trade agreements. I have instructed the Director General of the @IsraelMFA to immediately engage with all relevant parties in the government to create alternatives for trade with Turkey, focusing on local production and imports from other countries.
Israel will emerge with a strong and daring economy.

We Win, and They Lose.

Israel Katz-tweet-2May2024-Erdoğan Trade War

Israel Katz-tweet-2May2024-Erdoğan Trade War



Jihad Watch

The Iranian Regime Has No Answers to the Economic Degringolade It Has Caused

12April2024 By


The latest, and most dramatic, indication of Iran’s impoverishment is discussed here: “Iranian rial collapses, ‘loses 30% of value’ – reports,” by Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, April 

On a similar background, a massive viral campaign with thousands of posts called to expel Afghan refugees and residents from the country, arguing that they steal the jobs of Iranians, live off the country’s budgets, allowances and shaky economy, and perpetrate crimes against Iranians, with some users likening them to parasites and leeches….

The Afghans who have fled the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan are being scapegoated by Iranians. Their sins of omission (not working, and thus living on the dole) and commission (working, so taking jobs away from Iranians) help the regime to deflect popular anger onto a largely helpless group of foreigners, who are mostly Sunni Muslims. But the Afghans are not the real problem. The rial has been declining for more than four decades, long before the Afghan refugees arrived in Iran.


Since the regime has no answers to the economic degringolade it has caused, it tries to focus attention on the permanent foreign enemy — Israel, the Little Satan. It whips up war sentiment, making threats, showing videos of missiles being fired at the Jewish state, and putting online photos the various missiles Iran has in its armory, all to impress the populace with Iran’s military might. But Iran doesn’t dare to follow through; it knows what destruction Israel can inflict in response to a major attack by Iran.


Not everyone is swayed by the online swagger of the regime, threatening revenge for the Israeli airstrike on Iran’s so-called “consulate” in Damascus that killed several high-ranking generals, including Mohamed Reza Zahedi, the head of the IRGC-Al Quds in Syria and Lebanon. Almost two weeks have passed, and there is still no sign of that terrible revenge. Perhaps that is because the Iranians have seen what the IDF is capable of in Gaza, and want to make sure that they carefully choose a site to attack that will not trigger too devastating a response from Israel, that in turn might force the Iranian regime to launch an even stronger attack, so as not to lose face, and that could end up triggering a full-scale war with Israel, a war that Iran is not prepared for and does not want. For the Iranian regime, it’s a harrowing decision, fit for Goldilocks: what attack will be seen as not too small by fellow Muslims, nor too big by Israel, but just right, prompting the same in response?


Meanwhile, Tehran cannot possibly admit to the real reasons for the economic collapse. There are four:

First, the regime prefers to rely on Muslim fanatics, rather than gifted technocrats, to run the economy.


Second, the regime is riddled with corruption. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has a net worth of tens of billions of dollars. No one seems to know exactly how much, with estimates as high as $95 billion. Other former regime leaders have also made out like bandits, with hundreds of millions of dollars in net worth. This is not going to stop.


Third, the regime continues to spend billions of dollars on weapons and financial aid to five main proxies and allies, including the Houthis in Yemen, the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad, the Kataeb Hezbollah militia in Iraq, Hamas in Gaza, and most important of all, Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iranians in past protests, in 2018, 2021, 2022, and 2023, have shouted “Death to Palestine” and “No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, may my life be sacrificed for Iran” and “Leave Palestine, Think About Us Instead.” In October, at a soccer match at Azadi Stadium, when a minute of silence for the people of Gaza was declared at the beginning of a Friday match between Esteghlal and Havadar football teams, there was instead mass booing in the stands. Earlier In the same month, Persepolis fans were heard chanting “take that Palestinian flag and shove it up your a**.”


The regime is not listening. The destruction of Israel is central to its existence. It isn’t about to limit the amounts of money it spends to arm and fund its proxies and allies, and on its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. The rial will fall further still, the mass discontent at the country’s impoverishment will grow, and ultimately, the regime won’t be able to contain the widespread rage, just as the Shah was unable to contain the people’s rage in 1978. An Israeli attack to which the regime dare not respond in kind, and will thus be exposed as weak, might be just the spark to set off that popular revolt that so many Iranians long for.



Stuck In The Middle East…

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18March2024-Stuck In The Middle East
🎶Stuck In The Middle East…🎶

Give us tragedy, we’ll heal through comedy. Or in this case, HILARIOUS song parodies. 😂😭


🎥 RoiHarel on IG.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18March2024-Stuck In The Middle East

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18March2024-Stuck In The Middle East




Thank you, God ❤️❤️❤️

Im Tirtzu-tweet-14April2024-Thank you God
Thank you, God ❤️❤️❤️

Im Tirtzu-tweet-14April2024-Thank you God

Im Tirtzu-tweet-14April2024-Thank you God



Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13April2024-Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024
Following a situational assessment, it was determined that as of 23:00 (IST) tonight, changes will be made to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines.

As part of the changes, it was decided to prohibit educational activities across Israel. In green areas, gatherings will be limited to 1,000 people.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13April2024-Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13April2024-Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024



Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace-13April2024

Visegrád 24-tweet-13April2024-Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace

Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace

Visegrád 24-tweet-13April2024-Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace

Visegrád 24-tweet-13April2024-Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace



Iran attacks Jerusalem 14April2024

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14April2024-Iran attacks Jerusalem
Israelis’ reality in the last hours:

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14April2024-Iran attacks Jerusalem

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14April2024-Iran attacks Jerusalem


FUNNIEST THING HAVE SEEN TODAY-tweet-14April2024-Israel 99 percent shootdown success rate
Of the 331 missiles and drones launched by Iran at Israel:

– 185 out of 185 Kamikaze Drones were shot down

– 103 out of 110 Ballistic Missiles were shot down

– 36 out of 36 Cruise Missiles were shot down

– 7 Ballistic Missile impacts have been recorded on Israeli territory

FUNNIEST THING HAVE SEEN TODAY-tweet-14April2024-Israel 99 percent shootdown success rate

FUNNIEST THING HAVE SEEN TODAY-tweet-14April2024-Israel 99 percent shootdown success rate


JerusalemCats Comments: Didn’t Saddam Hussein have the same problem?

Israel War Room-tweet-14April2024-When Iran decided to attack zionists
When Iran decided to attack “zionists”:

Israel War Room-tweet-14April2024-When Iran decided to attack zionists

Israel War Room-tweet-14April2024-When Iran decided to attack zionists


Dr. Eli David-tweet-13April2024-air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace
🚨 Breaking: British 🇬🇧, American 🇺🇲, Israeli 🇮🇱, Jordanian 🇯🇴, and Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace right now.

Dr. Eli David-tweet-13April2024-air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace

Dr. Eli David-tweet-13April2024-air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace



Gaza War: It’s a new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time
Trigger warning!!

This is a very unpopular opinion that will surely anger a lot of people.

One of the things that has bothered me most about this war is the fact that it’s taking us this long to wipe out Hamas.

After all the wars we won against multiple armies, some of which took just days, how is it that we’re this many months in to a war against a terrorist organization and not even an army?

Is the IDF losing its edge? Did it already? Is the old strong courageous IDF a thing of the past?

I don’t know about you, but this issue has been weighing on me for months.

Well, let’s talk about it.

If you’re too lazy to keep reading, I’ll give you the punchline. No. The IDF isn’t weaker. The IDF is infinitely stronger now than ever before.

So then, how do I explain the fact that we’ve been at this war for six months and there is no end in sight?

The answer is simple. The IDF hasn’t changed, the nature of war has changed.

Mark my words. Not only will Israel win this war, but Israel is establishing itself as we speak as the global authority on urban warfare. All countries will be turning to Israel in the future to learn how to fight a war in the 21st century.

So why is it taking so long?

Well, for a lot of reasons.

Let’s start with the enemy.

Wars have rules. Rules of engagement. Certain things can’t be done in war. There are war crimes. When two sides of a war are playing by the same rules, there can be a clear winner and a clear loser. Victory is clearly defined.

But not in this war.

Our enemy in this war has no restrictions or guidelines. There is nothing they can’t, won’t, and haven’t done.

I don’t need to tell you this. You’ve read about it.

– Using innocent women and children as shields as they attack IDF soldiers? ☑️
– Setting up bases in a hospital? ☑️
– Attacking from within nurseries? ☑️
– Hiding weapons and ammunition in kids’ rooms? ☑️

That’s them.

On our side?
– Ignoring human shields and attacking anyway? ❌
– Flattening the hospital that’s hosting the terror base? ❌
– Bombing nurseries from which our enemies attack? ❌
– Destroying kids rooms because they are storing weapons and ammunition? ❌

So you see, we’re playing chess and they’re playing basketball.

They have their own rules and we won’t play by their rules. They sure as heck won’t play by ours.

But that’s only the beginning.

What did every war ever have in common that this war does not?

Um, they were all conducted above ground. You know, like a battlefield…

Not this one.

There has never been a war that is primarily fought under ground.

I don’t know if any of us understand the complexity here.

A friend fighting in Gaza told me that he cannot walk ten steps without stepping on an opening to a terror tunnel. They created a full blown underground system that is larger than the London Underground.

Add to that, that Hamas had decades to prepare for Israel’s ground invasion. Setting up traps in tunnels, elaborate hiding places, and more. They had all the time and money in the world to ensure a maximum number of IDF casualties.

But it doesn’t end there. Not even close.

Again, imagine the old school battlefield. Or if you want to look at more modern wars, there are tanks, artillery, infantry, and Air Force, all with a clear target and a clear mission.

Now forget all of that.

There is no battlefield. There is no clear target. There is a clear mission but total lack of clarity of how to finish this mission because there are surprises waiting for the soldiers at every corner.

The separation between civilian buildings and military structures does not exist. The battlefield here is one of the most densely populated areas in the world and that is Hamas’ best weapon, its own people.

Again, we’re playing chess, where the objective of the game is to minimize civilian death and maximize the elimination of terrorists. They’re playing basketball where the objective of the game is to maximize civilian deaths thereby getting the world to pressure Israel to withdraw and end the war.

IDF soldiers in Gaza are facing unprecedented complexity that has never been seen in the history of wars.

Think about it.

They can’t walk a single inch without the threat of an attack.

They could be attacked from above using an RPG or a sniper. They could be attacked from below using grenades and automatic weapons. They could be attacked using anti tank and anti aircraft missiles from within buildings. They can be attacked by walking into a booby trapped structure. And remember, they can’t just fire indiscriminately to clear the area before entering. There might be civilians there.

Add to that, Hamas has zero concerns about losing people. They thrive on it because every single person killed is presented as innocent, a lie the world has completely adopted and used to pressure Israel. So Israel wants minimal death. Hamas wants maximum death. Chess and basketball.

Also, we define victory as getting our hostages back and eliminating Hamas. They define victory as literally anything else. If one Hamas terrorist is left alive, in their book, they won this war. In fact, in a sick and twisted way, their leadership already thinks they won the war by the very fact that Israel is still fighting.

And finally, let’s talk tech.

The amount of tech being used in this war for the first time in history is truly insane. That requires a learning curve.

Take drones for example.

Drones have the potential to change the game.

They can go into tight spaces. They can detect terrorists in places humans can’t. They can give the IDF a Birds Eye view of an area. Drones are a no brainer in a war like this. The only issue is that no one knows how to maximize the effectiveness of drones without training.

There are endless types of drones.

There are tiny bug size consumer drones. Then there are larger consumer drones that use GPS to maintain stability. Well, that can’t work. So we need to remove the GPS chip from all the drones. Otherwise they pose a threat and can be used against us. Then there are larger drones that can carry weight. Then there are FPV drones that can fly in much tighter spaces but require more training. Then there are commercial drones. Thermal drones. Long range drones. And the list just goes on and on.

And that’s just drones.

What about robotics? Robotics are also used extensively in this war. Then there is endless vision tech, some of which was developed by Israeli startups. There is tech that can see through walls. There is tech that can see around corners.

All of this requires training.

So let’s just summarize this.

We have a war between two sides who are playing a totally different game with different rules and different definitions of what constitutes victory.

You have one side with zero restrictions and zero need to behave morally. You have the other side that is held to a higher standard of morality than anyone, and one little mess up can cause an international crisis. You have one side that wants to minimize civilian death and one side that’ll do anything to maximize it. You have one side behaving like cockroaches and hiding in every corner and under every rock and you have another side that has to use cutting edge tech to kill the bugs.

The bottom line is this.

What the IDF has accomplished in this war is not only incredible, it is historically unprecedented. Right now everyone is falsely claiming that Israel is committing genocide or killing indiscriminately, but when this war is over and the real numbers are exposed, the world will be in utter shock about how Israel won this war with historically low casualty numbers on its side and the total destruction of a terrorist organization that had decades to prepare for the war.

The few military strategists who are already analyzing this war have said clearly that what Israel is doing in Gaza right now is borderline miraculous and has never been done before.

If you want to get a clear picture of just how complex this war is and just how sophisticated the IDF is, just think about all the assassinations Israel has carried out, or even just look at the latest one carried out in Syria.

Not enough has been said about this assassination.

You have to remember that this was a highly senior and top secret meeting between the highest ranking Iranian official outside of Iran along with his deputy and multiple other senior terrorists from Iran and the Islamic Jihad.

Now remember, this wasn’t Israel’s first assassination. We’ve been doing this for decades. The world recognizes Israel’s superior intelligence capabilities. These officials clearly recognized the threat of being assassinated by Israel and took measures accordingly.

No one knew about this meeting. The meeting was intentionally held in a very sensitive and explosive (I am going to award myself ten points for that pun) area with several government buildings all around it, including the Iranian consulate as well as the Canadian one. That was not an accident.

And yet, Israel was able somehow, and I genuinely cannot understand how, to get the intel of who was in the meeting and where it was being held. They were able to take off in Israel, fly into enemy airspace without getting detected, and then conduct a precision attack that would take out everyone in the room and cause zero damage to the government buildings in its vicinity.

We read about this news and then continue scrolling. Few people understand just how complex this mission was and how miraculous it is that it was a perfect success. We take it for granted now, but military strategists will be teaching and analyzing this event for decades into the future.

So, no, the IDF is not weaker than in the past. The IDF is learning on the job how to fight a war that is near impossible to win, succeeding, and maintaining historically low casualty numbers on its side. There is no country or military that can teach Israel how to win this war. It’s never been done before.

Israel isn’t weaker. The nature of war has changed dramatically and Israel is writing the rule book in real time while withstanding unprecedented pressure from all directions. Military pressure. Political pressure. Diplomatic pressure.

And I haven’t even mentioned Hezbollah in the north.

It’s a new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time.

The statement that Israel is the strongest and most moral army in the world has never been truer than it is today!

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-1

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-2

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-3

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-4

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-5

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-6


JerusalemCats-tweet-4April2024-this War is Biblical
On the Spiritual Level, this War is Biblical. Worldwide the Antisemitism is through the roof. That is forcing Jews to leave Colleges and make Aliyah. It is separating the World, the Erev Rav and Jews In Name Only from the Jews. It is motivating Jews to be more observant.

JerusalemCats-tweet-4April2024-this War is Biblical

JerusalemCats-tweet-4April2024-this War is Biblical




Seeking the Favor of Nations?

A Jew who thinks that earning favor with the non-Jews and blending into their culture will benefit him is sorely mistaken. Everything depends on Hashem alone and His Divine Providence.

Kalever Rebbe | Posted on 26May2024 |


Seeking the Favor of Nations by Kalever Rebbe

Seeking the Favor of Nations by Kalever Rebbe


“For the children of Israel are servants to Me”. (Vayikra 25:55)


Only One World Power

Throughout history, there have always been nations who became the world’s leading power. They were the strongest, mightiest nation and it considered itself the “leader amongst nations.”


These countries are always exerting their power and influence over the other nations, which do everything they can to try and please the leading nation.


While these countries might seem strong and powerful, the yidden must always remember that Hashem rules over all of the nations. He is the King of Kings. Hashem alone determines who will lead the world at different times. Hashem designates kings as we say on the Yomim Noraim in the V’Chal Maminim: “Who grants kingship to kings, and [all] sovereignty is His. And all believe that He the eternal King…


There have been times when the yidden have forgotten this fundamental principle. They admired these nations and their leaders. And, as a result, they emulated their cultures and behaviors slowly assimilating into their host cultures. They believed that this would help them earn society’s respect and favor.


However, in the end, this has always been proven to be a fruitless effort. Assimilation never secured the safety of these Jewish communities. These nations have always – at one point or another – turned against the Jews. They would issue harsh and horrific decrees that targeted the Jewish communities. All their efforts to be accepted were for naught. For, in the end, everything depends on Hashem, the Supreme Ruler of the world.


While you can see this reality during any point of history, it was patently clear during the Holocaust. The nations of the world did not heed the Jews’ call for help.


It’s Only Jews!

In Parshat Vayishlach, after Dinah was defiled, the children of Yaakov demanded that the people of Shechem should circumcise themselves.


R’ Yehonason Eibshitz, zt”l, explained the reason of this demand:


The children of Yaakov believed that the men of Shechem were deserving death for what they had done. However, they were worried that if they had slaughtered the men of Shechem, the world would be in an uproar over one person annihilating another.


Therefore, they devised the “cure before the disease”; they had a solution that would preemptively address this issue.


Once the men of Shechem were circumcised, they were Jewish! Now, their concerns about how this slaughter would be perceived were irrelevant. As R’ Yehonason explained, the nations of the world have always stood by silently as Jews have been slaughtered.


A Friend Quickly Becomes a Foe

This was also true in Egypt. It was a world power. And the Jews began assimilating. They indulged in the culture’s decadence. Eventually, Hashem turns Pharaoh’s heart and the Jews, despite their efforts to be accepted by society, become vilified, hated, and enslaved.


The slavery itself inspired the Jews to want to return to Hashem. They realized the errors of their ways. The slavery made them understand that they needed to maintain their Jewish identity and that sacrificing that identity to try and earn favor by the non-Jews was useless.


They began to be more diligent to differentiate themselves from the non-Jews through their clothing. They dressed like Jews and not Egyptians. By doing so, they merited the redemption as Chazal taught (Pesuksa Zutrasa, Parshat Veira 6:6) that the Jews were redeemed because they did not change their style of dress.


The Modesty and Merit of the Jewish Women

There was a special merit for the holy Jewish women. Egypt was known for its immodesty. The Egyptian woman would wear revealing clothing. They dressed and acted promiscuously. However, the Jewish women did not change their clothes. They still dressed and behaved modestly.


This was not easy. It took tremendous devotion and sacrifice. They were mocked and ridiculed. They were degraded by the Egyptians. The Jewish women could have spared themselves this humiliation had they decided to dress like the Egyptians. In fact, they could have dressed in a way that no one would have been able to recognize that they were Jewish. They could have left the Jewish “ghetto” in Goshen and tried to blend into Egyptian culture.


However, these righteous Jewish women would not bend in the least. They continued to dress, walk, and behave modestly. Married women covered their hair. And, because of this, they were called “the righteous woman”, and it was in their merit that the entire Jewish people were redeemed from Egypt.


The Lesson from Egypt

We constantly remember this story of Egypt. And we must always learn this practical but critical lesson. For example, for a Jew think that if he changes the way he dresses during the week he might be able to be more successful in business, he needs to remember that is based on a false narrative.


A Jew who thinks earning favor with the non-Jews and trying to blend into their culture can be beneficial, mistakenly thinks that these non-Jews can actually help him.


Everything depends on Hashem and His Hashgacha Pratis. He alone controls this word. The only “being” that can help a Jew is Hashem. Therefore, the Jew’s only focus must be to earn favor in Hashem’s Eyes. He must realize that if he violates Hashem’s Will, then he loses everything. And, if he fulfills Hashem’s Will, he can receive everything with serenity and ease, as we saw in Egypt.


More Than Style

Jewish clothing is like the seal of the King, the King of the World. A Jew’s clothing distinguishes him as a Jew and as a member of the King of King’s legions. It is our uniform. As it says (Devarim 28:10), “Then all the peoples of the earth will see that the name of the Lord is called upon you, and they will fear you…


This is even more relevant to the kippah one wears on his head. This is the most obvious Jewish identifier. Therefore, you should never be ashamed of it or hide it. You must always walk proudly and openly with your kippah on your head demonstrating and proliferating the Glory of the Heavens. <


“I am the Lord!”

This is the meaning of the pasuk quoted above. Hashem tells the Jewish people, “For the children of Israel are servants to Me… ” Jews most proudly remember that they are members of Hashem’s legions. We are His rank and file. Therefore, the Jews must not try and assimilate into the non-Jewish cultures to be viewed favorably. You cannot tend to the non-Jews like a slave who eagerly tries to please his master since everything in his life depends on that master. The Jews must remember that the non-Jews themselves are under the domain of the King of Kings.


We need to contemplate that Hashem declares that: “They are My servants, whom I took out of the land of Egypt”. The Jews must remember the clear lesson of Egypt: our only mission is to be faithful servants to Hashem.


We are subservient only to Him and therefore, “I am the Lord, your God…” The faithful are rewarded, men and women, for being proud of their Judaism, and adhering to the Jewish identities expressed in their dress and behavior which are aimed to cause favor in Hashem’s Eyes.



The Kalever Rebbe is the seventh Rebbe of the Kaalov Chasidic dynasty, begun by his ancestor who was born to his previously childless parents after receiving a blessing from the Baal Shem Tov zy”a, and later learned under the Maggid of Mezeritch zt”l. The Rebbe has been involved in outreach for more than 30 years and writes weekly emails on understanding current issues through the Torah. Sign up at



Three parables of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk on the upcoming Geulah | Rabbi Elchanan Shalom Elgrod

Rabbi Elgrod brings three parables of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk on the upcoming Geulah that explain todays reality



Kosher inside not only outside


Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Hate for law and order
“Hate for law and order” – look at this as the so-called “brothers” throw torches at policemen and try to lynch the Prime Minister. Where on earth is the Shin-Bet who is charged with guarding the PM?
Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Kosher inside not only outside
A pig shows a kosher foot but everyone knows it’s not kosher. Some people call themselves my brothers. They use outward kosher symbols such as the Star of David. Yet inside, they seethe with hate for law and order, Torah and observant folks. You decide who they resemble.
Liran Tamari-tweet-30March2024-Anarchists, Violent Criminals
עשרות מפגינים פרצו חסימה משטרתית ועושים את דרכם לבית נתניהו

Translated from Hebrew by

Dozens of protesters [EDD: Anarchists, Violent Criminals] broke through a police blockade and are making their way to Netanyahu’s house

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Hate for law and order

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Hate for law and order


Liran Tamari-tweet-30March2024-Anarchists, Violent Criminals

Liran Tamari-tweet-30March2024-Anarchists, Violent Criminals



A Kosher Foot




Caroline Glick-tweet-1July2024-White House officials hate Israel
Maher Bitar, Karine Jean Pierre, Reema Dodin and a host White House officials hate Israel. Susan Rice runs the White House. As Obama’s NSA, Rice was so hostile to Israel, she refused to meet with Israeli officials.
These positions are a feature not a bug in Biden’s White House.


Biden’s Top National Security Council Advisor is a radical Palestinian, Anti-Israel activist, former Board Member of the radical Anti-Israel activist group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and a former UNRWA employee [UNRWA is intertwined with Hamas, a U.S. designated terrorist organization. SJP is the subject of multiple investigations and lawsuits for alleged ties to Hamas].

Bitar worked as an intern for the anti-Israel organization Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP). FMEP has provided grants, via dark money Far-Left NGO groups such as George Soros’ Tides Center, to multiple radical anti-Israel groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), IfNotNow, and Palestine Legal among many others.

In 2021, Rep. Michael McCaul (Texas), the lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee said the following: “U.S. and Israeli intelligence cooperation has repeatedly saved American lives and advanced U.S. national security. Maher Bitar is a long-time Boycott, Divest, and Sanction activist who has called for the abandonment of Israel. “Appointing him for an integral role on the National Security Council is a slap in the face to our important ally Israel, and it sends a terrible message to the rest of the world. I strongly urge the Biden administration to quickly retreat from this dangerous decision and to appoint someone who is better aligned with our allies and less divisive.”

Chaya Raichik-tweet-13May2024-This is Maher Bitar
This is Maher Bitar. He was appointed as Biden’s special counsel. He’s also the director of intelligence and defense programs in the National Security Council.

He was the president of the radical extremist organization SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) at Georgetown University.

Caroline Glick-tweet-1July2024-White House officials hate Israel

Caroline Glick-tweet-1July2024-White House officials hate Israel



Chaya Raichik-tweet-13May2024-This is Maher Bitar

Chaya Raichik-tweet-13May2024-This is Maher Bitar



Biden’s Colour Revolution in Israel during WAR

Caroline Glick-tweet-3April2024-The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government
The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government in a color revolution than the Biden administration is today in its singleminded quest to overthrow Israel’s democratically elected government.

Caroline Glick-tweet-3April2024-The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government

Caroline Glick-tweet-3April2024-The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government logo

Israel Faces ‘Color Revolution’ as Opposition Protests, Gantz Wants New Elections


Israel color revolution (Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu via Getty)

Israel color revolution (Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu via Getty)

Joel B. Pollak 3 April 2024

Israel faces the prospect of a U.S.-backed “color revolution” in the middle of its war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza as the opposition backs street protests against government, and a key cabinet minister has demanded new elections.


A “color revolution” is a coup d’état accomplished through mass protests targeting the existing government, elected or not, with the assistance of the media — and, usually, with backing from foreign powers, including the United States.


For the six months since the October 7 terror attack, Israel had seen remarkable unity, with protests — mostly centered in Tel Aviv — against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial reforms — a distant memory.


There were weekly protests in favor of a deal to release the Israeli hostages from Hamas custody, but organizers were careful to steer clear of electoral politics — and the decision to reach a deal was not entirely in Israel’s own hands.


But in early March, U.S. intelligence agencies released an assessment that stated that “we expect large protests demanding [Netanyahu’s] resignation and new elections. A different, more moderate government is a possibility.”


That news emerged just days after war cabinet minister Benny Gantz suddenly visited the U.S. for talks with Biden administration officials. Gantz leads an opposition party that joined Netanyahu’s government in an emergency government of national unity, but he also remains Netanyahu’s main political rival. Gantz reportedly did not clear his trip to the U.S. with Netanyahu beforehand. A few days after the U.S. intelligence assessment emerged, another rival to Netanyahu, Gideon Sa’ar, left Gantz’s party, suggesting the possibility of renewed domestic political turmoil.


Then U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) delivered a bizarre speech demanding new elections in Israel to oust Netanyahu. President Joe Biden backed Schumer, calling for regime change in Israel (and not Iran).


Meanwhile, in Israel, the issue of drafting ultra-Orthodox men into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) emerged as a political issue, with the left-wing judiciary saying that religious scholars could no longer be exempted from the draft. That decision, in turn, threatened to bring down Netanyahu’s government, as religious parties opposed the draft.


Meanwhile, hostage protests and left-wing political protests began to merge. And last week, a four-day protest began — not in Tel Aviv, but in Jerusalem, with tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrating outside Netanyahu’s office. A tent city — with most of the tents curiously identical — went up at the site, with protesters occupying the area, demanding new elections. Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak — a key figure in leading last year’s protests, who had also called for Israelis to “beseige” the Knesset, or parliament, in February — gave a speech there, demanding “elections now.”


And on Wednesday, Gantz held a press conference on his own, demanding that new elections be held in September.


Notably, Schumer rushed to congratulate Gantz:


Josh Kraushaar-tweet-3April2024-Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel
FIRST @J_Insider: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel (September):

Schumer: “When a leading member of Israel’s war cabinet calls for early elections and over 70% of the Israeli population agrees according to a major poll, you know it’s the right thing to do.”

Josh Kraushaar-tweet-3April2024-Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel

Josh Kraushaar-tweet-3April2024-Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel


Originally, Gantz had criticized Schumer for meddling in Israel’s internal politics. But now he has vindicated Schumer — who is taking a victory lap, and will keep the pressure on.
The political crisis is taking place against the backdrop of growing international pressure on Israel, with the Biden administration opposing Israel’s plans to destroy the last Hamas battalions in the city of Rafa, and with the White House slamming Israel for a mistaken airstrike on an aid convoy.


It is suddenly possible that Netanyahu could be toppled — just as the Biden administration wanted — with unclear consequences for Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza.


In addition, Israel faces growing threats from the north (Hezbollah), the east (terror in the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of the West Bank, and Iraqi militias), and the south (Houthis), all fueled by the Iranian regime.


Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, “The Zionist Conspiracy (and how to join it),” now available on Audible. He is also the author of the e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.




Purim and the Betrayal of American Jewry

By Tzvi Freeman

New York City and Haman

New York City and Haman


If there is any one word that can describe the emotional reaction of Jews to the sudden flood of antisemitism in America today, it is “betrayed.”


Who has betrayed us? Not the white supremacists, not the neo-Nazis and the ignorant, brainwashed skinheads—there’s no element of surprise there—but the educated, humanitarian left, that segment of society that Jews have embraced more than any other, both ideologically and socially. The gentle souls who walked with us in sympathetic conversation have turned with teeth, claws, and venom against us.


What prompted their betrayal? Because they saw that it was possible to murder, rape, and torture over 1,200 of us, abduct our babies and elderly, and get away with it. That was “exhilarating” and “awesome.” That very morning, there were those who jumped out of bed eager to blame the victims, defend murderers and rapists, and celebrate our pain. Only later were they angered that we dare attempt to rescue our loved ones and protect ourselves from those who would destroy us, dampening the perverse antisemitic exhilaration that comes from seeing a Jew suffer.


Why is betrayal so shocking? Because it redefines not only the present but the past. It means that all along, the people you thought were your friends were holding a dagger for you in their back pocket. It disrupts your sense of reality so that you are now forced to think and live in an entirely different way.


The Jewish people, on their long trek through history, carry a sort of mirror, a statement of a time that was then as it is now, here as it was there, because it continues to play and replay in endless variations. There’s a time for pulling this mirror out, around winter’s end, as the blossoms begin to appear, on Purim. It’s called the Scroll of Esther, or just “the Megillah” (the Hebrew word for scroll).


The story of Esther takes place in the world’s first cosmopolitan civilization, the Persian Empire. With a network of highways and the first postal system, with appointed governors over lands from Ethiopia to the Indus Valley, comprising a vast diversity of some 60 million people, the Persian Empire by necessity relied on a policy of tolerance.


We had been exiled from our land to the heart of this empire for over three generations. As an educated class, we had made great contributions to their economy, their culture, and their civilization. Among us were scribes, scholars, political advisors, such as Daniel, Mordechai, and even the queen herself, Queen Esther.

Perhaps we will discover divine meaning in all this pain, that all we really have is that which we had from the beginning.

The capital city of Shushan was filled with successful Jews. When the king made a banquet for all the city’s inhabitants, we were there, and we were treated no differently than any other subjects of the king. In the royal palace, a Jew could ask for kosher food and be served it, or for whatever food or wine he or she may please.


And then the news arrives that the king has secretly signed off on Haman’s plan to render his empire Judenrein. It makes sense that we would be left in shock (as the Megillah puts it1). We had been betrayed by the empire we had come to consider our home. It was a shock perhaps even more sudden and bewildering than that which American Jewry experienced on October 8, 2023.


In Ancient Persia, it probably wouldn’t have helped to stand up at a public award event and declare that you don’t consider your Jewishness a justification for whatever blood-libel Haman’s thugs had fabricated. Or to publicly divorce yourself from the actions of Mordechai and his refusal to bow to Haman. On the other hand, you could likely escape the wrath of Haman’s protesters by getting out of your typically Jewish mode of dress and pretending you were just another fire-worshiping Persian.


But this magical mirror tells us, no, that is not what saved us. No Jew at that time even considered jumping ship.


Haman had declared we were a scattered, fragmented people.2 So we united as one.3


As Esther instructed Mordechai, “Go, gather all the Jews.” And as many midrashic accounts describe at length.


Of course, being united didn’t change the minds of Haman’s terrorists. Neither did it directly change the mind of the king. It worked for only one reason: Because we are not a normal people. We do not exist within the natural universe. We are a special people with a G‑d-given task to bring His oneness into this crazy world. And only when we embrace that task of oneness can we rise above the natural ramifications of being the proverbial lamb among seventy wolves.


What does it mean to be united as one? Does it mean that we all agree on everything? In the Jewish sense of the term, definitely not.


Jewish unity means that we listen to one another, care for one another, and work together for the good of us all. That gives us strength, and the strength brings with it more unity.


When Jews feel united, we are not afraid to stand out as Jews, to do the things Jews do in public, to stick mezuzahs to the doorposts of our homes and offices, to request a kosher meal at the office lunch party, or to turn up at school or work one day with a kippah.


It empowers us to embrace a new, lucid notion of reality—the notion that we are here with a purpose to change the world, that we have largely succeeded, and that those who despise us are those who despise change for the good. They themselves may not recognize their resistance, their subliminal desire to return to the savagery of pre-modern times. They may cloak themselves in a gown of humanitarian concern, dressed with the badges of the struggle of the oppressed.


But the masquerade is over, the masks have been removed, and everyone now knows what the word “Zionist” really means when issued from their histrionic mouths. It’s up to each one to choose which direction you wish to travel on history’s highway.


This is the miracle of our current situation: The Jewish people have never been so united. Past pogroms and outbursts of antisemitism brought fear, anger and assimilation in their wake. This horrific attack has acted as a great shofar call to bring us together. Perhaps for the first time in Jewish history, there is a shortage of tefillin, as scribes struggle to keep up with the demand. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a Jewish woman who does not light Shabbat candles.


Perhaps we will discover divine meaning in all this pain, that all we really have is that which we had from the beginning.


Last week, Brigadier General Dan Goldfus, much-admired commander of the 98th division of the IDF, spoke to his nation with great emotion. “From my heart,” he pleaded, “I ask of you to be together, united, to push away the extremism, and to adopt togetherness. Find what unites us. We on the battlefield found it and we will not give up on it. Make this all worthwhile.”


There are many who do not believe in us. But we believe in ourselves. We look in our mirror and we see, as in the Purim story, that the tables will soon be turned. And if the darkness can become light, and our pain transformed to joy, then, too, perhaps this time around, all the hatred in the world can be forever put to rest. For real.


1. Esther 3:15.

2. Esther 3:8.

3. Esther 4:16;

By Tzvi Freeman

Tzvi Freeman is the author of Bringing Heaven Down to Earth and, more recently, Wisdom to Heal the Earth. Subscribe to The Daily Dose of Wisdom and Freeman Files for regular updates.
More from Tzvi Freeman  | RSS
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Jews In Name Only – Purim Edition

Associated Fress-tweet-24March2024-JVP-Everyone Clapped for Haman
AF – At Megillah (Book of Esther) Reading Tonight for Jewish Voices for Peace Everyone Clapped for Haman

Associated Fress-tweet-24March2024-JVP-Everyone Clapped for Haman

Associated Fress-tweet-24March2024-JVP-Everyone Clapped for Haman



The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.

The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.



CODEPINK: Women for Peace is an anti-war activist group in the United States that engages in regular actions to harm the State of Israel. The organization aggressively promotes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and has been criticized for maintaining close ties to the Hamas regime in Gaza.


CODEPINK describes itself as “a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.”


With members wearing the group’s signature pink color, CODEPINK has conducted marches, protests and high-visibility publicity stunts in pursuit of its goals. It has regional offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and New York.



CODEPINK was founded on November 17, 2002 by Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin and other anti-war activists. The group’s name is a play on the United States Department of Homeland Security’s color-coded alert system in which Code Red signifies the highest level of danger.


In September 2008, a number of CODEPINK leaders personally met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City. CODEPINK subsequently launched an aggressive anti-Israel campaign that included open support for Hamas. That November, Jodie Evans and a CODEPINK contingent visited Iran at the personal invitation of Ahmadinejad.

Meeting With Hamas

In March 2009, CODEPINK led an international delegation of anti-Israel activists to Gaza. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh addressed the activists in Gaza by phone while other Hamas officials addressed them in person.


Hamas protected the demonstrators during their two-day stay in Gaza by tightly controlling CODEPINK’s movements and contacts which included Palestinian homes, local NGO’s and Palestinian refugee camps run by the United Nations. Activists also stayed in a luxurious hotel owned by Hamas.


In 2009 CODEPINK further escalated the intensity of its international campaign to stop the blockade that Egypt and Israel had imposed on Gaza (to prevent the importation of weaponry) after Hamas‘s 2006 election as the region’s dominant political entity.


CODEPINK helped to organize an “International Women’s Day” delegation to Gaza in March of 2014. Upon arriving at the Cairo airport on March 3, 2014, however, Benjamin was detained by Egyptian authorities. She was reportedly injured by Egyptian security forces and deported to Turkey. Other members of the international delegation who arrived the next day were also deported. Some members made it into Cairo, although none from the delegation made it to Gaza.

Identifying with Al Qaeda

On June 14, 2014 – CODEPINK founder Benjamin posted a photo on Facebook, with the caption: “Foto from last night here in Yemen with Nasser Al-Awlaki, whose son Anwar and grandson Abdulrahman were killed by drones.”


Anwar al-Awlaki was linked to the Fort Hood Shooting and, identified by the U.S. government as involved in senior recruitment and planning for Al Qaeda terrorist operations.


On June 17, 2013, Benjamin and fellow CODEPINK founder Jodie Evans organized a protest in Yemen with Al Qaeda-affiliated group al-Karama. Later that year, the U.S. Treasury Department determined that al-Karama’s founding president, Qatari history professor and human-rights activist Abdul Rahman Omeir al-Naimi, was an Al-Qaeda financier.

Anti-Israel Activism

CODEPINK’s official position is to “stand(s) in solidarity with Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activists and human rights advocates working to hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law” and to “educate Americans about the realities of Israel’s occupation and to change U.S. foreign policy in the region.”


CODEPINKdivestment campaigns have specifically targeted RE/MAX, Ahava, SodaStream, Hewlett Packard and Airbnb.


On November 20, 2016, CODEPINK leader Ariel Gold disrupted a speech given by the actor Ashton Kutcher, who later defended Airbnb. Kutcher stated, “I can appreciate that where there is change there will be a fringe case that feels objectified. But this company is about bringing people together and about loving one another.” Gold was escorted off the stage by security.


Prior to the “Gaza Freedom March,” CODEPINK endorsed the “Cairo Declaration to End Israeli Apartheid” that calls for comprehensive boycott of Israel.


During the march, CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin coordinated the organization’s stay with the Hamas government. Members stayed in the Commodore, a Hamas-owned five star hotel in Gaza City.


While Benjamin claimed that the Hamas government had “pledged to ensure our safety” other CODEPINK leaders accused Hamas of hijacking the initiative and imposing prohibitions on the organization’s movements around Gaza.


CODEPINK has received financial support from the Benjamin Fund, Global Exchange, the Streisand Foundation, the Threshold Foundation and the Tides Foundation.



Hamas At The Oscars 2024

Canary Mission-tweet-11March2024-celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre
It has literally gotten to the point where celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre symbolized by one horrific event in 2000 where a violent lynch mob slaughtered & dismembered 2 IDF reservists who got lost & ended up in Ramallah.

Canary Mission-tweet-11March2024-celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre

Canary Mission-tweet-11March2024-celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre


Irish Jewish Voice-tweet-11March2024-Red HandPin stands for murder Jews
#Oscar2024 #Oscar A Red HandPin was worn by some last night. Here’s what it stands for.

In 2000 two Israeli soldiers went the wrong way and ended up in Ramallah where they were captured and slaughtered. A gleeful raging Palestinian mob disemboweled them and ate their organs.
There is a photo of one of the terrorists, his bloodied hands pressed against a window.

That’s your red hand pin.

Irish Jewish Voice-tweet-11March2024-Red HandPin stands for murder Jews

Irish Jewish Voice-tweet-11March2024-Red HandPin stands for murder Jews

The Persian Jewess-tweet-15March2024-Oscar2024 Blue Pin
I like our pins better. 😎


The Persian Jewess-tweet-15March2024-Oscar2024 Blue Pin

The Persian Jewess-tweet-15March2024-Oscar2024 Blue Pin


A shield from the “evil eye” Hamsa-A shield from the ‘evil eye’
I see it everywhere, the iconic wide-open eye on the palm of the hand.
Buts the Hamsa a Jewish Symbol? Hamsa-A shield from the 'evil eye' Hamsa-A shield from the ‘evil eye’




Is Hamsa Jewish?

By Menachem Posner




A Hamsa is an amulet that depicts a symmetrical open hand, typically used decoratively in the home or worn on jewelry. Its name—Arabic for “five”—is representative of the five fingers of the hand and the protective qualities associated with that number. While designs vary, it is common for there to be a wide-open eye on the palm of the hand—symbolizing the desire to be shielded from the “evil eye.”


The Hamsa is widespread among Sephardic Jews, many of whom hail from Arabic lands. But it is also common among Muslims and Christians from those same lands. So can the Hamsa be considered a legitimately Jewish symbol, or is it something borrowed from non-Jewish neighbors, or even a holdover from idolatry which was once ubiquitous in those lands?


This question has been hotly debated, with great halachic authorities supporting various approaches.

Following the opinion that considers it foreign to the Jewish religion, many Jews refrain from using the Hamsa or hanging it in their homes.


However, many Sephardic rabbis taught that it was a legitimate Jewish symbol. Prime examples would be Rabbi Chayim Yosef David Azulai (Chida), as well as Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (the Ben Ish Chai), who records the custom of hanging a small hand engraved with the Hebrew letter hei (which has the numerical value of five) to ward off the evil eye.1


So if this was the custom of your community, you may continue to use one with confidence. If you have no such custom, it would be wise to consult with your rabbi before purchasing that flashy little Hamsa charm.


Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that the Talmud reassures us that the evil eye only affects you if you give it credence and if you worry about it; if you ignore it, the evil eye does not affect you at all.


1. Ben Ish Chai, Second Year, Parshat Pinchas, 13.

By Menachem Posner

Rabbi Menachem Posner serves as managing editor at, the world’s largest Jewish informational website. He has been writing, researching, and editing for since 2006, when he received his rabbinic degree from Central Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch. He lives in Chicago, Ill., with his family.

More from Menachem Posner  |  RSS

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Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out

Aviva Klompas-tweet-4March2024-Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out
Americans airdropped food into Gaza.

This man throws it in the trash.

Aviva Klompas-tweet-4March2024-Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out

Aviva Klompas-tweet-4March2024-Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out



American Humanitarian Aid washing up on Tel Aviv beach

Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Tel Aviv beach
Spotted on this morning’s Tel Aviv beach walk: unopened canisters of cooking oil, individual soap packages, and a few bottles of condensed milk. They were being cleaned up by a municipal employee, who told me “it’s a humanitarian delivery to Gaza” 💔💔💔

Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Tel Aviv beach

Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Tel Aviv beach



Steaming hot shawarma in Gaza

Marina Medvin-tweet-5March2024-steaming hot shawarma in Gaza
No wonder they’re throwing American air-dropped dry meals into the trash— they got steaming hot shawarma in Gaza right now. I too prefer shawarma to dry ramen noodles.

Marina Medvin-tweet-5March2024-steaming hot shawarma in Gaza

Marina Medvin-tweet-5March2024-steaming hot shawarma in Gaza




The Gaza genocide is a blatant lie

Marina Medvin-tweet-7March2024-Gaza genocide is a blatant lie
Man from Gaza confirms a food deficit and destruction but says people are alive and living their lives.

The Gaza genocide is a blatant lie— it’s literally a Holocaust smear they use to prod at Jews.

Marina Medvin-tweet-7March2024-Gaza genocide is a blatant lie

Marina Medvin-tweet-7March2024-Gaza genocide is a blatant lie



Marina Medvin-tweet-11March2024-they have better food on the table
The reason they throw away the dehydrated American parachute drop meals is because they have better food on the table.

The only people starving in Gaza are the Israeli and American hostages.
Imshin-tweet-11March2024-Displaced Gazans in South Gaza Strip eat their first Suhour meal
Displaced Gazans in South Gaza Strip eat their first Suhour meal before dawn today, in preparation the first day of the Ramadan fast.

Marina Medvin-tweet-11March2024-they have better food on the table

Marina Medvin-tweet-11March2024-they have better food on the table




Hamas MRE Review

John Aziz-tweet-17March2024-air dropped aid
There is something really twisted about dismissing air dropped aid that has been delivered to help Palestinians in Gaza to stay alive and survive.

This aid will save people’s lives.

But this guy went to the trouble of making a video denigrating it.
Community-Notes-logo Quds News Network-tweet-16March2024-Ahmed Kouta MRE review
Palestinian activist Ahmed Kouta exposes the contents of US airdrops to the starving population of Gaza.
Readers added context
An MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) are packages of condensed calories meant for military, and also used for humanitarian aid.

According to the Defense Logistics Agency, “The contents of one MRE meal bag provides an average of 1250 kilocalories” made of “13% protein” and “36% fat”.

Quds News Networks-tweet-16March2024-Ahmed Kouta MRE review

Quds News Networks-tweet-16March2024-Ahmed Kouta MRE review





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