ISRAEL AT WAR 5784: 1 sheep and 70 wolves


The Jews are a source of Light in the World.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-27May2024-The Jews are a source of Light in the World
It’s time we owned the truth, as offensive as some people might think it is. It’s the truth, and for us to win the messaging war, we need to unite over this narrative, and we need to do it fast!

Hillel Fuld-tweet-27May2024-The Jews are a source of Light in the World

Hillel Fuld-tweet-27May2024-The Jews are a source of Light in the World




“How dare you,”

Noa Tishby-tweet-18December2023-How dare you
HOW DARE YOU @GretaThunberg
. How DARE you call for ethnically cleansing the Jewish people from our ancestral land?? You know nothing. No history, no reality, no truth. So I have this to say to you.

Israel is not a colonialist state – it’s a refugee state which was literally decolonized from Britain.

The majority of Israeli Jews are people of color, whose families were ethnically cleansed from other parts of the Middle East.

Throughout history, the only indigenous sovereign entities to exist in the land have been Jewish states.

Jews originate from the land, derive our religion and our practices from it and despite centuries of exile and displacement have always kept an unbroken presence there.

And you Greta Thunberg, are chanting “crush Zionism” on the streets of Sweden.

Zionism is the Jewish people exercising our right to self-determination in some parts of our only historic, ancestral and indigenous homeland.

Hamas showed us on October 7 what “crushing Zionism” looks like and you want to cheer that on Greta?

Greta Thunberg, if I can borrow your famous phrase, “how dare you!”

But this is how antisemitism works – Find what is most evil to you, and blame it on the Jews, or today – on the Jewish state.

I can understand that younger generations in western societies feel guilty about the evils of colonialism.

But Israel’s history is not your history, and whatever guilt you feel, supporting the massacre of Jews in their ancestral land will not wash away the sins of your fathers. When your ancestors were colonizing the world, my ancestors were being slaughtered by Cossacks.

We were dreaming – next year in Jerusalem – of building a life raft in our homeland. We fled genocidal violence in Europe. We were ethnically cleansed from Arab countries all over the Middle East. And we built a liberal, democratic Jewish state. That is not a colonial enterprise.

Zionism is not a colonial enterprise – Zionism is the decolonization movement of the Jewish people.
And to anyone who cannot accept our presence or who slanders Israel as something it is not, we are here to say: “how dare you.”

Noa Tishby-tweet-18December2023-How dare you

Noa Tishby-tweet-18December2023-How dare you




“It is not in our hands to prevent the murder of workers… and families… but it is in our hands to fix a high price for our blood, so high that the Arab community and the Arab military forces will not be willing to pay it.” – Moshe Dayan

Im Tirtzu-tweet-20May2024-Moshe Dayan Quote high price for our Blood
Wise words.
“It is in our hands to fix a high price for our Blood, So high that the Arab Community and the Arab Military Forces will not be willing to Pay it.” – Moshe Dayan

Im Tirtzu-tweet-20May2024-Moshe Dayan Quote high price for our Blood

Im Tirtzu-tweet-20May2024-Moshe Dayan Quote high price for our Blood

"It is in our hands to fix a high price for our Blood, So high that the Arab Community and the Arab Military Forces will not be willing to Pay it." - Moshe Dayan

“It is in our hands to fix a high price for our Blood, So high that the Arab Community and the Arab Military Forces will not be willing to Pay it.” – Moshe Dayan

It is not in our hands to prevent the murder of workers… and families… but it is in our hands to fix a high price for our blood, so high that the Arab community and the Arab military forces will not be willing to pay it.

As quoted in Warrior : The Autobiography of Ariel Sharon (1989)




Smotrich’s Revenge: Biden’s Sanctions on Settlers Turned into Potential Collapse of PA Banking System

By David Israel – 5 Adar II 5784 – March 15, 2024


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has had it up to here with US sanctions against Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria, and this week decided to release the kraken.


Smotrich responded to the sanctions: “These decisions are a surrender of the Biden administration to the BDS campaign designed to blacken the entire State of Israel and lead to the elimination of the settlement enterprise and the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state. The Israeli government is standing to the right of the settlement. These measures are completely unacceptable and we will fight to cancel them.”


It began with this week’s Axios’ exclusive report that the Biden administration is expected to impose new sanctions on two Jewish outposts in Judea and Samaria from which settlers went out to attack PA Arabs.


In early February, the Biden administration weaponized its “settler violence” mantra (based on fake reports by anti-Israel NGOs, according to the Israel Police) as a tool for pushing through the two-state agenda.


The President signed an executive order allowing the United States to issue financial sanctions against “those directing or participating in certain actions, including acts or threats of violence against civilians, intimidating civilians to cause them to leave their homes, destroying or seizing property, or engaging in terrorist activity in the West Bank. And the State Department also today issued four designations under this new executive authority,” NSA’s John Kirby told reporters.


A reporter then asked Kirby: “Is this a signal to those officials in the Israeli government who openly support and facilitate such violence, including Itamar Ben Gvir, who supply the weapons to these people who perpetrate?”


Kirby’s response: “I think it’s a signal to the whole world how seriously President Biden takes this violence against the settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.”


In retaliation, according to Israel Hayom, Smotrich refuses to renew his signature on a document that provides protection from lawsuits to the Israeli banks doing business with the Palestinian Authority –  Discount and Po’alim.


Without government protection, the Israeli banks are expected to sever ties with the PA banks, fearing that they would become exposed to lawsuits on charges of transferring funds to entities that pay out salaries to terrorists.


And since the PA’s economy wholly depends on its relationship with Israel, this means an immediate freeze of economic activity in the Palestinian Authority.


Following the Biden administration’s announcement of sanctions against four Jewish settlers (who had not been convicted of any crime), the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in the US Treasury Department updated its list of sanctioned individuals, and overnight Bank Leumi and Postal Bank froze their accounts.


Now, Smotrich, who prefers his revenge dish eaten cold, is turning the damage of a few thousand shekels to four Jewish settles into the possible collapse of the Palestinian Authority.


In 2018, the Israeli government created the Correspondence Government Company, to absorb the financial risks undertaken by Israeli banks doing business with PA banks. This was done after the Israeli banks threatened to sever their relations with PA institutions lest they be sued for collaborating with terrorists. The new company provides clearance services to Israeli banks, thus keeping them protected from lawsuits. But the new company is also leery about doing business with the PA, which is why the political and security cabinet each year issues a letter of protection to the Israeli banks, signed by the finance minister, absolving the of fiduciary responsibility for the PA’s terrorist shenanigans.


Now Smotrich is refusing to sign this letter of protection.


Israel Hayom’s Ariel Kahana suggested the finance minister is expecting that just as the Americans do not complain to the Israeli banks about their relationship with the Palestinian Authority, they will make it clear that they have no objection to releasing the frozen funds of the sanctioned Jewish settlers.


Otherwise, perhaps the US should start airdropping food packages on Ramallah.


The move means the immediate freezing of significant parts of the economic activity in the Palestinian Authority, whose currency is the shekel. Also, the vast majority of PA exports and imports are done through Israeli ports – no backing from Israeli banks, no trade. And of course, Smotrich’s favorite, the tax money that Israel collects will now be frozen until further notice, tell Ramallah to raise more rabbits and chop more wood for heating – it’s back to a barter economy.




Biden Cries Uncle as Smotrich Wins War against Sanctions on Settlers

By David Israel – 19 Adar II 5784 – March 29, 2024 –


Thursday Bezalel Smotrich beat the Biden administration at its own game.


On March 14, the US Treasury Dept. announced new sanctions against two Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria that the administration accused of being used as a base for attacks on innocent PA Arabs. The Treasury Dept. also sanctioned three Israeli settlers: Moshe Sharvit, Zvi Bar Yosef, and Neriya Ben Pazi.


They followed earlier sanctions against four other Jewish settlers, which Israeli banks promptly blocked from accessing their personal accounts.


Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced in response, “These decisions are a surrender of the Biden administration to the BDS campaign designed to blacken the entire State of Israel and lead to the elimination of the settlement enterprise and the establishment of a Palestinian terrorist state. The Israeli government is standing to the right of the settlements. These measures are completely unacceptable and we will fight to cancel them.”


In retaliation, Smotrich refused to renew his signature on a document that protects Israeli banks doing business with the Palestinian Authority from lawsuits, namely Discount and Ha’Po’alim.


Without government protection, those Israeli banks would have been forced to sever their ties with the PA banks, fearing that they become exposed to lawsuits on charges of transferring funds to entities that pay out salaries to terrorists.


And since the PA’s economy wholly depends on its relationship with Israel, this meant an immediate freeze of economic activity in the Palestinian Authority.


This week, according to Israel Hayom, the US Treasury Dept. sent an urgent letter to the finance minister, explaining that there is no reason for the banks in Israel to prevent Israeli citizens who appear on the sanctions list from making routine use of their bank accounts.


The treasury official explained that the sanctions do not include routine checking or business account operations, which are permissible and will not result in the administration punishing the Israeli banks that allow Jewish settlers to access their money.


The treasury’s letter essentially kills the entire Biden sanctions attack, because the only real harm to the Jewish victims of those sanctions was from not being able to access their bank accounts in Israel. All the other components of those sanctions, originally designed against Russian tycoons, have nothing to do with the settlers who don’t hold assets that can be frozen in America, and don’t fly there.


Back on March 14, Minister Smotrich stated that “these measures are completely unacceptable,” and vowed, “We will fight to cancel them.”


On the eve of Shabbat, Parshat Tzav, 5784, we declare that he did and they got canceled.




Smotrich to transfer $35m in PA funds to families of terror victims

Some families had been waiting for 20 years, despite courts ruling the Palestinian Authority was responsible for their loved ones’ deaths.


(June 13, 2024 / JNS) Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has ordered his office to deduct 130 million shekels ($35 million) from tax and tariff revenue collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority and redirect it to families of terror victims.


The monies will be transferred to 28 families who have won lawsuits against the P.A. over its financial backing of attacks against Israelis, Smotrich, who is also the leader of the Religious Zionism Party, told Arutz 7 on Thursday.


“This week, I signed an order to transfer millions of shekels to the families of terror victims,” he said. “The Palestinian Authority continues to tell the world that it is on the verge of collapse and continues paying the families of terrorists and transferring money for terror.


“The minimum of the minimum [we can do] is to transfer compensation to the families of terror victims from these funds,” added the minister.


Smotrich’s decision puts an end to years of delay on the part of the government. In some cases, families had been waiting to receive the funds for 20 years, despite Israeli courts ruling that the Palestinian Authority was responsible for their loved ones’ deaths.


The newspaper noted that in addition to the 28 families expected to be compensated this week, hundreds of other lawsuits are still pending.


Jerusalem collects 600 million-700 million shekels ($161 million-$188 million) in tax funds on behalf of the P.A. every month under the terms of the Oslo Accords, signed with the PLO in the 1990s.


The Protocol on Economic Relations, aka the Paris Protocol, was signed in April 1994 and incorporated with minor changes into the Oslo II Accord of September 1995.


Almost one billion shekels ($278 million) in yearly tax revenue that Israel collects on behalf of the P.A. goes towards its “pay for slay” policy, under which it disburses monthly stipends to terrorists and their relatives.


In 2018, lawmakers from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party initiated and promoted legislation to offset the sum to put pressure on the Palestinian Authority to stop rewarding terrorism.


Smotrich’s decision to transfer the funds joins a series of steps taken by the finance minister to punish the Palestinian Authority for its support of terrorism and diplomatic measures against the Jewish state.


Last month, he announced his intention to immediately halt the transfer of all tax revenue to the P.A. following its push for statehood and support for the International Criminal Court case against Israel.


“The Palestinians are working against Israel with political terrorism and promoting unilateral measures around the world—I cannot continue to transfer funds to them. If this causes the P.A. to collapse, let it collapse,” Smotrich said.




Smotrich threatens to topple PA if ICC, UN take unilateral action against Israel

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has warned that unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by the U.N. General Assembly will result in an immediate halt to all transfers of funds to the P.A.


(April 25, 2024 / JNS) Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Thursday threatened to crush the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) financially if certain unilateral actions are brought against Israel in the international arena.


In an open letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Smotrich warned that if any decision is made by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to unilaterally issue arrest warrants against Israeli citizens, or “a decision is made unilaterally in the [United Nations] General Assembly to recognize a Palestinian state, I will unilaterally and immediately stop the transfer of all funds to the P.A.”


Smotrich was referring to a recent Channel 12 report that the ICC was considering issuing arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials with the tacit approval of the United States.


Earlier this month, the P.A. submitted a request to the U.N. Security Council to accept it as a full member, a move Israel said would be a reward for terror.


Smotrich said that in the event of either occurring he would stop the transfer of all taxes collected by Israel on behalf of the P.A, and would also rescind the immunity of Israeli banks that have financial dealings with Palestinian entities.


Smotrich threatened the latter move in March in response to sanctions imposed by the United States on seven Israeli settlers. Israeli banks, fearful of running afoul of U.S. sanctions, also closed the accounts of the seven.


Smotrich’s threat appeared to work, as shortly afterwards the U.S. Treasury Department, in a letter to the Bank of Israel, clarified that the sanctions weren’t intended to include Israeli banks.


Smotrich’s letter also referred to rumors that the Biden administration is considering sanctions against the ultra-Orthodox Netzach YehudaBattalion.


In October 2022, Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) submitted to the State Department a Leahy Law referral against the battalion for alleged “systematic and widespread abuses.”


According to an NGO Monitor report from March, DAWN executive director Sarah Leah Whitson served as director of the Middle East and North Africa Division at Human Rights Watch (HRW) from 2004 to 2019.


“Working closely with executive director Ken Roth, she played a central role in HRW’s antisemitic obsession with Israel,” according to the report.




Smotrich moves to collapse PA economy after ‘political terrorism’

Israel’s finance minister is acting in response to Ramallah’s pursuit of unilateral statehood, ICC prosecution.

Akiva Van Koningsveld


(May 22, 2024 / JNS) Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Wednesday called for a series of punitive steps against the Palestinian Authority in response to Ramallah’s push for unilateral statehood and support for the International Criminal Court case against the Jewish state.


In a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the finance minister announced his intention to immediately halt the transfer of all monthly tax revenues that Jerusalem collects on behalf of the P.A.


The announcement came hours after Norway, Ireland and Spain declared their recognition of a Palestinian state, in decisions that the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas terrorist organization welcomed.


Oslo in recent months has been serving as an intermediary to transfer some funds earmarked for the P.A. that Israel froze in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas-led terrorist massacre in the country’s south.


“Norway was the first to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state today, and it cannot be a partner in anything related to Judea and Samaria. I intend to stop the transfer funds and demand the return of all funds transferred,” Smotrich wrote to the prime minister.


Approximately 1 billion shekels ($272 million) has been parked in Norway over the past three months, while Jerusalem transfers some 600 million shekels ($163 million) to Ramallah directly every month.


“The Palestinians are working against Israel with political terrorism and promoting unilateral measures around the world—I cannot continue to transfer funds to them. If this causes the P.A. to collapse, let it collapse,” Ynet cited Smotrich as saying.


The finance minister also decided to cancel a waiver shielding major Israeli banks with business ties to Ramallah from lawsuits stemming from charges of supporting terrorism, a move that the United States previously warned would collapse the Palestinian Authority’s economy.


In addition, the Religious Zionism Party leader demands that Netanyahu take a series of steps to bolster Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, including the immediate approval of 10,000 new housing units, establishing a new town for each country recognizing “Palestine” and advancing a proposal to strengthen Israel’s hold on the area.


Smotrich is also requesting that the government permanently revoke all VIP travel passes for P.A. officials and impose additional sanctions on those leading the campaign against Israel in international bodies.


“I and many other ministers have made an unequivocal demand to take severe measures against the Palestinian Authority for its unilateral actions against Israel, including its pursuit of unilateral recognition of statehood at the U.N. and through bilateral agreements with several countries, and the legal battle it’s waging against the State of Israel in the international court at The Hague to stop the war,” wrote the minister.


“I don’t intend to allow officials to dismiss the issue. There’s urgency for an immediate response that will impose a significant cost on the P.A. for its actions and deter it and other countries,” he said.



Temple Mount structures ages The Jews were here First, Arabs Get Out.

so you built this (1330 years old) on top of this (2978 years old) And I'm the one occupying your land?

so you built this (1330 years old)
on top of this (2978 years old)
And I’m the one occupying your land?


so you built this Mosque (1330 years old)
on top of this The Holy Temple (2978 years old)
And I’m the one occupying your land? “We are BACK!”


Marina Medvin-tweet-31March2024-Temple Mount structures ages, And I’m the one occupying your land
An Israeli posted this in response to a Palestinian in the comments to one of my posts and it was just perfect.

Marina Medvin-tweet-31March2024-Temple Mount structures ages

Marina Medvin-tweet-31March2024-Temple Mount structures ages



Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service

MOT-tweet-19March2024-Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service
Israel’s 2021 Beauty Queen, Noah Kohwa, has been called up for military service. Am Yisrael Chai #Israel #VictoryForIsrael #IDF #Zionism #IDFHeroes

MOT-tweet-19March2024-Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service

MOT-tweet-19March2024-Israel Beauty Queen has been called up for military service



The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel

David M Friedman-tweet-18March2024-The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel
Spent this evening at an Army Base in Israel where a Torah Scroll was dedicated to the soldiers. Yishai Rebo, who fills 25,000 seats at Madison Square Garden, showed up to perform for 200. The world doesn’t understand the commitment and spirit of the IDF. These soldiers, almost all reservists with families at home, serve with incredible patriotism and loyalty. They are determined to defend their homeland and the Jewish People. The pundits in DC and at the EU and UN never visit places like this. And that is why they will never understand Israel.

David M Friedman-tweet-18March2024-The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel

David M Friedman-tweet-18March2024-The pundits in DC, the EU and the UN will never understand Israel



The World needs to Know

The World needs to Know



Biden Regime Considering New Move to Stab Israel in the Back and Hand Hamas Victory


Robert Spencer | 12:44 PM on March 21, 2024


The Biden regime is in a tough spot. Its far-left base is enraged over its ongoing ostensible support for Israel. Instead of acting with integrity despite the electoral cost and standing by a loyal ally in its time of need, the regime is making a series of moves to betray Israel and give aid and comfort to its enemies.


Now it’s mulling over a step that would constitute the biggest betrayal of all and would hand victory to the Hamas jihad terror group. For the unprincipled Biden regime apparatchiks, it’s all about winning in November.


The New York Sun reported Monday that Old Joe and his henchmen are “reportedly considering leaving Israel short of the armaments it needs to fight Hamas.” The veiled threat was there on that same day, during the callow but thoroughly indoctrinated National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s White House press briefing. A reporter reminded Sullivan that “the deadline for Israel to comply with the National Security Memorandum 20 is coming up on Sunday,” and asked him: “Has Israel responded in writing?”


National Security Memorandum 20 is not exactly a venerable cornerstone of American foreign policy. It is only a few weeks old, dating from Feb. 8. It seeks, among other things, to “prevent arms transfers that risk facilitating or otherwise contributing to violations of human rights or international humanitarian law.”


Given the fact that Biden issued it during a time when Israel was being falsely accused of massive human rights violations and when the Biden regime was under heavy pressure to betray Israel or face a massive loss of votes from Muslims and their allies in November, this memorandum has the look of a trap that was being laid and is about to be sprung now.


Sullivan answered: “So, first, when you say ‘to comply,’ what they have to do by Sunday is just provide credible and reliable assurances that they will abide by their international obligations, not obligations we’ve imposed upon them, but — but obligations they have freely accepted with respect to international humanitarian law, which, of course, includes not arbitrarily impeding the flow of humanitarian assistance where they can control that. So, I cannot tell you today — confirm today that they have provided that. Obviously, as you said, they have several more days before they have to do so. And we anticipate that they will.”


So Israel had, as of Monday, not yet complied with a new rule the Biden regime just made up, that arms sales can only go to nations that respect “international humanitarian law.” Israel does respect this law; when independent observers have dubbed the IDF “the most moral army in the world.” The international outrage, however, is growing against the Jewish state. Hamas is eagerly fueling that outrage, fabricating casualty numbers before a world that has been all too eager to be fooled, and even preposterously claiming that Israel was conducting a “genocide.”


Meanwhile, you will be absolutely unshocked to learn that Old Joe’s new rule is being applied selectively. The Sun notes that “In reality, arms are sold to foes and allies alike in all five continents, with little notice of rights violations. Mr. Biden urged Congress last month to approve the sale of F-16s to Turkey, even as it massacres Kurds in Iraq and Syria.” No one asked Jake Sullivan at Monday’s press briefing if arms sales to Turkey would be cut off.


This is just the latest in a growing series of indications that the Biden regime is abandoning Israel and pulling for a Hamas victory. After threats from Nihad Awad of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Gaza City) to withhold the Muslim vote if the regime doesn’t betray Israel, the regime began doing just that, step by step, in slow motion, sending $100 million to Gaza and $10 billion to Hamas’ financiers, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and putting ever-increasing pressure on the Netanyahu government.


Aside from the monstrous immorality of supporting forces that really do want to commit the genocide that Israel is falsely accused of committing, this is short-sighted in the extreme. What do Biden regime apparatchiks think will happen if Hamas defeats Israel and survives this war? Do they think that the jihadis will be so overflowing with gratitude to the U.S. that they won’t ever strike Americans or U.S. interests? They’re in for a rude surprise.



Biden’s BDS of Jews in Judea and Samaria

Caroline Glick-tweet-5April2024-US to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria
Financial Times is reporting that the US is going to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria.
Marc Rudov-tweet-5April2024-Like this in a DC-area Safeway
Like this in a DC-area Safeway

Caroline Glick-tweet-5April2024-US to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria

Caroline Glick-tweet-5April2024-US to start placing special labels on goods produced by Jews in Judea and Samaria



Israel doesn’t trust the Biden administration

Marina Medvin-tweet-13July2024-Israel doesn’t trust the Biden administration
This is the most vital piece of information to come out of Israel as of recent — Israel doesn’t trust the Biden administration with intel against terrorists.

Remember that in November. Our own ally doesn’t trust Biden with intelligence against joint enemies. How can we trust Biden? We can’t.

Do not vote for Biden in 2024.

Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel can not trust Biden
Netanyahu said Israel didn’t inform the U.S. in advance of the airstrike against Deif because it didn’t want to take the risk that it would leak, and then the Hamas commander would go underground again
Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel conducts deadly airstrike targeting Hamas
Israel conducts deadly airstrike targeting Hamas’ top military leader Mohammed Deif – one of the primary masterminds of the October 7 attacks. My report on @axios

Marina Medvin-tweet-13July2024-Israel does not trust the Biden administration

Marina Medvin-tweet-13July2024-Israel does not trust the Biden administration


Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel can not trust Biden

Barak Ravid-tweet-13July2024-Israel can not trust Biden



Lily_West-tweet-13July2024-Biden administration untrustworthy
This Admin. has proved, they are untrustworthy.

Lily_West-tweet-13July2024-Biden administration untrustworthy

Lily_West-tweet-13July2024-Biden administration untrustworthy



Future of Jewish

An Open Letter to the Jewish People

“Gather about you all who observe the law, and avenge your people. Pay back the Gentiles what they deserve, and observe the precepts of the law.”

Stephen Schecter


When the ancient Greek king’s emissary came to the ancient Israeli city of Modi’in and demanded that the Jews make a sacrifice to the pagan gods, Mattityahu refused, stabbed the Jew who was ready to submit, and called his people to revolt.


“Let everyone who is zealous for the law and who stands by the covenant follow me,” he cried.


The Jews who remained faithful to the covenant joined him, and after many battles drove the Greek army out and recovered their land and their Temple. This victory was not achieved in his lifetime, but in that of his son Judah Maccabee.


Yet on his deathbed, Mattityahu enjoined his sons that although “arrogance and scorn have now grown strong, it is a time of disaster and violent wrath, be zealous for the law and give your lives for the covenant of our ancestors … Do not fear the words of sinners, for their glory ends in corruption and worms.”


And so it was, then as now.

In every generation, we Jews say, someone rises up and wishes to destroy us, but the Lord Who stands steadfast with us as we stand steadfast with Him shall smite our enemies and bring them down.


Passover follows Hanukkah as spring follows winter, and before the next Passover comes upon us, heck before even next Hanukkah comes upon us, the so-called Palestinians will have received their comeuppance, their cities of Gaza shall lie waste and they shall reap the whirlwind of the evil they have sown for over a century.


The only question, my fellow Jews, is whether we will have the courage and fortitude of the Maccabees to redeem our holy land and wage war against our enemies until they have been utterly vanquished.


For over a century, the so-called Palestinians who were not yet Palestinians have been refusing to recognize our aboriginal title to the land. Ever since the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the so-called Palestinians who were not yet Palestinians have rioted, pillaged, and murdered to forestall the great Jewish return to settle in our ancient homeland and reassert our sovereignty as a nation state.


In 1920, 1921, 1929, 1935 to 1938, 1939, 1947, 1948, 1953 to 1955, 1964, 1967, 1972, 1976, 1987, 1993, and all the years thereafter the Muslim Arabs of “Palestine,” of Jordan, and then of Judea and Samaria and now Gaza have attacked, murdered, slandered and hounded the Jews and the Jewish right to statehood. The recent massacre perpetrated by Hamas has a long and ignoble history to which only but a few so-called innocent Palestinians have raised objection.


And so the time has come, my fellow Jews, to deal the so-called Palestinians the death blow for which their death culture has led them to clamor for over a hundred years. Anyone who believes the so-called Palestinians have a legal claim to a state in the land of Israel is both a legal and historical ignoramus, and perhaps antisemitic.


As for those who prefer to argue the case only on the grounds of morality, thinking there is no smoke without fire and therefore advocate partitioning the land, I would remind them of the Biblical story of the two women who came to King Solomon, each claiming the baby in one of the women’s arms was hers.


When Solomon ordered the baby be cut in half, the real mother protested and asked that the baby be allowed to live with the other woman. The latter eagerly exclaimed let the baby be killed. The wise king then allotted the baby to the former, knowing that no mother would allow their baby to be slaughtered — no mother except a so-called Palestinian mother, who proudly rears her son to be a martyr and go and kill Jews.


These are the innocent civilians over whom ignorant and malicious people the world over, some marching in cities, some running interference in the chancelleries of countries, are now shedding tears and on their behalf imploring, when not indicting, Israel to cease its military campaign in Gaza.


Israel must do no such thing. It must conquer Gaza, all of Gaza. It must demolish every building built by the heathens because it is now treyf (Yiddish for “non-kosher”), and the laws of the Torah insist that no booty should be taken by Jews from enemies who seek their destruction.


Every known Palestine Liberation Organization member, which includes Hamas, should be eliminated. The remaining Muslims in Gaza should be told that until arrangements have been made for their transfer to other countries, they will be allowed to work and rebuild under Israeli supervision, but nothing more.


The mosques will be closed. The United Nations and its agencies will be kicked out of Gaza. All international aid must go through Israel. Any contravention of Israeli rules will be met with severe punishment. And best of all, Jews will be invited to settle in Gaza.


Once Gaza is pacified, this policy should then be applied to the so-called Palestinians in Judea and Samaria. The Palestinian Authority should be dismantled, its rulers killed, its cities destroyed, and the remaining population subject to a like-minded supervision.


No protests. No rock throwing. No incitement. Every such action will be punished severely and immediately. Eventually, arrangements will be made, as they have been made in the past in similar situations, for the transfer of so-called Palestinians out of the land. In the meantime, Jewish settlement throughout Judea and Samaria will be encouraged and expedited.


This is the only way to resolve the so-called Arab-Israeli conflict and put an end to it once and for all. The Muslim states, Arab or otherwise, can scream all they want. But unless they are willing to send armies against Israel, they will eventually get hoarse and quiet down.


Even Hezbollah. Even Iran. They too may not want to see Lebanon go down to the sea like a ship. China and Russia may not like it, but they are too busy with imperial adventures in their own backyards to want to divert energy to a situation they misunderstand, and which does not concern them.


As for the Western countries, always ready to mouth pieties about Israel’s right to defend itself but never ready to back it up with words and deeds when Israel is threatened, they are free to threaten Israel with military action and economic boycott which they will justify in the name of tough love between friends.


But the Western democracies, to the extent that they are still democracies that believe in the value of their societies, would be hard pressed to do that without protest from a substantial segment of their citizenry, especially in the United States. Not to mention that Israel also possesses nuclear weapons.


And so the question remains and returns to us Jews: Will it be Hanukkah or Purim? Are we going to be Maccabees or Court Jews? Is the Gaza war going to be a final resolve to build Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s iron wall or simply another occasion for people to argue and protest at Jewish expense about their own agendas for the future of the world?


In my mind, there is no doubt what the answer should be. Mattityahu’s words to his sons on his death bed still ring true: “Gather about you all who observe the law, and avenge your people. Pay back the Gentiles what they deserve, and observe the precepts of the law.”


Amen and amen.



Al Jazeera reporter blames Israel for the rain, hail and flooding

Avi Kaner-tweet-19March2024-Al Jazeera blames Israel for the rain
Al Jazeera reporter blames Israel for the rain, hail and flooding that is causing Jerusalem residents to stay at home instead of going to pray at Al-Aqsa. @hahussain

Avi Kaner-tweet-19March2024-Al Jazeera blames Israel for the rain

Avi Kaner-tweet-19March2024-Al Jazeera blames Israel for the rain



Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey is breaking agreements by blocking ports for Israeli imports and exports

Israel Katz-tweet-2May2024-Erdoğan Trade War
.@RTErdogan is breaking agreements by blocking ports for Israeli imports and exports. This is how a dictator behaves, disregarding the interests of the Turkish people and businessmen, and ignoring international trade agreements. I have instructed the Director General of the @IsraelMFA to immediately engage with all relevant parties in the government to create alternatives for trade with Turkey, focusing on local production and imports from other countries.
Israel will emerge with a strong and daring economy.

We Win, and They Lose.

Israel Katz-tweet-2May2024-Erdoğan Trade War

Israel Katz-tweet-2May2024-Erdoğan Trade War



Jihad Watch

The Iranian Regime Has No Answers to the Economic Degringolade It Has Caused

12April2024 By


The latest, and most dramatic, indication of Iran’s impoverishment is discussed here: “Iranian rial collapses, ‘loses 30% of value’ – reports,” by Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, April 

On a similar background, a massive viral campaign with thousands of posts called to expel Afghan refugees and residents from the country, arguing that they steal the jobs of Iranians, live off the country’s budgets, allowances and shaky economy, and perpetrate crimes against Iranians, with some users likening them to parasites and leeches….

The Afghans who have fled the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan are being scapegoated by Iranians. Their sins of omission (not working, and thus living on the dole) and commission (working, so taking jobs away from Iranians) help the regime to deflect popular anger onto a largely helpless group of foreigners, who are mostly Sunni Muslims. But the Afghans are not the real problem. The rial has been declining for more than four decades, long before the Afghan refugees arrived in Iran.


Since the regime has no answers to the economic degringolade it has caused, it tries to focus attention on the permanent foreign enemy — Israel, the Little Satan. It whips up war sentiment, making threats, showing videos of missiles being fired at the Jewish state, and putting online photos the various missiles Iran has in its armory, all to impress the populace with Iran’s military might. But Iran doesn’t dare to follow through; it knows what destruction Israel can inflict in response to a major attack by Iran.


Not everyone is swayed by the online swagger of the regime, threatening revenge for the Israeli airstrike on Iran’s so-called “consulate” in Damascus that killed several high-ranking generals, including Mohamed Reza Zahedi, the head of the IRGC-Al Quds in Syria and Lebanon. Almost two weeks have passed, and there is still no sign of that terrible revenge. Perhaps that is because the Iranians have seen what the IDF is capable of in Gaza, and want to make sure that they carefully choose a site to attack that will not trigger too devastating a response from Israel, that in turn might force the Iranian regime to launch an even stronger attack, so as not to lose face, and that could end up triggering a full-scale war with Israel, a war that Iran is not prepared for and does not want. For the Iranian regime, it’s a harrowing decision, fit for Goldilocks: what attack will be seen as not too small by fellow Muslims, nor too big by Israel, but just right, prompting the same in response?


Meanwhile, Tehran cannot possibly admit to the real reasons for the economic collapse. There are four:

First, the regime prefers to rely on Muslim fanatics, rather than gifted technocrats, to run the economy.


Second, the regime is riddled with corruption. The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has a net worth of tens of billions of dollars. No one seems to know exactly how much, with estimates as high as $95 billion. Other former regime leaders have also made out like bandits, with hundreds of millions of dollars in net worth. This is not going to stop.


Third, the regime continues to spend billions of dollars on weapons and financial aid to five main proxies and allies, including the Houthis in Yemen, the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad, the Kataeb Hezbollah militia in Iraq, Hamas in Gaza, and most important of all, Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iranians in past protests, in 2018, 2021, 2022, and 2023, have shouted “Death to Palestine” and “No to Gaza, no to Lebanon, may my life be sacrificed for Iran” and “Leave Palestine, Think About Us Instead.” In October, at a soccer match at Azadi Stadium, when a minute of silence for the people of Gaza was declared at the beginning of a Friday match between Esteghlal and Havadar football teams, there was instead mass booing in the stands. Earlier In the same month, Persepolis fans were heard chanting “take that Palestinian flag and shove it up your a**.”


The regime is not listening. The destruction of Israel is central to its existence. It isn’t about to limit the amounts of money it spends to arm and fund its proxies and allies, and on its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. The rial will fall further still, the mass discontent at the country’s impoverishment will grow, and ultimately, the regime won’t be able to contain the widespread rage, just as the Shah was unable to contain the people’s rage in 1978. An Israeli attack to which the regime dare not respond in kind, and will thus be exposed as weak, might be just the spark to set off that popular revolt that so many Iranians long for.



Stuck In The Middle East…

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18March2024-Stuck In The Middle East
🎶Stuck In The Middle East…🎶

Give us tragedy, we’ll heal through comedy. Or in this case, HILARIOUS song parodies. 😂😭


🎥 RoiHarel on IG.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18March2024-Stuck In The Middle East

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18March2024-Stuck In The Middle East




Thank you, God ❤️❤️❤️

Im Tirtzu-tweet-14April2024-Thank you God
Thank you, God ❤️❤️❤️

Im Tirtzu-tweet-14April2024-Thank you God

Im Tirtzu-tweet-14April2024-Thank you God



Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13April2024-Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024
Following a situational assessment, it was determined that as of 23:00 (IST) tonight, changes will be made to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines.

As part of the changes, it was decided to prohibit educational activities across Israel. In green areas, gatherings will be limited to 1,000 people.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13April2024-Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13April2024-Changes to the Home Front Command’s defensive guidelines 13-15April2024



Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace-13April2024

Visegrád 24-tweet-13April2024-Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace

Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace

Visegrád 24-tweet-13April2024-Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace

Visegrád 24-tweet-13April2024-Jordan announces it’s closing its airspace



Iran attacks Jerusalem 14April2024

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14April2024-Iran attacks Jerusalem
Israelis’ reality in the last hours:

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14April2024-Iran attacks Jerusalem

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14April2024-Iran attacks Jerusalem


FUNNIEST THING HAVE SEEN TODAY-tweet-14April2024-Israel 99 percent shootdown success rate
Of the 331 missiles and drones launched by Iran at Israel:

– 185 out of 185 Kamikaze Drones were shot down

– 103 out of 110 Ballistic Missiles were shot down

– 36 out of 36 Cruise Missiles were shot down

– 7 Ballistic Missile impacts have been recorded on Israeli territory

FUNNIEST THING HAVE SEEN TODAY-tweet-14April2024-Israel 99 percent shootdown success rate

FUNNIEST THING HAVE SEEN TODAY-tweet-14April2024-Israel 99 percent shootdown success rate


JerusalemCats Comments: Didn’t Saddam Hussein have the same problem?

Israel War Room-tweet-14April2024-When Iran decided to attack zionists
When Iran decided to attack “zionists”:

Israel War Room-tweet-14April2024-When Iran decided to attack zionists

Israel War Room-tweet-14April2024-When Iran decided to attack zionists


Dr. Eli David-tweet-13April2024-air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace
🚨 Breaking: British 🇬🇧, American 🇺🇲, Israeli 🇮🇱, Jordanian 🇯🇴, and Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace right now.

Dr. Eli David-tweet-13April2024-air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace

Dr. Eli David-tweet-13April2024-air forces are intercepting drones over Jordanian airspace



Gaza War: It’s a new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time
Trigger warning!!

This is a very unpopular opinion that will surely anger a lot of people.

One of the things that has bothered me most about this war is the fact that it’s taking us this long to wipe out Hamas.

After all the wars we won against multiple armies, some of which took just days, how is it that we’re this many months in to a war against a terrorist organization and not even an army?

Is the IDF losing its edge? Did it already? Is the old strong courageous IDF a thing of the past?

I don’t know about you, but this issue has been weighing on me for months.

Well, let’s talk about it.

If you’re too lazy to keep reading, I’ll give you the punchline. No. The IDF isn’t weaker. The IDF is infinitely stronger now than ever before.

So then, how do I explain the fact that we’ve been at this war for six months and there is no end in sight?

The answer is simple. The IDF hasn’t changed, the nature of war has changed.

Mark my words. Not only will Israel win this war, but Israel is establishing itself as we speak as the global authority on urban warfare. All countries will be turning to Israel in the future to learn how to fight a war in the 21st century.

So why is it taking so long?

Well, for a lot of reasons.

Let’s start with the enemy.

Wars have rules. Rules of engagement. Certain things can’t be done in war. There are war crimes. When two sides of a war are playing by the same rules, there can be a clear winner and a clear loser. Victory is clearly defined.

But not in this war.

Our enemy in this war has no restrictions or guidelines. There is nothing they can’t, won’t, and haven’t done.

I don’t need to tell you this. You’ve read about it.

– Using innocent women and children as shields as they attack IDF soldiers? ☑️
– Setting up bases in a hospital? ☑️
– Attacking from within nurseries? ☑️
– Hiding weapons and ammunition in kids’ rooms? ☑️

That’s them.

On our side?
– Ignoring human shields and attacking anyway? ❌
– Flattening the hospital that’s hosting the terror base? ❌
– Bombing nurseries from which our enemies attack? ❌
– Destroying kids rooms because they are storing weapons and ammunition? ❌

So you see, we’re playing chess and they’re playing basketball.

They have their own rules and we won’t play by their rules. They sure as heck won’t play by ours.

But that’s only the beginning.

What did every war ever have in common that this war does not?

Um, they were all conducted above ground. You know, like a battlefield…

Not this one.

There has never been a war that is primarily fought under ground.

I don’t know if any of us understand the complexity here.

A friend fighting in Gaza told me that he cannot walk ten steps without stepping on an opening to a terror tunnel. They created a full blown underground system that is larger than the London Underground.

Add to that, that Hamas had decades to prepare for Israel’s ground invasion. Setting up traps in tunnels, elaborate hiding places, and more. They had all the time and money in the world to ensure a maximum number of IDF casualties.

But it doesn’t end there. Not even close.

Again, imagine the old school battlefield. Or if you want to look at more modern wars, there are tanks, artillery, infantry, and Air Force, all with a clear target and a clear mission.

Now forget all of that.

There is no battlefield. There is no clear target. There is a clear mission but total lack of clarity of how to finish this mission because there are surprises waiting for the soldiers at every corner.

The separation between civilian buildings and military structures does not exist. The battlefield here is one of the most densely populated areas in the world and that is Hamas’ best weapon, its own people.

Again, we’re playing chess, where the objective of the game is to minimize civilian death and maximize the elimination of terrorists. They’re playing basketball where the objective of the game is to maximize civilian deaths thereby getting the world to pressure Israel to withdraw and end the war.

IDF soldiers in Gaza are facing unprecedented complexity that has never been seen in the history of wars.

Think about it.

They can’t walk a single inch without the threat of an attack.

They could be attacked from above using an RPG or a sniper. They could be attacked from below using grenades and automatic weapons. They could be attacked using anti tank and anti aircraft missiles from within buildings. They can be attacked by walking into a booby trapped structure. And remember, they can’t just fire indiscriminately to clear the area before entering. There might be civilians there.

Add to that, Hamas has zero concerns about losing people. They thrive on it because every single person killed is presented as innocent, a lie the world has completely adopted and used to pressure Israel. So Israel wants minimal death. Hamas wants maximum death. Chess and basketball.

Also, we define victory as getting our hostages back and eliminating Hamas. They define victory as literally anything else. If one Hamas terrorist is left alive, in their book, they won this war. In fact, in a sick and twisted way, their leadership already thinks they won the war by the very fact that Israel is still fighting.

And finally, let’s talk tech.

The amount of tech being used in this war for the first time in history is truly insane. That requires a learning curve.

Take drones for example.

Drones have the potential to change the game.

They can go into tight spaces. They can detect terrorists in places humans can’t. They can give the IDF a Birds Eye view of an area. Drones are a no brainer in a war like this. The only issue is that no one knows how to maximize the effectiveness of drones without training.

There are endless types of drones.

There are tiny bug size consumer drones. Then there are larger consumer drones that use GPS to maintain stability. Well, that can’t work. So we need to remove the GPS chip from all the drones. Otherwise they pose a threat and can be used against us. Then there are larger drones that can carry weight. Then there are FPV drones that can fly in much tighter spaces but require more training. Then there are commercial drones. Thermal drones. Long range drones. And the list just goes on and on.

And that’s just drones.

What about robotics? Robotics are also used extensively in this war. Then there is endless vision tech, some of which was developed by Israeli startups. There is tech that can see through walls. There is tech that can see around corners.

All of this requires training.

So let’s just summarize this.

We have a war between two sides who are playing a totally different game with different rules and different definitions of what constitutes victory.

You have one side with zero restrictions and zero need to behave morally. You have the other side that is held to a higher standard of morality than anyone, and one little mess up can cause an international crisis. You have one side that wants to minimize civilian death and one side that’ll do anything to maximize it. You have one side behaving like cockroaches and hiding in every corner and under every rock and you have another side that has to use cutting edge tech to kill the bugs.

The bottom line is this.

What the IDF has accomplished in this war is not only incredible, it is historically unprecedented. Right now everyone is falsely claiming that Israel is committing genocide or killing indiscriminately, but when this war is over and the real numbers are exposed, the world will be in utter shock about how Israel won this war with historically low casualty numbers on its side and the total destruction of a terrorist organization that had decades to prepare for the war.

The few military strategists who are already analyzing this war have said clearly that what Israel is doing in Gaza right now is borderline miraculous and has never been done before.

If you want to get a clear picture of just how complex this war is and just how sophisticated the IDF is, just think about all the assassinations Israel has carried out, or even just look at the latest one carried out in Syria.

Not enough has been said about this assassination.

You have to remember that this was a highly senior and top secret meeting between the highest ranking Iranian official outside of Iran along with his deputy and multiple other senior terrorists from Iran and the Islamic Jihad.

Now remember, this wasn’t Israel’s first assassination. We’ve been doing this for decades. The world recognizes Israel’s superior intelligence capabilities. These officials clearly recognized the threat of being assassinated by Israel and took measures accordingly.

No one knew about this meeting. The meeting was intentionally held in a very sensitive and explosive (I am going to award myself ten points for that pun) area with several government buildings all around it, including the Iranian consulate as well as the Canadian one. That was not an accident.

And yet, Israel was able somehow, and I genuinely cannot understand how, to get the intel of who was in the meeting and where it was being held. They were able to take off in Israel, fly into enemy airspace without getting detected, and then conduct a precision attack that would take out everyone in the room and cause zero damage to the government buildings in its vicinity.

We read about this news and then continue scrolling. Few people understand just how complex this mission was and how miraculous it is that it was a perfect success. We take it for granted now, but military strategists will be teaching and analyzing this event for decades into the future.

So, no, the IDF is not weaker than in the past. The IDF is learning on the job how to fight a war that is near impossible to win, succeeding, and maintaining historically low casualty numbers on its side. There is no country or military that can teach Israel how to win this war. It’s never been done before.

Israel isn’t weaker. The nature of war has changed dramatically and Israel is writing the rule book in real time while withstanding unprecedented pressure from all directions. Military pressure. Political pressure. Diplomatic pressure.

And I haven’t even mentioned Hezbollah in the north.

It’s a new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time.

The statement that Israel is the strongest and most moral army in the world has never been truer than it is today!

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-1

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-2

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-3

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-4

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-5

Hillel Fuld-tweet-4April2024-A new world and Israel is adapting to it in real time-6


JerusalemCats-tweet-4April2024-this War is Biblical
On the Spiritual Level, this War is Biblical. Worldwide the Antisemitism is through the roof. That is forcing Jews to leave Colleges and make Aliyah. It is separating the World, the Erev Rav and Jews In Name Only from the Jews. It is motivating Jews to be more observant.

JerusalemCats-tweet-4April2024-this War is Biblical

JerusalemCats-tweet-4April2024-this War is Biblical




Seeking the Favor of Nations?

A Jew who thinks that earning favor with the non-Jews and blending into their culture will benefit him is sorely mistaken. Everything depends on Hashem alone and His Divine Providence.

Kalever Rebbe | Posted on 26May2024 |


Seeking the Favor of Nations by Kalever Rebbe

Seeking the Favor of Nations by Kalever Rebbe


“For the children of Israel are servants to Me”. (Vayikra 25:55)


Only One World Power

Throughout history, there have always been nations who became the world’s leading power. They were the strongest, mightiest nation and it considered itself the “leader amongst nations.”


These countries are always exerting their power and influence over the other nations, which do everything they can to try and please the leading nation.


While these countries might seem strong and powerful, the yidden must always remember that Hashem rules over all of the nations. He is the King of Kings. Hashem alone determines who will lead the world at different times. Hashem designates kings as we say on the Yomim Noraim in the V’Chal Maminim: “Who grants kingship to kings, and [all] sovereignty is His. And all believe that He the eternal King…


There have been times when the yidden have forgotten this fundamental principle. They admired these nations and their leaders. And, as a result, they emulated their cultures and behaviors slowly assimilating into their host cultures. They believed that this would help them earn society’s respect and favor.


However, in the end, this has always been proven to be a fruitless effort. Assimilation never secured the safety of these Jewish communities. These nations have always – at one point or another – turned against the Jews. They would issue harsh and horrific decrees that targeted the Jewish communities. All their efforts to be accepted were for naught. For, in the end, everything depends on Hashem, the Supreme Ruler of the world.


While you can see this reality during any point of history, it was patently clear during the Holocaust. The nations of the world did not heed the Jews’ call for help.


It’s Only Jews!

In Parshat Vayishlach, after Dinah was defiled, the children of Yaakov demanded that the people of Shechem should circumcise themselves.


R’ Yehonason Eibshitz, zt”l, explained the reason of this demand:


The children of Yaakov believed that the men of Shechem were deserving death for what they had done. However, they were worried that if they had slaughtered the men of Shechem, the world would be in an uproar over one person annihilating another.


Therefore, they devised the “cure before the disease”; they had a solution that would preemptively address this issue.


Once the men of Shechem were circumcised, they were Jewish! Now, their concerns about how this slaughter would be perceived were irrelevant. As R’ Yehonason explained, the nations of the world have always stood by silently as Jews have been slaughtered.


A Friend Quickly Becomes a Foe

This was also true in Egypt. It was a world power. And the Jews began assimilating. They indulged in the culture’s decadence. Eventually, Hashem turns Pharaoh’s heart and the Jews, despite their efforts to be accepted by society, become vilified, hated, and enslaved.


The slavery itself inspired the Jews to want to return to Hashem. They realized the errors of their ways. The slavery made them understand that they needed to maintain their Jewish identity and that sacrificing that identity to try and earn favor by the non-Jews was useless.


They began to be more diligent to differentiate themselves from the non-Jews through their clothing. They dressed like Jews and not Egyptians. By doing so, they merited the redemption as Chazal taught (Pesuksa Zutrasa, Parshat Veira 6:6) that the Jews were redeemed because they did not change their style of dress.


The Modesty and Merit of the Jewish Women

There was a special merit for the holy Jewish women. Egypt was known for its immodesty. The Egyptian woman would wear revealing clothing. They dressed and acted promiscuously. However, the Jewish women did not change their clothes. They still dressed and behaved modestly.


This was not easy. It took tremendous devotion and sacrifice. They were mocked and ridiculed. They were degraded by the Egyptians. The Jewish women could have spared themselves this humiliation had they decided to dress like the Egyptians. In fact, they could have dressed in a way that no one would have been able to recognize that they were Jewish. They could have left the Jewish “ghetto” in Goshen and tried to blend into Egyptian culture.


However, these righteous Jewish women would not bend in the least. They continued to dress, walk, and behave modestly. Married women covered their hair. And, because of this, they were called “the righteous woman”, and it was in their merit that the entire Jewish people were redeemed from Egypt.


The Lesson from Egypt

We constantly remember this story of Egypt. And we must always learn this practical but critical lesson. For example, for a Jew think that if he changes the way he dresses during the week he might be able to be more successful in business, he needs to remember that is based on a false narrative.


A Jew who thinks earning favor with the non-Jews and trying to blend into their culture can be beneficial, mistakenly thinks that these non-Jews can actually help him.


Everything depends on Hashem and His Hashgacha Pratis. He alone controls this word. The only “being” that can help a Jew is Hashem. Therefore, the Jew’s only focus must be to earn favor in Hashem’s Eyes. He must realize that if he violates Hashem’s Will, then he loses everything. And, if he fulfills Hashem’s Will, he can receive everything with serenity and ease, as we saw in Egypt.


More Than Style

Jewish clothing is like the seal of the King, the King of the World. A Jew’s clothing distinguishes him as a Jew and as a member of the King of King’s legions. It is our uniform. As it says (Devarim 28:10), “Then all the peoples of the earth will see that the name of the Lord is called upon you, and they will fear you…


This is even more relevant to the kippah one wears on his head. This is the most obvious Jewish identifier. Therefore, you should never be ashamed of it or hide it. You must always walk proudly and openly with your kippah on your head demonstrating and proliferating the Glory of the Heavens. <


“I am the Lord!”

This is the meaning of the pasuk quoted above. Hashem tells the Jewish people, “For the children of Israel are servants to Me… ” Jews most proudly remember that they are members of Hashem’s legions. We are His rank and file. Therefore, the Jews must not try and assimilate into the non-Jewish cultures to be viewed favorably. You cannot tend to the non-Jews like a slave who eagerly tries to please his master since everything in his life depends on that master. The Jews must remember that the non-Jews themselves are under the domain of the King of Kings.


We need to contemplate that Hashem declares that: “They are My servants, whom I took out of the land of Egypt”. The Jews must remember the clear lesson of Egypt: our only mission is to be faithful servants to Hashem.


We are subservient only to Him and therefore, “I am the Lord, your God…” The faithful are rewarded, men and women, for being proud of their Judaism, and adhering to the Jewish identities expressed in their dress and behavior which are aimed to cause favor in Hashem’s Eyes.



The Kalever Rebbe is the seventh Rebbe of the Kaalov Chasidic dynasty, begun by his ancestor who was born to his previously childless parents after receiving a blessing from the Baal Shem Tov zy”a, and later learned under the Maggid of Mezeritch zt”l. The Rebbe has been involved in outreach for more than 30 years and writes weekly emails on understanding current issues through the Torah. Sign up at



Three parables of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk on the upcoming Geulah | Rabbi Elchanan Shalom Elgrod

Rabbi Elgrod brings three parables of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk on the upcoming Geulah that explain todays reality



Kosher inside not only outside


Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Hate for law and order
“Hate for law and order” – look at this as the so-called “brothers” throw torches at policemen and try to lynch the Prime Minister. Where on earth is the Shin-Bet who is charged with guarding the PM?
Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Kosher inside not only outside
A pig shows a kosher foot but everyone knows it’s not kosher. Some people call themselves my brothers. They use outward kosher symbols such as the Star of David. Yet inside, they seethe with hate for law and order, Torah and observant folks. You decide who they resemble.
Liran Tamari-tweet-30March2024-Anarchists, Violent Criminals
עשרות מפגינים פרצו חסימה משטרתית ועושים את דרכם לבית נתניהו

Translated from Hebrew by

Dozens of protesters [EDD: Anarchists, Violent Criminals] broke through a police blockade and are making their way to Netanyahu’s house

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Hate for law and order

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-2April2024-Hate for law and order


Liran Tamari-tweet-30March2024-Anarchists, Violent Criminals

Liran Tamari-tweet-30March2024-Anarchists, Violent Criminals



A Kosher Foot




Caroline Glick-tweet-1July2024-White House officials hate Israel
Maher Bitar, Karine Jean Pierre, Reema Dodin and a host White House officials hate Israel. Susan Rice runs the White House. As Obama’s NSA, Rice was so hostile to Israel, she refused to meet with Israeli officials.
These positions are a feature not a bug in Biden’s White House.


Biden’s Top National Security Council Advisor is a radical Palestinian, Anti-Israel activist, former Board Member of the radical Anti-Israel activist group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and a former UNRWA employee [UNRWA is intertwined with Hamas, a U.S. designated terrorist organization. SJP is the subject of multiple investigations and lawsuits for alleged ties to Hamas].

Bitar worked as an intern for the anti-Israel organization Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP). FMEP has provided grants, via dark money Far-Left NGO groups such as George Soros’ Tides Center, to multiple radical anti-Israel groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), IfNotNow, and Palestine Legal among many others.

In 2021, Rep. Michael McCaul (Texas), the lead Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee said the following: “U.S. and Israeli intelligence cooperation has repeatedly saved American lives and advanced U.S. national security. Maher Bitar is a long-time Boycott, Divest, and Sanction activist who has called for the abandonment of Israel. “Appointing him for an integral role on the National Security Council is a slap in the face to our important ally Israel, and it sends a terrible message to the rest of the world. I strongly urge the Biden administration to quickly retreat from this dangerous decision and to appoint someone who is better aligned with our allies and less divisive.”

Chaya Raichik-tweet-13May2024-This is Maher Bitar
This is Maher Bitar. He was appointed as Biden’s special counsel. He’s also the director of intelligence and defense programs in the National Security Council.

He was the president of the radical extremist organization SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) at Georgetown University.

Caroline Glick-tweet-1July2024-White House officials hate Israel

Caroline Glick-tweet-1July2024-White House officials hate Israel



Chaya Raichik-tweet-13May2024-This is Maher Bitar

Chaya Raichik-tweet-13May2024-This is Maher Bitar



Biden’s Colour Revolution in Israel during WAR

Caroline Glick-tweet-3April2024-The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government
The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government in a color revolution than the Biden administration is today in its singleminded quest to overthrow Israel’s democratically elected government.

Caroline Glick-tweet-3April2024-The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government

Caroline Glick-tweet-3April2024-The US has never been more open about its efforts to oust a foreign government logo

Israel Faces ‘Color Revolution’ as Opposition Protests, Gantz Wants New Elections


Israel color revolution (Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu via Getty)

Israel color revolution (Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu via Getty)

Joel B. Pollak 3 April 2024

Israel faces the prospect of a U.S.-backed “color revolution” in the middle of its war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza as the opposition backs street protests against government, and a key cabinet minister has demanded new elections.


A “color revolution” is a coup d’état accomplished through mass protests targeting the existing government, elected or not, with the assistance of the media — and, usually, with backing from foreign powers, including the United States.


For the six months since the October 7 terror attack, Israel had seen remarkable unity, with protests — mostly centered in Tel Aviv — against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s judicial reforms — a distant memory.


There were weekly protests in favor of a deal to release the Israeli hostages from Hamas custody, but organizers were careful to steer clear of electoral politics — and the decision to reach a deal was not entirely in Israel’s own hands.


But in early March, U.S. intelligence agencies released an assessment that stated that “we expect large protests demanding [Netanyahu’s] resignation and new elections. A different, more moderate government is a possibility.”


That news emerged just days after war cabinet minister Benny Gantz suddenly visited the U.S. for talks with Biden administration officials. Gantz leads an opposition party that joined Netanyahu’s government in an emergency government of national unity, but he also remains Netanyahu’s main political rival. Gantz reportedly did not clear his trip to the U.S. with Netanyahu beforehand. A few days after the U.S. intelligence assessment emerged, another rival to Netanyahu, Gideon Sa’ar, left Gantz’s party, suggesting the possibility of renewed domestic political turmoil.


Then U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) delivered a bizarre speech demanding new elections in Israel to oust Netanyahu. President Joe Biden backed Schumer, calling for regime change in Israel (and not Iran).


Meanwhile, in Israel, the issue of drafting ultra-Orthodox men into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) emerged as a political issue, with the left-wing judiciary saying that religious scholars could no longer be exempted from the draft. That decision, in turn, threatened to bring down Netanyahu’s government, as religious parties opposed the draft.


Meanwhile, hostage protests and left-wing political protests began to merge. And last week, a four-day protest began — not in Tel Aviv, but in Jerusalem, with tens of thousands of Israelis demonstrating outside Netanyahu’s office. A tent city — with most of the tents curiously identical — went up at the site, with protesters occupying the area, demanding new elections. Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak — a key figure in leading last year’s protests, who had also called for Israelis to “beseige” the Knesset, or parliament, in February — gave a speech there, demanding “elections now.”


And on Wednesday, Gantz held a press conference on his own, demanding that new elections be held in September.


Notably, Schumer rushed to congratulate Gantz:


Josh Kraushaar-tweet-3April2024-Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel
FIRST @J_Insider: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel (September):

Schumer: “When a leading member of Israel’s war cabinet calls for early elections and over 70% of the Israeli population agrees according to a major poll, you know it’s the right thing to do.”

Josh Kraushaar-tweet-3April2024-Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel

Josh Kraushaar-tweet-3April2024-Chuck Schumer responds to Benny Gantz call for new elections in Israel


Originally, Gantz had criticized Schumer for meddling in Israel’s internal politics. But now he has vindicated Schumer — who is taking a victory lap, and will keep the pressure on.
The political crisis is taking place against the backdrop of growing international pressure on Israel, with the Biden administration opposing Israel’s plans to destroy the last Hamas battalions in the city of Rafa, and with the White House slamming Israel for a mistaken airstrike on an aid convoy.


It is suddenly possible that Netanyahu could be toppled — just as the Biden administration wanted — with unclear consequences for Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza.


In addition, Israel faces growing threats from the north (Hezbollah), the east (terror in the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of the West Bank, and Iraqi militias), and the south (Houthis), all fueled by the Iranian regime.


Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, “The Zionist Conspiracy (and how to join it),” now available on Audible. He is also the author of the e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.




Purim and the Betrayal of American Jewry

By Tzvi Freeman

New York City and Haman

New York City and Haman


If there is any one word that can describe the emotional reaction of Jews to the sudden flood of antisemitism in America today, it is “betrayed.”


Who has betrayed us? Not the white supremacists, not the neo-Nazis and the ignorant, brainwashed skinheads—there’s no element of surprise there—but the educated, humanitarian left, that segment of society that Jews have embraced more than any other, both ideologically and socially. The gentle souls who walked with us in sympathetic conversation have turned with teeth, claws, and venom against us.


What prompted their betrayal? Because they saw that it was possible to murder, rape, and torture over 1,200 of us, abduct our babies and elderly, and get away with it. That was “exhilarating” and “awesome.” That very morning, there were those who jumped out of bed eager to blame the victims, defend murderers and rapists, and celebrate our pain. Only later were they angered that we dare attempt to rescue our loved ones and protect ourselves from those who would destroy us, dampening the perverse antisemitic exhilaration that comes from seeing a Jew suffer.


Why is betrayal so shocking? Because it redefines not only the present but the past. It means that all along, the people you thought were your friends were holding a dagger for you in their back pocket. It disrupts your sense of reality so that you are now forced to think and live in an entirely different way.


The Jewish people, on their long trek through history, carry a sort of mirror, a statement of a time that was then as it is now, here as it was there, because it continues to play and replay in endless variations. There’s a time for pulling this mirror out, around winter’s end, as the blossoms begin to appear, on Purim. It’s called the Scroll of Esther, or just “the Megillah” (the Hebrew word for scroll).


The story of Esther takes place in the world’s first cosmopolitan civilization, the Persian Empire. With a network of highways and the first postal system, with appointed governors over lands from Ethiopia to the Indus Valley, comprising a vast diversity of some 60 million people, the Persian Empire by necessity relied on a policy of tolerance.


We had been exiled from our land to the heart of this empire for over three generations. As an educated class, we had made great contributions to their economy, their culture, and their civilization. Among us were scribes, scholars, political advisors, such as Daniel, Mordechai, and even the queen herself, Queen Esther.

Perhaps we will discover divine meaning in all this pain, that all we really have is that which we had from the beginning.

The capital city of Shushan was filled with successful Jews. When the king made a banquet for all the city’s inhabitants, we were there, and we were treated no differently than any other subjects of the king. In the royal palace, a Jew could ask for kosher food and be served it, or for whatever food or wine he or she may please.


And then the news arrives that the king has secretly signed off on Haman’s plan to render his empire Judenrein. It makes sense that we would be left in shock (as the Megillah puts it1). We had been betrayed by the empire we had come to consider our home. It was a shock perhaps even more sudden and bewildering than that which American Jewry experienced on October 8, 2023.


In Ancient Persia, it probably wouldn’t have helped to stand up at a public award event and declare that you don’t consider your Jewishness a justification for whatever blood-libel Haman’s thugs had fabricated. Or to publicly divorce yourself from the actions of Mordechai and his refusal to bow to Haman. On the other hand, you could likely escape the wrath of Haman’s protesters by getting out of your typically Jewish mode of dress and pretending you were just another fire-worshiping Persian.


But this magical mirror tells us, no, that is not what saved us. No Jew at that time even considered jumping ship.


Haman had declared we were a scattered, fragmented people.2 So we united as one.3


As Esther instructed Mordechai, “Go, gather all the Jews.” And as many midrashic accounts describe at length.


Of course, being united didn’t change the minds of Haman’s terrorists. Neither did it directly change the mind of the king. It worked for only one reason: Because we are not a normal people. We do not exist within the natural universe. We are a special people with a G‑d-given task to bring His oneness into this crazy world. And only when we embrace that task of oneness can we rise above the natural ramifications of being the proverbial lamb among seventy wolves.


What does it mean to be united as one? Does it mean that we all agree on everything? In the Jewish sense of the term, definitely not.


Jewish unity means that we listen to one another, care for one another, and work together for the good of us all. That gives us strength, and the strength brings with it more unity.


When Jews feel united, we are not afraid to stand out as Jews, to do the things Jews do in public, to stick mezuzahs to the doorposts of our homes and offices, to request a kosher meal at the office lunch party, or to turn up at school or work one day with a kippah.


It empowers us to embrace a new, lucid notion of reality—the notion that we are here with a purpose to change the world, that we have largely succeeded, and that those who despise us are those who despise change for the good. They themselves may not recognize their resistance, their subliminal desire to return to the savagery of pre-modern times. They may cloak themselves in a gown of humanitarian concern, dressed with the badges of the struggle of the oppressed.


But the masquerade is over, the masks have been removed, and everyone now knows what the word “Zionist” really means when issued from their histrionic mouths. It’s up to each one to choose which direction you wish to travel on history’s highway.


This is the miracle of our current situation: The Jewish people have never been so united. Past pogroms and outbursts of antisemitism brought fear, anger and assimilation in their wake. This horrific attack has acted as a great shofar call to bring us together. Perhaps for the first time in Jewish history, there is a shortage of tefillin, as scribes struggle to keep up with the demand. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a Jewish woman who does not light Shabbat candles.


Perhaps we will discover divine meaning in all this pain, that all we really have is that which we had from the beginning.


Last week, Brigadier General Dan Goldfus, much-admired commander of the 98th division of the IDF, spoke to his nation with great emotion. “From my heart,” he pleaded, “I ask of you to be together, united, to push away the extremism, and to adopt togetherness. Find what unites us. We on the battlefield found it and we will not give up on it. Make this all worthwhile.”


There are many who do not believe in us. But we believe in ourselves. We look in our mirror and we see, as in the Purim story, that the tables will soon be turned. And if the darkness can become light, and our pain transformed to joy, then, too, perhaps this time around, all the hatred in the world can be forever put to rest. For real.


1. Esther 3:15.

2. Esther 3:8.

3. Esther 4:16;

By Tzvi Freeman

Tzvi Freeman is the author of Bringing Heaven Down to Earth and, more recently, Wisdom to Heal the Earth. Subscribe to The Daily Dose of Wisdom and Freeman Files for regular updates.
More from Tzvi Freeman  | RSS
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Jews In Name Only – Purim Edition

Associated Fress-tweet-24March2024-JVP-Everyone Clapped for Haman
AF – At Megillah (Book of Esther) Reading Tonight for Jewish Voices for Peace Everyone Clapped for Haman

Associated Fress-tweet-24March2024-JVP-Everyone Clapped for Haman

Associated Fress-tweet-24March2024-JVP-Everyone Clapped for Haman



The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.

The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.



CODEPINK: Women for Peace is an anti-war activist group in the United States that engages in regular actions to harm the State of Israel. The organization aggressively promotes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and has been criticized for maintaining close ties to the Hamas regime in Gaza.


CODEPINK describes itself as “a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.”


With members wearing the group’s signature pink color, CODEPINK has conducted marches, protests and high-visibility publicity stunts in pursuit of its goals. It has regional offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and New York.



CODEPINK was founded on November 17, 2002 by Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin and other anti-war activists. The group’s name is a play on the United States Department of Homeland Security’s color-coded alert system in which Code Red signifies the highest level of danger.


In September 2008, a number of CODEPINK leaders personally met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York City. CODEPINK subsequently launched an aggressive anti-Israel campaign that included open support for Hamas. That November, Jodie Evans and a CODEPINK contingent visited Iran at the personal invitation of Ahmadinejad.

Meeting With Hamas

In March 2009, CODEPINK led an international delegation of anti-Israel activists to Gaza. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh addressed the activists in Gaza by phone while other Hamas officials addressed them in person.


Hamas protected the demonstrators during their two-day stay in Gaza by tightly controlling CODEPINK’s movements and contacts which included Palestinian homes, local NGO’s and Palestinian refugee camps run by the United Nations. Activists also stayed in a luxurious hotel owned by Hamas.


In 2009 CODEPINK further escalated the intensity of its international campaign to stop the blockade that Egypt and Israel had imposed on Gaza (to prevent the importation of weaponry) after Hamas‘s 2006 election as the region’s dominant political entity.


CODEPINK helped to organize an “International Women’s Day” delegation to Gaza in March of 2014. Upon arriving at the Cairo airport on March 3, 2014, however, Benjamin was detained by Egyptian authorities. She was reportedly injured by Egyptian security forces and deported to Turkey. Other members of the international delegation who arrived the next day were also deported. Some members made it into Cairo, although none from the delegation made it to Gaza.

Identifying with Al Qaeda

On June 14, 2014 – CODEPINK founder Benjamin posted a photo on Facebook, with the caption: “Foto from last night here in Yemen with Nasser Al-Awlaki, whose son Anwar and grandson Abdulrahman were killed by drones.”


Anwar al-Awlaki was linked to the Fort Hood Shooting and, identified by the U.S. government as involved in senior recruitment and planning for Al Qaeda terrorist operations.


On June 17, 2013, Benjamin and fellow CODEPINK founder Jodie Evans organized a protest in Yemen with Al Qaeda-affiliated group al-Karama. Later that year, the U.S. Treasury Department determined that al-Karama’s founding president, Qatari history professor and human-rights activist Abdul Rahman Omeir al-Naimi, was an Al-Qaeda financier.

Anti-Israel Activism

CODEPINK’s official position is to “stand(s) in solidarity with Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activists and human rights advocates working to hold Israel accountable for its violations of international law” and to “educate Americans about the realities of Israel’s occupation and to change U.S. foreign policy in the region.”


CODEPINKdivestment campaigns have specifically targeted RE/MAX, Ahava, SodaStream, Hewlett Packard and Airbnb.


On November 20, 2016, CODEPINK leader Ariel Gold disrupted a speech given by the actor Ashton Kutcher, who later defended Airbnb. Kutcher stated, “I can appreciate that where there is change there will be a fringe case that feels objectified. But this company is about bringing people together and about loving one another.” Gold was escorted off the stage by security.


Prior to the “Gaza Freedom March,” CODEPINK endorsed the “Cairo Declaration to End Israeli Apartheid” that calls for comprehensive boycott of Israel.


During the march, CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin coordinated the organization’s stay with the Hamas government. Members stayed in the Commodore, a Hamas-owned five star hotel in Gaza City.


While Benjamin claimed that the Hamas government had “pledged to ensure our safety” other CODEPINK leaders accused Hamas of hijacking the initiative and imposing prohibitions on the organization’s movements around Gaza.


CODEPINK has received financial support from the Benjamin Fund, Global Exchange, the Streisand Foundation, the Threshold Foundation and the Tides Foundation.



Hamas At The Oscars 2024

Canary Mission-tweet-11March2024-celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre
It has literally gotten to the point where celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre symbolized by one horrific event in 2000 where a violent lynch mob slaughtered & dismembered 2 IDF reservists who got lost & ended up in Ramallah.

Canary Mission-tweet-11March2024-celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre

Canary Mission-tweet-11March2024-celebrities at the Oscars wore a button celebrating the Oct. 7 massacre


Irish Jewish Voice-tweet-11March2024-Red HandPin stands for murder Jews
#Oscar2024 #Oscar A Red HandPin was worn by some last night. Here’s what it stands for.

In 2000 two Israeli soldiers went the wrong way and ended up in Ramallah where they were captured and slaughtered. A gleeful raging Palestinian mob disemboweled them and ate their organs.
There is a photo of one of the terrorists, his bloodied hands pressed against a window.

That’s your red hand pin.

Irish Jewish Voice-tweet-11March2024-Red HandPin stands for murder Jews

Irish Jewish Voice-tweet-11March2024-Red HandPin stands for murder Jews

The Persian Jewess-tweet-15March2024-Oscar2024 Blue Pin
I like our pins better. 😎


The Persian Jewess-tweet-15March2024-Oscar2024 Blue Pin

The Persian Jewess-tweet-15March2024-Oscar2024 Blue Pin


A shield from the “evil eye” Hamsa-A shield from the ‘evil eye’
I see it everywhere, the iconic wide-open eye on the palm of the hand.
Buts the Hamsa a Jewish Symbol? Hamsa-A shield from the 'evil eye' Hamsa-A shield from the ‘evil eye’




Is Hamsa Jewish?

By Menachem Posner




A Hamsa is an amulet that depicts a symmetrical open hand, typically used decoratively in the home or worn on jewelry. Its name—Arabic for “five”—is representative of the five fingers of the hand and the protective qualities associated with that number. While designs vary, it is common for there to be a wide-open eye on the palm of the hand—symbolizing the desire to be shielded from the “evil eye.”


The Hamsa is widespread among Sephardic Jews, many of whom hail from Arabic lands. But it is also common among Muslims and Christians from those same lands. So can the Hamsa be considered a legitimately Jewish symbol, or is it something borrowed from non-Jewish neighbors, or even a holdover from idolatry which was once ubiquitous in those lands?


This question has been hotly debated, with great halachic authorities supporting various approaches.

Following the opinion that considers it foreign to the Jewish religion, many Jews refrain from using the Hamsa or hanging it in their homes.


However, many Sephardic rabbis taught that it was a legitimate Jewish symbol. Prime examples would be Rabbi Chayim Yosef David Azulai (Chida), as well as Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Baghdad (the Ben Ish Chai), who records the custom of hanging a small hand engraved with the Hebrew letter hei (which has the numerical value of five) to ward off the evil eye.1


So if this was the custom of your community, you may continue to use one with confidence. If you have no such custom, it would be wise to consult with your rabbi before purchasing that flashy little Hamsa charm.


Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that the Talmud reassures us that the evil eye only affects you if you give it credence and if you worry about it; if you ignore it, the evil eye does not affect you at all.


1. Ben Ish Chai, Second Year, Parshat Pinchas, 13.

By Menachem Posner

Rabbi Menachem Posner serves as managing editor at, the world’s largest Jewish informational website. He has been writing, researching, and editing for since 2006, when he received his rabbinic degree from Central Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch. He lives in Chicago, Ill., with his family.

More from Menachem Posner  |  RSS

© Copyright, all rights reserved. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with’s copyright policy.



Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out

Aviva Klompas-tweet-4March2024-Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out
Americans airdropped food into Gaza.

This man throws it in the trash.

Aviva Klompas-tweet-4March2024-Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out

Aviva Klompas-tweet-4March2024-Americans airdropped MRE food into Gaza, Gazans throw it out



American Humanitarian Aid washing up on Tel Aviv beach

Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Tel Aviv beach
Spotted on this morning’s Tel Aviv beach walk: unopened canisters of cooking oil, individual soap packages, and a few bottles of condensed milk. They were being cleaned up by a municipal employee, who told me “it’s a humanitarian delivery to Gaza” 💔💔💔

Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Tel Aviv beach

Lee Caspi-tweet-16March2024-on Tel Aviv beach



Steaming hot shawarma in Gaza

Marina Medvin-tweet-5March2024-steaming hot shawarma in Gaza
No wonder they’re throwing American air-dropped dry meals into the trash— they got steaming hot shawarma in Gaza right now. I too prefer shawarma to dry ramen noodles.

Marina Medvin-tweet-5March2024-steaming hot shawarma in Gaza

Marina Medvin-tweet-5March2024-steaming hot shawarma in Gaza




The Gaza genocide is a blatant lie

Marina Medvin-tweet-7March2024-Gaza genocide is a blatant lie
Man from Gaza confirms a food deficit and destruction but says people are alive and living their lives.

The Gaza genocide is a blatant lie— it’s literally a Holocaust smear they use to prod at Jews.

Marina Medvin-tweet-7March2024-Gaza genocide is a blatant lie

Marina Medvin-tweet-7March2024-Gaza genocide is a blatant lie



Marina Medvin-tweet-11March2024-they have better food on the table
The reason they throw away the dehydrated American parachute drop meals is because they have better food on the table.

The only people starving in Gaza are the Israeli and American hostages.
Imshin-tweet-11March2024-Displaced Gazans in South Gaza Strip eat their first Suhour meal
Displaced Gazans in South Gaza Strip eat their first Suhour meal before dawn today, in preparation the first day of the Ramadan fast.

Marina Medvin-tweet-11March2024-they have better food on the table

Marina Medvin-tweet-11March2024-they have better food on the table




Hamas MRE Review

John Aziz-tweet-17March2024-air dropped aid
There is something really twisted about dismissing air dropped aid that has been delivered to help Palestinians in Gaza to stay alive and survive.

This aid will save people’s lives.

But this guy went to the trouble of making a video denigrating it.
Community-Notes-logo Quds News Network-tweet-16March2024-Ahmed Kouta MRE review
Palestinian activist Ahmed Kouta exposes the contents of US airdrops to the starving population of Gaza.
Readers added context
An MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) are packages of condensed calories meant for military, and also used for humanitarian aid.

According to the Defense Logistics Agency, “The contents of one MRE meal bag provides an average of 1250 kilocalories” made of “13% protein” and “36% fat”.

Quds News Networks-tweet-16March2024-Ahmed Kouta MRE review

Quds News Networks-tweet-16March2024-Ahmed Kouta MRE review





Propaganda vs Reality

GUERNICA BY Pablo Picasso

GUERNICA BY Pablo Picasso


Elon Musk’s Revelation – He Didn’t Know it Was About Israel: The Land of Israel Fellowship


Elon Musk-tweet-31October2023-The real battle
The real battle is between the extinctionists and the humanists.

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Elon Musk-tweet-31October2023-The real battle is between the extinctionists and the humanists. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Elon Musk-tweet-31October2023-The real battle is between the extinctionists and the humanists. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Islamic Conquest between 7th and 9th Century

Islamic Conquest between 7th and 9th Century-Map

Islamic Conquest between 7th and 9th Century-Map


Map of the 12 Tribes of Israel

Map of the 12 Tribes of Israel

Excerpted from The Chanukah Scroll by Hagi Ben Artzi:
[When Antiochus sent a demand for the return of captured ‘Greek cities’ in Eretz Yisrael] …Shimon rebuffed these demands…, and responded in resolute and firm terms:

“We didn’t take a foreign land and we didn’t exist on the spoils of other nations, but on the lands of our fathers that through the years was illegally seized by our enemies. We, when we had the opportunity, restored our birthright.” – Shimon Maccabee to the Greek Antiochus 2158 year ago. 3626 -136BCE

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David
Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Israel Hamas War RANT

Yishai Fleisher @YishaiFleisherTV


Why are there no Muslims in Star Trek?

Real Palestinian-tweet-11July2024-Why are there no Muslims in Star Trek

Real Palestinian-tweet-11July2024-Why are there no Muslims in Star Trek

Real Palestinian-tweet-11July2024-Why are there no Muslims in Star Trek


Why are there no Muslims in Star Trek

Why are there no Muslims in Star Trek




Why we fight

Hamas’s amen chorus is worried about having to face the truth of their evil deeds and intentions—with good reason.

Joseph Goebbels - Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda

Joseph Goebbels – Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda


Leonard Grunstein

Leonard Grunstein is co-author of the book Because It’s Just and Right: The Untold Back-Story of the U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.


(May 28, 2024 / JNS) During World War II, a series of documentary films were made, directed by Frank Capra, that set out in explicit and graphic detail the precipitating causes and reasons why the United States entered the war to defeat the Axis powers, including Nazi Germany.


Before Imperial Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, many Americans were beset by doubts about the war. Even after Nazi Germany declared war on Washington on Dec. 11, 1941, there were still those who did not know or understand why it was so important for America to be involved.


Nazi propaganda had been hard at work for years dulling American sensibilities and outright lying to the American people to justify the Nazis’ evil deeds. The chief architect of this reprehensible propaganda program was Joseph Goebbels. His dictums included, “Accuse the other of that which you are guilty” and “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”


The Capra documentaries were a clarion call that awoke Americans to the danger posed by Nazi Germany and catalyzed a nation to fight and defeat the Axis. I saw the documentaries when I was a young student. They left a lasting impression on me regarding the battle between good and evil and the imperative not to be complicit by idly standing on the sidelines.


The genocidal terror group Hamas, the spiritual successor to the Nazis, is intent on eliminating the Jewish people and Israel. It has falsely accused Jews and Israel of genocide in a moral inversion that channels the evil techniques of the notorious Goebbels.


The massively funded and premeditated barrage of antisemitic slurs and slogans, including the “genocide” blood libel, is poisonous to the minds of many college students and other ignorant useful dupes. They now suffer from a malady I call the “Goebbels Syndrome.” Much like the original syndrome, the cure is plain-spoken, sobering and graphic truth like that featured in the Capra-directed documentaries of yesteryear.


In this regard, the apprehensions expressed by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) at the recent congressional hearings on campus antisemitism are telling. She complained bitterly about what she referred to as vile and disturbing footage on large screens. She was referring to the video footage taken by the Hamas rapists, kidnappers, murderers and perpetrators of sadistic atrocities on Oct. 7. She did not condemn the terrorists and their evil deeds.


It would appear that Hamas’s amen chorus is worried about having to face the truth of their evil deeds and intentions. The recently released horrifying video of the confessions of a Hamas father and son, who on Oct. 7, together with a cousin, gang-raped a woman and murdered her is nearly impossible to watch. So is the video depicting a group of handcuffed young women kidnapped on Oct. 7 being referred to as sex slaves by their disgusting Hamas captors. But these videos ignited the moral conscience of many.


To the hideous Oct. 7 deniers and others suffering from the Goebbels Syndrome: Watch these videos and end your moral malaise.


Efforts to propagate false narratives are failing because the truth is coming out and it will triumph. The overwhelming majority of the American people are not buying into the propaganda generated by Hamas and American supporters.


The good people of America are waking up and rejecting the evil that is Hamas and its repugnant sponsor the terrorist Iranian regime. Some 79% of Americans polled in the latest Harvard-Harris poll rightly support Israel in the war started by Hamas. 69% correctly believe Israel is seeking to minimize civilian casualties. 78% agree that Hamas must be eliminated. 74% favor Israel proceeding with its Rafah operation and finishing off Hamas. The poll also showed a nuanced understanding of what a ceasefire means to the American people. 66% oppose a ceasefire unless the hostages are released and Hamas is removed from power.


Interestingly, even the International Court of Justice didn’t wholly buy Hamas’s propaganda. It didn’t outright order a halt in military operations in Rafah. Its order stated that Israel should “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”


Thus, the order was qualified and may be interpreted to apply only to those military operations in Rafah that may inflict such “conditions of life” on the Palestinians. In essence, Israel can continue with military operations so long as Israel complies with international law, which Israel is doing anyway. It is reported that a number of the ICJ judges support this interpretation.


It’s time for Israel to enlist a prominent Hollywood director like Steven Spielberg to make a documentary that uses documentary footage of the horrible events of Oct. 7 to explain why Israel is fighting the evil that is Hamas.


Israel is winning its just and legal defensive ground war against Hamas. It can win the PR war, too.



How many Arabs lived in “Palestine” before the establishment of the State of Israel?

Dr. Eli David-tweet-27April2024-How many Arabs lived in Palestine before the establishment of the State of Israel
How many Arabs lived in “Palestine” before the establishment of the State of Israel 🇮🇱?

A list of facts with historical sources:

🔸In 1785, Constantine Francois Volney describes the “ruined” and “desolate” state of the country: “We with difficulty recognized Jerusalem… The population is supposed to amount to twelve to fourteen thousands…”

🔸In 1843, Alexander Keith wrote that “in this [Volney’s] day the land had not fully reached its last prophetic degree of desolation and depopulation.”

🔸In 1816, J.S. Buckingham had described Jaffa as “a poor village”, and Ramleh as a place “where, as throughout the greater portion of Palestine, the ruined portion seemed more extensive than that which was inhabited.”

🔸In 1835, Alphonse de Lamartine gave this description: “Outside gates of Jerusalem, we saw indeed no living object, heard no living sound. We found the same void, the same silence as we should have found in the enrombed gates of Pompeii and Herculaneum… a complete, eternal silence resigns in the town, in the highways, in the country… The tomb of a whole people.”

🔸In 1857, the British consul in Palestine, James Finn, reported back to England: “The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is that of a body of population.”

🔸In 1867, Mark Twain wrote in The Innocents Abroad: “Stirring senses… occur in this valley no more. There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent – not for thirty miles in either direction.” He goes on to describe Galilee, Judea, and around Jerusalem as deserts devoid of population. And for the country as a whole: “Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies… Palestine is desolate and unlovely… It is hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land.”

🔸In 1881 (the year designated by Arafat as the beginning of the Zionist “invasion” and “displacement” of the local population), English cartographer Arthur Penrhyn Stanley wrote: “In Judea it is hardly an exaggeration to say that for miles and miles there was no appearance of life or habitation.”

🔸By the third quarter of the 19th century, the total population of the entire country, Arabs and Jews, was only 400,000. Less than 3% of today’s figure.

Dr. Eli David-tweet-27April2024-How many Arabs lived in Palestine before the establishment of the State of Israel

Dr. Eli David-tweet-27April2024-How many Arabs lived in Palestine before the establishment of the State of Israel



The founding of Tel Aviv April 11, 1909

Max-tweet-24May2024-The founding of Tel Aviv
I love this photo of the founding of Tel Aviv.

It demonstrates perfectly why nobody really cared about the British Mandate prior to Jews living there: It was sparsely populated land with no natural resources.

It also demonstrates that terrorists are lying when they talk about “stolen land.” They want to kick Jews out of Tel Aviv—a place where literally nobody lived before Jews moved in.

The existence of Israel made Israel a valued place.

Max-tweet-24May2024-The founding of Tel Aviv

Max-tweet-24May2024-The founding of Tel Aviv


Tel Aviv was founded on the empty sand dunes

Barry Tigay-tweet-25May2024-Tel Aviv was founded on the empty sand dunes
Tel Aviv, Israel’s second largest city, was founded on the empty sand dunes of the Mediterranean Sea, in 1909, during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The land was legally purchased by Jews. No Arab or other occupant was displaced.

The famous picture below shows the drawing of lots for purchase by individuals on the empty land.

Tel Aviv is an example of Zionists making the desert bloom.
Tel Aviv is an example of human progress.
Tel Aviv is an example of Herzl’s vision, “If you will it, it is no dream.”

The “River to the Sea” movement claims Tel Aviv as Palestinian. They are genocidal liars.

Barry Tigay-tweet-25May2024-Tel Aviv was founded on the empty sand dunes

Barry Tigay-tweet-25May2024-Tel Aviv was founded on the empty sand dunes


the Jewish Virtual Library. logo

the Jewish Virtual Library. logo

Tel Aviv: The Founding of Tel Aviv

(April 11, 1909)

In 1909, a number of Jewish residents decided to move to a healthier environment, outside the crowded and noisy city of Jaffa. They established a company called Ahuzat-Bayit and with the financial assistance of the Jewish National Fund purchased some twelve acres of sand dunes, north of Jaffa. In 1910, the suburb was named Tel Aviv after Nahum Sokolow’s translation of AltneulandHerzl’s fictional depiction of the Jewish State.


Meir Dizengoff was Tel Aviv’s first mayor serving in that capacity from 1911 until his death in 1936. The main street in today’s sprawling city is named after him.


Today, Tel Aviv is the heart of the conurbation known as Gush Dan in which over one third of the country’s population lives. This area extends from Rishon Le-ZionHolon and Bat Yam in the south to Herzliya in the North. To the east lies Petah Tikva. Tel Aviv is situated on the shore of the Mediterranean sea.



"OU Torah Tidbits logo new
The OU Jerusalem world Center Torah Tidbits #1185 B’chukotai 5776 OU Torah Tidbits 1185whole

A Mitzva’s Messages – But first…

It’s the old, “I’d like to say a few words before I speak” line. Bear with me…
I recently spent Shabbat with a daughter and grandchildren while my son-in-law the doctor was in miluim. My 8 year old grandson asked me to learn with him in shul after Mincha. Momentarily surprised, I found out that those who stay to learn get a snack of some sort. Sure enough, after a pleasant Pirkei Avot session, my chavruta received an ARTIK, an ice pop. Turned out that he didn’t like its taste at all and dumped it in the nearest garbage pail, thereby making our learning more LISHMAH than expected.
MASHAL L’MA HADAVAR DOMEH? To what can this be compared? IM B’CHUKOTAI TEILEICHU… If you will keep My Torah and Mitzvot… HaShem says to the Jewish People: If you will be faithful to Me and keep the Torah and Mitzvot, then I will give you all kinds of wonderful things… (just read the beginning of the sedra) including – and you will dwell securely in your Land.
One wouldn’t expect people to say ‘No thank you’ to G-d for prosperity and peace. But how many Torah loving and observing Jews seem to say ‘Thanks but No Thanks’ for the opportunity to dwell in the Land?

For Naveh not to like the ices is one thing, but not jumping at the opportunity to live in Eretz Yisrael…

We could go on and on about this topic (and we often do), but for this week, we leave it to you to ponder…

Torah tidbit CHIZUK and IDUD

Torah tidbit CHIZUK and IDUD

CHIZUK and IDUD for Olim & not-yet-Olim respectively

When Mark Twain visited Eretz Yisrael in 1867, he vividly described a pitiful and forlorn land: “Palestine is desolate and unlovely…. The hills are barren, they are dull of color, unpicturesque in shape… Palestine sits in sack cloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies… Where prosperity had reigned and fallen; where glory had flamed and gone out; where beauty had dwelt and passed away; where gladness was and sorrow is… We never saw a human being on the whole route… There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country…” What a contrast to the Eretz Yisrael of today!
Twain’s description is reminiscent of the Tochacha we read in our Parsha: “And I will make your cities waste and bring your sanctuaries into desolation… And I will bring the Land into desolation and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it” (Vayikra 26:31-32). In truth, the similarities are not by chance, for as Mark Twain contemplated the sad scene which met his eyes, he was reminded of these very verses, noting that: “No man can stand here [in this deserted area] and say the prophecy has not been fulfilled.”
What, though, is the point if this divine prophecy?

Mark Twain's Palestine

Mark Twain’s Palestine

Although the verses can be read as punishment for our sins, Rashi points to the positive results of the land being barren and inhospitable: this will deter our enemies from inhabiting the land in our absence. The Ramban similarly states that this verse contains a good tiding: The Land will not accommodate our enemies, it will not accept another nation, and it will only bloom for Am Yisrael.
The accuracy of these words is striking. None of the various conquerors of Eretz Yisrael have succeeded to bring it into prosperity. After coming on Aliya in the year 1267, the Ramban wrote to his son, writing as follows: “What shall I tell you concerning the condition of the Land… She is

Ramban Shul

Ramban Shul

greatly forsaken and her desolation is great… The more sacred the place, the greater the devastation it has suffered. Yerushalyim is most desolate and devastated”. Those who pray in the Ramban Shul in the old city today, built upon the land bought back in 1267, cannot even begin to imagine what things were like back then.
What a sacrifice it must have been to have made Aliya to such desolation!
Having come here alone, we can feel the Ramban’s pain describing what he left behind: “I left my family, I forsook my house. There, with my sons and daughters, the sweet, dear children I brought up at my knees, I left also my soul. My heart and my eyes will dwell with them forever”. Ramban who believed that Yishuv HaAretz was a central part of the Torah was willing to pay this price in order to fulfill this Mitzva.
How easy Aliya is today when compared to the times of Ramban. Those making Aliya don’t experience the kind of pain and longing he describes, and they are treated to a convivial welcome as their plane touches down in Eretz Yisrael, a few hours after having taken off abroad.
Yet, despite it being relatively so easy to come today, many still keep away. In order to find some Idud, or positive encouragement, I would return to the beginning of the parsha, before we arrive at the lengthy Tochecha.
The divine promise we are treated to there, is short and sweet: “And I will walk among you and I will be your G-d and you shall be My People” (26:12).

Tu-b'Shevat Seven Species

Tu-b’Shevat Seven Species

The Sforno explains this blessing saying that: “Wherever you walk I shall be with you. My presence is not restricted to one specific place. Rather, my Shefa is directed towards you wherever you, the righteous, are to be found.” What must one do in order to merit having the divine presence leave M’kom HaSh’china and come reside in their home? Is this blessing relevant only to Messianic times, when the divine Shefa will be spread out over the entire universe – visiting the righteous wherever they may be found?
It would seem that this is not necessarily so. In order to arrive at this blessing today, we must simply heed the words of Hillel who presents a very simple equation: “He Hillel, would say “If you come to my home I will come to your home” – this applies to Jews who would leave their gold and silver and come to Jerusalem for the pilgrim festivals (Regalim). The Sh’china would coddle and bless them saying: “And I will walk among you and I will be your G-d and you shall be My People” (Avot d’Rabbi Natan 27).
If you come here choosing to make G-d’s home your own, He will respond by residing, and walking with you!

Rabbi Yerachmiel Roness, Ramat Shiloh, Beit Shemesh

Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yosef “Today thank God most of the nation of Israel is here in the land of Israel.”

Be part of the Majority. Make Aliyah Today!

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Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH UK 0800 075 7200 Come home to the Land of Emuna



Excerpted from The Chanukah Scroll by Hagi Ben Artzi:
[When Antiochus sent a demand for the return of captured ‘Greek cities’ in Eretz Yisrael] …Shimon rebuffed these demands…, and responded in resolute and firm terms:

“We didn’t take a foreign land and we didn’t exist on the spoils of other nations, but on the lands of our fathers that through the years was illegally seized by our enemies. We, when we had the opportunity, restored our birthright.” – Shimon Maccabee to the Greek Antiochus 2158 year ago. 3626 -136BCE

Those Inspiring Maccabees!


1 Tevet 5784 12December2023
Rosh Chodesh
6th Candle of Hanukkah<


Following is a sampling of inspiring speeches made by the Maccabean leaders which aroused the Jewish neshamahs of their followers to greatness in the Name of Hashem. Excerpted from The Chanukah Scroll by Hagi Ben Artzi:


[To the Greek officer who bid him come and sacrifice a pig on the altar to Zeus,]…Matityahu’s response was delivered in a loud and confident voice, and was clearly heard throughout the city square. Matityahu said: “Even if all the nations in the Kingdom of Antiochus hearken to him and abandon their traditions and customs and follow the paths of the Greeks, I, and my sons and my brothers will continue to walk in the ways of our Forefathers, and will not betray the covenant of our God. We dare not leave our Torah and our national tradition! We will not follow and will not hearken to the words of King Antiochus, for the God Who dwells in Heaven is our King.”


…”Jews, we are going out to war! Whoever is zealous for the Torah, whoever is loyal to the covenant with our God, follow me to fight for our faith and our Torah!”


[Even from his deathbed, Matityahu persevered]…”My sons, be zealous for the Torah; give your very souls for the sake of the covenant of your Forefathers. Remember the actions of your fathers, how they gave their lives and brought salvation to their nation. Remember Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov; remember Moshe and Pinchas; remember Yehoshua and Calev; remember David and Eliyahu; remember Daniel, Chanayah, Mishael and Azaryah.

Carefully reflect on the previous generations; learn from them that one need not fear an evil man, even if he is strong and threatening. Our fathers trusted in God, and He came to their salvation. You, as well: Believe in God, and become strong with Torah – for only this way will bring you pride. In your war with the enemies of our nation, Yehuda will be your Chief of Staff and commander, and Shimon will be your advisor and father. Gather to you all those who uphold the Torah, and avenge the honor of your people. Give the Gentiles what they deserve, and hold fast on to the Torah’s commandments.”


With these words, Matityahu passed away….


…when Yehuda’s few men saw the great Syrian army marching towards them, great fear fell upon them. They called to their commander Yehuda: “We are few and weak; how will we be able to fight this great camp?” Yehuda then gathered all the men together, and strengthened their spirit with words of faith.


Thus he said to them: “Nothing can prevent God from saving us, whether we are few or many. It is not great numbers of soldiers or heavy weaponry that brings victory in war. It is rather a spirit of valor, one that stems from true faith. We are fighting for our nation and our Torah, whereas they are coming upon us with haughtiness and evil, to destroy us, our wives and our children, and to take our property. The God of our fathers will not abandon us; He will smite them before us.


Arise, my brothers! Go out and fight without fear!”


When Yehuda finished speaking, a spirit of valor overtook his men, and they fell upon their enemies with great force.


[When the war had continued many years, Shimon, the last of the Maccabees] …gathered a large crowd in the courtyard of the Temple in Jerusalem, and encouraged them and raised their spirits. He said to them: “You know that which we have done – I, my brothers, and my father’s house – on behalf of the Torah and the Temple. All my brothers died in the great war, in which they gave their lives for their people; I, alone, remain. Do not fear that their deaths have caused  me to be afraid or to seek my own personal safety, for I know that I am no better than my brothers. Just as they did, I will continue to lead you in the way of the Torah and to fight the wars of God.”


[When Antiochus sent a demand for the return of captured ‘Greek cities’ in Eretz Yisrael] …Shimon rebuffed these demands…, and responded in resolute and firm terms: 


“Not foreign land did we take, and not over property of foreigners did we take control. We have returned to the inheritance of our forefathers, from which we were unjustly banished by our enemies. And now, with the help of our God, we have returned to the inheritance of our fathers.”




And the Spirit of the Maccabees lives on…




Our Holiday, Our Land

How do you describe the simple pleasure of celebrating Chanukah in a place where everyone is also rushing home to light their menorah? Our holiday, our land…

Natalie Kovan | Posted on 09October2023 |


Our Holiday, Our Land by Natalie Kovan

Our Holiday, Our Land by Natalie Kovan

I can’t believe we’ve been here for a few years. Even so, when it comes to Chanukah, I still feel that same excitement I felt the first time we celebrated it as new olim (immigrants) in our homeland. I didn’t realize just how deep the disconnection with all things secular in America was until a recent conversation with my Mom. As she described my brother’s vacation on the 23rd and 24th of December, I asked her if it was a holiday or something.




“It’s X-mas!” my mother piped up, in total disbelief. Like, only the entire world knows what holiday falls on those dates! What my mother forgets is that here in our Blessed Land we are not constantly bombarded or reminded since the end of October when the pumpkins are just being put away, and the Jack-o lanterns are beginning to rot. My mailbox is not overflowing with ‘holiday’ themed catalogs, and red and green trees are not to be seen. The flora and fauna around me don’t suddenly sprout colorful blinking lights. Reindeer (especially those sporting red noses) are basically extinct.  In short—Gan Eden! And after five plus years of breathing in the kedusha (holiness) of Eretz Yisrael, the 23rd and 24th of December became just that—two regular days in the Gregorian calendar.


The first and most obvious pleasure of being in Israel this time of year is that the only men you see with long white beards are those who are wearing black coats. No man in the red suit in sight. No flashing-colored lights. No green and red plastered on any store fronts. Not a one. Here, we are absolutely oblivious on what day the ‘big day’ actually falls. Yes, there is actually a place on this earth where the big arm of the catalog behemoth does not reach, and we are blessed to be totally clueless about the latest twenty-eight-inch Bob Sponge whatever –his-name-is who dances and sings and twirls in a 360-degree pirouette with accompanying ukulele accoutrements—all for the low price of $28.99!


Sufganiyot at Mahane Yehuda shuk

Sufganiyot at Mahane Yehuda shuk

Here we have been overdosing on suffganyot (fried doughnuts filled with jelly—or caramel as the case may be) since Simchat Torah. Supermarkets display an endless supply of menorahs, chocolate covered Chanukah gelt (“money”), candles, oil—you name it. The entire nation puts aside their differences for eight days, as they wish each other a Chanukah sameach (Happy Chanukah!). Everything shuts down early—so that everyone can light their menorahs with their loved ones. As you stand on the street after dark, you see menorah upon menorah—lights upon lights—lights belonging to us, bridging century upon century of Jews keeping the fires of Yiddishkeit burning, living—in our Land.


Even the dreidel—a simple dreidel brings home the knowledge that living in Israel is, well—miraculous. Our son, looking at an Israeli dreidel for the first time, suddenly burst out, “hey—there’s no ‘Shin’ on this dreidel!’. Upon closer inspection, we found a ‘Pey’ where the shin should have been. In the rest of the world, the letters ‘Nun, Gimmel, Hay, Shin’ (נ ג ה ש) for “a big miracle happened THERE’. But for us living in Eretz Israel, it’s “Nun, Gimmel, Hay, Pey’ (נ ג ה פ) “— a big miracle happened HERE’. Here. In our backyard (almost literally—Modiin is but a drive away). Here. Not there, but here. Jews all over the world light menorahs and celebrate a miracle that happened not too far away from our living room, in a place that is still seeing miracles to this very day.


How do you describe the simple pleasure of celebrating Chanukah in a place where everyone is also rushing home to light their menorah? It’s a communal event, where every single one of your neighbors is celebrating with you. Our holiday. Our land. Here we don’t take second place as ‘the consolation holiday ‘. Here, our holiday is THE holiday. Here everything stops for Chanukah. Everything revolves around lighting the menorah, not the other way around. No jingles in the supermarket overloading your subconscious. In their stead, Jewish children walk around singing Chanukah songs, filling the air with their pure words.  How does one grasp it? Here it is a tangible. You are enveloped in it day and night, not just as you huddle with your family around the menorah. I can’t describe how wonderful it is not to have to endure another “Merry (insert name of holiday here)”, while internally screaming, “But I’m Jewish!” No generic “Happy holiday” greetings either. Here, your taxi driver wishes you a “Chanukah sameach,” and your soul responds, because it feels right. That’s the magic of living in Israel.


The other major difference is that Chanukah in Israel is not so much about the presents—it’s about the miracle. When you live in a country that exists because of one long continuous miracle sustained by Hashem—it’s the miracle that counts. When a sonic boom breaks the silence of the night sky, as army planes ‘do their job’ up North—and the realization that this little country with a spirit which is too big to fill its borders—is being guarded by Hashem and His emissaries because we have a right to be here—then the miracle that is Israel—that is Chanukah—takes on a whole new meaning.


As we read about the battles fought by Judah Maccabee and his army, the mind can’t help but marvel at the fact that not much has changed since those days, except for the fact that technologically, warfare has evolved drastically, to say the least. We are still the few against the many. A small nation surrounded by those who would love nothing more than to see our destruction. The story of Chanukah is not a quaint and inspiring story that we celebrate as part of our past—it is also the story of our present.


I remember two years ago, during Operation Cast Lead, as we lit our menorahs with the backdrop of a war going on at several of our borders. Stories of soldiers requesting tzitzit before they would go into battle streamed out to the public. And that is what Chanukah is about. Keeping our identity separate and whole from the rest of the nations as we do spiritual and physical battle with our adversaries. Looking at our uniqueness not as an impairment, but an asset to be celebrated and protected at all costs. For when we act like Jews, proud in ourselves, our Land and our Torah—then defeating our enemies becomes a reality, with the help of our Creator.


It is only by the benevolence of Hashem that Israel and the Jewish people exist. Without the Land of Israel, there is no nation, and vice versa. It is here that the plans for Am Israel took root, and it is here where they will culminate when Mashiach comes (may it be speedily in our days). Even though we wandered for centuries without a ‘home’, Hashem has gifted us in the last 60 years with concrete borders to come home to. A Kotel to pray at. Land to be populated and bring back to life. He is setting the stage for our ultimate return and Redemption (may it be His will). To be here and call this home—despite the hardships—is a miracle. As painful as it is to be so far from loved ones, friends and all things familiar—there is nothing like the miracle of finally coming home. Home where the soul and body are finally in alignment for the very first time. That is a miracle all its own.


Even as I write, it is impossible to describe in mere words the enormity of living here. Sometimes it’s a struggle, sometimes it’s a cultural shock, sometimes it’s just plain hard. And sometimes, while standing at the top of a hill, looking out at the valley, and at cities that were not here that long ago, brimming with Jews—and the eyes fill at the intensity of the knowledge that you are home—finally—then you say, “Thank You, Hashem, for the miracle that is Israel.  Thank You for bringing me home.”


Shiri_Sabra-tweet-23April2024-Passover Seder in Jerusalem 1919
Jewish soldiers of the British Army who liberated the Land of Israel at Passover Seder in Jerusalem, 1919.

Shiri_Sabra-tweet-23April2024-Passover Seder in Jerusalem 1919

Shiri_Sabra-tweet-23April2024-Passover Seder in Jerusalem 1919


The Persian Jewess-tweet-23April2024-Jews are Indigenous to Israel
Jews are Indigenous to Israel.

Palestinians are Arabs who rebranded their “ethnicity” in 1964.

“Palestinians” have ZERO historical, religious or anthropological ties to Israel, Gaza or the West Bank.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-23April2024-Jews are Indigenous to Israel

The Persian Jewess-tweet-23April2024-Jews are Indigenous to Israel




Hashem Signals our Settlers

Often, when we look below the surface of what appears to be a dismal situation, we can find the hidden solution. So too, in our current situation in Eretz Yisrael, we see the glimmer of redemption!

David Ben Horin | Posted on 13December2023 |

Hashem Signals our Settlers by David Ben Horin

Hashem Signals our Settlers by David Ben Horin

On the surface, the news looks like one series of uppercuts to the head of Am Israel. Look deeper, and you will see Hashem’s blessings. 


In 1914, there was a convention of Sages from Agudat Israel in Switzerland. They wanted to discuss Zionism – were they for it or against it?


They invited Rav Avraham Kook to come and speak. He resisted. His heart was in the Land of Israel, and to him, a mere moment outside the paradise God gave him was like an eternity in Gehinnom.  Reluctantly, for the sake of Israel, he left the Land to attend the conference. When he arrived, World War I broke out. As a result, he was stranded in Europe and couldn’t get back to Israel.


On the surface, it was a nightmare.


He made his way to England and became a powerful voice in the British Jewish community. By 1917, the British Parliament debated whether to declare the Land of Israel the homeland of the Jewish People.


The loud voice of assimilated Jews lobbied the MPs to reject the proposal. They protested that they were English first and shouldn’t be branded as dual loyalists.


Rabbi Kook was asked to present a counter claim in favor of the proposal before the House of Commons. He gave a passionate speech. When he met objections, the non-Jewish lawmakers stood up and said, “Look at the man. Head to toe, he lives in the service of God. He represents the Jews.”


Had Rav Kook remained in Israel, would Britain’s Balfour Declaration that gave political backing “to establish a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine” become reality?


A Hundred Years Later

In November 2023, American President Joe Biden issued a statement which decreed that anyone in the “occupied territories who acts in opposition to peace will be denied entry into the US.” (The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus|Nobody is Decrying Jewish Genocide (@10:18-15:08) ).


It doesn’t specify “violent settlers” or “Jewish extremists.” President Biden refers to anyone who lives in what is called “occupied territories,” which includes most of Jerusalem.


On the surface, this is a disaster. The city of Efrat has thousands of people with dual citizenship who make their livelihoods going back and forth from America to Israel. Thousands of residents throughout Yesha are dual citizens who may be torn apart from their families living abroad.


Think about how COVID-19 split families. How many tragedies did we hear about mothers not being able to see their daughters and fathers not being able to see their sons because of the pandemic?


Major Miracles

Hashem is bringing His children home. He is encouraging countless Jews outside of Israel to come here as often as possible.


What about the residents of Judea and Shomron? Hashem is giving them the ultimate gift. He is keeping them in Israel. Could this be to protect them from catastrophe in America?


Could Mashiach be HERE and Hashem doesn’t want His precious children to be anywhere else when He reveals His anointed to the world? Are these decrees a signal from God that everyone should be in Israel right now – that we shouldn’t leave, not even for a moment?


The Tanya Rebbe Yehuda writes that just before Mashiach comes, Jews living along the borders of Israel will be without homes and will wander from city to city. (Sanhedrin 97a) Currently, 100,000 Israelis in Kiryat Shemona (near the Israel-Lebanese border) and in border towns along the Gaza belt are relocated in temporary living quarters throughout the land.


Has the time come?


From Woke to Awakening

Whenever you hear “From the River to the Sea,” follow it up by saying “Hashem natan ha’aretz li” (God gave the Land to me)!


Non-Jews can’t say that!


David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. David‘s Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show.



Large “Palestinian” families and tribes in Israel are from:

Ottoman Empire History-1699-1914-Map

Ottoman Empire History-1699-1914-Map

Visegrád 24-tweet-20April2024-large ‘Palestinian’ families and tribes in Israel are from
Most anti-Israel protesters in the West don’t understand that many of the Palestinians arrived first in the late 19th century during huge internal migration flows within the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, many Jews arrived from Europe and the Middle East

Large “Palestinian” families and tribes in Israel:

– Al-Masri
– Masarawa
– Al-Fium
– and Al-‘Asi are all from Egypt

– Al-Baghdadi
– Obeid
– and Al-Tikriti are all from Iraq

– Halabi
– Nashashibi
– and Al-Horani are from Syria

– Al-Lubnani
– Al-Sourani are from Lebanon.

– Al-Kurd are from Kurdistan

– Al-Zarqawi are from Jordan

– Al-Hijazi
– Kabah are from Saudi Arabia

– Al-Maghrebi
– Al-Jazeir
– Al-Arge are from North Africa

– Abid are from Sudan

– Al-Shishani are from Chechnya

Visegrád 24-tweet-20April2024-large Palestinian families and tribes in Israel are from

Visegrád 24-tweet-20April2024-large Palestinian families and tribes in Israel are from



Schroedinger’s Palestinian state

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-25May2024-Schroedinger’s Palestinian state
Schrödinger’s Palestinian state:
Is the state status useful for harassing Israel in international bodies? Then yes, Palestine is a state.
Does the state status mean responsibility for brutally invading Israel, ending fiction of “refugees” and “return”?Then no, it is not a state.
James Clark-tweet-25May2024-Schroedinger’s Gaza Government
Schroedinger’s Gaza Government – does the UN defer to Hamas on every aspect of governing Gaza. If yes then Hamas is a government.

Does that mean that Hamas is responsible for the safekeeping of the people of Gaza, preparing ahead of an inevitable war to ensure their welfare, and not use them as human shields rather than expecting Israel to do everything? Then no Hamas is not a government.

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-25May2024-Schroedinger's Palestinian state

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-25May2024-Schroedinger’s Palestinian state



Palestinians are a tiny bunch of whining Arabs-NOT INDIGENOUS

Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-22February2024-Palestinians are a tiny bunch of whining Arabs
Yeah, except that Palestinians are not a race, neither are two billion Muslims. Palestinians are a tiny bunch of whining Arabs who think they are the center of the universe. All Palestinians on the planet would barely fill half of New York City.
The number of Palestinian dead and displaced over the past century of conflict with Israel remains a fraction of those killed and displaced in other Mideastern conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Sudan and Yemen. The disproportionate attention that Palestinians have received makes much bigger Arab problems look irrelevant.
Palestinians want to “put things in context” and liberate Palestine “by any means necessary,” including through the terrorism of Hamas, that’s on them. Just stop making it the end of the world. It’s just another Middle Eastern war. Had Jews and Israel not been involved, it wouldn’t have made it to the bottom of the last page of any newspaper.

Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-22February2024-Palestinians are a tiny bunch of whining Arabs

Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-22February2024-Palestinians are a tiny bunch of whining Arabs



Yiskah Chaya-tweet-23February2024-WHAT’S AN ARAB?
“Arab” is a cultural & linguistic term. It refers to those who speak Arabic as their first language. United by culture & history, Arabs are not a race. Some have blue eyes & red hair; others are dark skinned; many are somewhere in between.
idan segal-tweet-7October2023-The truth about the issue And the Palestinian

האמת על ה״סוגייה״

ועל ה״פלסטינים״

“The truth about the “issue”
“And the “Palestinians”

Yiskah Chaya-tweet-23February2024-WHAT'S AN ARAB?

Yiskah Chaya-tweet-23February2024-WHAT’S AN ARAB?



JonJon from SF-tweet-3February2024-Today’s Palestinians are descendants of immigrants
– Today’s Palestinians are descendants of immigrants who came to Palestine seeking economic opportunities due to Zionism.
– According to historical sources like De Hass History and the 1911 Encyclopaedia Brittanica, these immigrants hailed from various places including the Balkans, Greece, Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Armenia, and more.
– Reports from the 1860s and 1937 document significant Arab immigration from places like Sinai, Transjordan, and Syria.
– Even Winston Churchill in 1939 noted the substantial increase in the Arab population in Palestine.
– CG Smith’s Studies on Palestine reveals the Turkish policy of planting Circassian colonies in the region.
– Historical documentation by De Haas mentions the establishment of permanent Egyptian colonies by Ibrahim Pasha, the Egyptian conqueror.

JonJon from SF-tweet-3February2024-Palestinians are NOT INDIGENOUS

JonJon from SF-tweet-3February2024-Palestinians are NOT INDIGENOUS




Why Israel can’t accept a ceasefire

Hamas has dictated the parameters of victory


Professor Edward Luttwak is a strategist and historian known for his works on grand strategy, geoeconomics, military history, and international relations. His most recent book is The Art of Military Innovation: Lessons from the Israel Defense Forces.
X ELuttwak



During their protected wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, America’s leaders and generals could never define victory. Hamas, by contrast, has a clear understanding of what it looks like. Now that the terror group has demonstrated the failure of Israel’s deterrence, it insists it will not any more short ceasefires in exchange for hostages, but only a complete end to Israel’s offensive, which would of course leave it in full control of Gaza.


What would this entail? Most immediately, this would also hand Hamas the millions of dollars in aid that will arrive from Western nations, as well as the billions coming from Qatar, Kuwait and other oil-rich countries. And while these funds are intended for welfare distributions and for civilian reconstruction, Hamas will of course use them to rebuild its underground tunnel networks, and to fund its military training, propaganda and political units in and out of Gaza.


The reason it would get away with this is straightforward: Hamas has never pretended to be fighting for the well-being of Gaza’s population, or for Palestine as a national cause. It serves global Islam —the Umma — that rejects all nationalisms and demands supremacy over all other religions. In other words, it accepts no responsibility for the dead and wounded of the war, or for Gaza’s reconstruction.


Hence, if there is a permanent ceasefire, Hamas can start to prepare its next surprise attack, hoping for another October 7 of indiscriminate killings and rapes. If anyone in Gaza objects, Hamas will also act as it did in the past, shoving sacks over their heads and shooting them in front of crowds.


And yet, steadfastly ignoring this inevitability, retired generals and even, in an unguarded moment, Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, have urged the Israelis to reduce their bombing or even their attacks altogether, in order to win over Gaza’s population. Yet this is to forget that such a formula failed in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan: populations dominated by brutal extremists cannot be “won over”.


For the Israelis, however, there is clarity: because Hamas defines its victory so clearly, so can the Israelis. While the “complete end of the offensive” that Hamas, the UN and countless American and British undergraduates demand would mean a complete defeat for Israel, the continuation of the war — sine die, as they say in diplomacy — is the essential precondition of victory.


In this sense, little has changed since 1948: the Israelis might have to keep fighting on their own without US support. As soon as the first of Israel’s wars started on May 15, 1948, the US and the British, then very much the senior partner in the Middle East, imposed a total arms embargo on everyone involved. This favoured the Arab armies, who already had their British-supplied kits of small arms, machine-guns, field artillery and even a few aircraft and tanks, while the Jews only had rifles and submachine guns. It was very much the goal of the British Foreign Office and US State Department that the newly proclaimed State of Israel should be defeated as soon as possible, so as to preserve the stability of British power over the region.


But, then, something entirely unexpected happened: the Jews started winning. As a result, having favoured war to put a quick end to Israel, the Brits then had to end it to save their collapsing Arab allies. And the resourceful Foreign Office had the necessary remedy, promptly backed by the obedient State Department: on June 11, 1948, the UN Security Council imposed a total ceasefire, after 26 days of fighting. Had the Israelis not resumed fighting on July 9, Israel could not have emerged as a viable state.


Even so, this set the pattern for all subsequent UN ceasefires in the region: as soon as Israel launches its counteroffensives and starts winning, the UN General Assembly demands an immediate ceasefire, and pressure builds on the UN Security Council to actually order one.


But here the continuity ends. Everything else is very different now that Israel is a stronger, more self-sufficient military power. The US can certainly help to deter Hezbollah, and is the only power that can disarm the Houthi menace in the Red Sea and Suez Canal. But only Israel can incapacitate Hamas, by fighting in one alley, tunnel and bunker after another right across the Gaza Strip.


Very reasonably, the Biden Administration has been asking the Israelis to hurry up with their fighting, instead of prolonging the suffering of Gaza’s civilians. And just as reasonably, the Biden Administration has been asking the Israelis to use less air power, less artillery and more infantry to reduce civilian casualties. But to move faster in Gaza’s intricate urban terrain would sharply increase Israeli casualties. The same is true of any imposed reduction in artillery fire and air strikes. And to do both simultaneously would not just add to Israeli casualties but multiply them.


Because the leaders on both sides know those things, and because they respect each other, there is a back-and-forth process of mutual accommodation day by day. But the unavoidable reality is that Israel cannot end its offensive, nor even accept protracted ceasefires in exchange for hostages.


Instead, its forces must persist until every basement and tunnel has been cleared and Hamas’s cadre of trained fighters has been drastically reduced. Nor is the capture of Yahya Sinwar, the top Hamas leader in Gaza, a realistic goal — with the help of Sinai Bedouin smugglers, it would be all too easy for him to escape and join Hamas’s other leaders in their five-star suites in Doha.


Of course, although essential, destroying the military power of Hamas cannot by itself bring about a permanent state of peace in Gaza. But if Hamas can no longer subject Gaza’s population to its perpetual war, it will be victory enough.



A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:

Please send this to anyone at a School, College or University. Parents, Students, Administrators and Teachers. These are Felony Death Threats. This violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
This is not free speech.
Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS-antisemitism-dcl

Elder of Ziyon logo

Elder of Ziyon logo

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies
Re-upping this meme for those who witnessed the disgusting worldwide demos on Shabbat.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at 'pro-Palestinian' rallies:

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:

A guide to the chants at 'pro-Palestinian' rallies:

A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:

The Proper Jewish Response:

“Hashem natan ha’aretz li” (God gave the Land to me)!

“Eretz Yisrael Yehudi ” (Eretz Yisrael is Jewish land)



Pallywood: Palestinian Propaganda

Pallywood: “it’s just an act mommy”

Imam of Peace-tweet-12November2023-Pallywood-it’s just an act mommy
This is gold. A Palestinian mother sees images online showing her son injured. She races to the hospital only to find it all fake. He is fine, it’s just an act mommy. It’s called Pallywood.


Imam of Peace-tweet-12November2023-Pallywood-it’s just an act mommy

Imam of Peace-tweet-12November2023-Pallywood-it’s just an act mommy



YNet Logo

Time to debunk the media’s anti-Israel narrative: You have blood on your hands

Opinion: The only way to end the all-pervasive anti-Israel bias in so much of the media is to shake their underlying narrative, which forms part of the greatest slur campaign in history

Col. Richard Kemp |2023-10-22 |


Much of Western media has blood on its hands. Following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, many news outlets have been acting as willing tools of the genocidal terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip that perpetrated it. This is neither new nor unpredictable. An anti-Zionist narrative has for many years displaced media objectivity in every conflict involving Israel.


The strategic objective of Hamas’s attacks is to incite international condemnation of Israel by compelling it to take military action in which Gaza civilians will inevitably be killed despite unparalleled IDF measures to prevent it. Whenever this happens, like Pavlov’s dogs a chorus of reporters, tame analysts and newscasters immediately appear on the airwaves to accuse Israel of war crimes. Such accusations are loudly echoed in universities, human rights groups and international bodies. Exactly as Hamas intended.

Pro-Palestinian demonstration following reports of Al Ahli Hospital blast, in Rabat, Morocco, April 18, 2023 (Photo: AP Photo)

Pro-Palestinian demonstration following reports of Al Ahli Hospital blast, in Rabat, Morocco, April 18, 2023
(Photo: AP Photo)

That in turn encourages Hamas to do the same thing again and again and is the real “cycle of violence” that many journalists love to accuse others of but are in fact themselves active participants.

When Donnison retweeted a photo of a girl from Syria, as Palestinian

A few days ago, an explosion occurred in the parking lot at Al Ahli Hospital in the Gaza Strip. No one outside Gaza knew what had caused it. Immediately, the Hamas disinformation machine swung into action, accusing Israel of attacking the hospital and causing hundreds of casualties. Across the world, media parroted their accusations without question or challenge.

Pro-Israel rally outside BBC studios, in London, October 14, 2023 (Photo: Carl Court / GettyImages)

Pro-Israel rally outside BBC studios, in London, October 14, 2023
(Photo: Carl Court / GettyImages)

One of the worst offenders was the BBC, by far the most influential media organization in the UK, and with one of the largest audiences internationally. It is regarded by many as the most authoritative and impartial news organization in the world and has been seen as a beacon of truth going back to the Second World War.


“Hundreds killed in Israeli strike on Gaza hospital — Palestinian officials,” was the BBC headline. The next day, the British Financial Times splashed with: “Gaza Health Ministry says hundreds killed in Israeli air strike on hospital”. Across the Atlantic, the New York Times, among others, reported the Al Alhi incident in similarly false terms.


BBC reporter John Donnison told viewers: “It is hard to see what else this could be really given the size of the explosion other than an Israeli air strike or several air strikes.” Well, if he was incapable of comprehending the other obvious possibility — a terrorist rocket falling short, which it turned out to be — then perhaps he should have restrained himself from venturing any opinion at all.


Donnison has a track record. During an earlier Gaza conflict in 2012, he retweeted a picture of a young girl lying in hospital with bloodied clothes, presented as a casualty of Israeli strikes in Gaza. In fact, it was a photograph from Syria.

Terrorists attacking Israel are always “militants”

He is far from alone. Six BBC Arabic language journalists “liked” postings praising the 7th October attacks, with one reporter celebrating the slaughter as a “morning of hope.” And back in 2009, the BBC’s Middle East Editor, Jeremy Bowen, now World Editor, was censured by the BBC’s editorial standards body over complaints of impartiality and inaccuracy in his reporting on Israel. In 2004, after complaints about anti-Israel bias at the corporation, the BBC commissioned its own investigation which resulted in the 20,000-word Balen Report. Since it was written, the BBC has spent more than $425,000 in legal fees to contest demands that it should be published. It remains under wraps nearly 20 years later.


Even after the 7th October massacre, the BBC still refuses to call Hamas what everybody else knows they are: “terrorists”. Instead, terrorists attacking Israel are always referred to as “militants”. Meanwhile, the BBC are happy to brand as terrorists the 9/11 attackers, the London suicide bombers in 2005 and the 2017 Manchester Arena bombers. And despite digging their heels in against complaints over their stance on Hamas, the BBC described a shooting in Brussels last week as a “terrorist attack”.

BBC studios covered in red paint in protest of coverage of Israel-Hamas war, in London, October 14, 2023 (Photo: Reuters / Susannah Ireland)

BBC studios covered in red paint in protest of coverage of Israel-Hamas war, in London, October 14, 2023
(Photo: Reuters / Susannah Ireland)


The same deliberate mischaracterisation of terrorists attacking Israelis is shared on the UK’s Sky News, who have also referred to Hamas as a “political organization”. This is much more than mere semantics: it can only reflect these media outlets’ real view of Hamas and their cause.


Wider concerns about the BBC help shed light on what lies behind their anti-Israel bias. In 2021, the Simon Wiesenthal Center rated the corporation as number three on its annual “Global Antisemitism Top Ten”. Iran was number one with Hamas in second place.


Jewish students at colleges – physically attacked

One example of the BBC’s alleged antisemitism cited by Wiesenthal was their reporting of an attack on a bus containing Jewish teenagers in London’s Oxford Street as they celebrated Hanukkah. Rabbi Mervin Hier, the center’s chief, said: “The BBC falsely reported that a victim on the bus used an anti-Muslim slur”. The BBC had misinterpreted the words of a distressed Jewish man speaking in Hebrew appealing for help. Again, they instinctively leapt to the wrong conclusion, but the one that fitted their narrative.


Discussing the Al Alhi hospital incident with a British reporter, I was told the accusation against Israel was made because it was “a fast-moving news situation”, and that corrections were published by many papers and broadcasters as the situation became clearer. But “clarification” usually meant substituting the false assertions against Israel with reports that “both sides traded blame”. As though there can be any equivalence between a proscribed terrorist murder gang and the official statements of democratically accountable armed forces.


I got no answer from the reporter on why Hamas statements were automatically given immediate credence, including the grossly exaggerated casualty figures churned out by the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry. When media did correct their fake news it was too late and their stories had already been eagerly recycled, including by politicians such as Canada’s Justin Trudeau and former UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn as well as human rights organizations like Amnesty International, well known for their anti-Israel bias.


Aftermath of Al Ahli Hospital blast, in Gaza City, October 18, 2023 (Photo: AP / Abed Khaled)

Aftermath of Al Ahli Hospital blast, in Gaza City, October 18, 2023
(Photo: AP / Abed Khaled)

Such stories are also seized on in the streets, leading to mass protests, violence and even terrorism. Three days after media accused the IDF of the Al Ahli incident, the Daily Telegraph reported that a terrorist attack occurred in Britain; when arrested the perpetrator told police he had done it for “Palestine”. No further details have yet been published, supposedly for legal reasons.


In the last few days, Jewish students at colleges in the U.S. and UK have been set on and physically attacked as a result of disinformation spread by the media, which stokes and inflames pre-existing anti-Zionist movements so rife on many university campuses. Police in London report a 1,353% increase in antisemitic offences this month compared to the same period last year.


During a Sky News interview a few years ago, I contested the standard falsehoods about illegal occupation, illegal settlements and the old trope of “Israeli apartheid”. Afterwards, a veteran Sky Middle East correspondent told me privately that he agreed with me. I asked him why, then, did his reporting always reflect the opposite perspective? He told me if it did not he would be fired.


This sums up the intractable problem that dominates the editorial policies of the BBC, Sky and so much of U.S. and European media. That is the lie that Israel is an illegitimate state that deliberately oppresses innocent, peace-loving Palestinians whose land has been stolen. They may not say as much publicly, but the dominant view, even after such horrific attacks as 7th October, is that the Israelis had it coming, or at least have a major share in the blame.


Colonel Richard Kemp (Photo: Courtesy)

Colonel Richard Kemp
(Photo: Courtesy)

The flimsy mask seemed to slip last week when Sky News journalist Kay Burley claimed the head of the Palestinian Authority mission to the UK had said Israel “had it coming”, a remark he did not make.


Perhaps a case of projection of her own views and so many of her media colleagues? The only way to end the all-pervasive anti-Israel bias in so much of the media is to shake their underlying narrative, which forms part of the greatest slur campaign in history. And how, exactly, do you do that?

Colonel Richard Kemp is a former UK Armed Forces commander


Honest Reporting New Logo

Fact-Checking Website Snopes Shills For Hamas & Debates Beheaded Babies in Sickening ‘Debunking’ Articles

Snopes is one of the most well-known “fact-checker” websites worldwide, regularly posting articles debunking online conspiracy theories, dispelling media misinformation and separating satire from serious news. Its website boasts of the stringent process its editorial…

Rachel O’Donoghue October 23, 2023


Snopes is one of the most well-known “fact-checker” websites worldwide, regularly posting articles debunking online conspiracy theories, dispelling media misinformation and separating satire from serious news.


Its website boasts of the stringent process its editorial team undertakes to ensure the veracity of information, including contacting primary sources, finding experts who have relevant expertise in the subject at hand, and using non-partisan information and data sources to inform its pieces.


However, since the outbreak of the October 7 war against Israel, Snopes has been producing some dubious content that requires some fact-checking of its own.


Here are just a few examples of Snopes’ problematic fact-checking on the Israel-Hamas war:

Sneaky Editing on Gaza Hospital Blast

The explosion at Gaza City’s al-Ahli Hospital sparked a flurry of media misinformation and social media disinformation.


From the New York Times headline that an “Israeli airstrike” was responsible for “killing 500″ to the BBC’s correspondent Jon Donnison confidently announcing live on-air that he found it “hard to see” who else could be responsible other than the IDF, the lie that Israel bombed a civilian hospital spread like wildfire.


But then the truth emerged. The Israeli military released satellite imagery, videos of the blast, and tapped phone recordings that proved it was a misfired rocket shot by Islamic Jihad that was responsible.


What’s more, further evidence came out that the rocket did not directly hit the hospital and that nowhere near 500 people died.


On October 19, two days after the explosion, Snopes published an article asking, “Did Israel Warn Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza to Evacuate?” written by former Al Jazeera journalist Nur Ibrahim.


In addition to relying on widely discredited reporting on the events from the New York Times for its “fact-checking,” the article also fails to acknowledge the many pieces of evidence released by Israel that exonerate itself, as well as the United States’ own findings that Islamic Jihad was responsible.


Perhaps owing to her employment history, Ibrahim uses a statement given to Al Jazeera without noting the outlet is a state-run propaganda arm of the Qatari government and fails to note that the “unnamed senior health official in Gaza” who spoke to Al Jazeera would be affiliated with Hamas, which controls the Gazan health authorities.


It is also clear that Snopes did some sneaky editing of the article where it had initially made errors.

An original version of the piece states unequivocally that “500 people were killed” which was later amended to read “hundreds of people” even though that figure is still in dispute.


Did Israel Warn Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza to Evacuate-old version.

Did Israel Warn Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza to Evacuate-old version.

Did Israel Warn Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza to Evacuate-new version.

Did Israel Warn Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza to Evacuate-new version.


Fact-Finding Over Beheaded Babies

One of the most disgusting “debates” that has taken place during the war is whether Hamas terrorists beheaded babies or shot them during their murderous onslaught in Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7.


Also written by Nur Ibrahim, the Snopes article allegedly debunking the claim flippantly describes the atrocity as a “viral rumor spread by news media, the US president, and so on.”


It also includes this disturbing paragraph: “As we looked into the claim, we found contradictory reports from journalists, Israeli army officials, and almost no independent corroborations of the alleged war crime, leading to concerns among fact-checkers that such a claim may be premature or unsubstantiated.”

This is a lie.

In addition to numerous eyewitness accounts, including from independent journalists who saw the aftermath of the massacre and photographic evidence, there is enough proof to say that babies were indeed beheaded during the Hamas rampage.


More importantly, Ibrahim’s insistence on calling it an “alleged war crime” is baffling. For, even if babies had not been beheaded, what Hamas did would have still amounted to a war crime — there is nothing “alleged” about the events of October 7.


Lastly, Ibrahim claims details of the massacre being released could lead to hatred toward Muslims, explaining that people should be “wary of claims that echo Islamophobic rhetoric, or statements that compare the violence in Kfar Aza to ‘ISIS-style’ killings — i.e., beheadings that have taken place in a different context and were committed by a different group” because they have the “potential to become dangerous propaganda.’



BREAKING: Israeli official confirms two important details.

⭕ Babies were decapitated at Kibbutz Be’eri.

⭕ Women were raped next to the bodies of fellow festivalgoers at Re’im. They were “killed twice, first raped and then murdered,” the official said.

HonestReporting-tweet-11October2023-Israeli official confirms two important details

HonestReporting-tweet-11October2023-Israeli official confirms two important details


Shilling for the Iranian Ayatollah

Ibrahim acted as an apologist for another Islamist regime in an October 10 article that asked, “Did Iran Say It Will Hit Israel with Missile Strikes from Lebanon, Yemen and Iran if Attacked?


According to the Snopes piece, the following claim that appeared in the Wall Street Journal remains unproven: “During the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023, Iranian officials said that if Iran were attacked, it would respond with missile strikes on Israel from Lebanon, Yemen and Iran, and send Iranian fighters into Israel from Syria.”


Citing the fact the WSJ only cited one source for the threat, Ibrahim concluded Snopes “cannot independently verify whether such a threat was sanctioned by the Iranian state.”


But just days after the Snopes article was published, Iran effectively confirmed its threats when its foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian warned the regime may take “preemptive action” against Israel via its proxies, which happen to be based in Lebanon and Yemen.


“Today, when we talk about the resistance in the region, it is not only Hezbollah, and we are witnessing the activities of various resistance groups in the region,” Amir-Abdollahian added.


Did Snopes update its article to reflect this? Nope.

Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!


Honest Reporting New Logo

Media Rush To Defend Hamas Ministry Providing Skewed Data on Gaza Casualties

It was impossible not to notice a disturbing trend that took place last week, as respectable news outlets rushed to publish almost identical reports defending their only source of information on Gaza casualties: The Hamas-run…


Rinat Harash 29October2023


It was impossible not to notice a disturbing trend that took place last week, as respectable news outlets rushed to publish almost identical reports defending their only source of information on Gaza casualties: The Hamas-run Health Ministry.


Reuters, AP, The New York Times, The Guardian, Time Magazine and The Washington Post included all or most of the following elements in their pieces: The release by the Hamas-run Ministry of a list of victims, flawed reasoning, attributions to the same problematic sources, and ridiculous attempts to claim that the Ministry was actually run by the PA, Hamas’ rival. This orchestrated pattern seemed like it carried the heavy footprints of an agenda-driven effort that journalists were all too happy to parrot.

Victims List and Logical Fallacy

All of the outlets mentioned above based their apologetic reports on the release of a list of Palestinian victims that the Hamas-run Health Ministry sent out after US President Joe Biden had questioned its reliability. The list — which was not published — reportedly included the names and identity numbers of 6,747 Palestinians who according to the Ministry had been killed in Israeli bombardments of the enclave.


But almost all outlets failed to notice or mention that the document included 471 victims from the blast at al-Ahli hospital, which according to analyses of several intelligence services was the fault of a misfired Palestinian missile and not an Israeli strike. And that number, which is still disputed, was modified from an earlier estimation of 500 fatalities falsely provided by the ministry in the immediate aftermath of the blast.


Related Reading: Gaza Hospital Explosion: The Evidence

But this is just one symptom of a deeper problem. When analyzing the reasoning behind these reports, a logical fallacy emerges. Here’s how AP makes its case:

Throughout four wars and numerous bloody skirmishes between Israel and Hamas, U.N. agencies have cited the Health Ministry’s death tolls in regular reports. The International Committee of the Red Cross and Palestinian Red Crescent also use the numbers…International news agencies, including AP, as well as humanitarian workers and rights groups, have used the ministry’s numbers when independent verification is impossible.

How does the fact that other bodies rely on a sole source make it reliable? They simply don’t have any other choice.


So the argument fails. But it fails also because some of the bodies quoted as part of this equation — like the UN’s OCHA and Human Rights Watch — are problematic in their own right.

Agenda-driven Attributions

The main talking head in all of the reports is none other than Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine Director at Human Rights Watch.


Yet no report mentions that Shakir is far from being impartial when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; Shakir was forced to leave Israel in November 2019 after his work visa was not renewed due to his support of the controversial Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.


Both Reuters and AP also quote OCHA (the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) as a body whose reliance on the data provided by the Hamas-run Health Ministry is a testament to its accuracy.


But OCHA, as detailed by NGO Monitor, is a body that oversees funding for anti-Israeli NGOs, including some that engage in blatantly antisemitic activities and have ties to the PFLP, a proscribed terrorist organization.


AP also mentions Gaza’s Health Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qidra, who is described as a logistical genius:

Gaza’s most widely quoted source on casualties is Health Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qidra. From an office at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, al-Qidra receives a constant flow of data from every hospital in the strip.

While this may be true, al-Qidra is working for Hamas. As former Reuters bureau chief Luke Baker recently wrote on X/Twitter, “any health official stepping out of line and not giving the death tolls that Hamas wants reported to journalists risks serious consequences.”


A former @Reuters  Jerusalem bureau chief spells out the clear problems with the media coverage of Gazan casualty figures:

The numbers are supplied by Hamas and Hamas can’t be trusted.

HonestReporting-tweet-25October2023-The numbers are supplied by Hamas and Hamas can't be trusted

HonestReporting-tweet-25October2023-The numbers are supplied by Hamas and Hamas can’t be trusted

Moreover, an Israeli think tank estimated in 2014 that al-Qidra was a former Hamas activist who has been affiliated with the terrorist movement since the 1990s.


It is no wonder, then, that several media outlets added a ridiculous argument to their case, defying reason and reality altogether: The Gaza-Health Ministry is actually not run by Hamas.

Denying Hamas’ Responsibility

Three media outlets — Reuters, AP and The New York Times — have made a special effort to distort reality by falsely claiming that the Gaza Health Ministry is supervised by the Palestinian Authority, Hamas’ rival which holds sway in the West Bank.

Here is Reuters’ version:

While Hamas controls Gaza and exercises tight control over information coming out of the enclave, formal responsibility for the health ministry still rests with the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank.

And AP’s:

The Palestinian Authority, which controlled Gaza before Hamas overran the area in 2007, retains power over health and education services in Gaza, though it’s based in the occupied West Bank. The ministry is a mix of recent Hamas hires and older civil servants affiliated with the secular nationalist Fatah party, officials say.

And The New York Times:

The Ministry of Health, which is part of the Hamas government in Gaza but employs civil servants who predate Hamas’s control of the territory, did not say why it had decided to publish the names of the dead.

Did these outlets forget the violent Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2007? Do they not know that a Gazan civil servant who doesn’t abide by Hamas’ dictates risks his or her life? Why are they parroting agenda-driven talking points without adding a shred of factual context? Their absurd description makes Gaza look like a pluralistic society in which the two rival Palestinian factions have reconciled.


Unfortunately, all these outlets know that Hamas is skewing the data. Their contradictory reports even say so:

  • They admit that the Hamas-run Health Ministry doesn’t differentiate between civilians and combatants
  • They admit that it inflated the numbers of victims in al-Ahli hospital blast
  • They admit it’s almost impossible to reach a definite number of casualties amid the debris and rubble

So why are they dedicating entire pieces to defending this source of twisted information? Why can’t they just include a skeptical line in every relevant piece saying the tally by the Hamas-run Ministry cannot be independently verified? Why do they try to “counterbalance” any such caveat with a false doubt cast on Israel’s tally of its own victims, which is publicly available?


Why do they fail to accept that a terror group which can slaughter, rape and kidnap to achieve its goals can also, quite easily, just lie?


Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!

Photo Credit: DAWOOD NEMER/AFP via Getty Images



Fake Numbers

Honest Reporting New Logo

HonestReporting-tweet-12February2024-Washington Post fake numbers
Hey, @washingtonpost, why is it ok for you to diminish the number of Israeli civilians killed (it was mainly civilians, not “many of them”) while failing to point out that the Palestinian figures are supplied by Hamas and do not differentiate between civilians and combatants?
ReneJayeee-tweet-12February2024-no difference between civilians and combatants
As far as I’m concerned there is no difference between civilians and combatants–all are combatants having been radicalized by UNRWA from childhood to hate and murder Israelis. Its generational, since 1949. Their leadership considers them expendable and for use as human shields. It puts its babies and children in harm’s way for their propaganda value.

These are foreign concepts to the Western mind which doesn’t comprehend how the Palestinian Arabs are so radicalized that parents look forward to their children being needlessly martyred to equality needless killing.

HonestReporting-tweet-12February2024-Washington Post fake numbers

HonestReporting-tweet-12February2024-Washington Post fake numbers



Not Reported

Hillel Fuld-tweet-11April2024-Not Reported
Just thought I’d let you know that the chances of you hearing about this in the press are zero.

So here, a nice Palestinian woman just approached soldiers and when they picked up on suspicious behavior and stopped her, this is what they found on her. After interrogation, she admitted she was there to commit a terrorist attack.

Ya know, because today is a good day to kill Jews, right? Do they ever have a day that’s NOT a good day to kill Jews?

The only chances you’ll hear about this is if some “journalist” reports that “IDF soldiers arrested an innocent Palestinian woman.”

But you also don’t hear about the constant Hezbollah attacks on Israel.

You don’t hear about the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who were displaced from their homes in this war.

You won’t hear about the rocks that Palestinian kids throw at Israeli cars daily, and by rocks, I mean boulders.

You won’t hear about the daily Palestinian attempts to run civilians over with their car.

You won’t hear about the mass marches in support of Hamas throughout Palestinian towns and villages.

Listen, I can go on. You won’t hear about any of that. You’ll only hear about it if Israel retaliates.

Dead Jews don’t get clicks.

Happy to be your source of truthful information because truth is a novelty nowadays.

You’re welcome.

The Palestinian culture is rotten to the core and they are indoctrinated from age zero.

This is a population, as politically incorrect as it may be to say, that needs to be uprooted the same way Nazi Germany was.

If that statement offends you, I’d go searching for your moral compass.

Hamas and its supporters = Modern day Nazis.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-11April2024-Not Reported

Hillel Fuld-tweet-11April2024-Not Reported



The Journalists are the Terrorists


Israel demands clarification from global media over photographers during Hamas assault

AP, Reuters, NY Times deny any prior knowledge, say their job is to cover news; CNN suspends ties with freelancer; Israel warns those present could be held accountable for crimes

By Stuart Winer 9November2023,


Palestinians from the Gaza Strip enter Kibbutz Kfar Aza on Oct. 7, 2023, amid a massive assault by the Hamas terror group. (AP Photo/Hassan Eslaiah)

Palestinians from the Gaza Strip enter Kibbutz Kfar Aza on Oct. 7, 2023, amid a massive assault by the Hamas terror group. (AP Photo/Hassan Eslaiah)

Israel on Thursday demanded that international media outlets explain the circumstances under which photographers in their pay were present at the scene of the surprise October 7 assault by the Hamas terror group on southern Israel, and warned they could be held complicit in the crimes.

The move came after the pro-Israel watchdog group Honest Reporting published a report Wednesday showing that photographers used by The Associated Press, Reuters, The New York Times, and CNN provided images taken as the attack was ongoing from the border area and including from inside Israel — intimating they may have had advance knowledge of the assault.


The report also raised questions about the relationship between some of the photographers and the Hamas terror group that rules Gaza.

AP, Reuters and The New York Times all denied having any prior knowledge of the attack and reiterated that their role is to cover breaking news events. CNN said it had cut ties with one of the photographers named in the report even though it had no reason to doubt the “journalistic accuracy” of his work.


The National Information System, a department of the Prime Minister’s Office, said in a statement Thursday that it “takes very seriously the phenomenon of journalists working with international media joining [with attackers] to cover the brutal massacres by Hamas terrorists on Saturday 10/7/2023 in the communities surrounding Gaza.”


It said the Government Press Office “issued an urgent letter to the heads of the media systems where these photographers are employed, and asked for clarification on the matter.”


Still, without receiving answers, it concluded that: “These media people are complicit in crimes against humanity.”

“This is a violation of the rules of professional ethics,” the statement said. “The National Information System demands that immediate action be taken.”

Gazans celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the broken Israel-Gaza border fence, east of Khan Younis, October 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Yousef Masoud)

Gazans celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the broken Israel-Gaza border fence, east of Khan Younis, October 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Yousef Masoud)

Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi also sent a letter to The New York Times asserting that photographers and others at the paper had prior knowledge of the attack and urging the paper to investigate.


“I write to you with deep concern regarding recent reports about your employees’ alleged involvement in the tragic events in southern Israel,” Karhi wrote. “It has come to our attention that certain individuals within your organization, including photographers and others, had prior knowledge of these horrific actions and may have maintained a troubling connection with the perpetrators.”


“I urgently request a thorough investigation into this matter,” Karhi wrote. “The gravity of the situation demands a swift and thorough response.”


The New York Times rejected the accusations, saying regarding photographer Yousef Masoud that “There is no evidence for Honest Reporting’s insinuations.”


While noting Masoud was not working for the paper on the day of the attack itself, the paper added: “Our review of his work shows that he was doing what photojournalists always do during major news events, documenting the tragedy as it unfolded.”


It added that freelance photojournalists’ jobs “often require them to rush into danger to provide first-hand witness accounts and to document important news.”


Minister Benny Gantz, a member of the war cabinet set up to oversee the conflict, said in a post to his X (formerly Twitter) feed: “Journalists found to have known about the massacre – and still chose to stand as idle bystanders while children were slaughtered – are no different than terrorists and should be treated as such.”


On October 7, Hamas led over 3,000 terrorists who burst through the Gaza Strip border and rampaged murderously through southern Israel. The gunmen overran communities, slaughtering some 1,400 people, the vast majority of them civilians in their homes or at a massive outdoor music festival. At least 240 people were taken hostage and dragged into Gaza. Hundreds of cases of brutality and abuse were recorded.


Many of the attackers recorded their acts on body cameras or other video equipment and the images were published by Hamas.


The onslaught, which began at around 6:30 a.m., came under the cover of thousands of rockets fired at Israel. It was reportedly planned under great secrecy with only senior Hamas commanders being aware of the full scale and scope of the attack before it went ahead.


In its report, Honest Reporting asked: “Is it conceivable to assume that ‘journalists’ just happened to appear early in the morning at the border without prior coordination with the terrorists? Or were they part of the plan?”


“Some of [the Hamas terrorists’] atrocities were captured by Gaza-based photojournalists working for The Associated Press and Reuters news agencies whose early morning presence at the breached border raises serious ethical questions,” it wrote.


The website listed four photojournalists whose names appear in Associated Press pictures from the Israel-Gaza border area on the day of the attack: Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali.


Eslaiah, it said, crossed the border into Israel and took pictures of a burning IDF tank. He also photographed attackers entering Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where dozens of civilians were massacred. The report said that in now-removed tweets posted to his X feed, Eslaiah was seen in front of the tank but not wearing a press vest that would identify him as a member of the media.


A photo has also emerged online of Eslaiah being kissed by Hamas’s Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar. It is not clear when the photo was taken, but it seems to have been prior to the October 7 attack.


HonestReporting-tweet-8November2023-In the hours following our expose
In the hours following our expose, new material is still coming to light concerning Gazan freelance journalist Hassan Eslaiah whom both AP & CNN used on Oct. 7.

Here he is pictured with Hamas leader and mastermind of the Oct. 7 massacre, Yahya Sinwar.
HonestReporting-tweet-8November2023-And here is footage of Eslaiah
And here is footage of Eslaiah after he crossed into Israel and took photos of a burning Israeli tank. He then captured infiltrators entering Kibbutz Kfar Azza.

Note that he is not identifiable as a member of the press. But AP & CNN deemed it acceptable to use his services.

HonestReporting-tweet-8November2023-In the hours following our expose

HonestReporting-tweet-8November2023-In the hours following our expose


Honest Reporting said Masoud also took pictures of a destroyed tank.

Mahmud and Ali both took pictures of people being abducted from Israel into Gaza, the report said.


The names of several of the photographers have since been removed from images of the attacks in the AP database, the watchdog said. (At time of writing, Eslaiah’s credit had indeed been removed in AP’s database from the photo at the top of this article and from other photographs he took on October 7.)


Reuters published images from two photographers, Mohammed Fayq Abu Mostafa and Yasser Qudih. Both men apparently crossed into Israel from Gaza to photograph a burning tank, according to the report.


“Even if they didn’t know the exact details of what was going to happen, once it unfolded did they not realize they were breaching a border? And if so, did they notify the news agencies? Some sort of communication was undoubtedly necessary — before, after or during the attack — in order to get the photos published,” the watchdog asked.


“Either way, when international news agencies decide to pay for material that has been captured under such problematic circumstances, their standards may be questioned and their audience deserves to know about it. And if their people on the ground actively or passively collaborated with Hamas to get the shots, they should be called out to redefine the border between journalism and barbarism.”

Palestinians celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the Gaza Strip fence east of Khan Younis, October 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Hassan Eslaiah)

Palestinians celebrate by a destroyed Israeli tank at the Gaza Strip fence east of Khan Younis, October 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Hassan Eslaiah)

Israel’s Channel 12 stated on Thursday, without attribution, that these photographers “were not there at 6:30 in the morning” when the border fence was breached in multiple locations, “and apparently not in the first wave after the breach.”


The arguments are over “the second wave and a little after that, at around 8 in the morning,” the TV report said.

In a response to the Ynet outlet, CNN said it has stopped working with Eslaiah.

“We are aware of the article and photo concerning Hassan Eslaiah, a freelance photojournalist who has worked with a number of international and Israeli outlets. While we have not at this time found reason to doubt the journalistic accuracy of the work he has done for us, we have decided to suspend all ties with him,” CNN said.


The Associated Press said in a statement that it “had no knowledge of the Oct. 7 attacks before they happened. The role of the AP is to gather information on breaking news events around the world, wherever they happen, even when those events are horrific and cause mass casualties.”


“AP uses images taken by freelancers around the world, including in Gaza,” it said.

The Reuters news agency also denied having any prior knowledge of the assault.


Update: Israel demands clarification from global media over photographers during Hamas assault

Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-Notice the AP reporter
AP “journalists” who entered Israel on October 7 together with the Palestinian terrorists: Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali.

They documented some of the kidnappings. Did these “journalists” know of the plan ahead of time?

Ali Mahmud and Hatem Ali shot pictures of the abductions of Israelis into Gaza. Mahmud also captured the pickup truck carrying the body of Shani Louk.

Great expose—-
Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-
Notice how the AP “reporter” “reported” the nude body of Shani Louk as an “Israeli soldier” —
Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-
Of course all of this explains why AP was renting office space from Hamas in the first place.
Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-
🚨 Obama’s former spokesperson talked to the people who were in the AP/Hamas building in Gaza and it turns out that AP lied, people in that building knew they were sharing office space with Hamas.
Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-
Dovi Safier-tweet-8November2023-
I guess I wasn’t the only one wondering why the @AP had photographers embedded with the terrorists on 10/7?


Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-Notice the AP reporter

Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-Notice the AP reporter

Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-AP had photographers embedded with the terrorists

Marina Medvin-tweet-8November2023-AP had photographers embedded with the terrorists



Crossing the lines of integrity with a Hamas-praising photojournalist – analysis

‘Post’ revelations show Hassan Eslaiah likely knew about the planned massacre ahead of time and expressed support as he watched the murders

11NOVEMBER2023 Updated:12NOVEMBER2023

A photograph taken by Gaza photojournalist Hassan Eslaiah. (photo credit: Screenshots from Telegram)

A photograph taken by Gaza photojournalist Hassan Eslaiah. (photo credit: Screenshots from Telegram)


CNN hired a photojournalist who just three days before posted videos and photos of himself inside Israel during the Hamas massacre, including with an Israeli tank and a room of bloody, dead bodies.


Gaza photojournalist Hassan Eslaiah crossed into Israel on October 7 to document the Hamas massacre of more than 1,200 Israelis. His photos from the scene appeared on several international news outlets, including The Associated Press, the Jerusalem-based watchdog HonestReporting revealed last week.


The watchdog’s story sparked a series of questions and international outcry, ultimately leading to his being let go from the two institutions.


However, CNN said in a statement last week that their working relationship with the freelancer began after the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel, on October 10. It also noted that despite its decision to stop working with Eslaiah, it did not have “any reason to doubt the journalistic accuracy of the work he has done for us,” as reported by Ynet and confirmed by The Jerusalem Post.


Images taken by Gaza photojournalist Hassan Eslaiah, who worked for both AP and CNN, of the Hamas massacre on October 7. (credit: Screenshots from Telegram)

Images taken by Gaza photojournalist Hassan Eslaiah, who worked for both AP and CNN, of the Hamas massacre on October 7. (credit: Screenshots from Telegram)


The Post confirmed that Eslaiah was not fired for his work on the 7th but for a separate but related concern.


It was unclear if CNN knew about Eslaiah’s posts on Telegram before offering him work.


CNN told the Post it will not be commenting further on the matter.

Crossing the line: Did a photojournalist support the massacre of Israelis?

The issue goes beyond issues of accuracy or bias but is more about the lines that get crossed when a photojournalist appears to act with delight in response to witnessing the killing of civilians, while working for a major news outlet.


HonestReporting showed a screenshot of a now-removed post of the photojournalist on X standing in front of the Israeli tank without a press vest or helmet. The tweet read, “Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements.” A similar image still appears on his Telegram page.


HonestReporting also published a separate image from well before the massacre showing Eslaiah buddying up with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.


However, by scrolling through Eslaiah’s personal Telegram channel, the Post has found that Eslaiah posted much more than a tank on the 7th, including items that indicate that not only did he likely know about the planned massacre before it began at around 6:30 a.m., but that he supported the deaths of the innocent Israelis he watched being murdered.


Eslaiah’s first post on October 7 was at 5:59 a.m.: “We wake up to the great gifts of God,” he posted, according to a translation by ChatGPT. “The spirit has returned, and our blessings have increased.”


Within half an hour, he is posting about the rockets being launched at Israel and the sounds of the Iron Dome intercepting them over Khan Yunis. Then, between 6:55 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., he posts multiple variations: “To follow the latest news moment by moment, follow me on my media platforms.”


At 8:29 a.m., he appears “live from inside the settlements near the Gaza Strip” with a picture of a burning tank in the background.


At 8:36 a.m., after witnessing nearly 10 minutes of the massacre, he posts images from the scene with a verse from the Koran: “ And on that day, the believers will rejoice in the victory of Allah” and the hashtag “#AqsaFlood.”


At 9:25 a.m., the most gruesome of posts is revealed: a video with his watermark: “Filmed by Hassan Eslaiah” in the center, depicting a room full of dead, bloody bodies.


This particular video does not appear to have been published anywhere else. In the background, you hear a calm voice that sounds like his from other videos, and is spoken in his Arabic dialect, stating the following: “[Animal] carcasses, carcasses. God is great. This is the path to Jerusalem.”


There is another video at 9:49 a.m. of his standing in front of burning Jewish homes as terrorists run by. And a final video one minute later of his leaving Israel on the back of someone’s motorbike.


Is this the kind of photojournalist that major news outlets should be hiring? What kind of vetting process should be required before hiring someone in a foreign country?


Perhaps these are the questions that all international outlets should now be asking themselves.



Terrorist as journalists

Israel Advocacy Movement-tweet-21January2024-Terrorist as journalists
The media falsely claims that more journalists have been killed in Gaza than in any conflict since WWII.

This is a lie… watch as we unmask the so-called journalists and expose how 75% of them aren’t who the media portrays them to be.

Israel Advocacy Movement-tweet-21January2024-Terrorist as journalists

Israel Advocacy Movement-tweet-21January2024-Terrorist as journalists


Michael Elgort-tweet-11February2024-Muhammad Washah Hamas-Al Jazeera journalist
A laptop that belonged to Muhammad Washah, an @AlJazeera journalist, was recovered by @IDF in the northern Gaza Strip. It has pics proving he also serves as a senior Hamas military operative in the anti-tank missile system and worked in the R&D of aerial weapons News via @N12News

Michael Elgort-tweet-11February2024-Muhammad Washah Hamas-Al Jazeera journalist

Michael Elgort-tweet-11February2024-Muhammad Washah Hamas-Al Jazeera journalist



The Associated Press-POYIPICS Winner-Hamas-journalist 2024! Her name is SHANI LOUK

The Persian Jewess-tweet-28March2024-Her name is SHANI LOUK
Her name is SHANI LOUK.

🔥She was RAPED.

Raped so brutally her legs were broken and bent backwards from her body

🔥She was MURDERED.

Her murderers paraded her dead body through Gaza and defiled it.


Her body has yet to be recovered, only a piece of her skull was found.

@AP and POYIPICS you’re an absolute disgrace.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-28March2024-Her name is SHANI LOUK

The Persian Jewess-tweet-28March2024-Her name is SHANI LOUK

The Associated Press-POYIPICS Winner-Hamas-journalist 2024

The Associated Press-POYIPICS Winner-Hamas-journalist 2024


The Persian Jewess-tweet-4April2024-And the world is silent
A Heartbreaking Message from Nicole Louk Naccache, Shani Louk’s Grandmother:

“Three men shouting “Allah and Akbar.” One vile photograph and my crushed granddaughter.

And the world is silent.

My dead granddaughter stars in a photograph that won a prestigious photography competition.

And the world is silent!!!

The body of my granddaughter, after she was brutally murdered and taken to Gaza as a sign of victory, is displayed for all to see.

And the world is silent!!!!

My granddaughter’s body, after the vile murderers broke her bones so she could get into the back of the van, this body that was only a few hours ago so full of life, love, and light. Tossed as a victory trophy for terrorists and vile photographers.

And the world is silent!!!!

My beautiful dead granddaughter, surrounded by three bloodthirsty murderers. This is the heroic photo that was chosen first in a prestigious photography competition.

And the world is silent.

And I’m screaming, how could you??
And when in the history of photography did the photo of a body win a prize?

And how much more pain can we contain?

And the world is silent.
And the world is silent.”


The Persian Jewess-tweet-4April2024-And the world is silent

The Persian Jewess-tweet-4April2024-And the world is silent



Im Tirtzu-tweet-19May2024-Shani Louk’s funeral
Shani Louk’s funeral 💔
Am Israel is showing love

Im Tirtzu-tweet-19May2024-Shani Louk's funeral

Im Tirtzu-tweet-19May2024-Shani Louk’s funeral



Honest Reporting New Logo

The RJI’s Pictures of the Year award spits on Shani Louk’s grave

HonestReporting-tweet-9April2024-the RJI’s Pictures of the Year award spits on Shani Louk’s grave
The glaring, ethical issue behind the RJI’s Pictures of the Year award is that the photojournalists who photographed Shani Louk’s lifeless body, explicitly or implicitly, were doing so with Hamas’ consent.

HonestReporting-tweet-9April2024-the RJI's Pictures of the Year award spits on Shani Louk’s grave

HonestReporting-tweet-9April2024-the RJI’s Pictures of the Year award spits on Shani Louk’s grave



Arutz Sheva

NBC journalist arrested for inciting terrorism

Jerusalem police have arrested a journalist employed by NBC for posts lauding the Hamas invasion of Israel.

Israel National News



Maariv reports that Mirvat al-Azzeh, a 45-year-old journalist who works for NBC, was arrested on Thursday on suspicions of inciting terror and identifying with a terrorist organization. The arrest comes after she published posts on Facebook commenting on the Hamas invasion of Israel


Police claim that she arrived at the station “ready to be arrested,” without her mobile phone and with the telephone numbers written on her leg. During her investigation, she admitted to the deeds ascribed to her. A representative of the police summarized the interrogation at the court hearing Friday in Jerusalem: “This is a serious crime during a declared war, during which the defendant is living and employed in the country that is under attack, and still decided to incite and praise the attacks against citizens.”

Her attorney commented: “The woman in question is an ordinary woman, who works as a journalist and whose work is important to us all. She was asked during her investigation about her employment. I believe she admitted to all the deeds described to her, and cooperated fully with the investigation. She did not attempt to conceal the offenses or claim that her accounts had been hacked. Even when she didn’t have a mobile phone, which is the main tool involved, she still said, ‘Yes, those are my posts.'”


“This makes many more steps completely superfluous. You have her confession and there is no further need to investigate. I request that she be released on any conditions that the court seems appropriate. She is from a very respected family.”


At the end of the hearing, her detention was extended. Over the past month, the police has asked the prosecution for a permit to investigate the journalist and the permit was granted last week. The journalist, as stated, was arrested two days ago by Jerusalem police, and her detention was extended in a court hearing for four days.


Honest Reporting New Logo

Head of BBC Global Service ‘Told Journalists That Hamas Is No Less Credible Than Israel & October 7 Attack Should Not Be Called a Massacre’

There has reportedly been turmoil in the BBC’s Middle East offices since Hamas launched its brutal October 7 attack on Israel after some of the broadcaster’s own journalists turned against their employer and accused the…

Rachel O’Donoghue , 16November2023

Lilliane Landor_BBC

Lilliane Landor_BBC

There has reportedly been turmoil in the BBC’s Middle East offices since Hamas launched its brutal October 7 attack on Israel after some of the broadcaster’s own journalists turned against their employer and accused the BBC of promoting a “pro-Israel” narrative in its coverage.


Allegations of such slanted reportage will, no doubt, come as a surprise to many — not least because the BBC’s reporting has repeatedly come under fire since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, including when it backtracked after falsely reporting that an Israeli strike on the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza had killed hundreds


The BBC has also shied away from addressing concerns about its coverage, preferring instead to issue mealy-mouthed apologies about how such mistakes merely “fell below the BBC’s editorial standards.”


HonestReporting-tweet-15November2023-That’s a pretty low bar these days
“We apologize for this error, which fell below our usual editorial standards.”

That’s a pretty low bar these days, @BBCNews.
We Stand With Israel-tweet-15November2023-

@bbcnews have just issued an on air apology (again) for their report last night that stated the ‘IDF are targeting medical teams and Arab speakers’

Not good enough. Time and again they defame & smear Israel and think a simple apology will suffice after the damage is done

HonestReporting-tweet-15November2023-That's a pretty low bar these days

HonestReporting-tweet-15November2023-That’s a pretty low bar these days


But accusations by staff of a pro-Israel bias were reportedly enough to compel the director of the BBC’s Global Service, Liliane Landor, to hold a series of meetings with employees to address their concerns.


According to BBC journalists quoted in Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, Landor is said to have asked staff for evidence of the alleged pro-Israel bias while assuring them that both Hamas and the Palestinians “should not be considered less credible than the Israelis.”


Landor also reportedly said that “it is wrong to use expressions like massacre to describe Hamas’s behavior and avoid using them to describe Israeli attacks” on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.


One journalist who attended the meeting is quoted in Al-Ahram saying that they “have never seen such a widespread revolution, comprehensive dissatisfaction, and open anger from Arab journalists since [they] joined the institution more than 22 years ago.”


Another journalist working in the BBC’s Jordan office is said to have cried and told Landor: “I never imagined that the BBC would follow double standards in covering the war. I can no longer be proud to be a journalist at the BBC.”


One staff member reportedly warned that the “BBC does not realize or appreciate the extent of dissatisfaction in the Middle East from our shameful coverage that makes us threatened in our countries.”


Following the meetings, it is claimed a special team was formed that would specifically deal with staff complaints about the coverage and receive opinions on rectifying harm caused by the alleged bias.


The new measure, however, was apparently not enough to quell staff outrage and a journalist told Al-Ahram that discussions are underway for Arab service journalists to take part in a strike “unless the management takes urgent measures to fix the clear professional flaw in the BBC’s coverage of the current war on Gaza.”


At least two journalists — one in the BBC’s Beirut office and another correspondent based in Tunisia — reportedly resigned in protest at the corporation’s coverage of the Israel-Hamas war.


HonestReporting has reached out to the BBC to comment on the remarks made by Landor, specifically if it is the UK taxpayer-funded corporation’s official position that Hamas should not be considered less credible than the Israeli government and whether the BBC agrees with Landor that the October 7 attack should not be described as a “massacre.”


In addition, we asked whether the broadcaster wished to address reports that two journalists had resigned from their jobs.

We received no response.

We wonder whether saying a terrorist group that slaughtered 1,200 mostly Israeli civilians should be considered as trustworthy as the democratically elected government of Israel lives up to the BBC’s supposedly high editorial standards.


Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!

Photo credit: AIB (Association for International Broadcasting) via Flickr


Honest Reporting New Logo

Can The BBC Ever Be Trusted Again After Israel-Hamas War?

In summarizing its mission as the publicly-funded broadcaster in the United Kingdom, the BBC states it must “provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.” This involves…

Rachel O’Donoghue December 6, 2023



In summarizing its mission as the publicly-funded broadcaster in the United Kingdom, the BBC states it must “provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.”


This involves — the corporation promises — providing accurate and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming” that conforms to the highest editorial standards.


The commitment to impartiality is — or should be — what sets the BBC apart from other media organizations that nail their political colors to their mast.


While the BBC has staunchly defended itself against criticism that it has a deep-seated bias against Israel, its critics have pointed to many examples over the years of the broadcaster’s journalists brazenly breaking the corporation’s impartiality guidelines.


But the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7 has seen criticism of the BBC reach a climax amid accusations of an abject failure by the organization to report on the Israel-Hamas war fairly, accurately and transparently.

Spreading Misinformation

There is an irony in the BBC’s publishing of a piece one week after Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israel that asked: “Who’s behind Israel-Gaza disinformation and hate online?


The article, by the corporation’s so-called “disinformation and social media correspondent” Marianna Spring, reported how social media was “awash with false claims, conspiracy theories and hateful content surrounding what’s happening in Israel and Gaza.”


This, Spring warned, was resulting in successful attempts to distort and confuse the online conversation,” which “can have serious implications for the international community when it comes to investigating allegations of war crimes, providing aid and figuring out what’s happening where.”


Yet, the BBC itself has been guilty of spreading its distortions and false claims about the Israel-Hamas war online.


One of the most damaging was undoubtedly the corporation’s reporting on the Al-Ahli Hospital explosion in Gaza, which saw the BBC print unverified (and later debunked) claims by Hamas-linked officials that hundreds of Palestinians had been killed in an Israeli airstrike at the hospital.


Even as Israel said it was investigating the blast and as facts were still emerging, the corporation doubled down on its misinformation when BBC correspondent Jon Donnison announced live on air that he thought it was most likely that Israel was to blame.


And when conclusive evidence emerged that a misinformed Islamic Jihad rocket was responsible, the BBC still sought to defend its coverage on the basis that while it made a mistake, it was a “fast-moving story,” where there were “claims and counter-claims” and where its journalists were “reporting in difficult and dangerous conditions.”

HonestReporting-tweet-3November2023-Hamas-A BBC reporter
.@BBCNews likes to tell us that Israeli videos “cannot be verified.” But they’ve got no problem broadcasting footage featuring a Palestinian who has appeared in multiple videos playing different characters, including one where he fakes his own death.
We Stand With Israel-tweet-3November2023-New Job-A BBC reporter
Seems the man who has pretty much done every job in Gaza (including dying and coming back to life) has yet another job. A BBC reporter.

It was only a matter of time I guess
The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-3November2023-This guy’s got more lives than Super Mario
This guy’s got more lives than Super Mario.

HonestReporting-tweet-3November2023-Hamas-A BBC reporter

HonestReporting-tweet-3November2023-Hamas-A BBC reporter

The Obsession With Balance

Balance is important when it comes to the news: outlets have a duty to report both sides of the story.


However, the BBC has been accused of having a fetish with its attempts at balance in its reports on the current war.


But giving equal weighting to claims made by an internationally recognized terrorist group to those of a democratic state such as Israel is simply absurd.


The absurdity of this was perfectly encapsulated in the BBC’s refusal to call Hamas what it actually is — a terrorist organization.


The BBC’s world affairs editor John Simpson even defended the decision not to call Hamas terrorists because, “terrorism is a loaded word, which people use about an outfit they disapprove of morally. It’s simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn — who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.”

HonestReporting-tweet-11October2023-According to BBCNews
According to @BBCNews, “It’s simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn – who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.”

And yet the BBC does a damn good job of portraying Israel as the bad guys.
BBC News (World)-tweet-11October2023-John Simpson
Why BBC doesn’t call Hamas militants ‘terrorists’ – John Simpson

HonestReporting-tweet-11October2023-According to BBCNews

HonestReporting-tweet-11October2023-According to BBCNews


While the corporation eventually walked back from its insistence that it would refer to terrorists as “militants” following a considerable backlash — announcing that in future coverage it would make clear that Hamas is a UK-proscribed terrorist organization — the fact that the BBC couldn’t decide who’s the good guy and the bad guy between Israel and Hamas speaks volumes.


Another example of the BBC trying to offer “two sides” in a report where none exists was during the IDF’s raid on Al-Shifa Hospital, which for many years has been used as a Hamas command center.


HonestReporting-tweet-15November2023-BBCNews reinterprets it to libel the IDF
The IDF clearly states it is bringing medical teams & Arabic speakers into Al-Shifa Hospital to help patients.

@BBCNews reinterprets it to libel the IDF as *targeting* medical teams & Arabic speakers.

Just how much lower can the BBC go?
We Stand With Israel-tweet-15November2023-Israel WILL NOT be targeting medical teams
What the actual fuck @bbcnews?!

You’re happily disseminating Hamas propaganda without bothering to check its veracity

Israel WILL NOT be targeting medical teams. Hamas terrorists are hiding in the hospital

How many times must you fuck up before you learn your lesson?

HonestReporting-tweet-15November2023-BBCNews reinterprets it to libel the IDF

HonestReporting-tweet-15November2023-BBCNews reinterprets it to libel the IDF



When the IDF provided real-time evidence of how Hamas had embedded itself within the hospital, the BBC seemed to work overtime to try and undermine and discredit as much of the IDF’s proof as possible.


Included in the many instances of its disturbing tendency to give weight to the claims of a bloodthirsty terror group, the BBC’s international editor Jeremy Bowen suggested that the caches of weaponry uncovered by Israeli soldiers inside Al-Shifa may have belonged to the hospital security team.


Utterly incredible. @BowenBBC trying to “normalize” the presence of weapons in a Gaza hospital. Anything to avoid acknowledging that Hamas could be using Al Shifa for nefarious means.

Keep going, Jeremy. Maybe you’ll end up on Israel’s favorite satirical comedy show next week.
Edward Levey-tweet-17November2023-BowenBBC strains every sinew
“It’s not inconceivable that the pile of kalashnikovs belonged to the hospital security department”.

Rather than applying Occam’s Razor, @BowenBBC strains every sinew to cast doubt on the claim that the hospital was being used by Hamas terrorists.





Turmoil Among BBC Staff

The BBC is also facing what appears to be growing anger from within its own ranks at how the corporation is covering the Israel-Hamas war.


HonestReporting recently revealed that the head of the BBC’s Global Service, Liliane Landor, was forced to address allegations from reporters based in the Middle East that the corporation is biased in favor of Israel.


Yet, rather than robustly challenge staff who threatened to walk out in protest, Landor reportedly promised to set up a special team to handle staff complaints and receive opinions on rectifying harm caused by the alleged pro-Israel bias.


Meanwhile, bosses at the BBC’s London HQ denied permission for journalists to attend a massive march against antisemitism using guidelines that prevent employees from attending demonstrations deemed “controversial.” This despite the BBC having a policy that allows staff to demonstrate in “opposition to racism [which] is a fundamental democratic principle.”


HonestReporting-tweet-1December2023-But for BBCNews
The fighting resumed after Hamas fired rockets at Israel before the ceasefire had expired.

That’s a fact. But for @BBCNews, the Hamas ceasefire violation is couched in terms of an Israeli “accusation.”

Because the BBC can only ever see Israel as the aggressor.

HonestReporting-tweet-1December2023-But for BBCNews

HonestReporting-tweet-1December2023-But for BBCNews


Why the Must BBC Rebuild Trust

As mentioned, allegations of an anti-Israel bias have dogged the BBC for years.


But the barrage of criticism aimed at the BBC over its coverage of the current Israel-Hamas war has shown that the corporation cannot continue burying its head in the sand where this issue is concerned.


The BBC will lose all credibility if it does not.

Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!

Photo credit: Abed Rahim Khatib via Flash90




BBC Broadcasting House, London

BBC Broadcasting House, London

The BBC: We need to face up to the scale of the axis against Israel

There is onslaught against Israel and the Jews from an unholy alliance between extremist Muslims, the left and the political class, and we need to start taking the fight to them

Melanie Phillips  January 17, 2024


The Conservative MP Andrew Percy has accused the BBC of putting British Jews directly at risk through its coverage of the Israel-Gaza conflict.


Absolutely. The BBC’s relentless portrayal of the Israelis not as the victims of genocidal terror but as hard-hearted, vengeful and wanton killers of children and the innocent has channelled ancient antisemitic tropes of Jewish blood-lust and helped fuel an enormous increase in attacks on Jews.


As Percy said, the BBC’s double standards on Israel, treating patently absurd civilian casualty figures from Hamas as reliable while casting doubt on Israeli statements, present Israel rather than Hamas as the aggressor and rogue actor.


A principal offender has been the Today programme presenter, Mishal Husain. Interviewing the Defence Secretary Grant Shapps on Monday, she unleashed a barrage of distorted and out-of-context quotes to demonise Israel as a bloodthirsty aggressor.


Claiming that the IDF spokesman, Rear-Admiral Daniel Hagari, had said in October that “our focus is on creating damage not precision,” and that Israel’s defence minister, Yoav Gallant, had said “we will eliminate everything” in Gaza, Husain said these remarks suggested Israel wasn’t acting within international law and might be why “so many Palestinians have died”.


Yet as the Guardian acknowledged on 5 December, Hagari had been mistranslated. He had actually said: “While balancing accuracy with the scope of damage, right now we’re focused on what causes maximum damage”.


Gallant’s words have been taken out of context. He had said: “Gaza won’t return to what it was before, and Hamas will not exist. We will eliminate everything”. He meant eliminating Hamas, not Gaza’s civilians.


In any event, what matters is not what’s said but what Israel does. For the ratio of civilians to combatants killed by Israel is around two to one.


This is far fewer than the proportion of civilians killed in war by any other nation’s army — and when taking into account the Hamas rockets falling short into Gaza and killing its people, fewer still.


Most disgusting of all was how Husain twisted Benjamin Netanyahu’s reference to the ancient Israelites’ biblical foe, Amalek, when he said: “We remember, and we are fighting.”


Husain claimed that “Amalek” involved the injunction to spare no-one and destroy “every man, woman and child, sheep, camel and donkey”. And she suggested this was the cause of Israel’s rate of death and destruction in Gaza.


This was grotesque. Amalek was the genocidal enemy of the Jewish people, whose attack was so lethal that the Jews have a religious commitment to “remember” him in order to destroy any such enemy before it can wipe out the Jewish people again.


Yet Husain and other Israel-haters have abused this sacred duty to defend the Jewish people against genocide by claiming obscenely that it meant Israel intends to wipe out the Palestinians as an act of malign aggression.


The government has supported Israel over its show trial at the International Court of Justice. The Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, has said South Africa’s accusation against Israel of “genocide” is wrong because “genocide” involves an intention to wipe out an entire people whereas Israel is merely defending itself in Gaza.


Defending Israel, however, takes more than objecting to “when did you stop beating your wife” harassment. It involves calling out the murderous lies that are circulating about Israel’s behaviour, and stating the truth instead.


But instead, Cameron took aim at Israel with a few poisonous barbs of his own. He was “worried,” he told a parliamentary committee, that Israel “might be in breach of international law” in Gaza and that “on lots of occasions” its compliance was “under question”.


Since he offered no evidence of any such breaches, his remarks served merely as yet another smear against an Israel fighting for its life according to international law and yet being demonised for doing so.


The Jews find themselves in the hallucinatory situation of being under unprecedented physical and verbal assault by a western world determined to erase genocidal Jewish victimisation and instead delegitimise Israeli Jews as enemies of humanity.


This has been building up for years. Yet the community’s leadership has chosen not to call out publicly the enemies of the Jews in British society. Instead it has sought to appease, to genuflect and to grovel.


Last week the Chief Rabbi, Sir Ephraim Mirvis, indicated the desperate failure of that approach when he called for British Jews to be “brave” and challenge Muslims over Israel following the “deeply disappointing” Muslim attacks on the Jewish state since the October 7 pogrom.


Candidly, Mirvis regretted that he hadn’t always prioritised Israel in interfaith dialogue, which mostly “focused on what unites us”.


The community needs to start calling out the unique evil of the onslaught against Israel and the Jews from the unholy alliance between extremist Muslims, the left and the political class.


Instead of responding with instantly forgettable rallies against antisemitism to the malevolent falsehoods raining down daily from the intelligentsia, the church and the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation, British Jews should start taking the fight in public and by name to those intent on destroying truth, justice and the Jewish people.


Melanie Phillips is a Times columnist



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Captured Hamas Terrorist: False Claims

HonestReporting-tweet-9December2023-Captured Hamas Terrorist: False Claims
Conspiracy theories surrounding this picture are spreading like wildfire.

❌ Mass graves.
❌ Humiliation.
❌ Torture.
❌ Abducted civilians who are never seen again.

In reality, there are already reports that some of these men have been released…
I was mostly surprised about how fat Hamas’ “fighters” are.
All that food aid they stole from the people. Evidently terrorizing builds a hell of an appetite

HonestReporting-tweet-9December2023-Captured Hamas Terrorist: False Claims

HonestReporting-tweet-9December2023-Captured Hamas Terrorist: False Claims



Unabated, Unhinged, Orgiastic Jew-hatred!

Gad Saad-tweet-24October2023-Over the past two weeks, the reality has been unabated, unhinged, orgiastic Jew-hatred. They are coming from all directions. I do not see a way out of this. Nothing seems to temper the attacks, the delusions, the hateful fervour. I’m trying to play out different scenarios and it looks so bleak. I always believe in the power of reason but not if your predators are foaming with genocidal zeal. I truly think that this might be a historical tipping point in the West. Good night.

Gad Saad-tweet-24October2023-the reality has been unabated unhinged orgiastic Jew-hatred

Gad Saad-tweet-24October2023-the reality has been unabated unhinged orgiastic Jew-hatred


Charlie Kirk-tweet-23October2023-TThis is our @TPUSA staffer, Peter Christos, who is Christian, not Jewish. Yesterday, he was violently attacked while he and another TPUSA staffer were trying to escort an elderly Jewish couple away from a pro-Israel rally. On the way to their cars, they encountered pro-Hamas supporters who assaulted them, punched them repeatedly, and hit them with a flag pole before cops could pull them away to safety.

All of these thugs need to be arrested and charged with hate crimes.






Michael Yifrah-tweet-28October2023-The BBC

Michael Yifrah-tweet-28October2023-The BBC

Michael Yifrah-tweet-28October2023-The BBC

Watch the latest “news” from the BBC [Antisemitic BBC reporting from Israel]



Mainstream Media use of ‘Palestinian Journalist’

Honest Reporting New Logo

When Palestinians tried to connect with Israelis to build a better future, @Hind_Gaza
turned them into Hamas. This is who @washingtonpost
considers a credible journalist?


HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-When Palestinians tried to connect with Israelis to build a better future, @Hind_Gaza turned them into Hamas. This is who @washingtonpost considers a credible journalist?

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-When Palestinians tried to connect with Israelis to build a better future, @Hind_Gaza
turned them into Hamas. This is who @washingtonpost
considers a credible journalist?

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-When Palestinians tried to connect with Israelis to build a better future, @Hind_Gaza turned them into Hamas. This is who @washingtonpost considers a credible journalist?

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-When Palestinians tried to connect with Israelis to build a better future, @Hind_Gaza
turned them into Hamas. This is who @washingtonpost
considers a credible journalist?



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Who Are the Killed Gazan Journalists Affiliated With Palestinian Terror Groups?

One of the more widely discussed facets of the Israel-Hamas war has been the number of Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza since October 7. The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Associated Press, and…

Chaim Lax 22February2024


One of the more widely discussed facets of the Israel-Hamas war has been the number of Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza since October 7.


The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Associated Press, and the Financial Times are just some of the mainstream media organizations that have featured in-depth reports on the Palestinian journalist casualties in Gaza.


However, what these reports fail to disclose is that a substantial number of these Gaza-based journalists were either members of proscribed Palestinian terror organizations or affiliated with these groups. These groups include Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


Based on information provided by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center and the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), of the 83 Palestinian journalists identified by the CPJ as being killed in Gaza to date (February 22, 2024), 45 (roughly 55%) were either members or affiliates of a Palestinian terrorist group.


The following is a list of the killed Palestinian journalists who were associated with Gaza-based terror groups:

  1. Alaa Al-Hams (passed away on February 12, 2024 from a prior wound) – She had previously worked for the Houthi-affiliated Al Masira TV Network and the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  2. Mohammed Atallah (reported killed on January 29, 2024) – He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Resalah news website.
  3. Iyad El-Ruwagh (reported killed on January 25, 2024) – He worked as a host for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Voice Radio.
  4. Mohamed Jamal Sobhi Al-Thalathini (reported killed on January 11, 2024) – He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  5. Ahmed Bdeir (reported killed on January 10, 2024) – He worked for Bawabat al-Hadaf, which is affiliated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
  6. Hamza Al Dahdouh (reported killed on January 7, 2024) – He worked for Al Jazeera. He reportedly served in Islamic Jihad’s electronic engineering unit and previously served as a deputy commander in the Zeitoun Brigade’s rocket force.
  7. Mustafa Thuraya (reported killed on January 7, 2024) – He worked as a freelancer for AFP. He reportedly served as a deputy squad commander in Hamas’ Gaza City Brigade.
  8. Akram Elshafie (passed away on January 5, 2024 from injuries sustained in October 2023) – He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Safa news agency.
  9. Jabr Abu Hadrous (reported killed on December 29, 2023) – He worked as a reporter for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  10. Ahmed Khaireddine (reported killed on December 28, 2023) – He worked as a cameraman for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster Al-Qouds Al-Youm and for the Hamas-affiliated Quds Feed.
  11. Mohamad Al-Iff (reported killed on December 24, 2023) – He worked as a journalist and photographer for the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  12. Mohamed Azzaytouniyah (reported killed on December 24, 2023) – He worked as a sound engineer for the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  13. Ahmad Jamal Al-Madhoun (reported killed on December 24, 2023) – He served as the deputy director of the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  14. Mohamed Naser Abu Huwaidi (reported killed on December 22, 2023) – He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated newspaper, Al-Istiklal.
  15. Mohamed Khalifeh (reported killed on December 22, 2023) – He served as a director at the Hamas-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Aqsa TV*.
  16. Adel Zorob (reported killed on December 19, 2023) –  He was freelance journalist who worked with a variety of media outlets in Gaza, including the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Voice Radio.
  17. Abdallah Alwan (reported killed on December 18, 2023) – He worked for Al Jazeera and also as a radio host at the Islamic University in Gaza, a Hamas-affiliated organization.
  18. Haneen Kashtan (reported killed on December 17, 2023) – He worked for the Fatah-affiliated Al-Kofiya TV and for Tzut Alutan, a radio station affiliated with the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
  19. Hassan Farajalla (reported killed on December 3, 2023) – According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, he held a senior position at Hamas-affiliated Al-Quds TV. According to the Meir Amit Center, he held a senior position at the Islamic Jihad-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  20. Shaima El-Gazzar (reported killed on either December 3 or 4, 2023) – She worked for the Al-Majedat network and was reportedly also a Hamas activist.
  21. Abdullah Darwish (reported killed on December 1, 2023) – He worked as a cameraman for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  22. Mostafa Bakeer (reported killed on November 24, 2023) – He worked as a cameraman and journalist for the Hamas-affiliated broadcaster, Al-Aqsa TV*.
  23. Assem Al-Barsh (reported killed on November 22, 2023) – He worked for the Hamas-affiliated news agency, Al-Rai.
  24. Mohamed Nabil Al-Zaq (reported killed November 22, 2023) – He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated media network, Al-Qouds Al-Youm.
  25. Abdelhalim Awad (reported killed November 18, 2023) – He served as a media worker and driver for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  26. Mostafa El Sawaf (reported killed November 18, 2023) – He worked for the local news website MSDR News. He joined Hamas at its founding and previously served as a member of Hamas’ Gaza leadership.
  27. Amro Salah Abu Hayah (reported killed on November 18, 2023) – He worked in the broadcast department of Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  28. Yahya Abu Manih (reported killed on November 7, 2023) – He worked as a journalist for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Radio.
  29. Mohamad Al-Bayyari (reported killed on November 2, 2023) – He worked as a journalist for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  30. Iyad Matar (reported killed on November 1, 2023) – He worked as a journalist for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  31. Majed Kashko (reported killed on October 31, 2023) – He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated media channel, Palestine Today.
  32. Yasser Abu Namous (reported killed on October 27, 2023) He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Sahel media organization.
  33. Duaa Sharaf (reported killed on October 26, 2023) – She worked as a host for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa Radio.
  34. Jamal Al-Faqaawi (reported killed on October 25, 2023) – He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated Mithaq Media Foundation.
  35. Saed Al-Halabi (reported killed on October 25, 2023) – He worked as a journalist for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  36. Ahmed Abu Mhadi (reported killed on October 25, 2023) – He worked for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  37. Mohammed Imad Labad (reported killed on October 23, 2023) – He worked for the Hamas-affiliated news website, Al-Resalah.
  38. Khalil Abu Aathra (reported killed on October 19, 2023) – He worked as a videographer for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  39. Sameeh Al-Nady (reported killed on October 18, 2023) – He worked as a journalist and director for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  40. Mohammad Balousha (reported killed on October 17, 2023) – He worked as a journalist and administrator for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated media channel, Palestine Today.
  41. Issam Bhar (reported killed on October 17, 2023) – He worked for Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa TV*.
  42. Husam Mubarak (reported killed on October 13, 2023) – He worked as a journalist for the Hamas-affiliated Al-Aqsa radio station.
  43. Ahmed Shehab (reported killed on October 12, 2023) – He worked for the Islamic Jihad-affiliated radio station, Voice of the Prisoners. He had previously been imprisoned by Israel and was released during the 2011 Shalit deal.
  44. Mohammad Al-Salhi (reported killed on October 7, 2023) – He worked as a photojournalist for the Fourth Authority news agency and was also responsible for public relations for the Hamas-affiliated Dar al-Quran al-Karrem wal-Sunnah organization.
  45. Mohammad Jarghoun (reported killed on October 7, 2023) – He worked as a journalist for Smart Media and reportedly served in Hamas’ al-Qassam Brigades.


*= Since 2010, Al-Aqsa TV has been designated a Specially Designated Global Terrorist by the US Department of the Treasury.


Note: This list is based on the number of Palestinian journalists recorded by the Committee to Protect Journalists and does not include journalists who are solely affiliated with Fatah or the Palestinian Authority.


The list will be periodically updated.


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Hamas Oscar Nominations 2024

Hamas Oscar Nominations 2024

Hamas Oscar Nominations 2024



Cycle of Violence-misleading terminology

Honest Reporting New Logo

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-Media shorthand to say, “Israelis and Palestinians are at each other’s throats again. We’re too lazy to provide you meaningful context.”

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-Cycle of Violence-misleading terminology

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-Cycle of Violence-misleading terminology


Cycle of Violence-misleading terminology

Cycle of Violence-misleading terminology



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How In The World Did We Get Here?

Over the years, media outlets have become islands of ideological conformity, where the need to affirm supersedes the obligation to inform. In the case of Israel, the subordination of Truth to ideology by some of…

GuestPost [Mark Sachs]


Over the years, media outlets have become islands of ideological conformity, where the need to affirm supersedes the obligation to inform. In the case of Israel, the subordination of Truth to ideology by some of the most revered international news outlets has led to levels of global antisemitism not seen since the Holocaust.


Under the guise of “objective journalism,” journalists frame information in such a way that ignites our confirmation bias while trying to mask their own biases and agendas. Given the constant bombardment of information from these sources, seeking out alternative views requires Herculean discipline, which few of us possess.


Media bias did not light the fuse for recent events, but it certainly fanned the flames. The dangers of media bias cannot be underestimated.


Sadly, bias presumes unconscious intent, and I do not believe the rush to judgment by the BBC, New York Times, and others in blaming Israel for the purported attack on the Gaza hospital, or in CNN’s case, equivocating over the likely culprit, was unconscious. It was malicious and intentional.


Their false reporting based on verifiably false information led to violent global protests and raised the prospect of a world war. It’s only natural to ask, “How in the world did we get here?”


I’ll try to shed light on how we got here by exploring the convergence of four cultural trends in Western nations, most notably the US and the UK, and the ensuing psychological prisons that capture minds.

The Role of the Universities

Let’s start with the trend affecting the media and proceed from there. Many journalists are educated in elite institutions like Cambridge, Columbia, Harvard, NYU, Oxford, Stanford, and Yale. Even those who attended other institutions of higher learning could be considered somewhat elite since approximately only 38% and 26% of the US and UK populations earned a bachelor’s degree.


Unfortunately, elite institutions possess very little viewpoint diversity. As I wrote in my book, The Cancel Culture Curse, “At Brown, Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, Yale, and Princeton, liberal students outnumber conservative ones by a ratio of at least 4:1.” It’s safe to assume that Columbia, NYU, and Stanford suffer the same lack of viewpoint diversity.


Notice that the elite universities with the lowest viewpoint diversities are the very same universities now hosting pro-Hamas and “pro-Palestinian” protesters chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and signing letters pronouncing Israel as the aggressor while ignoring the atrocities perpetrated against Israelis. In the US, Columbia, Harvard, NYU, Penn, and Stanford have become ground zero for antisemitism and anti-Israelism.


While being a college liberal in no way guarantees a student is anti-Israel and pro-Hamas, every pro-Hamas or “pro-Palestinian” protester at the dozens of protests across the US and the UK falls decidedly in the liberal camp.


I can hear some of you questioning, “What about the far right?!” The far right does in fact have a “Jew problem,” and they no doubt are aligning in words and deeds with their brethren on the far left. However, the trends I’m discussing, and which are playing out in colleges and media outlets across the country are not being driven by the right.


The UK has its own long history of antisemitism and anti-Israelism, but British universities are likely on par with US universities when it comes to viewpoint diversity. Hence, the BBC, the Financial Times, and The Guardian are bastions of anti-Israel viewpoints.


The changing college milieus in which current and would-be journalists are cultivated is a trend that profoundly impacts what and how “news” is presented and received.  Now, let’s explore why these educational environments became ground zero for anti-Israel sentiment.

Saudi-Funded Programs

For decades, Saudi Arabia funneled billions of dollars into hundreds of American universities to fund Islamic studies and international relations programs as well as other programs in science and technology. In 2019 alone, 144 American universities received a total of $270 million from Saudi Arabia. When Qatar and China are added to the mix, the total amount is estimated to be $43,000,0000,000 since 1990. Yes, forty-three BILLION dollars.


The well-funded Islamic Studies and International Affairs programs helped lay the groundwork for pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel narratives to take hold throughout the US and no doubt the UK as well.


The promotion of these viewpoints created fertile ground to enable these Islamist and pro-Palestinian voices to ingratiate themselves into left-wing politics. Once inside, these voices started appropriating left-wing causes as their own: aligning themselves with African-American activism by referring to themselves as “people of color,” describing Israel as a colonial power, and conflating Palestinian rights with reproductive justice, gay rights, and transgender rights.


That’s how we get a group called SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Campaign conflating reproductive justice, which does not exist in Gaza, with the understanding “that Palestine and the freedom of the Palestinian people is an issue of reproductive justice.” Freedom from whom, we all know to be Israel, not Hamas.


Once these alliances were formed, they started to snowball.

Despite the fact that upwards of 70% of Israelis could be classified, using the left’s definition, as “people of color,” all Israelis, in fact, all Jews, are viewed as white oppressors. These identitarian gymnastics are the result of intersectionality, a framework to classify groups of people as oppressors and oppressed.


According to intersectionality, Jews are white oppressors and Israel is a white colonial oppressive nation. Palestinians and Muslims, on the other hand, are considered oppressed “people of color.”


Each of these trends has dramatically changed college education and culture, and it is on these campuses where many current and most future American and British journalists were and are nurtured. They then take their viewpoints to the media outlets that employ them.


These outlets have become ideologically homogenous echo chambers that promote intersectionality either consciously or unconsciously. As such, conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians can be viewed as a conflict between the “oppressor” and “oppressed” or the powerful and the powerless.


Regardless of the sheer magnitude of the atrocities perpetrated by the “oppressed” Palestinians, outlets such as the BBC will rationalize such violence based on the status of oppression.

“Intelligent Stupidity” and Cognitive Dissonance

The coalescing of these trends has resulted in two dangerous consequences. The first is amathia, a Greek word that can be defined as lacking wisdom, or as “intelligent stupidity.”


Massimo Pigliucci, a professor of philosophy, explains amathia in this way: “It is the opposite of wisdom, a kind of dis-knowledge of how to deal with other human beings, and it results in awful actions undertaken by otherwise perfectly functional, intelligent human beings. Moreover, people characterized by amathia cannot simply be persuaded by reasoned argument, because they understand the argument but are crucially deficient in their character, which…is developed over time by a combination of instincts, environment influences [author’s note: college, media, social media], and reason.”


Those protesting on elite college campuses and journalists at the NYT, CNN, and BBC are all intelligent, very much so. However, their characters are flawed. But for the fact that our laws prevent them from dismembering or killing people, these people possess the intelligence to rationalize any form of violence against people they don’t like. The only check on their reason would be to possess the right character. This is the danger of intelligent stupidity. It leads to what Hannah Arendt called the banality of evil.


The second is cognitive dissonance, which is the tension created when someone is faced with information that conflicts with their strongly held beliefs. To resolve that tension, people tend to double down on their beliefs with more aggression and conviction rather than change their position.


Amathia and Cognitive Dissonance help explain why Ivy League protesters, purportedly the brightest among us, having been birthed in anti-Israel incubators, not only look askance to the reports of horrific atrocities perpetrated by the Palestinians but double down on their support of Hamas.


Only those who suffer from amathia and cognitive dissonance could argue that slaughtering babies, disemboweling mothers, and burning alive innocent people are fair acts of resistance.

Signs of Resistance

Knowing from where all this came can be instructive for how to move forward from here. Thankfully, we are seeing signs of resistance.

1) Huge donors to Ivy League schools in the US have finally started speaking with their dollars. While losing millions here and there when an endowment has billions, may not have a huge financial impact. But, it sends a powerful message of “no more.”

2) Exposure is the best disinfectant against dangerous ideological viruses. Americans are now seeing what has been lurking in certain corners of American educational institutions, and most Americans are disgusted by what they are seeing. Finally.

3) This is one issue that is not partisan. The overwhelming populations in Western nations are banding together to confront this assault on reason, compassion, and humanity. The lines are no longer left versus right. Instead, the battle lines are between wisdom and amathia, civilized and uncivilized, and good and evil.

Each of us has a role to play. Sapir Journal has put out a comprehensive list of actionable steps each of us can take: signing college petitions, taking political action, and seeking out news sources that more fairly present information.  You are sure to find something constructive from Sapir’s list. It’s on all of us to toe the line.


Mark Sachs is the founder of Orwell Grey Strategic Communications and a long-time pro-Israel activist. Mark co-authored the book, The Cancel Culture Curse.


Arab Propaganda

Vs. Arab Reality

SEE: 30 November The Expulsion of the Jews in Arab Lands

Michael Shermer-tweet-2November2023-
“Israel is committing genocide”
—every critic

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”
—Inigo Montoya

Genocide: “the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group” or “a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves.”

Israel could annihilate all of Gaza & the Palestinians if it wanted.
It doesn’t because it is not a genocidal nation.

Whose Genocide Is It Anyway?

Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-2November2023-
Speaking of ethnic cleansing… @michaelshermer

Where are the Jews in Arab countries?

Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-2November2023-Speaking of ethnic cleansing

Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-2November2023-Speaking of ethnic cleansing

Displacement of Jewish communities and when they were founded

Displacement of Jewish communities and when they were founded

Justice for Jews from Arab Countries


Dr. Eli David-tweet-22November2023-Ethnic Cleansing 101
Ethnic Cleansing 101

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22November2023-Ethnic Cleansing 101

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22November2023-Ethnic Cleansing 101


This is Ethnic Cleansing

This is Ethnic Cleansing



Turkish genocide

HayAghchig-tweet-23April2024-Turkish genocide
Today we remember all the innocent victims of genocide 🖤

We will never forget:

HayAghchig-tweet-23April2024-Turkish genocide

HayAghchig-tweet-23April2024-Turkish genocide


Genocides committed by Turks during the last 200 years

Genocides committed by Turks during the last 200 years



Arab lies

Hillel Fuld-tweet-9November2023-I can’t stand the lies anymore
Ok, enough is enough!!

I can’t stand the lies anymore!!!

I’m not referring to subjective opinions or analysis. I’m talking about facts, 100% objective, undeniable facts.

Does truth even matter anymore?

Well, I guess we can’t blame people for their ignorance unless we make sure the facts are accessible to them, so I’ll do my best.

Hopefully this post can be useful to others who face the lies on campuses, on the streets, and even in parliaments across the globe.

So let’s get to it. Lie by lie.

Watch the video.

Let’s see, what lies did I miss?

I’m sure there are many more but if you have a half a brain in your head, you’ll read this carefully and realize you’re being fed lies and propaganda by a globally recognized terrorist organization.

You’re choosing to believe the lies.
Stop buying the lies and use your brain.
None of what I wrote above is my opinion.

These are all hard facts backed up by indisputable evidence.
If you don’t accept any of the above facts, there are only really three choices.

1- You’re ignorant and refuse to learn history.

2- Your intelligence level prevents you from understanding facts.

3- You are a good ol’ fashioned Jew hater and have now successfully found a way to disguise your hatred of Jews by making things up to vilify the Jewish people.

So which one is it?

Stop believing lies. Stop spreading lies. Open your eyes. Believe what Hamas tells you when they say they want all Jews dead and then, they’ll come after all infidels.

Stop dismissing and discounting their words.

I hope this equipped you with some facts for you to let your Ivy League college friends know that they’re siding with actual genocidal lunatics who will absolutely come after them next.

Good will always prevail and that’s why Israel will be here in 50 years while Hamas will join ancient Egypt, the Romans, the Greeks, the Nazis, and anyone else who has tried to annihilate the Jews.

They are long gone but the Jews and their homeland is here, strong, united, and 100% set on sending Hamas straight where they belong.

Stand with Israel.


Hillel Fuld-tweet-9November2023-I can’t stand the lies anymore

Hillel Fuld-tweet-9November2023-I can’t stand the lies anymore


Hamas attacked Central Gaza Humanitarian Aid Temporary Jetty

OSINTdefender-tweet-25April2024-Hamas attacked Central Gaza Humanitarian Aid Temporary Jetty
According to several Sources; the Temporary Jetty being Constructed in Central Gaza, which will eventually be utilized to receive Humanitarian Aid from the Floating Dock being Established by the U.S. Army and Navy off the Coast of Gaza, was Attacked earlier today during a U.N. Inspection by Small Arms and Mortar Fire launched by Hamas.

OSINTdefender-tweet-25April2024-Hamas attacked Central Gaza Humanitarian Aid Temporary Jetty

OSINTdefender-tweet-25April2024-Hamas attacked Central Gaza Humanitarian Aid Temporary Jetty



Arab Diplomacy

Senator Ted Budd-tweet-17February2024-the Qataris promised
First the Qataris promised us they were “strong-arming” Hamas to release American and Israeli hostages. Then they said they have no leverage. Now they’re calling for a ceasefire regardless of whether hostages are released.


Qatar is no longer a productive partner in securing the hostages’ freedom. They must expel Hamas terrorists out of their nation immediately, or risk repercussions.
Barak Ravid-tweet-17February2024-The Prime Minister of Qatar

ראש ממשלת קטאר בוועידת מינכן: שחרור החטופים לא צריך להיות תנאי להפסקת אש בעזה. המלחמה בעזה צריכה להיפסק מיד

Translated from Hebrew by

The Prime Minister of Qatar at the Munich Conference: The release of the abductees should not be a condition for a ceasefire in Gaza. The war in Gaza must stop immediately

Senator Ted Budd-tweet-17February2024-the Qataris promised

Senator Ted Budd-tweet-17February2024-the Qataris promised

Barak Ravid-tweet-17February2024-The Prime Minister of Qatar

Barak Ravid-tweet-17February2024-The Prime Minister of Qatar


Gaza’s sky is black but Qatar is always sunny




Hamas’ Hidden Strategy

Hillel Fuld-tweet->19November2023-Hamas’ Hidden Strategy
Very well said

Hillel Fuld-tweet-19November2023-Hamas' Hidden Strategy

Hillel Fuld-tweet-19November2023-Hamas’ Hidden Strategy



What the “Arab Street” thinks of Hamas

Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-14November2023-What the “Arab Street” thinks of Hamas
One of the biggest Western myths is that the “Arab Street” is unified behind Palestinian “resistance” and against #Israel.
When #Qatar sponsored a fake “spontaneous popular” campaign of World Cup Arab audience waving Palestinian flags, @NYT
argued that Abraham Accords were government peace not peoples’ peace, that if Arabs were given free choice, they’d oppose peace.
Now listen how this destitute Gaza man, interviewed live on Hamas’s Al-Jazeera, thrashes Hamas. Interviewer immediately turned away.
Hundreds of thousands of Arabs share his opinion, and like him are always shut down.

Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-14November2023-What the Arab Street thinks of Hamas

Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-14November2023-What the Arab Street thinks of Hamas



Elder of Ziyon logo

Elder of Ziyon logo

Here comes a “new” Arab boycott


The Arab Parliament

The Arab Parliament


The Arab Parliament, which is the legislative body of the Arab League, is trying to bring back the Arab boycott of Jews…I mean, Israel.


Ahead of a planned emergency session on Gaza tomorrow, the speaker of the Arab Parliament, Adel Al-Asoumi, called on the Arab people to adhere to the economic boycott of companies that support Israel.


Al-Asoumi said that the Arab Parliament has supported the Palestinian cause since the first day of the war on Gaza on the seventh of last October, which sure makes it sound as if they supported the massacre on October 7.


The funny part is that the Arab League boycott of Jewish-owned businesses, which started in late 1945, has never officially ended. Syria and Lebanon still adhere to it fully, everyone else abandoned it.


So this is a call to follow an existing 78 year old boycott. A boycott which was always against Jewish companies.



Elder of Ziyon logo

Elder of Ziyon logo

Arab antisemitic articles are getting worse: now they are praising Hitler, praying for genocide


cairo24 hit-What did Hitler say about the Jews

cairo24 hit-What did Hitler say about the Jews

Antisemitism in Arab media has been getting much worse lately.


Cairo24 uses the Gaza war as an excuse to praise Hitler:


What did Hitler say about the Jews? In light of the escalating events by the Zionist occupation towards the Palestinians, especially children, women and the elderly, some are searching for the most prominent things said by Adolf Alois Hitler, the Nazi German politician. He wanted to exterminate them from the face of the earth, so his view was correct. He told them that they were the cause of the devastation that was befalling the world, so he burned them.


They also publish the fake quote that antisemites ascribe to Hitler, “It was in my power to eliminate all the Jews of the world, but I left some of them so that you would know why I was exterminating them.” But they also favorably quoted some antisemitism from Mein Kampf.


That is only one article in the past 24 hours.


Algeria’s El Khabar has an article that says:


 A question that has always been on my mind: Why is the West so keen on the existence of Israel? Why do they support the Jews so endlessly? I found only one answer, which is to get rid of their evils. Anyone who traces the history of the people will find that Stalin, for example, did not promise the Jews the establishment of a national homeland for them in Palestine except to get rid of their disease, and Hitler did not search for a rubbish bin to collect them except to cleanse Germany of their filth. America itself suffers from them, but it is helpless. Because the Zionist lobby is suffocating its breath.


There is no evil that has spread in the world unless these bastards are behind it. The Jew Karl Marx was behind atheistic communism, the other Jew Durkheim was behind the sociology that tampered with the family, the Jew Freud based his psychology on scandalous sex, and the Jew Sater promoted pornography.

Egypt’s El Balad publishes a prayer for genocide of Jews. Here is a small part:


Oh God, curse the killers of the prophets, O God, send stones of shale upon them and throw terror and panic into their hearts.

Oh God, destroy the Jews in Palestine, the children of monkeys and pigs, and make their women barren, O God, and may their children be dispersed.

Oh God, send upon them strong winds that will uproot their power.


A columnist in Saudi Arabia’s Al Madina writes:


The current events in Gaza have proven the truth of the Holy Qur’an about the Jews, in their many and hideous characteristics, including their constant practice of killing. If they did not kill others, they would kill themselves, meaning they would fight among themselves. And God says: (Then it is you who kill yourselves) in addition to their killing of the prophets, and whoever kills the prophets will not There is no doubt that killing Arabs and Palestinians is easy for them, and the doctrine of Israel’s army, police, and Mossad intelligence is killing, then killing, then more killing!


We all hated what happened and is happening to the people of Gaza, but perhaps it is a good hatred, as it showed us some of the characteristics of the Jews that require us to be wary of them and consider them the most prominent enemy, especially since the lobby pressuring them has recruited the greatest powers, international Freemasonry, and the media with them, in the name of religion and in the name of non-religion, to dominate the world within their ill-fated plan!

But while some articles ue the Quran to justify hating Jews, others claim that Jews are not really the Jews in the Quran to begin with.  Dr. Ahmed Rabie , former dean of the Faculty of Islamic Dawa at Al-Azhar University, said that “today’s Jews are not descendants of our Prophet Jacob” and only arabs are the remaining descendants of Abraham.


But why seek consistency in the details? The main point remains: Jews are evil and must be destroyed.



Arab Reality


Arab Blogger Tells You the Truth About Gaza

By Hana Levi Julian – 14 Tevet 5784 – 25December2023 –


Muslim girls study the Koran during a summer camp at a mosque in Gaza City, June 13, 2023.

Muslim girls study the Koran during a summer camp at a mosque in Gaza City, June 13, 2023.

For decades, Palestinian Authority propaganda and misinformation conveyed to the European Union, the United States and various Arab nations by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has lamented a Gaza populated by downtrodden Arabs steeped in abject poverty and misery, blockaded, occupied and besieged by the State of Israel.


A Gaza with frequent electrical outages due to a lack of fuel. A people forced to live with unclean water due to old, broken-down sewage facilities. Families desperate for a little more food for their children.


Gazans suffering dying due to lack of medical facilities and quality medical care.

All the while, Gazans were apparently raking in the dough while living a better life than many of their Palestinian Arab peers in nations like Yemen, Lebanon, Syria and the like.


Arab blogger Hoda Jannat exposed the lies in a series of posts on the X social media platform, together with video footage to substantiate his claims.


“This is Gaza before October 7th. The Arab mind was fooled on the basis that Gaza was besieged. There are Arab people in Arab countries who eat meat once a year, like the Algerian people,” the blogger writes in Arabic.

Hoda_jannat-tweet-25December2023-This is Gaza before October 7th

هذه غزة قبل السابع من أكتوبر

تم استحمار العقل العربي على أساس أن غزة محاصرة ..

وهنالك شعوب عربية في دول عربية تأكل اللحم مرة في السنة مثل الشعب الجزائري

Translated from Arabic by

This is Gaza before October 7th

The Arab mind was fooled on the basis that Gaza was besieged.

There are Arab people in Arab countries who eat meat once a year, like the Algerian people

Hoda_jannat-tweet-25December2023-This is Gaza before October 7th

Hoda_jannat-tweet-25December2023-This is Gaza before October 7th



In a separate tweet, @HodaJannat writes:
Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people… has 36 hospitals.
There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.


? Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel.
Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.


? Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone
And $120 million a month from UNRWA
And $50 million a month from the European Union
And 30 million dollars a month from America.
There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with one million dollars.


? Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged, and all goods were entering it, as were foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were traveling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and Fafo is the biggest example.


? Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries…and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.


Suddenly…we discovered that our minds were besieged by a programmed lie…by the (Muslim) Brotherhood media.


gevwey-tweet-24December2023-Suddenly we discovered that Gaza

🔴فجأة اكتشفنا أن غزة التي يسكنها 2 مليون نسمة … فيها 36 مستشفى وهنالك دول عربية بها 30 مليون مواطن وما فيها هذا العدد من المستشفيات .

🔴فجأة اكتشفنا أن غزة كانت تحصل على الماء والكهرباء والغاز والوقود بالمجان من اسرائيل . طبعا ليس هنالك مواطن عربي لا يدفع فواتير الماء والكهرباء والوقود .

🔴فجأة اكتشفنا أن غزة كانت تصلها 30 مليون دولار شهريا من قطر وحدها و120 مليون دولار شهريا من الأونروا و50 مليون دولار شهريا من الاتحاد الأوربي و30 مليون دولار شهريا من امريكا. وهنالك دول عربية غارقة في الديون ولا تجد من يساعدها ولو بمليون دولار واحد .

🔴فجأة اكتشفنا أن غزة لم تكن محاصرة وكانت تدخلها كل السلع ويدخلها اجانب وأصحاب جنسيات أجنبية ..وكان سكانها يسافرون إلى مصر ومنها إلى باقي دول العالم وفافو اكبر مثال.

🔴فجأة اكتشفنا أن غزة كانت تعيش افضل من بلدان عربية كثيرة …وشعبها كان يعيش افضل من شعوب عربية كثيرة. فجأة …اكتشفنا أن عقولنا هي المحاصرة بكذب مبرمج …من قبل الإعلام الاخونجي.


Translated from Arabic by

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza, which is inhabited by 2 million people… has 36 hospitals
There are Arab countries with 30 million citizens and do not have this number of hospitals.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was getting water, electricity, gas, and fuel for free from Israel.
Of course, there is no Arab citizen who does not pay water, electricity and fuel bills.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was receiving $30 million a month from Qatar alone
And $120 million a month from UNRWA
And $50 million a month from the European Union
And 30 million dollars a month from America.
There are Arab countries drowning in debt and cannot find anyone to help them, even with one million dollars.

🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was not besieged, and all goods were entering it, as were foreigners and people of foreign nationalities. Its residents were traveling to Egypt and from there to the rest of the world, and Fafo is the biggest example.
🔴 Suddenly we discovered that Gaza was living better than many Arab countries…and its people were living better than many Arab peoples.

Suddenly…we discovered that our minds were besieged by a programmed lie…by the Brotherhood media.

gevwey-tweet-24December2023-Suddenly we discovered that Gaza

gevwey-tweet-24December2023-Suddenly we discovered that Gaza


Surprisingly, Hoda Jannat is not the only one to expose the real quality of life enjoyed by Gazans prior to October 7th.

Meet social media poster @Imshin, who specializes in showing what life in Gaza was really like by showing videos and photos from Gazans themselves, including videos, blog posts, and news that was posted by middle-class and wealthy Gazans. Imshin posted this Feb. 2022:


Imshin-tweet-11February2022-Gaza Land of Contrasts
#Gaza Land of Contrasts.
#TheGazaYouDontSee – an introduction.
#Palestine #Hamas #HamasTerrorists

Imshin-tweet-11February2022-Gaza Land of Contrasts

Imshin-tweet-11February2022-Gaza Land of Contrasts



And this was posted on Dec. 25, 2023, also by Imshin:

Imshin-tweet-25December2023-What was Gaza like before the hostilities
“What was Gaza like before the hostilities?”

“We lived well, no blockade or anything.
Enough with the lies!
Hamas came and destroyed everything for their own good.”


Imshin-tweet-25December2023-What was Gaza like before the hostilities

Imshin-tweet-25December2023-What was Gaza like before the hostilities



And this:

Imshin-tweet-25December2023-Shopping in Gaza City before October7massacre
Shopping in Gaza City, before #October7massacre.

Imshin-tweet-25December2023-Shopping in Gaza City before October7massacre

Imshin-tweet-25December2023-Shopping in Gaza City before October7massacre


Was there hardship in Gaza? Yes. As in any other society — including that in Israel, and in the United States — there were families who had less; but they learned to make do. But those who suffered did so at the behest of their Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist rulers who were overwhelmingly, democratically, elected into power by Gaza voters themselves.


Israel withdrew any presence from the enclave well before the January 2006 elections won by Hamas against the Palestinian Authority’s ruling Fatah faction in a vote of 74 to 45 seats.


Gaza hasn’t been “occupied” since August 2005, when the government of then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon instituted the Disengagement from Gaza, expelling nearly 10,000 Jews from their homes and communities in the Gush Katif region of the enclave.


In response, Israel was rewarded with more than 10,000 rockets fired at its civilians by its neighbors in Judenrein Gaza, not to mention the series of mini-wars forced upon the Jewish State by Gaza since that time, and during which Israeli soldiers worked hard to “mow the lawn” and trim back the threat to Israel from Hamas.


But it didn’t work.

Between October 7 and December 25, 2023, Hamas and its ally, the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization have fired more than 12,500 rockets and missiles at Israeli civilians, and they continue to fire sporadically, whenever they manage to scurry out from beneath the rubble to launch another barrage.


Since October 7, IDF soldiers have uncovered at least 1,500 tunnel shafts leading to the subterranean labyrinth known locally as the “Gaza Metro” comprised of more than 500 miles of tunnels — a veritable underground city — built by Hamas during the years of its rule.


Hundreds of subsurface rocket launchers are so well concealed, they barely peek above the surface, and one practically has to stumble on to them before being able to see them and destroy them. Entire command and control complexes, all of them built 30 to 50 meters (98 feet 164 feet) below the surface — deeper than any grave.


However long it takes, Israel no longer has any choice but to completely wipe out Hamas and its terrorist allies in Gaza, because at this point, it’s either them or us.


Special thanks to Hoda Jannat and Imshin!


9 minutes of how Gaza used to look like before October 7th

Visegrád 24-tweet-17February2024-9 minutes of how Gaza used to look like before October 7th
9 minutes of how Gaza used to look like before October 7th.

Hamas ruined the lives of more than 2 million people

Visegrád 24-tweet-17February2024-9 minutes of how Gaza used to look like before October 7th

Visegrád 24-tweet-17February2024-9 minutes of how Gaza used to look like before October 7th


9 minutes of how Gaza used to look like before October 7th



Arutz Sheva

Does the UN hate the Gazans?

Or does it simply hate Israel so much it is willing to use Gazan Arabs as pawns and cannon fodder. The MUST READ concise history of Gaza. Op-ed.

Lt. Col.(res.) Maurice Hirsch / 8January2024 /


Lt. Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch is the director of the Initiative for Palestinian Authority Accountability and Reform in the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; a senior legal analyst for Human Rights Voices; and a member of the Israel Defense and Security Forum.


Over the last 500 years, at least, the Gaza Strip has been a backwater. No one has ever truly invested in Gaza or the Gazans. For the last 100 years, Gaza and the Gazans have increasingly been used as pawns, by both the Arabs and the international community, in their efforts to vilify Israel and the Jews.


When push came to shove, the international community, led by the United Nations, preferred dead Gazans over losing leverage against Israel. Paradoxically and entirely contrary to common perception, Israel did more for the Gazans and the Gaza Strip than any of its many rulers, and had the international community not hated the Gazans so much, their situation today could have been drastically different.


Gaza under the Ottomans

For 400 years (1517-1917), the area known today as the Gaza Strip was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was not recognized as an independent area or as being at all linked to Judea and Samaria. Under Ottoman rule, the Gaza Strip saw changing fortunes and investments, depending on the circumstances and the identity and connections of its appointed governor.


Gaza under the Mandate

In the aftermath of the First World War and the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the Gaza Strip was included in the area that came under the control of Great Britain. Following the Balfour Declaration (1917), the Paris Peace Conference (1919), the San Remo Conference (1920) and the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, Great Britain controlled the area with the sole purpose of it becoming part of the Jewish national homeland. One of the more substantial moves made by Great Britain during the period of the Mandate (1922-1948) was to finalize the official border separating Egypt from the Gaza Strip.


After Great Britain betrayed the Mandate and capitulated to Arab violence instead of giving the Jews the land designated for their national homeland, the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan (which suggested an Arab state and a tiny Jewish state on that same land), included the Gaza Strip in the territory of the “Arab State.” However, having ceremoniously rejected the Partition Plan, the Arab countries chose instead to wage war on the nascent Jewish state. While Israel managed to survive the onslaught of five Arab armies, when the fighting came to its end, it did not conquer the Gaza Strip, which would now be under Egyptian rule. Except for a short break between 1956 and 1957 duing the Sinai War, the Strip remained under Egyptian control from 1948 to 1967.


The Arab countries reject Israel

Positive proof of the disdain of both the Arab countries and the international community toward the Gazans appeared during this period.


According to U.N. records, during Israel’s War of Independence (9 months and 3 weeks, ed.), the population of the Gaza Strip swelled from about 70,000 people to 270,000 people. In the multilateral discussions that followed the war, Israel offered to include the Gaza Strip within the borders of the Jewish state and give all its residents full Israeli citizenship. Had the offer been accepted, the Gaza Strip would today be an integral part of Israel, all its residents would hold full citizenship and both the area and its residents would have shared and enjoyed the prosperity of Israel.


However, both the Arab states and the international community did not care about the fate of Gaza’s residents, old and new. The Arab countries rejected the offer, preferring to continue their fight against Israel’s very right to exist. For its part, the international community allowed the Arab countries to reject the offer without providing any substantial alternative.


Unlike Jordan’s unsuccessful claim of ownership of Judea and Samaria (also supposed to be part of the Jewish national homeland), Egypt never claimed to have any proprietary or sovereign claim to the Gaza Strip. It merely administered the Strip under perpetual military law, never granting its residents Egyptian citizenship.


The colossal UNRWA failure

The disdain of the international community for the Gazan residents was further expressed by its inaction.


While allowing the Egyptians to deny the Gazans any opportunity to settle, deny them citizenship and deny them rights, the international community simultaneously failed to provide the Gazans with any alternative. Between 1948 and 1967, no U.N. resolution ever called on Egypt to end its illegal occupation of the Strip and withdraw or to recognize the new Arab state envisaged by the Partition Plan. It was not called an occupier. The areas that are now so often referred to as the “Occupied Palestinian Territories” do not appear to have been considered “Palestinian territories” until they were liberated by Israel in 1967.


Instead of developing a comprehensive solution for the residents of Gaza, the Arab countries and the international community decided to establish the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the U.N. organization dedicated solely to dealing with the non-Jewish so-called “Palestine refugees.”


UNRWA’s raison d’etre is to perpetuate the falsehood that the perpetual “Palestine refugees” will eventually flood Israel, thereby demographically and democratically destroying Israel as a Jewish state.


True to its mission and sadly for the Gazans, despite having received tens of billions of dollars of international aid in the 74 years since its creation, UNRWA has failed to settle the “Palestine refugees” permanently. The opposite is true. Since the creation of UNRWA, the number of “Palestine refugees” has swelled from 711,00 initially to over 6 million people. According to UNRWA, the original 200,000 “Palestine refugees” who settled in Gaza in 1948 have multiplied at a staggering rate and now number no fewer than 1,577,522 people, an unmatched 4th generation of “refugees”..


Amazingly, according to UNRWA statistics, over 20% of the original “refugees,” now all aged over 80 (41,842 people), are still alive and living in Gaza.


For 74 years, UNRWA has ensured that the Gazans and other “Palestine refugees” remain stateless, living in poverty and constantly dependent on international aid. (That is how it continues to exist and its staff retain their salaries, ed.)


Gaza under Israeli rule

Once Israel liberated Gaza from the Egyptian occupation, things started looking up for the Gazans. Israel not only allowed the Gazans to enter Israel to work, allowing for substantial growth, but also started linking Gaza to Israeli infrastructure, such as electricity and water.


Gaza under the Palestinian Authority

Despite the positive change, the Arab countries and the international community refused to accept the Israeli presence in the Strip, inventing the false claim that Israel was an “occupier.” Over time, the rhetoric against Israel as an “occupier” intensified until Israel agreed to enter into the Oslo Accords with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and pave the way for the creation of the Palestinian Authority.


Instead of promoting the needs of the Gazans, the P.A., with the help of the international community, again subjugated the Gazan population. While the PLO/P.A. promised peace and democracy, all it delivered was brainwashing to hate Israel, and incitement of violence, murder and terror.


Democracy was a fleeting incident, with elections taking place only twice, once in 1996 and then again in 2006. The first elections ushered in the dictatorial leadership of Yasser Arafat and his Fatah party, and the second ushered in the dictatorial rule of Hamas, an internationally designated terror organization.


Israel’s disengagement from Gaza

Pursuant to its agenda to destroy Israel, in September 2000, the PLO/P.A. launched a terror war. During the war, which raged till 2005, Palestinian Arab terrorists carried out thousands of terror attacks. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon decided to “disengage” from the area. Thus, in Sept. 2005, Israel completed the total expulsion of all the Israelis from the Gaza Strip (over 8000 people were displaced from thriving communities they had built with government encouragement, ed.) and withdrew all its forces, redeploying to the Armistice Line agreed upon in 1949 at the end of Israel’s war of independence.


Gaza in its entirety, including an advanced agricultural industry built by Israeli know-how and hard work, was handed to the P.A. (Gazans promptly set fire to the greenhouses that had previously provided Europe and Israel with a significant percentage of its flowers and vegetables, and had been donated to them to help them make sea-fronted Gaza into “the Singapore of the Middle East”, ed.)


Hamas takes control of Gaza

Shortly after the “disengagement” in January 2006, the P.A. held a general election. Again, showing its disdain for the Gazans, the P.A. and the international community persuaded Israel to agree to the participation of Hamas in the elections. While P.A. chairman Mahmoud Abbas did his utmost to manipulate the elections in favor of his Fatah party, Hamas won, receiving 74 of the 132 seats in the P.A. parliament. After a period of turmoil, a year later, in the summer of 2007, Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip. (It then murdered Fatah rivals, often by pushing them off the roofs of buildings, ed.)


Again, abandoning the Gazans to their fate, the international community did not protest the rulership of a terrorist organization over the area but instead developed a policy of wilful blindness, rebranding the terrorists as the “de facto” leadership of Gaza.


Under the guise of expressing concern for the Gazans, broad international support poured into Hamas coffers for 16 years. With the international aid, Hamas and its leadership grew rich, while the average Gazan remained poor and impoverished. Instead of using the aid to develop Gaza, the Hamas terrorists diverted their resources to build hundreds of kilometers of terror tunnels.


Despite the Israeli “disengagement” and the fact that the Gaza Strip was controlled by a terror organization, the international community refused to hold the Gazans and their leadership responsible for their actions. Instead of demanding that Hamas and the Gazans abandon their desire to destroy Israel, the international community flouted international law and invented the sui generis claim that Israel remained an “occupier” of Gaza. In no other situation in the world is a country considered an “occupier” of another region without “boots on the ground” and without exercising effective control. (Israel does control the border into its territory as does every sovereign state, and after ships filled with arms tried to deliver them to Gaza, controls the sea border,, while Egypt controls its own border with Gaza, ed.)


From 2006 through Oct. 6, 2023, the terrorists in Gaza fired tens of thousands of rockets into Israel, indiscriminately targeting its civilian population, and made hundreds of attempts, many successful, to infiltrate Israel and carry out terror attacks. These attacks inevitably ended in war-like “cycles of violence” between Israel and the Gazan terrorists.


Instead of condemning the terrorists and their homicidal actions and holding them responsible for their aggression, the international community again chose to abandon the Gazans to their fate and their terrorist leadership, preferring to focus all criticism on Israel’s self-defense.


The Oct. 7 massacre

If the disdain of the international community for the Gazans was unclear until now, their actions following the 10/7 massacre leave no room for doubt.


On Oct. 7, 2023, over 3,000 terrorists infiltrated Israel from Gaza, led by the Nukhba forces of Hamas. The terrorists murdered more than 1,200 Israelis and foreigners. Some were tortured, some, even infants, burned alive, some raped and some beheaded. An additional 240 people—men, women, children, babies, the disabled, the elderly and the sick—were taken hostage. ( A not insubstantial number of Gazan “civilians” also took part in the murder and pillage, ed.)

Israel responded by declaring all-out war on the Gazan terrorists. As part of the operation, the Israeli forces attacked thousands of targets from the air, the sea and the ground. In preparation for the ground operation, Israel recommended that the civilians living in the northern Gaza Strip leave their homes and travel south.


To put the situation into context, it is essential to note that the Gaza Strip is only 41 kilometers (25 miles) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 miles) wide, and has a total area of 365 square kilometers (141 square miles). Approximately 2 million people inhabit it. As a result of the fighting in the north, over 800,000 people were displaced.


Egypt and the international community refuse refuge for the Gazans

In normal circumstances, wars almost always results in the creation of refugees. Thus, for example, as a result of the Russia-Ukraine war, over 6,332,700 Ukrainians became refugees. As a result of the Syrian civil war, approximately 5.5 million Syrians were forced to flee Syria, becoming refugees. (They will probably settle successfully in their new homes, as other refugees have throughout history, ed.)


Despite the high intensity of the war in Gaza, exacerbated by the confined space and high population density, astonishingly, the war created no refugees.


While Gaza is surrounded from the north and east by Israel and on the west by the Mediterranean Sea, Gaza also shares a border with Egypt. Instead of welcoming their Arab brothers, Egypt refused to allow Gazans to cross into the Sinai Peninsula and seek refuge. Soon after the start of the war, Egypt reportedly lined up tanks and armored vehicles along the Gazan border specifically to prevent the Gazans from fleeing the war. Shamefully, despite clearly putting the Gazans in mortal danger, the international community remained silent in the face of the Egyptian cold-heartedness.


No U.N. resolution called upon Egypt to show humanity towards the Gazans, and no U.N. resolution condemned their decision to refuse the Gazans refuge. While Scotland’s first minister, Humza Yousaf, did offer the Gazans refuge in Scotland and called on the United Kingdom and the international community to provide refuge for the Gazans, nothing happened. Canada also made positive overtures and even adopted relaxed criteria to allow Gazans to seek refuge, but as yet, no Gazans have been able to take advantage of the change. (It is not too late – petition your government to rescue the Gazans, ed.)


The world hates the Gazans

Given the repeated approach of the international community and its consistent decisions to abandon the Gazans—even leaving them to face mortal danger—one would not be entirely mistaken to conclude that the world does hate the Gazans.


There is, however, another possible conclusion, which is no less nefarious.

The international community may not actually hate the Gazans. Rather, the international community hates Israel and is willing to do its utmost to vilify and condemn the Jewish state. (It may even intend to sit by placidly while the Gazans re-arm for their next try. After all, the arms came through the tunnels under the border with Egypt, with whom Israel signed a peace treaty, and no one knows how many terrorists were among the Gazans who fled south at Israel’s suggestion, ed.) To serve this goal, the international community uses the Gazans as pawns and cannon fodder.


Gazans’ lives don’t matter to the international community unless they can be weaponized against the Jews and the Jewish state.

Originally published by The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.



NGO Propaganda

The International Community

Hillel Fuld-tweet-31December2023-The International Community

The absurdity knows no bounds:

“They massacred, beheaded, and raped our women and children!”

The international community: “Yea, we don’t care until you prove it!”

“Ok, here are the testimonials.”
“Sorry, not good enough.”

“Sure. Photos.”

“Ok, here’s video evidence.”
“Sorry, you’re gonna have to do better than that”

“Ok, here are the actual victims and their stories.”

“Here is Hamas admitting it all!”
“They aren’t reliable. They don’t mean it.”

“Here are the bodies.”
“Prove that Hamas did that and not the IDF.”

Israel: 🙄

Hamas: “Israel killed 10 zillion people in Gaza, 100% of them are children. Trust us.”

The international community: “It’s a genocide!!

JerusalemCats-tweet-1January2024-What needs to be done
Israel needs to treat the International organizations as Hamas Agents or Supporters, then bring out the Tennis Rackets. Just say your filming a Supermarket Ad. We have Killer Prices. Just say your filming a Supermarket Ad. We have Killer Prices.


Hillel Fuld-tweet-31December2023-The International Community

Hillel Fuld-tweet-31December2023-The International Community

JerusalemCats-tweet-1January2024-What needs to be done

JerusalemCats-tweet-1January2024-What needs to be done




The Europeans

Danish ambassador, JPost’s Caroline Glick exchange verbal blows over EU attitude toward Israel




Israel needs to treat NGOs [Non-Government Organizations] as terror supporters until proven otherwise

Canary Mission-tweet-23November2023-humanitarian agencies have not condemned 7October
We’re still waiting for these “humanitarian” agencies to condemn Hamas’ Oct . 7 massacre of 1,200 Israelis: @unicefchief, WHO head @DrTedros, @amnesty, International Red Cross @ICRC, United Nation High Commissioner on Human Rights @volker_turk, @UNHumanRights, @UNRWA, UN Special Rapporteur @FranceskAlbs, Human Rights Watch @hrw, @EU_Commission, @unwomenchief, Malala Yousafzai @Malala & @MalalaFund

Canary Mission-tweet-23November2023-humanitarian agencies have not condemned 7October

Canary Mission-tweet-23November2023-humanitarian agencies have not condemned 7October

humanitarian agencies that still haven't condemned 7October2023

humanitarian agencies that still haven’t condemned 7October2023



Lies against the IDF: Hamas PURPOSELY drew fire to the World Central Kitchens (NGO) truck

The Persian Jewess-tweet-7April2024-Hamas PURPOSELY drew fire to the World Central Kitchens truck
⚠️BREAKING⚠️ IDF has revealed that Hamas PURPOSELY drew fire to the WCK truck.

🔥At around 10 pm, the IDF noticed suspicious activity as the WCK vehicle was joined by a convoy of several other Hamas vehicles.

🔥 Hamas terrorists then climbed ONTO and INTO the WCK truck and FIRED several times indiscriminately into the air to ensure the IDF would see them.

🔥The convoy then split up and entered a hanger, where it became difficult to
distinguish between the Hamas vehicles and the WCK vehicle.

🔥IDF attempted to call both the WCK workers and WCK HQ on TWO separate occasions to confirm whether they were with the Hamas convoy but their calls remained unanswered.

🔥When the vehicles left the hangar OVER AN HOUR LATER the IDF drone unit misidentified the WCK vehicle for a vehicle from the Hamas convoy and mistakenly struck.

The IDF has provided their full findings to both WCK and Jose Andres, and are now requiring new stickers for aid vehicles which can be seen via drones even in the dark.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-7April2024-Hamas PURPOSELY drew fire to the World Central Kitchens truck

The Persian Jewess-tweet-7April2024-Hamas PURPOSELY drew fire to the World Central Kitchens truck

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-8April2024-When NATO kills-friendly fire When Israel kills-war crime
“When British or U.S. troops accidentally kill innocent civilians, journalists or aid workers it’s ‘friendly fire’ in the heat of battle. When Israel does likewise, it’s a deliberate war crime. The double-standards are nauseating.”

~ Richard Littlejohn, in Daily Mail.

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-8April2024-When NATO kills-friendly fire When Israel kills-war crime

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-8April2024-When NATO kills-friendly fire When Israel kills-war crime


JerusalemCat-tweet-3April2024-During World War 2 humanitarian aid workers WERE NOT in German or Japanese Cities While they were being Bombed
The Gaza Ministry of Health has a quota to fill and the journalists and humanitarian aid workers are slacking off. This is WAR. During World War 2 journalists and humanitarian aid workers WERE NOT in German or Japanese Cities While they were being Bombed!

JerusalemCats-tweet-3April2024-During World War 2 humanitarian aid workers WERE NOT in German or Japanese Cities While they were being Bombed

JerusalemCats-tweet-3April2024-During World War 2 humanitarian aid workers WERE NOT in German or Japanese Cities While they were being Bombed



Hamas was with the World Central Kitchens (NGO)

Sebastian Marinaio-tweet-10April2024-Hamas was with the WCK
Hi @chefjoseandres care to explain this picture? You’ve spent the week accusing Israel targeting @WCKitchen volunteers & now we know Hamas was riding with the vehicles. You also accused Israel of genocide which is an absolute lie. Now YOU can be seen hanging with Hamas. WTF???

Sebastian Marinaio-tweet-10April2024-Hamas was with the WCK

Sebastian Marinaio-tweet-10April2024-Hamas was with the WCK


David Lange-tweet-11April2024-Some telling footage of WorldCentralKitchen workers around Hamas terrorists
Some telling footage of #WorldCentralKitchen workers around #Hamas terrorists. Not suggesting they are enabling them, but it puts the IDF investigation results into perspective. More here:

David Lange-tweet-11April2024-Some telling footage of WorldCentralKitchen workers around Hamas terrorists

David Lange-tweet-11April2024-Some telling footage of WorldCentralKitchen workers around Hamas terrorists


Honest Reporting New Logo

Tragic World Central Kitchen Aid Workers Incident Exposes Rank Hypocrisy

The tragic killing of the seven aid workers in Gaza in an IDF drone strike has undoubtedly changed the direction of Israel’s war against Hamas.  As the IDF admitted making “grave mistakes” in the strike…

Rachel O’Donoghue 8April2024


The tragic killing of the seven aid workers in Gaza in an IDF drone strike has undoubtedly changed the direction of Israel’s war against Hamas.


As the IDF admitted making “grave mistakes” in the strike on a World Central Kitchen (WCK) vehicle convoy, pressure has piled on Israel to agree to an immediate ceasefire in the Strip, as well as other unpalatable terms Hamas put forward.


In the immediate aftermath, Israel dismissed two military officers and reprimanded several others.


The point that has been ignored by the vast majority of media pundits and politicians as they line up to criticize Israel is that holding up the WCK incident as proof there must be an immediate ceasefire is tantamount to saying that Hamas should stay in power.


Some of the harshest criticism leveled at Israel has come from its staunchest allies, including the United States and the United Kingdom, which have previously stopped short of calling for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire.


The UK’s foreign minister Lord David Cameron, for example, warned that Britain’s support for Israel was “not unconditional,” while describing the deaths of the WCK workers as “tragic and avoidable.”


Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden released a statement on April 2 — mere hours after the incident — which called for a “thorough investigation” that brings full “accountability.”


“Even more tragically, this is not a stand-alone incident. This conflict has been one of the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed,” the statement added.


Such criticism was mirrored in the international press


An editorial by The Observer argued that “only a ceasefire in Gaza can save [Israel] from its worst-ever crisis” and called for an “independent, international inquiry into last week’s outrageous killing of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers.”


“The IDF’s internal investigation and its limited admission of error do not begin to excuse or explain the army’s trigger-happy behaviour and ongoing, systemic problems with targeting,” it added.


Writing in The Guardian, Nesrine Malik described the World Central Kitchen incident as evidence that “Israel has gone rogue.”


The Wall Street Journal attempted to explore what it called the “deadly mistakes of Israel’s military in Gaza” in a piece that observed how the aid convoy strike had “crystallized a broad international backlash against Israel’s war in Gaza.”


However, the swift and unforgiving reaction to the WCK incident by both international leaders and the media has exposed another issue: a glaring hypocrisy where Israel is judged by a standard that is not applied to its allies.


Opinion writer Brendan O’Neill was among the handful of media pundits to call out this double standard in a piece for The Spectator:

David Cameron has got some front. The Foreign Secretary is haranguing Israel over its tragic unintentional killing of seven aid workers in Gaza, and yet he oversaw a war in which such ‘friendly fire’ horrors were commonplace. In fact, more than seven people were slain in accidental bombings under Cameron’s watch.


It was the Libya intervention of 2011. In that Nato-led excursion, in which Cameron, then prime minister, was an enthusiastic partner, numerous Libyans died as a result of misaimed bombs. Things got so bad that the West’s allies took to painting the roofs of their vehicles bright pink in an effort to avoid Nato’s missiles.”

Another op-ed in Newsweek by international human rights lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky and urban warfare expert John Spencer noted how one inevitable consequence of war is that “errors will occur” and that the US too had made similar errors during its conflicts:


The United States itself, during its withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, mistakenly killed an aid worker and nine members of his family—including seven children—after targeting the wrong vehicle in a Kabul drone strike.


Similarly, NATO members have also, inadvertently and mistakenly, killed civilians, as in Libya in 2011, when 13 people, including ambulance workers, were killed by so-called ‘friendly fire.’

A piece published in the Daily Mail by columnist Richard Littlejohn called out the “nauseating” double standards that the WCK strike has exposed.


Recounting the events that followed the death of his friend, ITN correspondent Terry Lloyd—who was killed alongside several other journalists in a US strike on their clearly marked vehicle on the outskirts of Basra, Iraq, in March 2003—Littlejohn wrote:


A subsequent inquest ruled that Terry had been unlawfully killed by American troops and his lawyer said he had been the victim of a ‘very serious war crime‘. No one was ever charged.


The shock of his death was as traumatic for his family and friends as for those of the three brave British aid workers killed by Israeli forces in Gaza this week.


But no one at the time demanded that the American-led Coalition — which included 46,000 British military personnel — withdraw immediately from Iraq, allow Saddam Hussein to remain in power and abandon the hunt for what turned out to be non-existent weapons of mass destruction.”


Every innocent person killed in this war is a tragedy, whether they are international aid workers or Palestinian civilians. However, suggesting that Israel’s tragic accidents are somehow unique or more severe than others is hypocrisy of the highest order.


Liked this article? Follow HonestReporting on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok to see even more posts and videos debunking news bias and smears, as well as other content explaining what’s really going on in Israel and the region.



Qatar funded Human Rights Watch

i24NEWS English-tweet-23November2023-Qatar funded Human Rights Watch
A leaked document obtained by @MEMRIReports shows @hrw was given Qatari state funds

@BenWeinthal investigates

i24NEWS English-tweet-23November2023-Qatar funded Human Rights Watch

i24NEWS English-tweet-23November2023-Qatar funded Human Rights Watch



JerusalemCats Comments: When you think of the Red Cross, Think of the Medieval Christian Knights Templar slaughtering Jews during the Crusades!

A knight of the Templar. Warrior Monk

A knight of the Templar. Warrior Monk



הוועד הבינלאומי של ארגון הצלב האדום הוא רשע / The International Committee of the Red Cross is Evil


ט״ו לחודש העשירי תשפ״ד

English follows the Hebrew.

YNET: מזכ”ל אונר”א לשעבר, שהתפטר בשל חשד לשחיתות, מונה למנכ”ל הצלב האדום
דניאל אדלסון, ניו יורק, 22.12.2023


הצלב האדום הודיע כי מזכ”ל אונר”א לשעבר פייר קרנבול, שהתפטר בעקבות חשד לשחיתות, מונה למנכ”ל הארגון. בחקירה שהתנהלה נגד קרנבול עלו טענות על הטרדות מיניות, נפוטיזם וניצול סמכויות. בין השאר, נטען כי קרנבול מינה את הפלסטינית מריה מוחמדי, שעימה לכאורה ניהל יחסים אינטימיים, לתפקיד בכיר באונר”א בשכר של 200 אלף דולר.

עשר אגורות (2¢):
בדרך כלל אני מוכן להגיד שהדוח על ידי דניאל אדלסון מספיק כדי להבין את היסוד הרשע של הוועד הבינלאומי של ארגון הצלב האדום.


לא היום. אף פעם לא מספיק להדגיש דבר כזה כשיהודים עושים אותו הטעות פעם אחר פעם ומצפים לתוצאות שונות. איזה טעויות? לסמוך ותמוך בהוועד הבינלאומי של ארגון הצלב האדום, ולצפות מהם החלטות צדקות.


YNET: “אלו התרופות של בני”: קרובי חטופים בכו בפגישה קשה עם נשיאת הצלב האדום
מיריאנה ספולאריץ’ שמעה ביקורת חריפה בפגישתה הראשונה אחרי נחיתתה בארץ. “67 יום שהצלב האדום נכשל במשימתו לבקר את החטופים”, אמר שר החוץ כהן. נתניהו שנפגש עם ספולאריץ’ לאחר מכן העניק לה קופסת תרופות שלהן זקוקים החטופים: “בטוח שאתם יכולים למצוא את הדרכים לספק את זה”
אדיר ינקו, רועי רובינשטיין, איתמר אייכנר | 14.12.23


YNET: נתניהו: ביקשתי מנשיאת הצלב האדום שתיתן תרופות לחטופים, היא סירבה
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו אמר במליאת הכנסת כי “לפני כמה ימים נפגשתי עם נשיאת הצלב האדום והנחתי ארגז של תרופות שהחטופים זקוקים להן. אמרתי לה ‘קחי את זה למעבר רפיח’, היא לא הסכימה“. לדברי נתניהו, “זו הייתה שיחה מאוד לא קלה. רעייתי שרה פנתה לאפיפיור וביקשה ממנו לפנות לנשיאת הצלב האדום ולדרוש ממנה להעביר את התרופות. אנחנו לא חוסכים שום מאמץ”.
סיון חילאי | 25.12.2023

אני מזכיר לכם על האירועים שעברו על ידי הוועד הבינלאומי של ארגון הצלב האדום (הכתבות באנגלית):

2015: הסהר האדום נמנע מלטפל ביהודים שבסופו של דבר נפטרו
2010: הצלב האדום מחסה מחבלים
2005: הצלב האדום מחליף את סמל מד״א עם מעוין אדום

אם אתם עדיין לא יכולים להבין שהוועד הבינלאומי של ארגון הצלב האדום רשע מכה אלה, אז לא נראה לי שאני מוסגל להוכיח לכם את זה.

Red Magen David Adom (Red Shield of David) symbol getting erased
סמל מגן דוד אדום נמחק
Red Magen David Adom (Red Shield of David) symbol getting erased.


YNET: Red Cross names embattled former UNRWA chief as new head
Daniel Edelson, New York, December 22, 2023


The Red Cross announced on Friday that former UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl, who resigned due to corruption allegations, has been appointed as the organization’s director-general.


Investigations against Krähenbühl raised claims of sexual harassment, nepotism and abuse of power. Among other allegations, it’s claimed that Krähenbühl appointed the Palestinian Maria Mohammedi, with whom he supposedly had an intimate relationship, to a senior position in UNRWA on a $200,000 salary.

Esser Agaroth (2¢):
Generally I am willing to say that the report by Daniel Adelson is enough to understand the evil element of the International Committee of the Red Cross.


Not today. It is never enough to emphasize such a thing when Jews make the same mistake over and over and expect different results. What mistakes? To trust and support the International Committee of the Red Cross, and to expect it to make just decisions.

YNET: Families of hostages burst into tears during a difficult meeting with ICRC chief: ‘These are my son’s medications’
Mirjana Spoljaric, criticized by father of Omer Vankert, still in captivity, and presented the medicine he needs; Foreign Minister Cohen also attending meeting says ICRC fails in task to visit captives

Adir Yanko, Itamar Eichner | 12.14.23


Families of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, met on Thursday with Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross in an emotional exchange bringing some family members to tears.

The original Hebrew says that Mirjana Spoljaric responded, “Surely, you can find ways to get these to them.”

JPost: Red Cross refused to give medicine to Gaza hostages, Netanyahu tells families
“We are sparing no effort, both seen and hidden, to bring all of the hostages home,” Netanyahu told hostages’ families at the Knesset plenum.
By Jerusalem Post Staff, December 25, 2023


An International Committee of the Red Cross representative refused to bring a box of life-saving medicine to Israelis taken hostage in Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed in a Monday address to the Knesset plenum.


“I met with the Red Cross; I handed them a box of medicine for some of the hostages shown here. Some of them really need it…I told a representative to take this box to Rafah; she said no. It was a difficult conversation,” he told a special Knesset session attended by families of hostages, who were heard shouting “Now!” at the prime minister as he explained the return of all hostages would take time.


“We are sparing no effort, both seen and hidden, to bring all of the hostages home,” Netanyahu said.

Here are a few of the Red Cross’s past strikes against Israel and the Jewish People:

2015: Red Crescent Withholds Treatment from Jews who Eventually Die
2010: Red Cross Harbors Hamas Fugitives
2005: Red Cross Replaces the Star of David with a Diamond as Israel’s Official Symbol

If you still cannot see how evil the Red Cross is, then I am not sure I can help you to see the light.




Israel: Red Cross has ‘no right to exist’ if it can’t help hostages in Gaza

FM Eli Cohen’s remarks come after organization warns Israel over emergency law concerning conditions of security prisoners in Israeli jails

By ToI Staff 1November2023, href=”


Amid an ongoing spat with the Red Cross, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen demanded Wednesday that the group visit the 240 hostages Israeli believes are being held captive by Hamas in the Gaza Strip and harshly criticized the organization’s conduct.


The foreign minister told the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spoljaric, that the ICRC must demand to meet and provide medical assistance to all the hostages, Cohen’s office said.


“The Red Cross has no right to exist if it does not succeed in visiting the hostages being held captive by the Hamas terror group,” Cohen told Spoljaric, and noted that “children, women and Holocaust survivors” are being held captive.


“The Red Cross must act decisively and with a clear voice and utilize all leverage it has to push for a visit to the hostages as soon as possible,” Cohen added.


Cohen’s statements came after the Red Cross sent a letter on Tuesday to the Israel Prison Service, cautioning the state about a wartime law passed in the Knesset two weeks ago that allows National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir to worsen the conditions of security prisoners if a “prison emergency” were to be declared.


The foreign minister criticized the ICRC for focusing on Israel, “which is bound by international law and acts in accordance with it,” instead of the enormous humanitarian crisis created by Hamas.


Prison Service commissioner Katy Perry, in a statement Wednesday, said that the Red Cross would not be allowed to visit Palestinian terror prisoners held in Israeli jails until the organization is able to provide assistance to the Israeli hostages in Gaza.


The Israel-Hamas war broke out on October 7 with Hamas’s shock assault, which took the lives of some 1,400 people in Israel, the vast majority of them civilians. More than 240 people were taken captive as Hamas terrorists rampaged through the communities adjacent to Gaza.


Since then, while waging war against Hamas in Gaza, Israel has agitated for the International Red Cross to be allowed to visit the hostages held in the Strip, but so far the terror group  has shown little inclination to permit such visits.


The Red Cross has also made multiple statements concerning the war, has cautioned Israel in regards to civilian casualties in Gaza, and is involved with providing humanitarian aid packages to Gaza. When two Israeli-American hostages, Judith and Natalie Raanan, were released by Hamas on October 20, they were first turned over to the Red Cross.


Benjamin B@dejo-tweet-24November2023-The Red Cross sympathizes with terrorists
The Red Cross (@ICRC/@ICRC_ilot) just deleted their tweet saying they are “RELIEVED” that Palestinian prisoners — including convicted attempted murderers — were released and can now “hug their families” after a “long separation.” The Red Cross sympathizes with terrorists.

Benjamin B@dejo-tweet-24November2023-The Red Cross sympathizes with terrorists

Benjamin B@dejo-tweet-24November2023-The Red Cross sympathizes with terrorists



Red Cross in 1944: “We found no trace” Red Cross in 2023: “We found no evidence”

Dr. Eli David-tweet-26November2023-Red Cross in 1944-2023-We found no trace
Red Cross in 1944: “We found no trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners in Auschwitz” 👇

Red Cross in 2023: “We found no evidence of weapons or hostages being kept in hospitals in Gaza”

Dr. Eli David-tweet-26November2023-Red Cross in 1944-2023-We found no trace

Dr. Eli David-tweet-26November2023-Red Cross in 1944-2023-We found no trace


Red Cross in 1944-We found no trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners in Auschwitz

Red Cross in 1944-We found no trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners in Auschwitz



PROOF: Red Cross is Antisemitic

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-17December2023-
70+ DAYS and @ICRC still has not seen a single Israeli hostage in Gaza, obtained any proof of life or delivered any medicine.

The Red Cross prides itself on being unwaveringly neutral, but when it comes to Israeli lives, they are just unwaveringly absent! @ICRCPresident
JerusalemCats-tweet-17December2023-ICRC is Antisemitic
No, the ICRC is a Antisemitic, Nazi terrorist supporting Organization that has a long history of antisemitism. Such as demanding the Magen David Adom change it’s logo from the Red Star of David to something else.

JerusalemCats-tweet-17December2023-ICRC is Antisemitic

JerusalemCats-tweet-17December2023-ICRC is Antisemitic


Red Cross asked to expel MDA over emblem violation

Pro-Palestinian groups say using Star of David shape in West Bank violates Geneva Convention protocol

By Tamar Pileggi


MDA paramedic Tal Rabin attends to displaced Nepalese locals in Kathmandu. (photo courtesy Magen David Adom)

MDA paramedic Tal Rabin attends to displaced Nepalese locals in Kathmandu. (photo courtesy Magen David Adom)


A number of pro-Palestinian organizations have petitioned the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent to expel Israel’s national emergency medical service for using the emblem of the international federation on its ambulances operating in West Bank.


The Palestinian groups charge that Magen David Adom — the country’s medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service — is in violation of a Geneva Convention protocol stipulating Israeli paramedic teams use a neutral emblem while working outside the country, the Yedioth Aharonoth daily newspaper reported Sunday.


In 2006, the MDA emerged from decades of isolation and was admitted to the ICRC after agreeing to abide by a protocol adopted by Geneva Convention signatories the year before.


The protocol introduced a neutral “red crystal” emblem to be used by any relief teams in areas where there is sensitivity about Christian or Muslim symbols.


The MDA, along with IDF medics, were instructed to use the new symbol — a red square at an angle on a white background — when participating in operations outside Israel.


While operating in missions in conjunction with other ICRC agencies, the red crystal emblem was to be used in conjunction with MDA’s star of David. In Israel, MDA was allowed to keep its traditional logo.


According to the report, ICRC officials will discuss the complaint at the body’s annual meeting in December.

A Foreign Ministry official told the paper that the initiative was being followed up though diplomatic channels.

“We will not allow anyone to remove MDA from the Red Cross,” the official said, dismissing the complaint as mere “threats and catchphrases.”


“Its a shame that officials choose not to address the issues in Syria, Libya or Yemen and instead choose to focus on Israel — a country that provides emergency and standard medical services to Jews, Muslims, Christians, Palestinians and Israelis alike.”




Dror Futter’s Post

Dror Futter
Corporate Lawyer Focusing on Venture Formation and Financing, Mergers and Acquisitions and Commercial and IP Agreements | External GC


International Committee of the Red Cross List of Accepted Logos

International Committee of the Red Cross List of Accepted Logos

What is Missing from the International Committee of the Red Cross List of Accepted Logos?
1️⃣ Notice that the Star of David is not present<
2️⃣ For 10 points, which faith uses the diamond as its symbol [hint: rhymes with none]?


▶ Although the ICRC contends that the symbols are not religious, evidently that logic applies solely to the Magen David (the Star of David) but not to the Christian cross or the Muslim crescent.  For almost the first 60 years of its existence, based on opposition from Muslim countries, Israel’s Magen David Adom (Israel’s Red Star of David ie. its Red Cross) was denied admission to the ICRC.


▶ Israel was finally admitted in 2006, under heavy pressure for the American Red Cross.  However, to do so, it was forced to agree that the Star of David would not be recognized as an official ICRC symbol.  Instead, the ICRC created the red crystal. Here are the “rules” of the red crystal:


🔹 Within its own national territory, a national society can use either of the recognized symbols alone, or incorporate any of these symbols or a combination of them into the Red Crystal.


🔹 For indicative use on foreign territory, a national society which does not use one of the recognized symbols as its emblem has to incorporate its unique symbol into the Red Crystal, based on the previously mentioned condition about communicating its unique symbol to the state parties of the Geneva Conventions.


🔹 For protective use, only the symbols recognized by the Geneva Conventions can be used. Specifically, those national societies which do not use one of the recognized symbols as their emblem have to use the Red Crystal without incorporation of any additional symbol.


➡ Wrap your head around this.  The ICRC “allows” Israel to use the Star of David in Israel. If it wants to display its symbol outside Israel, it can only do so if it displays it inside the diamond. Finally, if it wants the protective benefits of displaying the symbol outside of Israel (such as in combat) it cannot display the Star of David within the crystal.


▶ The ICRC website states: “The emblems are not religious symbols. They serve humanity. They are symbols of protection and convey that help is at hand. They also signify hope, and must be respected.” I guess if you are Jewish, you are only entitled to protection and hope if you do not identify as Jewish.


▶We are conditioned to give respect to humanitarian organizations.  Many do not realize that many of these global organizations are structurally anti-Jews and anti-Israel.


▶ In the weeks to come, the news is likely to be full of statements about the war in Gaza from “humanitarian organizations.” Without minimizing the tragedy of the loss of an innocent on either side of the border, when you read and evaluate statements by the ICRC and organizations like the UN, Amnesty International, UNRWA and others, keep in mind their long standing prejudices with respect to the parties in the region. Heck, the ICRC isn’t even hiding it.





‘Abandoned Twice’: Daughter of Freed Hostage in Critical Condition Rips Apart Red Cross

“The Red Cross refused to bring her her medications.”

Posted by Mary Chastain Monday, 27November2023


Elma Avraham, 84, a freed Hamas hostage, remains in critical condition.

Elma Avraham, 84, a freed Hamas hostage, remains in critical condition.

Elma Avraham, 84, a freed Hamas hostage, remains in critical condition.

Tali Amano, her daughter, ripped apart the Red Cross for not bringing her mom the medications she needed. From The Times of Israel:

“My mother didn’t deserve to return like this,” she says. “My mother was medically neglected. The Red Cross refused to bring her her medications. She arrived with a heart rate of 40 bpm and a body temperature of 28 degrees Celsius, on the verge of losing consciousness and injured all over.

“She was abandoned twice — once on October 7, and a second time by all the organizations that should have saved her,” Amano charges.

“I hope they haven’t managed to defeat her,” she says, in an expression of hope that she’ll recover.

This is just awful:

“We pulled ourselves together real quick, managed to get her medication list together, and they made our lives really tough. They personally brought the medications to my brother, he went to meet with the Red Cross rep to hand over the meds, and they said no.” She added, “A few days later, we were protesting in front of the Red Cross building, and again we got turned away. My mom shouldn’t have come back like this. I don’t know how she’s going to get through the next few days.”


i24NEWS English-tweet-27November2023-Red Cross-mother was abandoned twice
‘My mother was on the brink of death when she came to us’

Tal Amano, daughter of Elma Avraham, 84-year-old freed from #Hamas says her mother was abandoned twice. First on #October7 and then by all the organizations whose responsibility it was to save her

i24NEWS English-tweet-27November2023-Red Cross-Mother was abandoned twice

i24NEWS English-tweet-27November2023-Red Cross-Mother was abandoned twice





The Red Cross is violating its neutrality principle

Blocked from visiting hostages, the aid organization should give Hamas an ultimatum: Let us see them or we’ll leave Gaza

Shlomo Levin 14December2023,


The International Committee of the Red Cross recently had a highly visible role, transporting released hostages out of Gaza in vans displaying plastered with the Red Cross logo and flying their flags. But this has also renewed criticism of the organization, as in spite of their heavy presence in Gaza helping Palestinians this is the first time they’ve done anything for the hostages. Some Israelis have called the Red Cross nothing more than an Uber service. It moved the hostages once they were released, but its job should have been to care for them all along.


Is that fair? What are the Red Cross’s responsibilities, and what can we reasonably expect? To answer, we have to understand the special legal status of the Red Cross and the code of conduct by which it operates.


A key principle of humanitarian law is that medical personnel and equipment, even if belonging to an enemy or treating enemy soldiers, cannot be the target of military attacks. The reason is that medical personnel take no part in military operations and exclusively work to help the wounded. There is therefore no military benefit in attacking them. Doing so would be uselessly destructive and is therefore not allowed. The Red Cross emblem serves as a sign making known to all combatants that an individual, vehicle, or other piece of equipment is being used solely for medical purposes and thereby enjoys this immunity from attack.


But this alone does not explain the Red Cross’s role in facilitating the release of hostages. For example, even though Hamas allowed the Red Cross to transport the hostages from Gaza, there is no way it would have allowed IDF medical units displaying the Red Cross symbol (or in this case the Magen David Adom) to do the same.

Impartiality and Neutrality

This is because the International Committee of the Red Cross commits to also following two additional principles. These are impartiality and neutrality. The Red Cross defines impartiality as being guided solely by the needs of people who are suffering, prioritized by the urgency of the case, without discriminating due to nationality, race, religion, or other status. They define neutrality as not taking sides in hostilities or engaging in controversies of a political, racial, religious, or ideological nature. You can see this on their website here.


This principle of neutrality in particular requires explanation. A simple way to look at it is that the Red Cross readily admits that it as an organization, as well as its individual members, take political and ideological positions. The best example is their commitment to humanitarian law itself. The Red Cross states clearly that taking hostages is wrong, and that it condemns Hamas for doing it. The Red Cross does not require itself to be neutral or non-committal about that point.


What neutrality means is that even though they have a clear position about what humanitarian law is and that it must be followed, acting in their official capacity they vow not to take any actions to stop humanitarian abuses or other wrongdoing they encounter of any sort. So in return for access to visit hostages, they pledge not to help them escape, not to reveal to the outside world where they are being held, and so forth. They even commit not to cooperate with any future war crimes investigations or the International Criminal Court. An Israeli medical unit, even though it is also legally shielded from attack and bears the proper logo, would never agree to that (and there is zero chance they would be believed even if they said they would).


The Red Cross believes that neutrality and impartiality taken together mean there should be no grounds for any party to a conflict to deny it access to anything. Since even if a group is committing the most heinous war crimes, such as holding civilian hostages and deliberately targeting civilians, the Red Cross while acting in its territory under its protection will take no actions to hinder those violations now or in the future, there is no valid reason to keep them out.

The Hostages

So why hasn’t the Red Cross visited the hostages? They’ve reassured Israel they want to and are trying. But they don’t know where the hostages are, and even if they did know the Red Cross cannot just barge in. They depend on Hamas to allow them access, and so far Hamas hasn’t obliged.


Now of course it’s true that they cannot visit the hostages without Hamas’s permission. The question becomes what their response should be as Hamas continues to refuse.


In the beginning, the Red Cross could have argued that the logistics of visiting the hostages are difficult and it takes time for them to reassure Hamas of their neutrality and work out a system for visiting without giving away information to Israeli intelligence. But by now it’s clear Hamas is just saying no.


This is in effect causing the Red Cross to violate its principle of impartiality. Surely the hostages are in grave need of medical and psychological assistance. But the Red Cross is discriminating against them. It’s helping only Palestinians in Gaza who need assistance, while it ignores Israelis (and other foreigners) being held in that same place.


I’m sure the Red Cross will argue that it’s vital that it remain in Gaza because of the immense need for medical services that it is helping to fulfill. But by doing so it is compromising its principles. The Red Cross could tell Hamas that either they allow it to treat everyone in order of need without regard to nationality, hostages included, or that it will pack its bags and leave. While various Israeli political leaders, joined recently by the US Secretary of State, have urged the Red Cross to continue pushing Hamas to grant access, it’s unclear to what extent they’ve demanded the Red Cross take such a stand.


It should be noted that Israel also has additional, unrelated complaints that the Red Cross has violated its commitment to impartiality and neutrality in other ways. But this demand that the Red Cross visit the hostages, reassure families about their condition, and provide them urgent medical attention, Israel can make clearly, unequivocally, and based on the Red Cross’s own guiding principles. If the Red Cross meekly accepts Hamas’s refusal and just goes on treating Palestinians without visiting the hostages, it should lose its lofty humanitarian status. Israel can also deny Red Cross workers some of their privileges of coming and going through Israeli territory, and internationally it should forfeit some funding as well.


About the Author
Shlomo Levin received Rabbinic ordination from the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and Yeshivat Hamivtar, and an M.A. in International Law and Human RIghts from the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica. He is the author of the Human Rights Haggadah, which highlights human rights issues in the Passover story with Jewish and secular sources along and questions for discussion. Learn more at


ICRC appoint Palestinian activist next Director General

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-22December2023-ICRC appoint Palestinian activist next Director General
They’re just trolling us now!

Because @ICRC has not shown enough hostility towards Israel and outright indifference to Jewish lives, they are now set to appoint Palestinian activist and former head of @UNRWA, Pierre Krahenbuhl, as their next Director General.

Neutrality, hey?

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-22December2023-ICRC appoint Palestinian activist next Director General

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-22December2023-ICRC appoint Palestinian activist next Director General




The International Red Cross is Hamas

Hillel Neuer-tweet-2May2024-icrc investigating Head of Office Haythem Abid
BREAKING: The International Red Cross has announced they are now investigating @icrc Head of Office Haythem Abid after we exposed his marching in anti-Israel rallies, sharing Hamas videos claiming hostages love them, and posting “F**ck neutral sh*t.” 🧵⬇️

Hillel Neuer-tweet-2May2024-icrc investigating Head of Office Haythem Abid

Hillel Neuer-tweet-2May2024-icrc investigating Head of Office Haythem Abid




I Assure You The Red Cross Is Working As Hard As It Can To Facilitate Terrorism

by Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, president, International Committee of the Red Cross

Mirjana Spoljaric Egger

Mirjana Spoljaric Egger

Geneva, January 25 – Since its founding in 1863, this organization has led the world in first aid and disaster response, and continues to do so even in the most dangerous locations worldwide. This mission includes the Gaza Strip, where the ICRC has responded to the most recent outbreak of violence by making every imaginable effort not to get in the way of Hamas’s operations, even going as far as to refrain from criticizing Hamas.


Unfair accusations have stemmed from the Red Cross’s handling of Israelis held hostage in Gaza: that we have neglected to insist on visiting them; that we have cooperated with a terrorist organization; that when some hostages were freed, we served as little more than couriers. Those charges are profoundly insulting to anyone who knows what our organization does, the values it upholds, and how it operates.


To begin with, open criticism of Hamas in a Hamas-controlled area would put our personnel at risk and threaten the crucial functions that the Red Cross plays in Gaza. Without a robust ICRC presence, Hamas might be forced to provide health care for Gaza residents, and that would hamper the group’s ability to, and resources toward, killing and torturing Israelis. Imagine how annoyed that would make Hamas! We cannot take that risk.


Thus our refusal to convey medications to hostages in need of it is understandable in context. The same for our silence on the question of hostages being raped or otherwise mistreated. We simply have to take Hamas at their word, since they are known for strict adherence to the truth in medical matters, such as the bombing of the Al-Ahli Hospital and the total absence of Hamas military infrastructure in or under health care facilities.


Also the death toll and classification of every single casualty as a noncombatant, which we all know to be unimpeachable and completely in line with every other urban combat situation in military history. The missiles into Israel are launching themselves!


Israeli sources enjoy no such credibility, as they contradict what everyone knows without checking. This is common knowledge. I cannot believe it requires explaining. It is precisely the attitude we were trying to get across when we told the family of an Israeli held hostage in Gaza, “Don’t you feel sympathy for the Palestinians?” Because that it hat one says to a suffering, grieving, terrified person.

If they’re Jewish.



South Africa takes Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, UN) for the Gaza War

International Criminal Court trying October 7th 2023 Israeli Rape Victims

International Criminal Court trying October 7th 2023 Israeli Rape Victims

South Africa has one of the highest murder and gender based violence rates in the world

StopAntisemitism-tweet-12January2024-South Africa the highest murder rates takes Israel to the ICC for Gaza War
South Africa has one of the highest murder and gender based violence rates in the world.

So what is the country’s leadership focusing on?

Taking Israel to court for defending itself against maniacal Hamas terrorists determined to wipe out 7 million Jews.


StopAntisemitism-tweet-12January2024-South Africa the highest murder rates takes Israel to the ICC for Gaza War

StopAntisemitism-tweet-12January2024-South Africa the highest murder rates takes Israel to the ICC for Gaza War


ICJ and Hamas-Israel Hayom-Caricature-28January2024

ICJ and Hamas-Israel Hayom-Caricature-28January2024

South Africa Lawfare against Israel

UK Lawyers For Israel-tweet-11January2024-South Africa Lawfare against Israel
Natasha Hausdorff, @UKLFI CT Legal Director, discusses the case brought by South Africa against Israel alleging genocide @CIJ_ICJ and the risk that it will further undermine respect for international law @i24NEWS_EN:

UK Lawyers For Israel-tweet-11January2024-South Africa Lawfare against Israel

UK Lawyers For Israel-tweet-11January2024-South Africa Lawfare against Israel

Natasha Hausdorff talks to I24’s Laura Cellier about the ICJ


Masterful display of international law

Eylon Levy-tweet-12January2024-Israel’s superstar legal team
Not all heroes wear capes, but many of them wear gowns.

Our superstar legal team rebutting South Africa’s absurd blood libel at the ICJ, headed by the expert who literally wrote the textbook on international law.

Eylon Levy-tweet-12January2024-Israel's superstar legal team

Eylon Levy-tweet-12January2024-Israel’s superstar legal team

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13January2024-Prof. Malcolm Shaw international law South Africa case at ICJ
In case you missed, here is the full video of Prof. Malcolm Shaw’s masterful display in international law and meticulous take-down of #SouthAfrica’s case at #ICJ, during his submission on behalf of #Israel.

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13January2024-Prof Malcolm Shaw international law South Africa case at ICJ

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13January2024-Prof Malcolm Shaw international law South Africa case at ICJ

Prof. Malcolm Shaw’s masterful display in international law and meticulous take-down of South Africa’s case at International Court of Justice

Israel-tweet-12January2024-Dr. Tal Becker legal case at ICJ
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝟑𝟎 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐢𝐭.

Today Dr. Tal Becker and Israel’s legal team presented its case to the @CIJ_ICJ.

With them stood the souls of the more than 1,000 Israelis who were murdered by Hamas on October 7th and are unable to testify.

Watch Dr. Becker’s opening remarks:

Israel-tweet-12January2024-Dr Tal Becker legal case at ICJ

Israel-tweet-12January2024-Dr Tal Becker legal case at ICJ

SA-Israel ICJ case | Tal Becker: Legal advisor to Israel’s department of foreign affairs

SA/Israel case at the ICJ: Dr. Galit Raguan, Israeli Ministry of Justice on SABCNews

Posted 15January2024 AIJAC:
South Africa takes Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, UN) for the Gaza War
Dr. Galit Raguan, Israeli Ministry of Justice


The ICJ called for the release of Israeli hostages

John Aziz-tweet-26January-2024-The ICJ called for the release of Israeli hostages
Big takeaway:

The ICJ called for the release of Israeli hostages, and declined to order an immediate ceasefire.

They also called for Israel to do measures such as “preventing the commission of genocide” which Israel ALREADY ACCEPTS & which the Israeli judge voted for
Israel War Room-tweet-26January-2024-ICj does not accept South Africa’s demand
⚡️The court in The Hague does not accept South Africa’s demand to stop the war in Gaza.

John Aziz-tweet-26January2024-The ICJ called for the release of Israeli hostages

John Aziz-tweet-26January2024-The ICJ called for the release of Israeli hostages

StandWithUs Supporting Israel

StandWithUs Supporting Israel

StandWithUs Rejects ICJ Ruling & Language, but Agrees with Court’s Decision Demanding Hostages be Released and Not Calling for a Ceasefire


(Los Angeles, January 26, 2024)


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has rejected a demand by the South African government to order a “ceasefire” that would allow Hamas to remain in power in Gaza, continue to oppress its own people, and rearm for the next massacre of Israeli civilians. However, StandWithUs is appaulled by the ICJ’s decision to accept other parts of this slanderous case, which uses the Genocide Convention to defame Israel and undermine its right to defend itself against genocidal terrorism. Read the entire press release HERE.


In its ruling, the ICJ calls for the immediate and unconditional release of the remaining 136 hostages held by Hamas since October 7. We take note that Hamas said they would abide by the court’s ruling, and as such Hamas must release the hostages immediately.


Of note, the ICJ did not rule on South Africa’s main and unsubstantiated contention that Israel is committing a “genocide” in ongoing war started by Hamas on October 7th. A decision on this matter is not expected until years from now, if at all.


We take further note that the majority opinion of the court relies exclusively on statements made by UN officials, including leaders of UNWRA, about the situation in Gaza. The anti-Israel bias of these officials and the UN system has long been known and proven.


South Africa’s decision to bring Israel before the ICJ was politically motivated and lacked legal merits. The South African government has allied itself with the genocidal Hamas terrorists responsible for the October 7th massacre. The Jerusalem Post revealed, a “network of several South African organizations and straw man companies deeply involved with funding Hamas activities through the Al-Quds Foundation, an international group sanctioned by the US and outlawed by Israel, using accounts registered in major local South African banks: Standard Bank, Nedbank, and Absa.” Furthermore, after the October 7th atrocities, a senior level delegation of Hamas officials visited South Africa for a global “solidarity” gathering held from December 3-5, 2023.


The evidence South Africa presented to the court was decontextualized and often deeply misleading. Their case relied heavily upon inflammatory and out of context statements, demonstrably false claims, and gross misrepresentations of Israel’s actions. Israel is acting in accordance with international law as it is waging a war of self-defense against Hamas, an antisemitic terror group with explicitly genocidal aims.


Hamas started this war when it invaded southern Israel on October 7th, 2023. Their death squads attacked 22 Israeli towns and villages, murdered 1,200 Israelis and other nationals, committed mass rape against scores of Israeli women, burned entire families alive in their own homes, paraded the naked bodies of women in the streets of Gaza, and kidnapped over 250 people, including children, women, and the elderly, most of whom are still being held hostage in Gaza. Their leaders have promised to repeat these atrocities again and again until Israel is destroyed.


StandWithUs calls on the international community to stop demonizing Israel in forums like the ICJ. For the sake of Israelis, Palestinians, and humanity, the world must unite around pressuring Hamas to release the hostages, surrender, and bring this war to an end.


About StandWithUs

StandWithUs (SWU) is an international, nonprofit and non-partisan Israel education organization that works to inspire and educate people of all ages about Israel, as well as challenge misinformation and fight against antisemitism.


Through university fellowships, high school internships, middle school curricula, conferences, materials, social media, educational films and missions to Israel, StandWithUs supports people around the world who want to educate their schools and communities about Israel.


Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Los Angeles, the organization has chapters and programs throughout the U.S., in Israel, the UK, Canada, South Africa, Brazil and the Netherlands.


For the last eleven years, SWU has consistently received the highest possible ratings from Charity Navigator and Guidestar, two charity watchdog groups that assess hundreds of thousands of charities in the United States. and and and



High Noon at the Hague: South Africa vs Israel

The ICJ ruling is unsatisfactory for at least six reasons

Raymond Wacks


The world has watched the apocalyptic scenes of medieval privation and devastation in Gaza with horror. The scale of death and injury is a damning indictment of the callous indifference and cruelty of the jihadists whose well-heeled leaders are safely ensconced in five-star hotels or luxuriating in lavish spas. Provoking Israel by their despicable depravity of 7 October — murder, rape, torture, abduction, arson, and pillaging — the butchers have reaped a whirlwind whose calamitous consequences will endure for decades.


Gazans obviously deserve better, and it is incomprehensible that their voices have not been raised against the terrorists for triggering their disastrous predicament. Exhorting them to surrender and release the surviving hostages would bring an end to their torment.


Amid this seemingly intractable chaos, it fell to South Africa to assume the role of conscientious accuser. Although its application to the International Court of Justice under the Genocide Convention failed to secure a ceasefire as a ‘provisional measure of protection’, the court ordered Israel to observe with several requirements to prevent acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, including the killing of Palestinians, causing serious bodily or mental harm to civilians, and ending the imposition of measures intended to prevent births. Israel is also to directed to take immediate steps to permit the provision of humanitarian assistance to residents in Gaza.


It is important to note that the decision is both interim and unenforceable by the court. And while it explicitly avoids deciding on the merits, the judgment does constitute an uncomfortable rebuke to Israel in respect of its military execution of self-defence.


The decision is, I believe, unsatisfactory in a number of respects.


First, the Court passes lightly over Israel’s defence. It is extraordinary that the judges fail to acknowledge the critical fact that Israel is fighting an enemy that is demonstrably committed to the Jewish state’s annihilation. The 2017 revised Hamas Charter is explicit in its ambition to continue its resistance until Israel is obliterated: “Palestine symbolizes the resistance that shall continue until liberation is accomplished, until the return is fulfilled and until a fully sovereign state is established with Jerusalem as its capital…[Palestine] was seized by a racist, anti-human and colonial Zionist project…” A pronouncement that requires little clarification.


Second, it surprisingly overlooks the terrible reality that Israel’s cold-blooded foe hides its fighters, weapons, and hostages in a subterranean city, and operates amongst civilians in schools, mosques, and hospitals. It also continues to fire rockets into Israel.


Third, the court uncritically concurs with the applicants’ assertion that various bellicose statements, uttered in the aftermath of the gruesome 7 October attacks, demonstrate the requisite intention by Israel to commit genocide.’ A moment’s thought would explain why, following the barbaric, sadistic onslaught, which left at least 1,200 dead, many wounded, and some 250 taken hostage, certain Israeli political and military leaders rashly unleashed clamorous calls to arms, promising vengeance and retaliation for the unspeakable suffering that befell so many innocent citizens and foreign visitors. To treat such injudicious remarks—made in the heat of a national tragedy—as evidence of a state’s intention to commit genocide is both disingenuous and highly tendentious, especially as they included comments made by individuals with no direct role in Israel’s military decision-making.


Fourth, the court ought to have considered whether the Genocide Convention is, in fact, the appropriate legal basis for the litigation. As the ad hoc Israeli judge, Aharon Barak points out in his dissenting judgment, the framework of international humanitarian law affords a more congenial authority under which the application should have been mounted. It provides that harm to innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure should not be excessive as compared with the anticipated military advantage. The loss of innocent lives is not unlawful providing it complies with the rules and principles of this law.


Fifth, the court abjures finding of facts, yet it unhesitatingly cites a plethora of evidence from various agencies of the United Nations whose neutrality is, at the very least, questionable. They include the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief, the World Health Organisation (WHO), the UN Human Rights Council, and the Commissioner-General of (the recently discredited) UNRWA.


Sixth, the judges fail to enquire whether South Africa’s application might be tainted by its cordiality towards Hamas. The country, it seems, wishes to be seen as the conscience of the world. To this end, it predictably invokes the memory of Nelson Mandela to shore up its crumbling legitimacy. One might have thought that the moral standing of the ANC government, mortally wounded by years of corruption and broken promises, had reached rock bottom. Yet its shameless embrace of the Hamas murderers and rapists condemns it to infamy from which it may never recover. A mere ten days after 7 October, South Africa’s foreign minister, Naledi Pandor, held a telephone call with the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, to express the country’s ‘solidarity and support’ for the Palestinian people. This was followed in January by a delegation of three Hamas officials to Pretoria.


Is it unreasonable to detect a thinly disguised strain of antisemitism in this opportunistic campaign? While strongly castigating Israel, the social justice warriors of Pretoria barely mention the malevolence of Hamas and other Iranian proxies. Could it be that in this conflict Jewish lives are regarded as somehow less worthy? Or is it simply that the ANC’s yearning to burnish its radical pro-Palestinian (and even pro-Iranian) credentials, blinds it to the suffering of the victims of these crimes—particularly as it faces a general election this year?


Among the ironies at play in this sorry charade is the fact that many South African Jews were in the vanguard of the struggle against the grotesque injustice of apartheid. They were tortured, imprisoned, and vilified by the apartheid state. In his memoir, Mandela reflects:


I have found [South African] Jews to be more broad-minded than most whites on issues of race and politics, perhaps because they themselves have historically been victims of prejudice.


He might have added that several had relatives who were victims of a real genocide at the hands of the Nazis.


Unlike most of his successors, Mandela was, in many ways, a paragon of humility and modesty. I was fortunate enough to spend an hour with the great man soon after his release from almost three decades of incarceration. These virtues were palpable; the nearly total absence of ego and bitterness was genuinely unsettling. This, unhappily, is a far cry from the tone of pious hubris of the South African submission to the ICJ, quick to assign all blame to Israel for defending itself against the sadistic barbarity of terrorists (exultantly recorded and celebrated by them). South Africa’s application—and the court’s judgment—is silent on the scourge of antisemitism and the existential threats to Israel from its neighbours since its very establishment in 1948.


The sad state of South Africa must, in large part, be attributable to the governance of the ANC. The level of violence (27,000 deaths in a single year), corruption, unemployment, poverty, and falling life expectancy, speak for themselves. Solemn undertakings to provide basic utilities—water, electricity, housing—have not been met. None of this is easy to achieve, but ought not the focus of the administration be directed toward improving the plight of its people rather than posturing on the world stage and cosying up to authoritarian regimes and terrorists?


In fairness, I do wonder whether my revulsion at South Africa’s allegation of Israeli genocide is principally based on the fact that it has been brought by a country whose motives seem, at best, impure. Is it the moral turpitude of the ANC that troubles me so deeply? Suppose that, say, Sweden, Switzerland, or Spain had launched the application. Would that diminish my indignation? It would not, of course, alter the spurious nature of the case—the notion that Israel is engaged in genocide is both odious and absurd—but it might conceivably subdue my irritation.


Sadly, the leaders of post-apartheid South Africa have failed to follow the laudable example of its first President. That they have the audacity to side with savagery, renders it morally unfit to stand before the World Court—and the world— to denounce a country engaged in defending itself against an abhorrent, inhuman adversary.


Raymond Wacks, Emeritus Professor of Law and Legal Theory, is the author of 16 books, and editor of ten. His works have been translated into more than a dozen languages. His books include Personal Information: Privacy and the Law; Privacy and Media Freedom; Privacy: A Very Short Introduction; Law: A Very Short Introduction; and Justice: A Beginner’s Guide. Among his most recent publications are Protecting Personal Information: The Right to Privacy Reconsidered, COVID-19 and Public Policy in the Digital Age, and National Security in the New World Order: Government and the Technology of Information (with Andrea Monti). The sixth edition of his Understanding Jurisprudence: An Introduction to Legal Theory appeared in 2021, as did The Rule of Law Under Fire? His latest book, Animal Lives Matter: The Continuing Quest for Justice, is to be published next month.




Israel can limit the ICJ’s damage

Israel must immediately end its acceptance of the ICJ’s jurisdiction with respect to the Genocide Convention. Even a slight change in the composition of the Court or the geopolitical climate would bring a disastrous result – and hostile states like South Africa can roll the dice as many times as they want, with no consequence if they lose and a huge payoff if they win.

By  Prof. Eugene Kontorovich
Published on 28January2024 10:19 – Last modified: 28January2024 19:52


Israelis on Friday displayed what is called Jewish joy – they celebrated that the pogromniks only broke the windows, but did not kill anyone. The good news was the International Court of Justice did not effectively order us to wait to be tortured and murdered, by demanding a halt to the Gaza War. That is certainly good – but only in the twisted world where the ICJ is putting Israel, not Hamas, on trial for the absolutely absurd charge of genocide.


Otherwise, the decision was horrible. The Court accepted South Africa’s argument that it has jurisdiction and that Israel could possibly be proven to be committing genocide. The case is not over and will go on for years. In the meantime, the Court has made clear that it considers itself to have authority to review and superintend every aspect of Israel’s war for survival – and demands monthly reports. No other country receives such treatment, and it is designed to make the military constantly look over its shoulders.


The ICJ is not an independent body – it is an organ of the United Nations. They serve a renewable nine-year term, further undermining their independence.  Its judges are elected by the General Assembly and Security Council, and their positions largely track the foreign policy of their home countries. Thus while we might get lucky sometimes, over the long run, the policy of the Court will reflect the policy of the United Nations.


The General Assembly’s obsessive condemnation of the Jewish State is well known – Israel would never agree to have its fate determined by them. But agreeing to the jurisdiction of the Court indirectly does the same thing. In Israel it is thought unacceptable to have judges appointed by democratically elected politicians decide the meaning of ordinary laws. Yet we have agreed to have judges elected by dictatorial regimes decide the basic question of whether we can exist – whether we can defend ourselves.


It does not have to be this way: the ICJ does not automatically have jurisdiction over countries – they must specifically agree, typically by agreeing that The Hague can decide a specific dispute or questions under a specific treaty. In this case, Israel signed the Genocide Convention, which provides that “disputes between the …parties” about the treaty can be decided by the ICJ. But that does not mean cases like this, where a totally unrelated State has brought a purely political complaint in a matter it has no relation to. The Court should not have accepted jurisdiction, and by doing so it effectively claimed for itself power to supervise the conduct of wars around the world, so long as some country claims genocide is involved.


Israel did not have to agree to the ICJ jurisdiction to be a member of the Genocide Convention, and in retrospect, doing so was a major mistake. Countries are allowed to opt out of ICJ jurisdiction in various treaties, and very commonly do so. Indeed, sixteen countries have opted out of the Genocide Convention minus the ICJ jurisdiction – including the world’s largest democracies, the United States and India.  Even the world’s biggest superpowers did not trust the ICJ to hear cases involving the use of force in an apolitical way.


The United States also did not agree to the provision of the Genocide Convention that deals with speech, knowing the Court can twist legitimate speech into supposed “incitement.” Indeed, those who think the statements of some MKs are what got Israel into trouble should consider the comments of President Obama, who spoke of “eradicating a cancer” in the campaign against ISIS, or Biden, who once said, “We should never take anything off the table when we are in war.”


But Israel did not opt out, leaving itself exposed. The Genocide Convention was a response to the Holocaust, and it seemed appropriate that the Jewish State would be fully on board. Also, Israeli officials did not expect such a gross abuse of the Court’s authority. But they should have. And the Genocide Convention which Israel so respected was turned into a farce, a platform to accuse the Jews of genocide even as they defend themselves from a systematic attempt to wipe them out.


The hearings in The Hague were a judicial Oct. 7th – a completely unjustified surprise attack that shows us we must fundamentally rethink our defensive posture. In this case, the extraordinary work of the State’s lawyers, and good fortune, prevented disaster.


But we must see that mere sentimentalism, or some lingering faith in international institutions, cannot leave us open to such attacks again. Even a slight change in the composition of the Court or the geopolitical climate would bring a disastrous result – and hostile states like South Africa can roll the dice as many times as they want, with no consequence if they lose and a huge payoff if they win.


Thus Israel must immediately end its acceptance of the ICJ’s jurisdiction concerning the Genocide Convention. This will not end the current proceedings, but it will prevent further such attempts in this or other conflicts. Moreover, Israel must review all of its treaties for provisions granting ICJ jurisdiction and opt out of those. The US did just that when Iran used a long-forgotten treaty to bring America to The Hague a few years ago.



Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein of South Africa-Put the UN on trial, not Israel at ICJ

Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein-tweet-11January2024-Put the UN on trial, not Israel at ICJ
The UN’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) is illegitimate, and lacks the moral authority to adjudicate Israel’s just war of self-defense.

Allegations of genocide against Israel are bizarre and without foundation in fact or law, and the ICJ proceedings are a dangerous farce. The UN General Assembly, who appoints ICJ judges, is dominated by dictatorships and riddled with antisemitism. Therefore by definition, those judges lack the moral authority to stand in judgment over any democracy, especially Israel.

The UN and its institutions have increasingly been hijacked by undemocratic societies to advance objectives that threaten freedom, peace, and prosperity in the world. The majority of countries making up the General Assembly and UN Human Rights Council (HRC) are repressive, authoritarian regimes.

Consider that of the 193 members of the UN General Assembly only 84 are ranked as free societies, according to Freedom House. Or that of the 47 members of the UN Human Rights Council (whose very reason for existence is to protect and uphold human rights) only 13 can be defined as fully economically and politically free, according to the Social Research Foundation Global Freedom Scores.

That makes the ICJ case against Israel a theater of the absurd – where a majority of non-free societies are weaponsing a UN platform to undermine the self-defense rights of a liberal democracy. Allow that precedent to continue and the outlook for freedom in the world is dire.

Among the ICJ judges hearing this case, one is from serial human rights abuser, China, and another is from Lebanon, where Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy and combatant in the current war on Israel, is a key member of the government.

The UN’s anti-Israel bias and obsession with the world’s only Jewish state, and the only free democracy in the Middle East, is clear. At the General Assembly, each year there are more condemnations of Israel than the rest of the world combined. The HRC has adopted 103 resolutions condemning Israel, and zero for countries guilty of real human rights violations such as China, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.

The ICJ case is nevertheless an opportunity for free countries to reassess their relationship with the UN. For constitutional democracies to continue to submit themselves to the judgment of UN institutions is ludicrous. No UN body should exercise authority over Israel or any free society’s sovereignty, and certainly not over national security decisions such as how to conduct an existential war of self-defense.

The time has come to build a new global alliance of free societies with shared values and a sincere commitment to human rights.

View the full video ➡️

#ICJ #israel #SouthAfrica #un #InternationalCourtofJustice #international_justice_Court

Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein-tweet-11January2024-Put the UN on trial, not Israel at ICJ

Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein-tweet-11January2024-Put the UN on trial, not Israel at ICJ


Chief Rabbi: Put the UN on trial, not Israel at ICJ



BREAKING: Israel on Trial in the Kangaroo Courtroom of the ICJ | The Caroline Glick Show

Posted 14January2024 JNS TV:

Caroline Glick speaks with Professor of Law (Bar Ilan University, San Diego School of Law) Avi Bell on the inner workings of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and what the accusation of genocide from South Africa is really about.



Judgement below


This morning, I had an amazing thought pop into my head, during hitbodedut.

It was this:


(Can you tell where this is going already?)


The Midrash in Devarim Rabbah 5:4 says this

 “When there is no judgment below, there is judgment above”. 

This is a very well-known teaching in Breslov circles, as it’s part of the explanation for why we do hitbodedut every single day (try to….) in order to ‘catch’ what we might be thinking, saying or doing that isn’t what it should be.


When a person ‘judges themselves below’, then there is no ‘judgement above’.

And then, all the spiritual harsh decrees are ripped up.


Unless you live in a cave, you are probably aware that the misnamed International Court of Justice is currently ‘judging’ the State of Israel for war crimes in Gaza.

This is ‘judgement below’ – mamash.

We all know, the puppets here are working with the puppets there to give the nations of the world an excuse to gang up on Israel and ‘invade’, whenever this pre-planned exercise in hypocrisy actually ends.

(My guess is: in super-quick time.)


It’s already totally ridiculous that this ‘came to trial’ so quickly – what a joke!

Anyone who has ever had a court case understands that even the most simple ‘infraction’ takes many weeks, months, and even years before it comes to court.


But here, literally in 10 seconds, Puppet 1 here sent Puppet 2 out for the ‘show trial’ and it’s foregone conclusion.


(Whisper it: a two state solution, ‘imposed’ by the nation of the world….)


In the meantime…..All the nations of the world have now officially ‘ganged up’ on Israel.

And spiritually, this is also fantastic news.


This comes from something that Rav Yaakov Moshe Salmanovitch had to say eight years ago, at the height of the first wave of terrible persecution of Rav Berland.


Everyone has an element of trying to do things *le shem Shemayim *(for the sake of Heaven), but how many terrible things have been done here already, that aren’t for the sake of Heaven?

“Hashem looks after the person being chased [or persecuted] – even if it’s a Tzaddik who’s persecuting a wicked person!

But that’s not even what’s going on here.”


Yet again, we see the parallel between what the (misnamed) ‘justice system’ in the State did to the Rav over the last 12+ years…. and what is now happening to Israel, internationally.

But pay attention to this bit:

Hashem looks after the person being chased.


B’kitzur – the nations of the world have just managed to blast all the ‘spiritual dinim’ stacked up against Israel into outer space.

Let them chase, with all their puppet-show planned show trial.

Where it really counts, now THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT ABOVE.

Which means things are about to get really interesting.

In a good way, for the Jewish people who are doing their best to hold on to Hashem, to at least try to follow His Torah – and to stick close to the real Tzaddikim.

Hold on to your hats.



You can help to write the Rav’s Sefer Torah for the soldiers in the following ways:

20,000 nis – donates a whole section of parchment (including the actual writing), and gets your names transcribed as donors.

5,000 nis – donates a page (parchment and writing).

OR, donate whatever amount you can afford.

In all cases, just go to THIS link, and make it clear in the comments that the donation is for the Rav’s Sefer Torah.


Once again, click:


And may all the decrees be sweetened very, very fast.




‘Modern Antisemitism’: Israel Justice Minister Lashes Out at ICC for Seeking Arrest Warrants Against Netanyahu, Gallant

Including Hamas leaders is a cover because we all know the ICC only wants to target Israel.

Posted by Mary Chastain 20May2024


Justice Minister Yariv Levin blasted the International Criminal Court (ICC) for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant:

“The decision, the purpose of which is an attempt to deny the State of Israel the right of self-defense, and the comparison between Israel’s leaders and the many murderers at the head of Hamas are a clear expression of modern antisemitism and hatred of Jews wherever they are,” he says in a statement.


Khan is also seeking warrants against three Hamas leaders — Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif and Ismail Haniyeh.


“The State of Israel will continue to fight a just war of defense against terrorism, in the most moral manner and according to international law,” Levin pledges.


“The citizens of Israel, and many of our friends around the world, today stand strongly behind the prime minister, the leadership of the country, the IDF and the security forces,” he says in a statement conspicuously lacking Gallant’s name.

President Biden and Administration

President Joe Biden also slammed the decision in an emailed press release:

The ICC prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous. And let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken also disagreed with the ICC:

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the Biden administration “fundamentally rejects” Khan’s decision.


“We reject the prosecutor’s equivalence of Israel with Hamas. It is shameful. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization that carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and is still holding dozens of innocent people hostage, including Americans,” Blinken says in his own statement.


The secretary of state reiterates the long-held US stance that the ICC has no jurisdiction over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in no small part due to the fact that Israel — and the US — are not members of the court.


“The ICC was established by its state parties as a court of limited jurisdiction. Those limits are rooted in principles of complementarity, which do not appear to have been applied here, amid the prosecutor’s rush to seek these arrest warrants, rather than allowing the Israeli legal system a full and timely opportunity to proceed,” Blinken says.

Israeli Parliament

The ICC managed to bring together Netanyahu’s side with the opposition, as 106 of the 120 members of the Israeli parliament condemned the decision:

“The state of Israel is in the midst of a just war against a criminal terror organization. The IDF is the most moral army in the world. Our heroic soldiers are fighting with courage and dedication that has no second, according to international law, like no other army has ever done.


“The scandalous comparison by the Hague prosecutor between Israel’s leaders and the heads of terror organizations is an unerasable historic crime and a clear expression of antisemitism. We reject this with revulsion. 80 years after the Holocaust, no one will block the Jewish state from defending itself.”

Those who did not sign belong to the Hadash-Ta’al, Ra’am, and Labor parties.

Labor MK Naama Lazimi described the petition as “meaningless” and called it a “pawn in Bibi’s game to receive legitimization and fortify his corrupt and bad government.”


Lazimi found the ICC decision “disgraceful” but added that “it was also part of Netanyahu’s ‘total failure’ in running the war.”


ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan wants arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant, Hamas Leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar, and Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh.


Khan claims Netanyahu and Gallant committed:

  • Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute;
  • Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
  • Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
  • Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i);
  • Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity;
  • Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h);
  • Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).

Khan cites supposed evidence from “survivors and eyewitnesses, authenticated video, photo and audio material, satellite imagery and statements from the alleged perpetrator group.”


The alleged evidence “shows that Israel has intentionally and systematically deprived the civilian population in all parts of Gaza of objects indispensable to human survival.”


Khan also claims Hamas committed the following war crimes:

  • Extermination as a crime against humanity, contrary to article 7(1)(b) of the Rome Statute;
  • Murder as a crime against humanity, contrary to article 7(1)(a), and as a war crime, contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i);
  • Taking hostages as a war crime, contrary to article 8(2)(c)(iii);
  • Rape and other acts of sexual violence as crimes against humanity, contrary to article 7(1)(g), and also as war crimes pursuant to article 8(2)(e)(vi) in the context of captivity;
  • Torture as a crime against humanity, contrary to article 7(1)(f), and also as a war crime, contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i), in the context of captivity;
  • Other inhumane acts as a crime against humanity, contrary to article 7(l)(k), in the context of captivity;
  • Cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i), in the context of captivity; and
  • Outrages upon personal dignity as a war crime, contrary to article 8(2)(c)(ii), in the context of captivity.

“My Office submits that the war crimes alleged in these applications were committed in the context of an international armed conflict between Israel and Palestine, and a non-international armed conflict between Israel and Hamas running in parallel,” stated Khan. “We submit that the crimes against humanity charged were part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population of Israel by Hamas and other armed groups pursuant to organisational policies. Some of these crimes, in our assessment, continue to this day.”


Why hasn’t the ICC gone after Russian President Vladimir Putin? Did the court ever go after Syria or Iran?



The entire ICC is a clown show.

Nioh Berg-tweet-20May2024-‘Territory of Israel’-‘State of Palestine’
“Territory of Israel”

“State of Palestine”

The entire ICC is a clown show.

Nioh Berg-tweet-20May2024-'Territory of Israel'-'State of Palestine'

Nioh Berg-tweet-20May2024-‘Territory of Israel’-‘State of Palestine’



Open Source Intel-tweet-24May2024-Country ICC seeking arrest warrant

Countries ICC Not Seeking Arrest Warrant:

1. Ali Khamenei (Iran) 🇮🇷
2. Kim Jong-un (North Korea) 🇰🇵
3. Bashar al-Assad (Syria) 🇸🇾
4. Xi Jinping (China) 🇨🇳
5. Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela) 🇻🇪
6. Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines) 🇵🇭
7. Aung San Suu Kyi (Myanmar) 🇲🇲

Country ICC seeking arrest warrant:

1. Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel) 🇮🇱

Ana Elenzo-tweet-24May2024-The ICC is a Kangaroo court
Exactly said! The ICC is a Kangaroo court!


Open Source Intel-tweet-24May2024-Country ICC seeking arrest warrant

Open Source Intel-tweet-24May2024-Country ICC seeking arrest warrant


Ana Elenzo-tweet-24May2024-The ICC is a Kangaroo court

Ana Elenzo-tweet-24May2024-The ICC is a Kangaroo court

SEE: The Iranian Boomerang


Open Source Intel-tweet-21May2024-Netanyahu-Not worried about world travel

Netanyahu: “Not worried about world travel – the prosecutor should worry”
Dea Riley-tweet-21May2024- send Mossad to arrest the ICC court
Exactly -it would be much easier for #Netanyahu to send Mossad to arrest the #ICC court for aiding and abetting terrorist

Open Source Intel-tweet-21May2024-Netanyahu-Not worried about world travel

Open Source Intel-tweet-21May2024-Netanyahu-Not worried about world travel



Understanding Occupation Under International Law and the Case of Judea and Samaria

Leslie Kajomovitz-tweet-6July2024-Understanding Occupation Under International Law and the Case of Judea and Samaria
Understanding Occupation Under International Law and the Case of Judea and Samaria (West Bank)

Occupation, as defined under international law, specifically applies to the territories of sovereign states. This concept is rooted in the principles established by the Hague Regulations of 1907 and the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. However, the status of Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank) is often misunderstood in this context.

Key Points:

Definition: Occupation refers to the control of a territory by a foreign military power. For it to be considered occupation, the territory must belong to a sovereign state.

Sovereignty: The occupying power must displace the previous sovereign authority of the state. Territories without a recognized sovereign status do not fall under this definition.

Uti Possidetis Juris: The international law principle of Uti Possidetis Juris, which means “as you possess under law,” establishes that newly formed states presumptively inherit the borders of the preceding administrative entity upon independence. This principle has been influential in determining the territorial boundaries of many newly independent states, including Israel.

Occupation vs. Right to Self-Determination: The concept of occupation pertains to the control of a sovereign state’s territory by a foreign power, while the right to self-determination refers to the ability of a people to determine their own political status and pursue their own economic, social, and cultural development. These are distinct legal principles. The lack of recognized Palestinian sovereignty means Judea and Samaria are not “occupied” under international law, although Palestinians may still pursue self-determination through other legal and political avenues.

Judea and Samaria Context: Historical Background: Before 1967, Judea and Samaria were controlled by Jordan. However, Jordan’s annexation of the West Bank was only recognized by a few countries, and it relinquished its claims to the territory in 1988.
Palestinian Statehood: Palestine has never been a recognized sovereign state with defined borders. Therefore, according to international law, Judea and Samaria cannot be considered “occupied” in the legal sense that applies to sovereign states.

Oslo Accords:
Division of Territories: Under the Oslo Accords, Judea and Samaria were divided into Areas A, B, and C.
-Area A: Full civil and security control was transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA).
-Area B: Civil control was transferred to the PA, while Israel retained security control.
-Area C: Israel retained full civil and security control.

Sovereignty: The Oslo Accords did not transfer sovereignty over these areas. The agreements were interim arrangements intended to facilitate a peace process, with final status issues, including sovereignty, to be negotiated later.

Arabs from Judea and Samaria Refusing Israeli Citizenship: The Six-Day War: In June 1967, Israel fought against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, resulting in Israel capturing the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank (Judea and Samaria).
Israeli Control: Following the war, Israel assumed control over these territories, including Judea and Samaria, which had been under Jordanian administration since 1948.

Citizenship Offer: After the war, Israel offered residents of the newly controlled territories, to Arabs living in East Jerusalem, the opportunity to apply for Israeli citizenship. The majority refused for several reasons:
-National Identity: Many Arabs in Judea and Samaria identified as Palestinians and sought self-determination. Accepting Israeli citizenship was seen as a betrayal of their national identity and aspirations for an independent Palestinian state.
-Political Pressure: Arab leaders and surrounding Arab nations discouraged or outright rejected any cooperation with Israel, including the acceptance of citizenship, to maintain pressure on Israel and support the Palestinian cause.
-International Status: Accepting Israeli citizenship might have been perceived as legitimizing Israeli control over the territories, something many Palestinians and the broader Arab world were not willing to do.

Jordanian Citizenship and Jordanian relinquishing its claims over West Bank sovereignty:
Citizenship Revocation: After relinquishing its claims to the West Bank in 1988, Jordan stripped West Bank Palestinians of Jordanian citizenship. This left many Palestinians in a state of legal limbo and given sovereignty to Israel over that territory, further complicating their status and exacerbating the issue of statelessness.

Semi-Citizenship under the PA:
After the Oslo Accords, Palestinians in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria gained a form of semi-citizenship under the Palestinian Authority. While this provides them with certain administrative rights and a sense of national identity, it does not equate to full citizenship of a recognized sovereign state.

Implications: Given that Palestine do not meet the criteria of a sovereign state, Judea and Samaria cannot be classified as occupied territories under international law. This distinction clarifies that the term “occupation” is not applicable to this region, impacting how international bodies and government’s view and address the situation.


Leslie Kajomovitz-tweet-6July2024-Understanding Military and Land Occupation in the Context of Judea and Samaria
Just because people like mixing the two concepts to continue arguing against basic definitions, international law and logic.
Leslie Kajomovitz-tweet-6July2024
Understanding Military and Land Occupation in the Context of Judea and Samaria (West Bank)

Military Occupation:

-Definition: Involves a military controlling a territory during or after armed conflict.
-Application: Can apply to both foreign and own sovereign territories.
-Example: In the West Bank’s Area B, Israel sovereignty under international law but retains military control for security purposes, while civil control is under the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Land Occupation:

-Definition: Control or possession of land, not necessarily involving military forces.
-Application: Can involve individuals, groups, or states occupying land with or without military involvement.
-Example: Northern Cyprus is controlled by Turkey, which has declared it illegally the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus but does not exert direct military control over the civilian population on a day-to-day basis.

Context of Judea and Samaria (West Bank):

Area B: Under the Oslo Accords, Area B is under Palestinian civil control but Israeli military control.
Sovereignty: Despite military occupation, the area is still considered sovereign Israeli territory under international law principles of Uti Possidetis Juris.
Implications: Military occupation for security does not negate Israeli sovereignty over the territory, differentiating it from land occupation under international law.

This distinction clarifies that while Israel exercises military control for security in Area B, it remains part of Israel’s sovereign territory. Similarly, the example of Northern Cyprus demonstrates how land can be illegally occupied without ongoing military control over the population.

Leslie Kajomovitz-tweet-6July2024-Understanding Occupation Under International Law and the Case of Judea and Samaria

Leslie Kajomovitz-tweet-6July2024-Understanding Occupation Under International Law and the Case of Judea and Samaria

Leslie Kajomovitz-tweet-6July2024-Understanding Military and Land Occupation in the Context of Judea and Samaria

Leslie Kajomovitz-tweet-6July2024-Understanding Military and Land Occupation in the Context of Judea and Samaria




Mark R. Levin-tweet-18November-2023-the-diabolical-blinken-plan-exposed

It is crystal clear now that Blinken is exploiting the war against Israel to destroy the existing state of Israel by using pressure, threats, blackmail, leaks, the media, diplomatic backstabbing, the Arab states, the EU, and the UN. Read the Blinken memo I have included in this post. Here’s a pull paragraph:

“…. As I said in private and in public, we believe Palestinian people’s voices and aspirations must be at the center of post-crisis governance in Gaza. We believe in Palestinian-led governance of Gaza, with Gaza unified with the West Bank. Gaza’s reconstruction must be supported with a sustained mechanism. We also underscored America’s firm opposition to actions that would undermine efforts to build lasting peace and security. No forcible displacement of Palestinian civilians from Gaza – not now, not after the fighting stops. No reoccupation of Gaza after the conflict. No attempt to blockade or besiege Gaza. No reduction in the territory of Gaza. No use of Gaza as a platform for terrorism or other violent attacks, and no tolerating the use of the West Bank to carry out such attacks. No more violence from extremist settlers in the West Bank. These steps are not ends in themselves. They must lead to Israelis and Palestinians living side.”


This also explains the current pressure campaign by leftists in Israel to try and topple the Netanyahu led conservative government and replace it with radical leftwing parties that will deliver Israel to the effective control of United States State Department where Blinken, a mere appointed U.S. cabinet secretary in our government, will determine Israel’s fate. And with the Blinken plan, Israel will not survive, certainly not for long. This has been the plan since Obama was president, when Blinken was deputy secretary of state. John McCain was 100% right when he went to the Senate floor to excoriate Blinken and he refused to vote for his confirmation as deputy secretary of state. Check this out:


Blinken, the Biden whisperer, is behind pouring $100 billion into the rearming of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Youtes. Blinken set the Middle East on fire immediately upon taking office at the State Department nearly 3-years ago, lifting or refusing to enforce virtually every sanction on Iran. Blinken destroyed the popular uprising in Iran, where the Iranians sought to remove their murderous regime, by backing the Iranian regime over its people. Blinken chose Robert Malley, a Marxist supporter of Iran, as the U.S. envoy to Iran to negotiate another nuclear deal. Malley installed a high-level Iranian spy ring in DC and undermined our nation (and Israel) at every turn. Check this out:


The Obama-Biden-Blinken “Realignment” is now underway, and the consequences are dire and grave for Israel and the United States, indeed for the entire Middle East and the world. It is a hideous and diabolical plan, being instituted right now without any transparency, involvement of Congress, or the American people. It is the brainchild of a small cabal of rogue, radical leftwing foreign policy arsonists who could easily trigger WWIII.


The question is, how long will this go on before Blinken is stopped? Where are the House Republican committee chairmen? Where are the Senate Republicans? Where are conservative think-tanks? Where are the conservative media? I understand that the Democrat Party media and the Democrat Party are worse than useless. In fact, they are colluders and propagandists for this, from Thomas Friedman at the New York Times to Jamie Raskin in the House. But if there is not an organized pushback immediately, a relentless and public demand for accountability and transparency, and the targeting of Blinken for impeachment (successful or not), evil to prevail. Never forget all the disasters the Biden whisperer has unleashed in a mere 3-years running American foreign policy, and the death, inhumanity, and impoverishment he has imposed on one region and society after another.


Mark R. Levin-tweet-18November-2023-the-diabolical-blinken-plan-exposed

Mark R. Levin-tweet-18November-2023-the-diabolical-blinken-plan-exposed


Leftist Propaganda vs Reality

Jewish Voice for Peace has a Twitter account managed by the Hamas

Caroline Glick-tweet-13May2023-Quite a discovery.
“Jewish” Voice for Peace has a Twitter account managed by the Hamas aligned leader of the BDS movement in the US.

Caroline Glick-tweet-13May2023-Quite a discovery

Caroline Glick-tweet-13May2023-Quite a discovery



Queers for Palestine v Palestine for Queers

Paddy Manning-tweet-13October2023-Queers for Palestine v Palestine for Queers

Paddy Manning-tweet-13October2023-Queers for Palestine v Palestine for Queers

Wishful Thinking/Propaganda

Queers for Palestine

Queers for Palestine

This is like Chickens being “Chickens for KFC !”

This is like Chickens being like "Chickens for KFC !"

This is like Chickens being like “Chickens for KFC !”

vs. Reality

Palestine’s Official message to-Queers for Palestine


Gay Palestinian living under asylum in Israel murdered, beheaded in Hebron

Suspect uploaded footage of murder to social media; unclear how the victim ended up in the West Bank, with some claiming he was kidnapped

By Jack Mukand 6October2022


Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh (Social media)

Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh (Social media)

A gay Palestinian man living under asylum in Israel was murdered and beheaded Wednesday in the West Bank city of Hebron. The unnamed suspect, who was arrested by Palestinian Authority police near the scene of the crime soon after committing it, recorded the act in a video that he uploaded to social media before his capture.


The victim was 25-year-old Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, who according to reports on Ynet and Channel 12 had been living in Israel for the past two years as an asylum-seeker after authorities acknowledged his life would be in danger if he returned to Palestinian territory.


It was not immediately clear how or why the young man ended up in Hebron. Friends of Abu Murkhiyeh in Israel believe he was kidnapped to the West Bank before his murder, though it was not clear that they had evidence of this.

Rita Petrenko, founder of Al-Bayt Al-Mukhtalif, a non-profit organization for the empowerment of the Arab LGBT community, said that she had helped to arrange for Abu Murkhiyeh’s asylum papers in preparation for his eventual resettlement in Canada and that he’d actively participated in LGBT discussion groups. Describing the young man as “hard-working and intelligent,” Petrenko regretted that he had not been transferred to safety in Canada before his life was brutally taken from him.


Israeli sources, the PA police and the Abu Murkhiyeh family have all been unable to clarify if the victim and his killer had any prior relationship. No motive has yet been disclosed as a result of the Palestinian Authority police’s investigation, but the suspect is currently being interrogated.


A spokesman for the PA police, Lu’ay Arziqat, described the beheading as a “new kind of crime in Palestine” and urged people to refrain from circulating the morbid video.


The circumstances surrounding the crime remain unclear while the Palestinian police in Hebron carry out a full investigation.

A view of the West Bank city of Hebron. (photo by Nati Shohat/Flash90)

A view of the West Bank city of Hebron. (photo by Nati Shohat/Flash90)

In an interview with Palestinian radio station Karama, an older member of the victim’s family, also named Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, asserted that the young man was residing in his father’s native Jordan but often visited Hebron to work and to spend time with family in the city.


That account contradicted multiple Israeli sources, and was possibly indicative of relatives’ reluctance to acknowledge his reported life in Israel.


Petrenko said that to the best of her knowledge, Abu Murkhiyeh had not returned to the West Bank since his asylum, out of fear for what his estranged family and residents of his native village might do to him. She added that his stay at various LGBT shelters in Israel is a documented fact. He had not informed any friends of an intention to enter the West Bank.


Palestinians have expressed revulsion at the exceptionally violent nature of the crime, even as Abu Murkhiyeh’s sexual identity and Israeli residency have been kept under wraps in Palestinian reports. The presenter on the Karama radio station distilled the common outrage when saying the beheading “crossed every single red line in our society, whether in terms of morals, customs, or basic humanity.”


The filming of such brutality for distribution on social media has had a particularly shocking effect. Speaking for police, Arziqat said the recording and upload of the video represented “the most dangerous” aspect of a crime he characterized as the most terrible one he’s ever dealt with.


About 90 Palestinians who identify as members of the LGBT community currently live as asylum-seekers in Israel. They suffered discrimination, and, in extreme cases, violence in their communities before fleeing. Until this past July, the law allowed them to reside in Israel but not to work.


Petrenko said that since the law changed, Abu Murkhiyeh had been searching diligently for a stable, legal job, but only managed to find low-paying, under-the-table gigs at restaurants in Tel Aviv’s Sarona neighborhood, one of the city’s upscale culinary hubs.


Palestine’s Official message to-Queers for Palestine

Visegrád 24-tweet-28October2023-

A Palestinian scholar from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem sends a message to the “Queers for Palestine-crowd” in the West:

“The people of Palestine will not allow a single homosexual in our land,” such perversion brings the wrath of Allah”

Visegrád 24-tweet-28October2023-message to-Queers for Palestine-crowd

Visegrád 24-tweet-28October2023-message to-Queers for Palestine-crowd


Gay Conservative-tweet-24October2023-This is how Palestinians respond to those “Queers for Palestine” (sorry to be so graphic)

Gay Conservative-tweet-24October2023-This is how Palestinians respond to those "Queers for Palestine" (sorry to be so graphic)

Gay Conservative-tweet-24October2023-This is how Palestinians respond to those “Queers for Palestine”
(sorry to be so graphic)

Palestinians respond to those -Queers for Palestine-1

Palestinians respond to those -Queers for Palestine-1

Palestinians respond to those -Queers for Palestine-2aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac

Palestinians respond to those -Queers for Palestine-1

Doug-tweet-21October2023-Pride month in Gaza

Doug-tweet-21October2023-Pride month in Gaza

Doug-tweet-21October2023-Pride month in Gaza


Pride month in Gaza-21October2023

Pride month in Gaza-21October2023



Shirion Collective-tweet-1July2024-Palestinian Gay Man Thrown Off Roof by Hamas
🚨 TRIGGER WARNING: Palestinian Gay Man Thrown Off Roof by Hamas

⚠️WATCH: As a Reminder for Pride Month

📰 A gay man in Palestine is brutally thrown off a roof by Hamas militants, only to be stoned by a crowd as he lies dying.

The usual way of dealing with such things in the Palestinian community.

Most members of the LGBTQ+ community in the West support a regime that commits such atrocities.

This sheer blindness is not just deeply misdirected and dangerous but, for gay people, it’s mind-bogglingly stupid and self-destructive.

✅ Follow @ShirionOrg to Stay Informed.

Shirion Collective-tweet-1July2024-Palestinian Gay Man Thrown Off Roof by Hamas

Shirion Collective-tweet-1July2024-Palestinian Gay Man Thrown Off Roof by Hamas




Iran’s FM affirms right to execute gays and blasts U.S. and Israel

Ronzheimer wrote that Zarif answered: “The problem is the aggressive policies of Israel and the USA.”

JUNE 12, 2019 02:58


People stage a mock hanging as they protest outside German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin February 4, 2013, where Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi's was due to deliver a speech.(photo credit: THOMAS PETER/REUTERS)

People stage a mock hanging as they protest outside German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin February 4, 2013, where Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi’s was due to deliver a speech.
(photo credit: THOMAS PETER/REUTERS)

In response to questions today in Tehran from a reporter for the mass circulation German paper Bild, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reiterated his country’s lethal homophobic law and its opposition to the Jewish state and the US.


Paul Ronzheimer, a reporter for the Bild, wrote on Twitter that he asked Zarif two questions: “1. Where do you stand regarding Israel’s right to exist? 2. How do you deal with the executions of gays?”


Ronzheimer wrote that Zarif answered: “The problem is the aggressive policies of Israel and the USA.”


Regarding Iran’s execution of gays, Zarif said that: “Our society has moral principles, and according to these principles we live. These are moral principles regarding the behavior of people in general. And that’s because the law is upheld and you abide by laws.”


Richard Grenell, the US ambassador to Germany, told The Jerusalem Post on Monday: “The UN’s Declaration of Human Rights makes clear that these answers from the Iranian regime are violating basic UN principles. UN members should agree with the Declaration in order to be members. Criminalizing homosexuality violates the Declaration, plain and simple.”


Volker Beck, a German Green party politician and LGBT activist, told the Post: “Zarif makes clear what Iran stands for: contempt for the human rights of homosexuals, women and religious minorities.” Beck, who is also a lecturer at the Center for Studies in Religious Sciences (CERES) at the Ruhr University in Bochum, added whoever supports the mullahs knows what they represent. He said that “The hanging of homosexuals and stoning women is considered a moral principle by the Islamists in Tehran.”


The Post reported in January that Iran’s clerical regime publicly hanged a man based on an anti-homosexual Islamic law. The unidentified man was hanged on January 10 in the southwestern city of Kazeroon.


According to a 2008 British WikiLeaks dispatch, Iran’s mullah regime has executed “between 4,000 and 6,000 gays and lesbians” since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.


In 2016, the Post reported that Iran’s regime had executed a gay adolescent that year – the first confirmed execution of someone convicted as a juvenile in the Islamic republic.


Hassan Afshar, 19, was hanged in Arak Prison in Iran’s Markazi Province on July 18, 2016, after he was convicted of “forced male-to-male anal intercourse” in early 2015.


In 2011, Iran’s regime executed three Iranian men after being found guilty of charges related to homosexuality.


The Post report detailing the Iranian regime’s public hanging of the man in January played a role in the announcement by US President Donald Trump’s administration in February that it will be launching a campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality across the globe.


Grenell – who is the administration’s most high-profile openly gay official – told the Post in February that “71 countries criminalize homosexuality and eight will put you to death for being gay. The Trump administration is launching a new push with our European allies to end this human rights outrage.”


The ambassador is spearheading the international effort to stop the persecution of the LGBT community in countries that impose criminal penalties – including the death penalty – on homosexuals.


Grenell credited the Post in a commentary that he wrote on February 1 for the Bild, Europe’s largest paper: “The recent press reports, first carried by The Jerusalem Post, that the Iranian regime publicly hanged a 31-year-old man for being gay, should be a wake-up call for anyone who supports basic human rights. Politicians, the UN, democratic governments, diplomats and good people everywhere should speak up – and loudly.”


“In Iran, where children as young as nine can be sentenced to death, gay teenagers are publicly hanged in order to terrify and intimidate others from coming out. Iran’s horrific actions are on par with the brutality and savagery regularly demonstrated by ISIS,” he added.



How Queers react to: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on 7October

Bari Weiss-tweet-28December2023-How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on 7October
The first victim she said she saw was a young woman with copper-color hair, blood running down her back, pants pushed down to her knees. One man pulled her by the hair and made her bend over. Another penetrated her, Sapir said, and every time she flinched, he plunged a knife into her back.

She said she then watched another woman “shredded into pieces.” While one terrorist raped her, she said, another pulled out a box cutter and sliced off her breast.

“One continues to rape her, and the other throws her breast to someone else, and they play with it, throw it, and it falls on the road,” Sapir said.

She said the men sliced her face and then the woman fell out of view. Around the same time, she said, she saw three other women raped and terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women.

Sapir provided photographs of her hiding place and her wounds, and police officials have stood by her testimony and released a video of her, with her face blurred, recounting some of what she saw.

Yura Karol, a 22-year-old security consultant, said he was hiding in the same spot, and he can be seen in one of Sapir’s photos. He and Sapir were part of a group of friends who had met up at the party. In an interview, Mr. Karol said he barely lifted his head to look at the road but he also described seeing a woman raped and killed.

Since that day, Sapir said, she has struggled with a painful rash that spread across her torso, and she can barely sleep, waking up at night, heart pounding, covered in sweat.

“That day, I became an animal,” she said. “I was emotionally detached, sharp, just the adrenaline of survival. I looked at all this as if I was photographing them with my eyes, not forgetting any detail. I told myself: I should remember everything.”

‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7
rachel wahba-tweet-28December2023-
And u kno what many in my queer community tell me? “Don’t send me this stuff it’s triggering” code for “ I am pro Hamas” I did not stop and was then called a “bully” — amazing Jews who fight back are “ bullies” Dara Horn spot on w her chilling book “ people love dead Jews”

Bari Weiss-tweet-28December2023-How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on 7October

Bari Weiss-tweet-28December2023-How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on 7October


Live Action Role-Playing gamers-Keep standing on the side of genocide

A live action role-playing game is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically portray their characters. The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by real-world environments while interacting with each other in character. Wikipedia


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-FAKE JEWS FOR HAMAS

This rally, which shut down Grand Central Station on Friday night, started after Shabbat began.

These aren’t Jews. They are LARPers who use kippot and tallitot as props against the vast majority of real Jews. Their only use of Judaism is to twist it into ammunition against the Jewish state. Their knowledge of Judaism starts and ends with a wrong interpretation of “tikkun olam”. Their only use of Jewish practice or objects is to subvert them; if it wasn’t for their political play-acting, they would never don a kippah or attend a seder. In short, they twist and trivialize a great religion in the service of terrorism and genocide against Jews.

They are the modern version of the Verband Nationaldeutscher Juden, a tiny group of pro-Nazi Jews who derided everything about Judaism (and Zionism) in a failed attempt to ingratiate themselves with Hitler’s Germany. They ended up in the gas chambers along with those they hated. See more:

JVP and IfNotNow are disgusting pieces of garbage, and have no place in the Jewish community.


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-FAKE JEWS FOR HAMAS

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-FAKE JEWS FOR HAMAS



Don Incognito-tweet-29October2023-Keep standing on the side of genocide

Don Incognito-tweet-29October2023-Keep standing on the side of genocide



So proud to organize Hanukkah Shlishi

Rabbi Linda Goldstein-tweet-20February2024-So proud to organize Hanukkah Shlishi
So proud to organize Hanukkah Shlishi and Havdalah in solidarity with Palestinian resistance ❤️🇵🇸
Fred Menachem-tweet-20February2024-Freeks
The guy all the way in the back looks like he would give the Unabomber a run for his money.

The guy with the mask needs to be kept away from any place where children congregate and the dude in the front looks like he’s building a pipe bomb out of a Chanukiah.

Make your own judgements… 🇮🇱

Rabbi Linda Goldstein-tweet-20February2024-So proud to organize Hanukkah Shlishi

Rabbi Linda Goldstein-tweet-20February2024-So proud to organize Hanukkah Shlishi



Elder of Ziyon logo

Elder of Ziyon logo

IfNotNow, Jewish Voice for Peace, and their spiritual ancestor the Verband Nationaldeutscher Juden


Today’s antisemitic Jews of IfNotNow and Jewish Voice for Peace have an illustrious antecedent.


Dr. Max Naumann Still Loyal to Nazi Opppressors

Dr. Max Naumann Still Loyal to Nazi Opppressors

From JTA, August 13, 1933:


Although the fortunes of many have been wiped out, although their professions have been taken away from them, and although they live in a state of rigid suspense and fear of the moment when they will be humiliated, beaten, or imprisoned, a large number of German Jews continue to remain faithful to the fatherland.


A few of them even support the current anti-Semitic National Socialist administration because of the party’s policies on non-racial questions. They applaud the party’s success in uniting the various divergent parts of Germany. They strongly approve Germany’s demands for restoration of the old empire and the rearmament of the country. And in certain of its aspects they even support the current action of the Nazis against their race.


Dr. Max Naumann, leader of the Union of National German Jews, (Verband Nationaldeutscher Juden) an organization enrolling seven thousand Jewish citizens of Germany, declared in an interview that Nazi action against Jews was in many ways justified. He further stated that patriotic German Jews did not want the support of foreign [column cut off]


Dr. Naumann scored the Zionists for their retention of Jewish customs and their unquenchable desire to create a Jewish nation. He declared they were intrinsically traitors to the country in which they lived. On this basis he supported Nazi action against the famous scientist, Albert Einstein, because he is a Zionist.


Eastern Jews, according to Dr. Naumann, came to Germany in great numbers immediately after the World War. During the inflation period and financial crisis of 1920-23 almost 600,000 Eastern Jews took advantage of the situation, bought for a few foreign pennies valuable estates, reconverted or mortgaged them after stabilization, and left the country. He estimates the number of Eastern Jews in Germany now at 50,000.


Dr. Naumann believes the German government would be quite within its right in confiscating the properties of Eastern Jews who are now living abroad.


Anti-Zionist? Check.
Dividing Jews into “good assimilationist Jews” and “bad proud Jews”? Check.
Politics above logic and self-preservation? Check.


Sound familiar?


Even in 1935, as members of his group realized that Hitler is not someone to rely on, Naumann held his course – and accused his detractors of being “Zionists.”

Nazi Jews hold Stormy Berlin Session

Nazi Jews hold Stormy Berlin Session

What happened to Dr. Naumann?  From the B’nai B’rith Messenger⁩⁩, 20 December 1935:

Exit: Dr. Max Naumann

Exit: Dr. Max Naumann


Exit: Dr. Max Naumann - continued

Exit: Dr. Max Naumann – continued


Dr  Max Naumann , president of the League of National German Jews , is reported under arrest in Berlin and his assimilationist organization has been dissolved by the Nazis .


The reasons given for this dissolution are that this league insisted on its rights to display the German flag — something that is forbidden to Jews by the Nazis — and these so-called German Nationalist Jews had refused to display the Zionist flag which had been reserved by Hitlerism for the Jews ; and the continued repudiation of the racial principle and insistent advocacy of assimilation in defiance of Nazi theories that Jews are a race apart .

The most tragic figure in Germany today is Dr . Max Naumann . He insisted not only on claiming German allegiance but in denying definite Jewish principles in his quest for Germanism . He fought and hated the Zionists and made overtures to the Nazis . Had he been accepted by Hitler , it is possible that not an iota of Jewish loyalty would have stirred him . Now he stands repudiated , his organization is dissolved and his assimilationist cravings are destroyed by the Nazis themselves . Thus Herr Naumann is a shining example of the futility of self-hate . and self-destruction .


Taking the side of the enemies of the Jews invariably ends up badly.



You can’t hijack planes. You can’t throw Molotovs. You can’t self-immolate

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-2March2024-The problem is not with the means but with the goal
The problem is not with the means employed by Palestinians, as abhorrent as many of these means were and are, but with the goal.
As long as the Palestinian “cause” continues to be defined by a total negation of Jewish sovereignty in any part of the land, it will breed failure.

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-2March2024-The problem is not with the means but with the goal

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-2March2024-The problem is not with the means but with the goal


Mohammed El-Kurd-tweet-26February2024-You can’t
You can’t protest peacefully. You can’t boycott. You can’t hunger strike. You can’t hijack planes. You can’t block traffic. You can’t throw Molotovs. You can’t self-immolate. You can’t heckle politicians. You can’t march. You can’t riot. You can’t dissent. You just can’t be.

Mohammed El-Kurd-tweet-26February2024-You can’t

Mohammed El-Kurd-tweet-26February2024-You can’t



UN, UNRWA and Terror

This is what the war is all about

The Building of the 3rd Holy Temple in Jerusalem

The Building of the 3rd Holy Temple in Jerusalem


Hamas ADMITS the Red Heffer is Their Cause of War – Ari Abramowitz: The Land of Israel Fellowship

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David
Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

The Truth Behind the Israel Hamas War: Israel’s War for the Holy Temple

Latma – Fake it Out (Israel-Hamas Satire)

UN Propaganda

United Nations logo

United Nations |
Peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet |
The United Nations came into being in 1945, following the devastation of the Second World War, with one central mission: the maintenance of international peace and security.


UNICEF-United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. And we never give up.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

vs Reality

Click to download PDF file

Click to Download Systemic Anti-Israel Bias in the United Nations Institutional Apparatus


Obama and the UN betray Israel (yet again)

Caroline B. Glick

“The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus”
(October 25, 2023 / JNS) On her show, Caroline Glick tackles the following: U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres justifies the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas on southern Israel; former President Barack Obama lectures and lies about Israel; and the moral depravity of the world continues to be exhibited in cities and on college campuses.

Caroline Glick: Obama and the UN betray Israel (yet again)

Caroline Glick: Obama and the UN betray Israel (yet again)

Obama and the UN Betray Israel…Again | The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus

Posted 25October2023 JNS TV:
The UN Secretary-General justifies Hamas attacks, Obama lectures and lies about Israel, and the moral depravity of the world continues to shine through. All this and more on the Caroline Glick Show IN Focus!



SEE:100th anniversary of the San Remo Conference

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Finally someone says it! “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.”

And isn’t it great that the person who said it is UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres, who presides over the organization that has played a defining role in creating, sustaining, and nourishing the fertile soil from which Hamas has sprung?

Let us examine the evidence (Part 1, Part 2 in the first comment):

Exhibit A: UNRWA.

This still temporary agency, established more than 70 years ago to settle the Arab refugees from the war of 1948 (Israel settled the Jewish refugees), was unable to carry out its mission throughout the 1950’s due to the complete refusal of the Arab refugees (later to be known as Palestinians) to be settled, knowing that this would mean they have abandoned their ongoing war against there being a state of sovereign and free Jews anywhere in the land.

Having failed in its resettlement mission, UNRWA was then hijacked by the Palestinians themselves to become the organization that enables Palestinians, uniquely among all the world’s refugees, to persist in the view that they do not need to accept new realities, new borders, and can go on thinking of themselves as perpetual refugees, generation after generation, until such moment that they can turn back the clock, have a “redo” and win the war against there being a state for Jews anywhere in the land.

UNRWA, its compounds, its education system, its almost exclusively Palestinian staff, have been the womb in which not only a unique Palestinian identity was consolidated, but one that was singularly focused on “revenge” and “return”. As a result, from the planners and perpetrators of the massacre of Israeli athletes in the 1972 Munich Olympics, to the current planners and perpetrators of the Oct 7 mass massacre, every generation trained murderers rose up to realize the dream of “return”, “Free Palestine” and “From the River to the Sea”.

(For more on this you may read this post of October 13 or the book “The War of Return” for the full and definitive review of UNRWA’s uniquely destructive goal in sustaining the Palestinian dream of “no Israel”)

Exhibit B: A whole administrative UN structure devoted uniquely to Palestinians

In 1975, the carefully developed Soviet replacement for the Tsarist “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” known as respectable “It’s only Anti-Zionism” was inserted into the UN through the “Zionism is Racism” UN General Assembly resolution. While the resolution was repealed in 1991 under US pressure, the entire infrastructure that it erected remained intact. These include three UN bodies with staffs and budgets that only exist to promote the Palestinian vision that the Jews deserve no state in any part of the land and it is worth noting that no other people have an entire division in the UN Secretariat dedicated to it:
(1) The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP)
(2) The Division for Palestinian Rights (DPR)
(3) The Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Human Rights Practices (SCIIHRP)

(For more on this go to

Exhibit C: The UN “Human” “Rights” “Council” obsession with condemning Israel

In 2006 the UN established Orwellian named “Human Rights Council” to replace the rabidly anti Israel UN Commission on Human Rights. And yet, surprise, surprise, nothing changed. For example, every (every!) session of the UN Human Rights Council features a standing agenda item targeting Israel. No other country in the world is singled out in this fashion. In addition, since 2006 UNHRC passed 104 resolutions against Israel alone, compared with 97 against all (all!) other countries combined. Mind you, it’s not just the number. Resolutions against other countries are always framed in the softest language as in “we commend Sudan/Syria/Iran for their efforts to do better and if they could just try a bit harder, that would be nice”. Resolutions against Israel are always phrased in the darkest of dark words with clear definitive blame. And of-course these resolutions often establish more bodies and commissions with more staff and budgets entirely devoted to criminalizing Israel.

(For more on UNHRC’s obsession with Israel:

Exhibit D: The UN General Assembly and its obsession with Israel

The legendary Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Abba Eban, already in the 1960’s made the evergreen observation (remember, this was before the “occupation” which Mr. Gutteres thinks is the cause of Hamas atrocities) observed that: “If Algeria introduced a resolution that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.” (Or my version that in the United Nations, the nations are only united against Israel).

The UNGA, with its automatic majority against Israel, has been the arena whereby repeated anti-Israel resolutions get passed, where days of “solidarity” with Palestinians are marked, and where ideas that exist in no other context, such as a “right of return” are repeatedly affirmed, leading people with little knowledge of how the UN works to assume that these form “international law” (they don’t).

I sometimes wryly conclude that it seems as if the UN General Assembly momentarily voted in November 1947 to uphold the international legitimacy to the establishment of a Jewish state in half of the land initially allocated by the League of Nations… and then has spent all subsequent decades trying to backtrack that.

And why does this matter so much? Because some of us might think that it should be obvious by now that the UN is useless and corrupt and hijacked, but it still retains the post WWII halo of an organization birthed on noble principles to create a more peaceful world. And this halo is why so much of the war against the Jews having a state is being waged in that arena. Those who seek the eradication of the world’s only Jewish state (“Keep the World Clean” in recent placards), need the authority of the UN to legitimize their annhilitionist cause. (For more on how high authority is needed to legitimize anti-Jewish ideologies in my speech here:

And that’s the UN. That’s the fertile soil from which generations of trained murderers of Jews emerged, whether they were called Fatah, DFLP, Hamas or Jihad. The names change. The soil doesn’t. Indeed, none of the carefully planned massacres by Palestinian terror organizations of sovereign Jews ever “happened in a vacuum”.

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Exhibit C-The UN Human Rights Council

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Exhibit C-The UN Human Rights Council



Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called “refugee camps” in Gaza?

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called “refugee camps” in Gaza?

Why are there even places called “refugee camps” in Gaza? And why are two thirds of the people living in Gaza, who were born there and lived there their entire lives, called “refugees” from a war that ended more than seven decades ago? The answers to these question unlock the core of the conflict. Here they are (Part 1; Part 2 in the first comment):

1.The 20th century has been marked by a transition from empires to states. We begin the 20th century when much of the world is divided between empires. We end it when much of the world is divided between states. When lucky, those states were based on the self determination of a people who share a common history, language, ethnicity, background religion and connection to a territory. (Zionism emerged in this context based on the idea of self determination for the Jewish people in the only territory to which they were ever connected as a people). When unlucky those new states were artificially created by receding empires drawing boundaries, forcing different peoples to share one state, leading almost always to civil war, dictatorship, or both. This transition has been bloody. It involved two world wars and numerous regional and civil wars. In the bloody process of empires receding and new states emerging to replace them, tens of millions of people were displaced, fleeing across newly created borders, typically to new countries with an ethnic makeup similar to their own. This was true of Hindus and Muslim, Ukrainians, Poles and Germans, Bulgarians, Greeks and Turks and Arabs and Jews. This was not unique.

2.What was unique is that one group only of refugees from that time and those wars were allowed to maintain themselves as endless refugees in anticipation of one day winning a war they had lost. Those were the Arab refugees from the war of 1948, later to be known as Palestinians. All other refugee groups, except the Palestinians, were presented with a clear message: “it’s tough, it’s tragic, move on”. There was a clear understanding that in the most fundamental sense there is no going back – not in place and not in time (thus, there was no such thing as “a right of return”). To seek to go back would mean endless war. And so the message was forward looking and future facing. Tens of millions of refugees and displaced persons, among them millions of Jews, would build new lives in the new countries to which they fled.

3.Except Palestinians. The war that the Arabs of the land and the surrounding countries waged to prevent a Jewish state from emerging and gaining independence failed to achieve its goals. Despite the violent onslaught of 1947-49, Israel emerged as a sovereign state. But the Arabs of the land, sustained by broader Arab support, refused to accept this outcome. They proceeded to undo it through a variety of means, including repeated wars, economic boycotts, international condemnations and a complete refusal of the refugees themselves to be settled, as it would effectively mean accepting that the war was over.

http://4.To that end of keeping the war of 1948 alive until its goal of undoing the Jewish state could be achieved, a temporary agency established to resettle the refugees – UNRWA (initially called REWA, but the Arabs insisted on the letters UN so that it would appear to enjoy international legitimacy) – was hijacked by the Arab refugees. As a result of this hijacking UNRWA effectively became a Palestinian entity devoted singularly to sustaining and stoking the idea that uniquely among the world’s refugees, Palestinians don’t need to move on and can keep insisting on “return”, both in space and in time, to a time when there was no Israel. UNRWA thus became the mechanism by which the Jewish people alone were denied the right to to consider their hard won self-determination and sovereign statehood as a done deal.

(Part 2 continues in the first comment:)


5.One of the most important means by which UNRWA fulfilled its mission is inflating the number of Palestinians it registers as refugees. It does so by engaging in several unique practices, not applied to any other refugee population in the world: (1) Counting descendants of the original refugees displaced by the War of 1948 in perpetuity (by now into the fifth generation) automatically and with no qualifications; (2) Never removing any “refugees” from the count even if they acquired citizenship of another country, a status that for all other true refugees ends their refugee status; (3) Counting Palestinians who continue to live in the West Bank and Gaza, so in “Palestine” as refugees “from” Palestine. Once UNRWA’s inflationary practices are removed, almost none of the Palestinians who claim to be “refugees”, either as registered by UNRWA (around 5.7 Million) or self-claimed by Palestinians living in the West (a total of 8-9 Million) are actually refugees by any international standard. The vast majority of them are either (1) living in the West Bank and Gaza, and so clearly are not refugees “from” Palestine, still very much living there, and since almost all of them are by now second to fifth generation claimants they have also never been displaced by war – 2.2 Million; (2) Citizens of countries such as Jordan – 2.2 Million or various countries around the world – 2-3 Million. Citizens of countries are not refugees by any international standard. This leaves about 250,000 Palestinians who remain stateless in Syria and Lebanon, despite having been born there and never having been displaced by war. Those countries refuse to give them citizenship. They are certainly no longer refugees, but they are stateless. Of them, perhaps 30,000 are indeed refugees by international standards in that they were displaced by war, crossed the border and have not been given citizenship by any other country. Them, and only them, should be recognized as refugees. That is less than 1% of the total number of Palestinians who claim to be “refugees”.

http://6.In addition to its inflationary practices, the UNRWA compounds (“Refugee Camps”) and schools are the incubators in which the Palestinian national ethos of “revenge and return” was created and shaped. It is the ground zero Palestinian political organization in that it daily reinforces the Palestinian ethos that the Jews have no right to a state in any of the territory between the Jordan River and the Sea, and that Palestinians will one day undo Israel by means of “return”. Since the days of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, planned and perpetrated by UNRWA graduates, to the October 7th massacre by Hamas, also planned and perpetrated by UNRWA graduates (Muhammad Deif was raised in an UNRWA compound and studied in its school), UNRWA has sustained, nourished, educated and raised generation after generation of Palestinians dedicated to undoing Israel by “all means”, primarily violence and terror. Hamas, like Fatah before it, merely recruits UNRWA graduates ready to commit any atrocity in the name of “revenge and return”. It’s no coincidence that the two places where the perpetual refugee culture is strongest – Gaza and Lebanon – are also the most violent.

In short, why are there still millions of people claiming to be refugees from a war that ended more than seven decades ago? Because to the Palestinians, that war has never ended, and they continue to believe that one day, with enough patience and violence, they could still win it to achieve their original goal: no state for the Jewish people anywhere from “The River to the Sea”.
(The full history is of-course available in “The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream has Obstructed the Path to Peace”).


Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called 'refugee camps' in Gaza-1

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called ‘refugee camps’ in Gaza-1

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called 'refugee camps' in Gaza-2

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called ‘refugee camps’ in Gaza-2



Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian
“We need to understand that UNRWA is, first and foremost, a Palestinian organization. UNRWA started with the best of intentions to settle Arab refugees from the war, was hijacked by the Arab refugees themselves to become a purely Arab Palestinian organization, for the singular cause of ensuring that the Jewish state knows not a day of peace until it is undone.

UNRWA is a classic case of you get what you pay for.
So we need to make sure that we pay for something else.
For 75 years, money, legitimacy, support, services, aid, were given – were funneled – to the perpetuation of the myth that Palestinians are still – uniquely, from all the tens of millions of refugees throughout the 20th century – refugees from a war that we think ended 75 years ago. But they don’t think it ends until they win it to their cause of no Jewish state.

So all the Western legitimacy, the global legitimacy, the funding, the aid, the services were funneled to the perpetuation of the myth of the refugee status and to the belief and the fictional idea of a right of return.

And lest we think that return is an innocent idea of just feelings of nostalgia to a home that belonged to a great-grandparent in today’s Israel, October 7th is return.
October 7th is the realization of the Palestinian vision of return. It was never an innocent idea. It always had the element of violent, brutal triumphalism over the Jewish state. All the money supported that for 75 years.

So what we need to ask right now is not who will replace UNRWA – that doesn’t matter – but what? What will replace UNRWA?

And what needs to replace UNRWA is any mechanism that only funnels legitimacy, support, money and aid to those who are taken off of UNRWA’s rosters; those who are no longer registered as refugees; those who sign and make it clear that they understand that they’re not refugees and that they posses no such right of return. Only then can something be built.

So this is what we need to say: It doesn’t matter who replaces UNRWA – but what replaces UNRWA? Reverse the equation. Legitimacy, money, aid, services will flow only to individuals who have been stricken off UNRWA’s rosters, if it still exists, and who themselves testify that they understand that they’re not refugees, that they do not possess the right of return, and they have no intention of liberating Palestine from the river to the sea.

And I want to end with one thought: October 7th should put an end to the notion of “the poor Palestinians” – the ones who constantly need aid, aid, money, support. The Palestinians are a highly capable people. October 7th required years of planning, massive investment in infrastructure, strategy, discipline, vision – a perverse vision – but vision. The Palestinians are not an incapable people. They are a people with terrible priorities.
For a century they decided to devote all their substantial capabilities not to building something for themselves, but in order to destroy the Jewish state. And as long as this is their ideology, anyone who gives them any kind of funding, aid and legitimacy is guaranteed that this will be funneled to the destruction of the Jewish state and to continued war. And if people really want peace, and really want to abide by the principles and the vision of the United Nations, reverse the equations: Support those who want to put the war behind us, not the ones who want to keep fighting that war.”

My words yesterday at the @UNWatch Summit on Replacing UNRWA. Link to video here:


Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian


UN Watch-tweet-27February2024-Palestinian vision of return
“October 7th is the realization of the Palestinian vision of return. It was never innocent. It always had the element of violent, brutal triumphalism over the Jewish state. Aid should go only to those who declare no intention of ‘freeing Palestine from the river to the sea.’”

UN Watch-tweet-27February2024-Palestinian vision of return

UN Watch-tweet-27February2024-Palestinian vision of return

Einat Wilf at the International Summit for a Future Beyond UNRWA



Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN

The Persian Jewess-tweet-2March2024-Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN
500,000 Israelis are currently displaced due to the events of October 7 and nonstop rocket barrage from Gaza and Lebanon.

Many have nothing more then the clothes in their backs.

They receive ZERO AID from the UN.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-2March2024-Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN

The Persian Jewess-tweet-2March2024-Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN



Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN

Brianna Wu-tweet-12March2024-Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN
I used to think America disproportionately protected Israel from the international community until I looked into it. Now I see it the other way around. Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN and the wider international community.

Here is evidence for this belief:
✅ The number of UN resolutions condemning Israel is VASTLY more than countries with much more serious records of human rights abuses.
✅ The UNHRC has a permanent agenda item focused on Israel/Palestine, Item 7. No other country is singled out like this
✅ Objectively, the UN focuses much more time and attention on Israel than other extremely serious global issues

I know no one wants to hear the A word, but I think antisemitism is a primary factor. There are roughly 500 million Arabs in the MENA region and 9 million Jews.

America is often alone standing with Israel because we are a democracy, and American Jews and their allies work to elect leaders that understand the value of the alliance. This is unsurprising to me since we have the second highest population of Jewish people.
Alex Fleck-tweet-12March2024-
Hi Brianna. Yes, I understand the time constraints.
Do you agree with the substantive aspect of my argument though? That the US has acted unilaterally to defend Israel diplomatically in a way that is quite radical and different from what other Western countries have done?

Brianna Wu-tweet-12March2024-Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN

Brianna Wu-tweet-12March2024-Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN




Judenstern_Yellow Star of David Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David
Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Israel Ambassador to UN: We Will Wear the Yellow Star Until You ‘Condemn the Atrocities of Hamas’

“Some of you have learned nothing in the past 80 years. Some of you have forgotten why this body was established.”

Posted by Mary Chastain 30October2023


Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Gilrad Erdan, has had enough of the farce that is the United Nations.

Erdan and his team will wear the yellow star the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear until the UN comes to its senses and condemn Hamas:

“Some of you have learned nothing in the past 80 years. Some of you have forgotten why this body was established,” he says.

“So, I will remind you. From this day on, each time you look at me, you will remember what staying silent in the face of evil means.”

“Just like my grandparents and the grandparents of millions of Jews, from now on, my team and I will wear Yellow stars. We will wear this star until you wake up and condemn the atrocities of Hamas.”

Yonatan Gonen-tweet-30October2023-
Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wore the yellow badge at the Security Council:

“When Jewish babies were burned in Auschwitz the world was silent. Today Jewish babies were burned in Be’eri and the southern towns of Israel by the Nazi Hamas and the world is silent again. I will make you remember the shame of your silence every time you look at me.”

Yonatan Gonen-tweet-30October2023-Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wore the yellow Star of David at the Security Council

Yonatan Gonen-tweet-30October2023-Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wore the yellow Star of David at the Security Council


Translation from Google:

Today I announced in the Security Council that a yellow patch will be worn to remind the disgrace of her silence in the face of the atrocities committed by the Hamas Nazis. I made it clear to the council members that we swore after the Holocaust, NEVER AGAIN, therefore there will be no ceasefire and we will continue until Hamas is destroyed, so that such atrocities will never happen again. Watch and share >>


Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-30October2023-
היום הודעתי במועצת הבטחון שאענוד טלאי צהוב כדי להזכיר את החרפה של שתיקתה אל מול מעשי הזוועות שהנאצים של חמאס עוללו. הבהרתי לחברות המועצה, שאנחנו נשבענו לאחר השואה, NEVER AGAIN ולכן לא תהיה הפסקת אש ונמשיך עד להשמדת חמאס, כדי שזוועות כאלו לא יקרו שוב לעולם. צפו ושתפו >>


Translated from Hebrew by

Today I announced in the Security Council that I will wear a yellow patch to remind the disgrace of her silence in the face of the atrocities committed by the Hamas Nazis. I made it clear to the council members that we swore after the Holocaust, NEVER AGAIN and therefore there will be no ceasefire and we will continue until the destruction of Hamas, so that such atrocities will never happen again. Watch and share >>

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-30October2023

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-30October2023



Israel halts UN staff visas as officials pan Guterres’s ‘truly insane’ Hamas remarks

After UN chief says terrorist massacres ‘didn’t happen in vacuum,’ Foreign Ministry says words ‘tarnish both him and organization he heads’; Edelstein says they fan antisemitism

By Michael Bachner and ToI Staff 25October2023

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan, left, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, center, and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan browse the Yad Vashem Book of Names of Holocaust Victims Exhibit at United Nations headquarters, January 26, 2023. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan, left, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, center, and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan browse the Yad Vashem Book of Names of Holocaust Victims Exhibit at United Nations headquarters, January 26, 2023. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan, left, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, center, and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan browse the Yad Vashem Book of Names of Holocaust Victims Exhibit at United Nations headquarters, January 26, 2023. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Israel stopped issuing visas to UN officials Wednesday, a day after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appeared to say Hamas’s murderous October 7 assault on southern Israel was brought on by Israeli occupation.


The development came as Israeli officials continued to rail against the UN chief and demand his apology or resignation, with a senior lawmaker branding his words “truly insane” and adding that they were fanning the flames of antisemitism. The chairman of Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum accused Guterres of having “failed the test” of the refrain “Never again.”


An Israeli official confirmed the new visa policy to The Times of Israel on condition of anonymity, after Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan gave additional details in an interview with Army Radio.


“Due to his remarks we will refuse to issue visas to UN representatives,” Erdan said. “We have already refused a visa for Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths. The time has come to teach them a lesson.”


During a UN Security Council meeting Tuesday on the Israel-Hamas war, Guterres said, “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.


“The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,” Guterres said.


He later added that “the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”


Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza began after the terror group sent thousands of gunmen over the border to ravage Israeli border communities. Terrorists killed some 1,400 people, the vast majority of them civilians, massacring them at their homes and at a music festival. They also kidnapped at least 224 people and took them into the Strip.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, October 24, 2023. (Seth Wenig/AP)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, October 24, 2023. (Seth Wenig/AP)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, October 24, 2023. (Seth Wenig/AP)

Israel evacuated all settlements and military forces from the Gaza Strip under the 2005 Disengagement. Since then it has faced years of rocket attacks from Hamas, which rules the Strip, and from other terror groups there, as well as multiple rounds of intense combat.


It has maintained a tight blockade of the territory since Hamas took control in 2007, as has Egypt, with Jerusalem saying it must do so to limit the terror group’s ability to arm itself for attacks. In the West Bank, settlements have expanded under consecutive governments with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly arguing the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority is not a partner for peace, having rejected several offers in the past.


Guterres’s comments drew outrage in Israel. On Tuesday evening, Erdan called them “shocking” and demanded that the secretary general resign, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen canceled a meeting with Guterres, and Minister Benny Gantz labeled the UN chief a “terror apologist.”


The strongly worded reactions continued on Wednesday morning.

The Foreign Ministry tweeted that Guterres’s remarks “provoke anger and astonishment and tarnish both him and the organization he heads,” reflecting “a biased and distorted attitude towards Israel on the part of the UN and especially on the part of the Secretary-General himself.”


“The UN Secretary-General must retract his words, engage in deep personal soul-searching and apologize for his statement, which distressed millions of Israelis who are still experiencing the consequences of the murderous terrorist attack of October 7,” the ministry added.

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-25October2023-
The severe assertions of the UN Secretary-General in his speech at the Security Council provoke anger and astonishment and tarnish both him and the organization he heads.

The Secretary-General’s assertions reflect a biased and distorted attitude towards Israel on the part of the UN and especially on the part of the Secretary-General himself.

The UN Secretary-General’s words support the monstrous violence of the Hamas terrorists and legitimize the heinous massacre of October 7.

The atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorists on October 7, the slaughter of women, children and the elderly, the abuse of bodies, the burning of bound children and the rape and abduction of hundreds of Israelis should be censured—there is no way to justify such monstrous atrocities.

The UN Secretary-General must retract his words, implement deep personal soul-searching and apologize for his statement, which distressed millions of Israelis who are still experiencing the consequences of the murderous terrorist attack of October 7.

@UN @antonioguterres

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary-General in his speech at the Security Council

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary-General in his speech at the Security Council

Likud MK Yuli Edelstein, the chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affair and Defense Committee, sent an English-language public letter addressed to Guterres expressing “a profound sense of shock” and saying it would have been “best had you said nothing at all.”


“Mr. Secretary-General, you opened by saying that ‘nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians.’ However, you then [made] an about-face and added that the ‘attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.’ Statements of this kind legitimize murderers, rapists, and terrorists around the world — rendering your condemnations null and void,” Edelstein charged.


Edelstein tweeted a photo of the letter, adding in a Hebrew-language post that Guterres’s remarks had been “truly insane” and that “against the backdrop of surging antisemitism around the world, his grave remarks are fueling a giant fire [of hate].”

Yuli Edelstein-tweet-25October2023-

בעקבות דבריו המטורפים ממש, שיגרתי הבוקר מכתב גינוי וזעזוע למזכ”ל האו”ם.

על רקע האנטישמיות הגואה בעולם, דבריו החמורים הם בגדר שמן למדורה הבוערת בלהבות ענק.

Translated from Hebrew by

Following his really crazy words, this morning I sent a letter of condemnation and shock to the UN Secretary General.

Against the background of rising anti-Semitism in the world, his harsh words are like fuel for the fire burning with huge flames.

Yuli Edelstein letter 24October2023 to UN Secretary General

Yuli Edelstein letter 24October2023 to UN Secretary General

Yuli Edelstein-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary General crazy words

Yuli Edelstein-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary General crazy words

Israeli leaders and US President Joe Biden have noted that the October 7 atrocities were the single worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.


Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan, who met with Guterres earlier this year at a Holocaust-related exhibit at the UN headquarters in New York, said the UN chief had “failed the test” regarding ensuring atrocities against Jews don’t repeat.


“The slaughter of Jews by Hamas on October 7th was genocidal in its intents and immeasurably brutal in its form. Part of why it differs from the Holocaust is because Jews have today a state and an army. We are not defenseless and at the mercy of others,” a statement from Dayan said.


“However, it puts to test the sincerity of world leaders, intellectuals and influencers that come to Yad Vashem and pledge ‘Never Again,’” he continued. “Those who seek to ‘understand,’ look for a justifying context, do not condemn the perpetrators, and do not call for the unconditional and immediate release of the abducted – fail the test.

“UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres failed the test.”

In a shock assault on October 7, Hamas bombarded Israel with thousands of rockets while over 2,500 gunmen breached the border with the Gaza Strip. The terrorists rampaged murderously through southern areas, slaughtering those they found, butchering entire families in some communities and also killing 260 at an outdoor music festival. Some victims were mutilated, raped and tortured. Dozens of babies were killed. Over 220 people of all ages were abducted and dragged to Gaza as captives. Four have since been released.


Israel has responded to the Hamas assault by vowing to destroy the terror group and launching intensive strikes in Gaza, saying it is hitting terror targets while trying to avoid civilian casualties. It has told over one million Gaza residents to evacuate the northern part of the Strip ahead of an expected ground incursion.


The Hamas-controlled Health Ministry says the strikes have killed over 6,000 Palestinians so far. Those numbers cannot be independently verified and are believed to include Hamas’s own members, as well as civilians killed by hundreds of misfired Palestinian rockets.

Agencies contributed to this report.




UN is Pro Terror

Shiri_Sabra-tweet-3July2024-Meet the current United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres
Meet the current United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres

Shiri_Sabra-tweet-3July2024-Meet the current United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres

Shiri_Sabra-tweet-3July2024-Meet the current United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres




The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies BESA

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies BESA

The UN Is Against Peace

By 20June2024

Lady Justice and the UN

Lady Justice and the UN


 BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,284, June 20, 2024

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The UN decision on May 10, 2024 to upgrade the status of the Palestinian state is not surprising. It is a direct continuation of previous UN decisions, most notably that of November 29, 2012, which granted the Palestinian Authority the status of non-member observer state. Since the 1970s, there has been an almost automatic majority for anti-Israel resolutions in the UN. This majority includes Muslim countries and countries that define themselves as part of the “Global South”, such as African countries and some South American countries, all of which are known for their invariably critical approach towards Israel. The UN’s recognition of the Palestinian Authority grants the Palestinians an independent state without a negotiated peace process or clearly defined and agreed borders between it and Israel. This is precisely the situation the PLO has been striving for since 1974. The establishment of a Palestinian state without peace with Israel is a sure recipe for instability and perpetual war in the Middle East, and those negative consequences are being deliberately fomented by the UN.


In June 1974, the Palestine Liberation Organization approved a ten-point plan known as the Phased Plan. The plan was presented at the time as a considerable moderation of the PLO, which at the time was considered Israel’s most bitter enemy. The 1970s were full of bloody terrorist incidents committed by Palestinian organizations, including airplane hijackings. The leading terrorist organizations at that time were the Fatah organization headed by Yasser Arafat, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) organization headed by George Habash, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) organization headed since its inception by Nayef Hawatmeh.


The reason why the PLO’s ten-point plan was considered a political advancement was that for the first time since the adoption of the revised Palestinian treaty of 1968, the activists of the Palestinian organizations seemed to have agreed to an incomplete “liberation” of Palestine. A careful reading of the plan, however, shows that its goal remained the destruction of the entire State of Israel – “from the river to the sea”.


The second section of the plan says: “The PLO will fight by all means, primarily the armed struggle, to liberate the Palestinian land and establish an independent national government over any part of the Palestinian territory that will be liberated.” This clause was allegedly fulfilled – not through armed struggle but mainly through diplomacy via the Oslo Accords of the 1990s.


Another section of the phased plan defines the establishment of self-government on part of the territory as only one step on the way to the total “liberation” of the entire land of Palestine. According to the phased plan, the establishment of a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip was a temporary solution that was never meant to stop the war between the two national movements. The phased plan was designed to promote a continuation of the fight for the other “rights” the Palestinians demand, such as the complete “liberation” of, and purported right of return to, the entire land of Israel.


Despite lengthy negotiations between Israel and the PLO on the permanent agreement, the parties were unable to reach a satisfactory settlement. The most intense attempts were in July 2000 at Camp David with the mediation of President Bill Clinton, and in 2008 with the mediation of President George Bush, Jr.


The Palestinian state that was supposed to be established was meant to include most of the territories of Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip (over 90% of the territory); provide safe passage between the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria; and make agreed-upon special arrangements regarding Jerusalem and the refugees. Almost all the details were settled, but Israel asked for something the PLO was not willing to give. Israel requested that in exchange for a comprehensive agreement, representatives of the PLO, as the recognized representatives of the Palestinian people, would sign a document stating “the end of claims between Israel and the Palestinians” – i.e., a contractual obligation to make peace with Israel. No Palestinian representative has ever been willing to sign such a document because peace with Israel has never been their goal.


Because of this, negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been stuck for decades, with neither side possessing the ability to reach a binding permanent settlement. The Palestinians cannot force Israel to withdraw militarily from the territories of Judea and Samaria without a political agreement, and Israel cannot force a political agreement on the Palestinians that would include recognition of Israel and a final end to the national-religious conflict between the parties.


At this stage, the Palestinians turned to the United Nations to try to upgrade the status of the Palestinian Authority to that of a sovereign independent state. The Palestinian attempt to establish a state unilaterally was not new. On October 1, 1948, shortly after the establishment of the State of Israel, the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip announced the establishment of the All-Palestine Government. The president of the independent state of Palestine, which declared its sovereignty in all of Mandatory Palestine, was Nazi sympathizer and virulent antisemite Haj Muhammad Amin al-Husseini; the prime minister was Ahmed Hilmi Abd al-Baqi. This government lasted for about a decade, ruling the Gaza Strip under Egyptian auspices. After its dissolution by the Egyptians, Prime Minister Hilmi continued to serve as Palestine’s representative in the Arab League until his death in 1963.


The Palestinians flatly denied the existence of the State of Israel. The Palestinian Declaration of Independence states:

On the basis of the Palestinian people’s natural and historical right to freedom and independence, a sacred right for which he shed blood and made sacrifices, and for which he fought against the imperial forces and the Zionists who conspired against him, we, the members of the Palestinian National Council who gathered in Gaza, the city of Hashim (the Prophet’s grandfather), declare this today… October 1, 1948, on the independence of Palestine as a whole within its borders: in northern Lebanon and Syria, in eastern Syria and across the Jordan, in the western Mediterranean and in southern Egypt. This independence is full independence and within its framework a free, democratic and sovereign state will be established, and its citizens will enjoy freedom.


The next time the Palestinians declared a state was on November 15, 1988, at the conference of the Palestinian National Council in Algiers. In the declaration of Palestinian independence drafted by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, it was stated, among other things, that the declaration was based on Partition Resolution 181 of November 29, 1947. The Palestinians recognized the right of the countries of the region to live in peace, but conspicuously did not mention Israel. In addition, they declared the continuation of the struggle until the end of the “occupation,” without clarifying whether the term referred to the territories of 1967 or beyond.


The announcement led the UN to invite Yasser Arafat to address the UN General Assembly (UN General Assembly Resolution 43/177). Unsurprisingly, 104 countries voted in favor of the resolution recognizing the Palestinian state unilaterally declared by Yasser Arafat. Only two countries voted against this recognition – the US and Israel.


The Palestinians understood that in order to have a basis for this type of decision, some sort of fact on the ground was required. The Oslo Accords of the 1990s gave them political-autonomous status for the first time in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. The Oslo Accords were defined from the beginning as temporary interim agreements that were intended to lead to a permanent settlement of the two political entities living side by side in peace, security and prosperity.


After the peace talks with Israel at Camp David 2000, the Palestinians ignited a bloody intifada. After the failure of the negotiations in Annapolis in 2008 between Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, the Palestinians realized they had exhausted all the Israeli concessions they could obtain via regular negotiations. This was the reason for their appeal to the UN Assembly and their request to upgrade their status to a state on November 29, 2012.


Their request was approved due to the automatic majority that exists in anti-Israel resolutions at the UN. For the first time, a UN observer body that does not have either effective control over territory or defined borders was granted the status of a state (in this case, that of an observer state). One hundred thirty-eight countries voted in favor this time, with nine opposed and the rest abstaining. This step was directly contrary to the principles of negotiations the parties had signed in the Oslo Accords.


The vote on May 10, 2024 was the most recent step in the Palestinian journey towards an independent state without a binding border agreement with Israel. The vote was intended to grant the Palestinians various rights reserved for sovereign states recognized by the UN, even though the Palestinian Authority is still defined as an observer state. This time, 143 countries voted in favor, with nine voting against and the rest abstaining.


The role of the UN is supposedly to maintain peace and world order. Upgrading the status of the Palestinian Authority to a state despite its having neither effective control over territory nor clear borders – and in the process empowering a political entity whose majority population openly supports a terrorist organization, Hamas, that rapes women and murders children – will not add to world peace and stability, but will only deepen the war between Israel and the Palestinians. Nor will it create an incentive for the moderate elements in Palestinian society to strive for true peace with Israel.



Dr. (Lt. Col.) Shaul Bartal is a senior researcher at the BESA Center and a research fellow at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Lisbon. During his military service, he served in various roles in the West Bank. He has also taught in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies and the Department of Political Science at Bar-Ilan University.




UN special rapporteur BANNED, Refused visa to enter Israel

Israel Katz-tweet-12February2024-The time for Jewish silence is past
The time for Jewish silence is past. For the @UN to regain its credibility, its leadership @antonioguterres must unequivocally renounce the anti-Semitic statements made by their “Special Envoy” @FranceskAlbs and remove her from her position immediately. Barring her entry to Israel will serve as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed by Hamas, including the ruthless targeting of innocents.

Israel Katz-tweet-12February2024-The time for Jewish silence is past

Israel Katz-tweet-12February2024-The time for Jewish silence is past

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-12February2024-UN special rapporteur BANNED
UN special rapporteur for the Palestinians, Francesca Albanese, has been refused a visa to enter Israel after comments that seemed to justify Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-12February2024-UN special rapporteur BANNED.png

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-12February2024-UN special rapporteur BANNED.png



UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to

OSINTdefender-tweet-21November2023-UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to
The Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eli Cohen has Delievered a Warning to the U.N. National Security Council from the Government of Israel which states that if the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is not able to get the Situation in Southern Lebanon back under Control and Remove the Military Capabilities of Hezbollah away from the Border in following with Resolution 1701, which Ended the Lebanon War of 2006, the Israeli Defense Force will be Forced to take “Military Action” which could lead to a Regional War.

OSINTdefender-tweet-21November2023-UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to

OSINTdefender-tweet-21November2023-UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2023-Hezbollah launched rockets from UN compound
Hezbollah launched several rockets toward Israel last night, including from a point 20 meters away from a @UN compound in southern Lebanon. Additional launches have been made from the area toward Israel in recent days.

By continuing to fire at Israel from near a U.N. compound, Hezbollah endangers the lives of @UNIFIL_ personnel and continues to systematically violate UNSC Resolution 1701. UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander @aroldo_lazaro was notified of the incident.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2023-Hezbollah launched rockets from near UN compound

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2023-Hezbollah launched rockets from near UN compound



UN and Women’s rights groups Silent About Hamas Attacks on Women

Arutz Sheva

Amb. Erdan: UN Women maliciously disregards Hamas rape and murder

Israeli Ambassador to the UN lambasts UN agencies at Security Council for deliberately ignoring Hamas crimes against women and humanity.

Israel National News


Erdan shows photo of Hamas leader with child

Erdan shows photo of Hamas leader with child

Erdan shows photo of Hamas leader with child UN Photo/Evan Schneider

In an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting held today on the situation of women and children in Gaza, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan harshly criticized UN Women for its malicious disregard of the rape and murder of Israeli women by Hamas terrorists and UNICEF for its disregard of Hamas’ indoctrination of children to terror and use of children as human shields.


The Ambassador presented a photo of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, “This is Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas. And the child he is holding, is a victim of UNICEF’s indifference. A picture is worth a thousand words and this says all you need to know about Hamas’ treatment of children in Gaza.”


The Ambassador asked the Executive Director of UNICEF Catherine Russell, “Executive Director Russell, have you never seen this picture? Are you unaware of the terror summer camps that Hamas runs every year in Gaza to indoctrinate children to murder? So many Gazan children were born into a culture of hate. A culture that glorifies violence and educates kids to murder. It is a death cult that puts martyrdom ahead of life, coexistence, and the pursuit of peace. How many UNICEF reports have been written on this? None. While we teach our children to love and accept others, the children of Gaza are taught that the murder of Jews and Israel’s annihilation is their life goal. They are educated on this in their schools – yes, including UNRWA schools. Why has this child abuse never bothered UNICEF? There is absolutely no chance that UNICEF is unaware of this. So, Executive Director Russell, where has your organization been all this time?”


“Rockets have been found in children’s bedrooms in Gaza. Rocket launchers were located inside a scout’s youth movement clubhouse. Missile manufacturing facilities were found under mosques. And caches of assault rifles were found in UNRWA schools. We have not heard UNICEF’s outcry over Hamas’ exploitation of Gazan children as human shields. Where is it?”


The Ambassador presented a photo of Hamas terrorists surrounded by children, “This is a photo taken a few days ago in Gaza. These savage Hamas terrorists are walking around in broad daylight armed and in uniform, after effectively strapping children to themselves as live body armor. This is the enemy that Israel is defending itself against. This is who you hardly have a single word of criticism against.”


The Ambassador asked members of the Council, “Where have the briefers been for all of these years? Where are their voices now? Why are Hamas’ crimes almost non-existent in this briefing, when Hamas – and only Hamas – is solely responsible for the situation in Gaza? There is no other explanation for this other than apathy towards Gazans, coupled with burning hatred for Israel. This is not a briefing – this is an inquisition.”


Ambassador Erdan presented a photo of Naama Levy, one of the women taken hostage by Hamas who was raped by her captors. “I sent this picture of Naama Levy who was dragged out of the trunk of a jeep by a Hamas terrorist, as part of a video, wearing sweatpants soaked in blood around her backside….You want to discuss women in conflict? Women’s rights? Women’s dignity? What about the dignity of Naama Levy…Sadly, to our briefers, the horrors endured by these young women are not worthy of mentioning. After all, they’re Israeli – and as today’s briefing has made abundantly clear, Israeli victims don’t matter.”


“Nearly fifty days have gone by since these atrocities were committed – since young girls were savagely violated – yet the world is still waiting to hear a clear, public condemnation from UN Women against Hamas sexual crimes. Shame on you UN Women, shame on you. Is UN Women not charged with ensuring that, I quote from their website, “All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence?” Doesn’t the banner of the UN Women website currently say “Hashtag ‘No Excuses'”? Hasn’t the world come to believe women? Hasn’t the UN? To the UN and its agencies, Israeli women are not women. Israeli children are not children.”


The Ambassador presented a picture of Shani Louk, a German tourist who became an international symbol of Hamas’ atrocities when a video was posted of terrorists parading her nearly dead body in Gaza. “I also sent this picture of Shani Louk. Shani was dancing at the peace festival before she was abducted and murdered by Hamas. This is what her body looked like, with a Hamas terrorist on top of her. Look at her. Look at Shani.”




To the UN and leading women’s rights groups: The mass rape and sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on and since October 7th towards Israeli women is being shamefully denied, minimized…and even justified.
Hamas terrorists have admitted to these atrocities. Why are you ignoring them?

Apparently, it’s: #BelieveAllWomen…unless they’re Israeli.





Shurat HaDin-tweet-17November 172023-Enough with the double standard
Enough with the double standards!

Hamas’ rape and murder of Israeli women is met with global indifference of feminist movements.


Shurat HaDin-tweet-17November 172023-Enough with the double standard

Shurat HaDin-tweet-17November 172023-Enough with the double standard



Women’s Rights Organizations Still Stunningly Silent About Attacks on Women on October 7th

“The absurdity has reached peak levels since October 7”

Posted by Mike LaChance, 22November2023

Hamas attacks on Women 7October2023

Hamas attacks on Women 7October2023

Remember when Michelle Obama and celebrities launched a #BringBackOurGirls campaign on Twitter when girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram? No such campaign this time.

Benjamin Folkinshteyn writes at the Times of Israel:

#FeministsforRape and Other Observations

In the current Through-the-Looking-Glass world, absurdity has become the norm. Israel has been accused of the unspeakable crimes of . . . protecting LGBTQ rights (you can’t do that – that’s #pinkwashing!), substantial participation by Arab citizens in all walks of civil life (you can’t do that – that’s #democracy), and protecting the environment by being a leader in environmental sustainability (you can’t do that – that’s #greenwashing!), all to cover up its alleged crimes perpetrated against the Palestinians.


The absurdity has reached peak levels since October 7 with the timely re-emergence of the Queers for Palestine bloc, marching alongside Hamas supporters who justify terrorist atrocities as a response to the “occupation.” Putting aside the fact that Gaza has been Judenfrei with Israel’s withdrawal in 2005, the lack of self-awareness is staggering.


It is, of course, a well-known fact that Arab countries, and the Hamas-run Gaza Strip in particular, are Edenic paradises to LGBTQ-identifying individuals and other minorities compared to Israel. Examples abound. Thus, in 2016, Hamas executed one of its own high-ranking leaders, Mahmoud Ishtiwi for being gay. Just last year, Ahmed Abu Marhia was beheaded for being gay – his head was found on the side of a road. Many Palestinian LGBTQ individuals seek asylum in Israel due to their being persecuted in Gaza and the West Bank, not only by the authorities but even by their own families.


But that’s not all, folks. Even before bodies of the victims of Al Aqsa Flood pogroms were cold, “from the river to the sea” chants pierced the air in many US metropolitan areas in celebration of the surprising success of Hamas’s efforts at harmonious coexistence, which featured peaceful activities such as rape, beheading, mutilation, torture, and kidnapping.


Yet, to date, not a single prominent women’s rights organization in the US has decried these unspeakable brutalities against women. Where are the #IamShaniLouk posts? Where is former First Lady Michelle Obama with her #BringBackOurGirls hashtag diplomacy for the kidnapped women and children of Israeli, Arab and other communities? So much for #silenceiscomplicity!




MeToo unless you’re a Jew

Feminist groups are whitewashing Hamas’s crimes


Women Kidnapped by Hamas (Leonard Ortiz/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)

Women Kidnapped by Hamas (Leonard Ortiz/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)

After accompanying British troops as they liberated Bergen-Belsen in April 1945, Richard Dimbleby produced one of the most viscerally horrifying — and powerful — dispatches in the BBC’s history. “I find it hard to describe adequately the horrible things that I’ve seen and heard,” he began, “but here unadorned are the facts.”


His language was spare, his descriptions factual — and yet, his bosses didn’t want to broadcast the report. A compromise was only reached after he threatened to resign and his script was cut in half. The reason, his son Jonathan later revealed, was that “the BBC needed more sources to support what had happened to Jews and worried that if you mentioned one group of people and not others, it might seem biased or wrong”.


The events of October 7 do not compare to the Holocaust, but a similar reluctance to consider both its primary victims remains. We see it in the defaced posters of kidnapped Israelis by people who claim they are “propaganda”, in the antisemitic disinformation peddled online, and in the weekly pro-Palestine demonstrations that fail to call out Hamas’s terrorism. But perhaps most peculiarly, we also see it in the silence of organisations and activist groups dedicated to fighting for women’s safety.


After Hamas terrorists set about murdering, raping and abducting as many women as they could, one might have expected widespread condemnation from the West’s feminist groups. After all, Hamas had provided enough evidence of its crimes — within hours, they were posting footage of abducted young women in bloodied trousers being paraded around Gaza. Even beforehand, its feminist credentials were hardly glowing: it mandates the hijab, has made it illegal to travel without a male guardian, and refused to ban physical or sexual abuse within the family.


The response among the majority of groups committed to ending violence against women and girls (VAWG) was threefold: to keep quiet, to disbelieve the victims, or to insinuate they deserved their fate. In the words of 140 American “prominent feminist scholars”, to stand in solidarity with Israeli women is to give in to “colonial feminism”.


Here in the UK, this approach is perhaps best embodied in the work of Sisters Uncut, a charity that boasts its own “Feministo” committed to “taking direct action for domestic violence services”. Until this month, the activists’ work has generally taken the form of media-savvy stunts: dyeing the water of Trafalgar Square’s fountains red, setting off rape alarms outside police stations, occupying the roofs of council buildings. Yet all paled in comparison to the demonstration it organised earlier this month: a call for Israel to put down its weapons that ultimately shut down London’s Liverpool Street Station.


Afterwards, the charity issued a 600-word statement, filled with references to “apartheid”, “genocide” and disproved reports that the IDF had bombed Gaza’s Al-Ahli hospital. There was no mention, however, of the 239 abducted Israelis, roughly 100 of whom are believed to be women, or the sexual assaults that took place on October 7. When journalist Hadley Freeman pointed out this wasn’t terribly feminist of them, the group responded by claiming reports of Hamas’s sex attacks amounted to “the Islamophobic and racist weaponisation of sexual violence”. Towards the end of their rambling statement, they concluded: “no people would ever accept being murdered, humiliated, dispossessed, racially targeted, oppressed, cleansed, exiled and colonised without resisting.”


Other feminist groups fell into a similar victim-blaming step. Southall Black Sisters, another charity committed to ending violence against women, did at least mourn the loss of life on both sides, but blamed it on “the Israeli government’s declaration of war on Gaza”. Elsewhere, Women for Women UK, which specialises in helping “women survivors of war” and calls itself a “non-partisan organisation”, has decided to raise money only for Palestinian women. Even Women’s Place UK, once viewed as an outlier for its brave campaigning for women-only spaces, decided to call for an “immediate ceasefire” without mentioning sexual violence.


In fact, the only VAWG charity in the UK to call out Hamas’s sexual violence was Jewish Women’s Aid. “Such acts have a permanent impact on survivors and damaging psychological effects on women, particularly women who are victim-survivors of sexual violence,” it said in a statement. “The public silence from many UK domestic/sexual abuse sector organisations further impacts the isolation and fear our clients are experiencing.”


For one British Jewish VAWG worker, who has been in the sector for 20 years, the silence of other organisations was to be expected: “I have seen this become a real thing in the last few years — where ideas are imported from America: that if you are white, you will always be the oppressor. If you are working for one of these charities, you are used to a victim/perpetrator narrative which is normally true in the domestic violence context, but not when it comes to geopolitics.”


She describes how, during mandatory training at the last charity she worked for, her team was told that Jews don’t experience racism. “Incredibly, they used the Second World War as an example of racism, but of anti-black racism because of how people from the West Indies were treated.”


For those whose daughters have been abducted by Hamas, the sense of betrayal is palpable. “It is unbelievable that groups like the Red Cross and UN Women are doing nothing to help our people,” Keren Sharf Shem, whose 21-year-old French-Israeli daughter Mia was kidnapped from the Nova music festival, tells me. “It is right that the people of Gaza are getting humanitarian aid, but we deserve the same… I know from a message Mia sent to a friend that she was shot in the leg. She also has a medical condition, and the hostage video showed her after surgery for an operation on her arm. That was weeks ago — I don’t know whether she is still alive. And there are other sick people there, as well as babies and a pregnant woman. Too many people seem to have forgotten them.”


To remedy this, Israeli feminists this week launched #MeToo_Unless_Ur_A_Jew, a campaign calling for the UN Women group to focus on the gender-based violence against Israeli women. “The UN Women is turning a blind eye to Hamas’s vicious war crimes by remaining silent,” they said.


In a similar vein, Claire Waxman, London’s first Victims’ Commissioner, wrote to Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls, to ask why the organisation has stayed silent. In response, Waxman tells me, Alsalem claimed the evidence was “not solid” enough to warrant a statement. An incredulous Waxman points out that November 25 is the UN’s International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls: “How can we talk about eliminating violence against women and girls if we are tacitly saying it’s acceptable to rape Jewish ones?”


To counter this narrative, the Civil Commission on October 7 Crimes by Hamas Against Women and Children was also founded this week, and is currently collecting testimony about Hamas’s atrocities, ranging from victim reports and eyewitness accounts to footage released by Hamas itself. Many of those raped are dead or abducted; others are too traumatised to speak. But the story that has begun to emerge is unbearable in its horror — one of gang rape of women and children, of the dead bodies of women being hacked during or after sexual assault, and of genital mutilation.


Nachman Dyksztejna, a Ukrainian-Israeli, is one of those whose testimony bears witness to these horrors. A volunteer first responder with an organisation called Zaka, he was sent to several scenes of the massacre, including the site of Nova festival and several kibbutzim. To avoid repeating his trauma, Zaka recorded his statement alongside psychological support and sent me a written translation. Zaka also provided photographs that corroborate his descriptions. (The editors of this publication have also seen them.)


Dyksztejna’s testimony — reproduced in the next two paragraphs — is among the most harrowing I have read, and can be skipped if necessary:

“In Kibbutz Be’eri, I witnessed bodies of two women with their hands and legs tied to a bed. One of these bodies we found was sexually terrorised with a knife stuck in her vagina and all her internal organs removed. After brutally violating these women, Hamas detonated the house on them, so we found them beneath a pile of stones.

“The mini shelters scattered from the Nova party site to road 34, shelters that had been broken into, were filled with piles of women. Their clothing was torn on the upper part, but their bottoms were completely naked. Piles and piles of women, dead bodies, lying this way. When you took a closer look at their heads, you saw a single shot straight to the brain of each.”

In 1945, Dimbleby broke down several times while making his report about Belsen. “I passed through the barrier and found myself in the world of a nightmare,” he explained. But he knew he had to bear witness to the horror — just as Israelis today feel they have no choice but to report what they have seen. But when videos created by the perpetrators aren’t deemed “solid” evidence, is that enough? For so long the mantra for feminist organisations has been to “believe her”. Yet as the past month has revealed, it only goes so far — and becomes meaningless if you live in Israel.

Nicole Lampert is a freelance journalist who writes about arts and politics. nicolelampert



The Silence From International Bodies Over Hamas’ Mass Rapes Is a Betrayal of All Women | Opinion

Nov 22November2023
By Michal Herzog
First Lady of the State of Israel


Two days after the horrific Hamas attack of October 7, I met Rotem, a young mother of two small children from a Kibbutz on the Gaza border. I held my breath as she recounted how she ran with her children to hide while terrorists rampaged through their home, how they made it to the safe room and desperately held the door, praying the terrorists wouldn’t enter.


Her terror echoed accounts I’ve heard from abused women, except now the threat was not from a violent husband. And Rotem was not alone; she is one of thousands of Israeli women who simultaneously faced murder and rape by Hamas terrorists on that fateful day.


At the President of Israel’s Residence in Jerusalem, we are preparing for the day the United Nations General Assembly has designated the International Day for the Prevention of Violence against Women, which is observed every November 25. Every year, I host victims, civil-society leaders, activists, and scholars committed to women’s rights and safety on this day.


But this year will be different. Many things changed on October 7 when thousands of Hamas terrorists massacred Israeli families, burnt children and the elderly, and kidnapped hostages. This deeply impacted our visceral understanding of the cruelty of gender-based sexual violence—and our faith in the international organizations that claim to care about women.


It took me several days to grasp the monstrous nature and scale of violence suffered specifically by women on October 7. My first realization came when meeting volunteers of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers who discreetly told me of conversations with survivors. They heard testimonies that shocked them to the core.

 Israel’s First Lady Michal Herzog on a visit to the Levinstein Rehabilitation Center, embraces Noam, who was injured in the the NOVA music festival attack on October 7. Bar Netzer

Israel’s First Lady Michal Herzog on a visit to the Levinstein Rehabilitation Center, embraces Noam, who was injured in the the NOVA music festival attack on October 7. Bar Netzer

At the Nova music festival, where more than 350 young people were slaughtered and dozens kidnapped, witnesses hiding in the bushes saw terrorists gang-rape, then murder and mutilate women. A Hamas video from a kibbutz shows terrorists torturing a pregnant woman and removing her fetus. Our forensic scientists have found bodies of women and girls raped with such violence that their pelvic bones were broken. Those of us unlucky enough to have seen video evidence broadcast by the terrorists themselves witnessed the body of a naked woman paraded through Gaza, and another, still alive, in bloodied pants held captive at gunpoint being pulled into a jeep by her hair. This evidence, along with the explicit recorded confessions of captured terrorists, makes abundantly clear that mass rape was a premeditated part of Hamas’s plan.


And this crime is ongoing: The 240 hostages held in Gaza include many women and girls, and only when they are released will we know what they have endured.


In the 1990s, international agencies and legal experts finally began to see violence against women as a particular category of war crime. Organizations like UN Women exist to protect women from such crimes, while Israeli experts and activists have been involved in these international efforts. Thus, our second shock: The inconceivable and unforgiveable silence of these organizations when faced with the rape and murder of Israeli women.

 The parents and relatives of children kidnapped on October 7, along with families of hostages and their supporters take part in a demonstration outside the UNICEF headquarters to protest their silence to 40 children held hostage in Gaza on World’s Children Day on November 20, 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Hamas and Israel leaders have both indicated progress is being made to release hostages taken after October 7. Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images

The parents and relatives of children kidnapped on October 7, along with families of hostages and their supporters take part in a demonstration outside the UNICEF headquarters to protest their silence to 40 children held hostage in Gaza on World’s Children Day on November 20, 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Hamas and Israel leaders have both indicated progress is being made to release hostages taken after October 7. Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images

It is not that condemnations of gender-based violence by Hamas have been weak or insufficient – there have been none at all. Statement after statement by organizations like UN Women, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) have failed to condemn these crimes. They failed us, and all women, at this critical moment.


As a woman and a mother, my heart goes out to women and children in Gaza suffering the consequences of the war started by Hamas. I believe they deserve aid and support. But this does not mean the erasure of the atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7. The silence of international human rights organizations, and the unwillingness to believe Israeli women in the face of overwhelming evidence has been devastating.


For the Israelis who have always been on the forefront of the fight for women’s rights worldwide, this was a moment of crushing disappointment. A disappointment shared with me by one of our most prominent women’s rights advocates, Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, a former CEDAW vice-chair.

 Israel's First Lady, Michal Herzog Igal Slavin

Israel’s First Lady, Michal Herzog Igal Slavin


“I knew it would be difficult to get them to issue a reasonable statement,” she said of the UN committee in a Harvard Medical School video conference., “but never did I imagine that when faced with such undeniable atrocities – given the very purpose for which they have been established,– – that they would actually resort to not acknowledging it at all.”


Ignoring the “unprecedented, premeditated and extreme cruelty of the sexual violence committed by Hamas,” Prof. Halperin-Kaddari added, meant not only failing Israeli women but failing the entire international human rights system. “I still am a believer in this system. But this was a huge blow to this belief.”

I agree with every word.

To mark this year’s International Day for the Prevention of Violence against Women, Israeli women – Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Druze – will gather at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem. We will meet in the lingering shock of the violation of our rights, and with the profound sense that all of us who believe in those rights have been betrayed.


Yet we will persist in presenting the truth to the world and to every human rights organization. We owe it not only to our own victims, but to all women who will face these crimes in the future and must know that they are not alone.

Michal Herzog is First Lady of the State of Israel.

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.



UN Women took 1,176 hours to respond

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25November2023-UN Women took 7Weeks to respond
7 weeks.
49 days.
1,176 hours.

That’s how long it took @UNWomen to issue a statement condemning the raping and sodomy of Jewish women.

7 weeks.
49 days.
1,176 hours to denounce these horrors.

Because they’re Jews.

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25November2023-UN Women took 7 Weeks to respond

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25November2023-UN Women took 7 Weeks to respond


This is a “Form Letter” sent to both Gaza and Israel. @UN_Women DO NOT CARE about women.






After backlash over silence, UN Women tweets, then deletes, statement condemning Hamas attack in Israel


Israeli women protest outside UN Headquarters in Jerusalem, Nov. 27, 2023. (Flash90)

Israeli women protest outside UN Headquarters in Jerusalem, Nov. 27, 2023. (Flash90)

(JTA) — Nearly 50 days after Hamas’ attack on Israel left 1,200 dead, and after weeks of criticism over its silence about allegations of sexual violence during the attack, the  women’s rights group UN Women issued a statement condemning the terror group on Friday.

Then it deleted the post.

“We condemn the brutal attacks by Hamas on October 7 and continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages,” read the initial statement, posted on UN Women’s instagram page. It was soon replaced with a statement that dropped the condemnation of Hamas and only called for the release of the hostages.


Word spread quickly among Jewish women activists and Israelis, reigniting their contention that UN Women — an official arm of the United Nations focused on promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment — holds a double standard when it comes to gender-based violence against Israeli women. Some of the critics — including Sheryl Sandberg, a former top Meta executive — have lobbied openly on the topic. Many have used the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew.”


Reached for comment, UN Women told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the Instagram post had been scheduled in advance and was deleted because the message in it no longer reflected where the organization wanted to put its main focus.


“In any social media team managing multiple campaigns and during a very busy time like the one we are now with 16 Days of Activism, mistakes can occur,” a representative for UN Women said in a statement sent to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.


In particular, said the media specialist, the release of some hostages over the weekend as part of a temporary truce changed the organization’s priorities.


“UN Women social media team had pre-planned days in advance [of] this particular post, but then the news broke on the release of hostages and we really wanted to focus on that,” she said. “UN Women has condemned the attacks by Hamas and the deaths of Israeli civilians from the beginning as well as called for the release of hostages, and we will continue doing so until the conflict ends. We have also called for all allegations of gender-based violence to be rigorously investigated, prioritizing the rights, needs, and safety of those affected.”


In late October, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza but voted down a provision condemning the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks. On Monday, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, held a session on crimes against humanity committed against women during the Oct. 7 massacre.


After an initial statement on Oct. 13 condemning the attacks on civilians in Israel, all of UN Women’s public comments about the war and its impact on women had centered only on Palestinians. Last week, Sima Bahous, the group’s executive director, called for an extension of the current temporary truce into a permanent ceasefire and for the release of all hostages.


The National Council for Jewish Women, which had previously criticized UN Women’s silence on sexual violence against Israeli women, said the group’s second statement last week was inadequate.


“The delayed issuance of a statement that fails to explicitly address the severity of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel — such as the brutal murder of over 1,200 people in Israel, torture, and rape of women, as well as the targeting of civilians and families — is equally reprehensible,” the statement said. “Immediate and unequivocal acknowledgment of these atrocities is imperative, given the blatant violation of international law.”


This is a “Form Letter” sent to both Gaza and Israel. @UN_Women DO NOT CARE about women.






Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at UN Women and Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi

Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at UN Women and Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi

Exposed: UN Women Deputy Chief Endorsed 153 Tweets Attacking Israel & Zionism

18December2023 United Nations


A top official of UN Women addressed the United Nations by webcam from her home with a large “Palestine” poster and flag showing in the background, and since the October 7th Hamas massacre she has publicly endorsed 153 anti-Israel and anti-Zionist tweets, revealed a Swiss watchdog group today.


Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at UN Women, should be fired for her blatant and systematic violations of the the UN’s minimal requirements of neutrality and impartiality, said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, an independent non-governmental organization based in Geneva that released the following report documenting her partisan political activity.

Hillel Neuer-tweet-18December2023-Meet Sarah Douglas-UN Women
Meet Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at neutral UN Women. Last week she spoke to the UN from home next to a giant “Palestine” poster. Turns out she’s also endorsed 153 tweets since Oct. 7 accusing Israel of “genocide” & other sins: 🧵

Hillel Neuer-tweet-18December2023-Meet Sarah Douglas-UN Women

Hillel Neuer-tweet-18December2023-Meet Sarah Douglas-UN Women

Sarah Douglas’ Political Activity Violates UN Impartiality

Sarah Douglas’ overt political activity, including her public endorsement of extreme statements by politicians and political organizations, as detailed below, amount to a material breach of her UN obligation to be neutral and impartial.  Article 101(3) of the UN Charter states that the “paramount consideration” in employing staff is “securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity.” The concept of integrity under the core values of the UN Staff Rules and Staff Regulations includes “impartiality.” Specifically, under Rule 1.2(f), UN staff are expressly prohibited from making “any kind of public pronouncement” that may adversely reflect on their independence and impartiality. While UN staff members may exercise the right to vote, they are prohibited from engaging in any political activity that reflects adversely upon “the independence and impartiality required by their status as international civil servants.”

Repeatedly Accused Israel of “Genocide”

Sarah Douglas liked a tweet by the Palestinian Feminist Collective accusing “the forces of empire” of helping Israel to commit “genocide” and “annihilate the Palestinian people.”


Similarly, Douglas has repeatedly liked tweets accusing America of funding and arming “the genocide of Palestinians” and “the genocide in Gaza.”


Likewise, she liked many tweets accusing Israel of “war crimes against the people of Gaza” and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.


By contrast, the UN Women’s Deputy Chief of Peace and Security failed to like a single tweet condemning Hamas for its open calls for genocide, including its pledges to repeat the October 7th mass murder, torture and rape of Israelis.

Sarah Douglas liked 11December2023-Genocide-Gaza-JVP

Sarah Douglas liked 11December2023-Genocide-Gaza-JVP


Sarah Douglas liked 15December2023-JVP-US-funding-genocide

Sarah Douglas liked 15December2023-JVP-US-funding-genocide


Sarah Douglas liked 16October2023-JPal-Fem-Collective-genocide

Sarah Douglas liked 16October2023-JPal-Fem-Collective-genocide


Falsely Accused Israel of Bombing Hospital

Douglas liked the tweet by UN Women chief Sima Bahous which falsely implied that Israel attacked the Al Ahli Arab Hospital on October 17th and “strongly condemned” the strike that “killed and injured hundreds of civilians.” In fact, the rocket was from Islamic Jihad; it did not hit the hospital but the parking lot of the courtyard; and the actual casualties were a fraction of that amount. The tweet was never deleted and remains on Douglas’ feed of liked tweets.


Celebrated Shutdown of American Bridges and Highways, Takeover of Party Conventions

Sarah Douglas liked tweets that celebrate shutting down bridges and highways in eight American cities.

She liked a tweet by IfNotNow celebrating the takeover of the California Democratic Convention to protest “the mass murder of Palestinians.”


And she liked a tweet by “Jewish Voice for Peace Action” that celebrated their shutting down of the Democratic National Committee headquarters.


Palestine Poster

Speaking via webcam from her home, Sarah Douglas addressed a UN meeting last week next to a large “Palestine” poster with the colors of the Palestinian flag. This is in breach of the UN rule that speakers show only a neutral background.

Sarah Douglas addressed a UN meeting

Sarah Douglas addressed a UN meeting


Openly Endorsed “Squad” Politicians Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC

Sarah Douglas likes numerous tweets of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Bernie Sanders and other far-left politicians.

Douglas liked a tweet by Rashida Tlaib claiming that “Israel is starving Gaza.”

She liked a tweet by AOC calling to condition aid to Israel, and others about pressing the Biden administration for a ceasefire and preventing the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians.

She liked a tweet by “IfNotNow” endorsing pressure on Senator Warren.


She liked a tweet by “Jewish Voice for Peace Action” which thanked 13 named Democratic members of Congress for opposing H. Res. 894, which condemnied the drastic rise of antisemitism in America. So a UN official is openly supporting and opposing specific votes in the US Congress and at the UN.


She also liked tweets by numerous other far-left and politicians who attack or criticize Israel, including Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush and Bernie Sanders.


Endorsed Code Pink and Other Radical Groups

Despite her obligation to be neutral in her public pronouncements, Sarah Douglas supports radical groups like Code Pink, liking their tweet that accused US Senators Graham and Rubio “and other AIPAC $$$ recipients” over the violence they’re backing against Palestinians, accusing them of “hate and lies.” She liked another Code Pink tweet that celebrated shutting down Chicago’s main highway to “free Palestine.”


Douglas repeatedly liked tweets by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), a Geneva-based group that was long accused of being a Soviet front organization, and whose officials went to Libya in 1992 to sing praises of the “Gaddafi Human Rights Prize.” Douglas liked a WILPF tweet accusing Israel of “apartheid policies” which is allegedly a “feminist demand.”


She also routinely liked tweets from additional NGOs and lobby groups that advocate what Hamas wants, including tweets by Democratic Socialists and Amnesty International.


Promoted Fringe Jewish Groups That Oppose Israel and Zionism


Douglas has a particular fondness for liking tweets by fringe Jewish individuals or groups that condemn Israel.


She liked numerous posts by “Jewish Voices for Peace,” including one tweet saying “We’re proud anti-Zionistsm,” with the image of a placard reading, “Zionism breaks every single Jewish value.”


She liked a tweet by IfNotNow promoting their “#JewsForCeasefire” campaign.


In violation of UN rules against overt partisan political activity, Sarah Douglas openly engaged in political campaigning by publicly liking numerous posts such as a tweet by “Jewish Voice for Peace Action” lobbying for the US government to change its policy and demand a ceasefire, which read:  “Keep writing, keep calling, keep pushing. Check our tracker… to see who in Congress is working to save lives.”


Liked an article by radical academic who invoked his Jewish identity to accuse Israel of “genocide” and “Jewish supremacy.”


Intervened On UN Votes, Rebuked Countries For Not Backing Anti-Israel Resolutions


UN employees do not comment on country votes in UN bodies. For example, when the UN Secretary-General is asked about the UN election of dictatorships to the Human Rights Council and women’s rights bodies, he systematically declines to comment.


By contrast, Douglas has repeatedly endorsed tweets rebuking member states for their UN votes that she opposes. She liked a tweet by the group Karama which criticized “states who claim to support women’s rights looking the other way on violence against Palestinian women.” Similarly, she  liked an AOC tweet slamming a US vote in the Security Council.


Notably, Sarah Douglas has never liked tweets criticizing country votes on any other matter.


Her “Hero” is Antisemitic Denier of Hamas Massacre


Sarah Douglas tweeted a photo of herself with former PLO official and spokeswoman, gushing that she was “So excited to meet one of my sheroes today: Dr Hanan Ashrawi!!”


In fact, Ashrawi is someone who has promoted antisemitic blood libels, falsely accusing Israel of throwing a Palestinian child into a well. Ashrawi founded an organization, Miftah, that claims Jews consume Christian blood, and which praises suicide bombers.


Speaking on Sky News, Ashrawi recently justified the Hamas massacre and mass rape of October 7th, saying, “This was a deliberate act of resisting an occupation army.”



UN International Women's Day-Oct. 7 Rape Report-Israel_Hayom_EN

UN International Women’s Day-Oct. 7 Rape Report-Israel_Hayom_EN

After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by UN, UN gives Oct 7 Rape Report

Israel Katz-tweet-6March2024-critical to hear your voice as international women leaders
Distinguished women leaders, Following the publication of the @UN report on sexual violence committed by the Hamas terror organization, it is critical to hear your voice as international women leaders, in order to put an end to the atrocities that Israeli women are going through in the captivity of the Hamas.

#BringThemHome 🎗️

@VP @HillaryClinton @GiorgiaMeloni @Statsmin @katrinjak @nmusar @ZuzanaCaputova @SerbianPM @kajakallas @Zourabichvili_S @XiomaraCastroZ @EvikaSilina @IngridaSimonyte @sandumaiamd @KristoBorjana @DameSandraMason @Sheikh_Hasinaa @presidenciaperu @SigridKaag @MinColonna @KensingtonRoyal @MichelleObama @ABaerbock @melaniejoly @Kamikawa_Yoko @HankeBruinsSlot @hadjalahbib @Odobes1Luminita @GabrielMariya @gabisommerfeld @DianaMondino @SenatorWong @elinavaltonen

Israel Katz-tweet-6March2024-critical to hear your voice as international women leaders

Israel Katz-tweet-6March2024-critical to hear your voice as international women leaders


United Nations-tweet-5March2024-7 Oct attack by Hamas
In context of 7 Oct attack by Hamas & others, UN special representative for @endrapeinwar finds reasonable grounds to believe sexual violence occurred in multiple locations.

She also finds sexual violence committed against hostages & may still be ongoing.
Malkah Fleisher-tweet-5March2024-After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to
After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by you:


🇮🇱 Am Yisrael Chai

Malkah Fleisher-tweet-5March2024-After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by you

Malkah Fleisher-tweet-5March2024-After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by you


Jessica S-tweet-5March2024-67 Different Men Raped her
You know it occurred in multiple locations the DAY IT HAPPENED they filmed themselves doing it and you have had the evidence all along ! Shame on you for taking months to recognize the atrocities that have had an are still happening.

Jessica S-tweet-5March2024-67 Different Men Raped her

Jessica S-tweet-5March2024-67 Different Men Raped her



Israel forbids doctors from speaking to the antisemitic UN Human Rights Council


Israel forbids doctors from speaking to UN group investigating Oct. 7 atrocities

Officials say commission of inquiry formed by UN Human Rights Council in 2021 is led by three people with antisemitic and anti-Israel views

By Renee Ghert-Zand 16 January 2024,

Click on the Title for the full article

Demonstrators gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. (Carli Fogel)

Demonstrators gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. (Carli Fogel)

JerusalemCats Comments:
The UN Human Rights Council Commission of inquiry to investigating Oct. 7 atrocities of Hamas on Israel is led by three people with antisemitic and anti-Israel views. Israel forbids doctors from speaking to the commission.
The UNHRC has a very long history of antisemitism

he U.N. Human Rights Council is made up of human rights violating thugs who are against Israel. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.

he U.N. Human Rights Council is made up of human rights violating thugs who are against Israel. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.


The U.N. Human Rights Council

The U.N. Human Rights Council


Hillel Neuer-tweet-20September2021-The U.N. Human Rights Council
The U.N. Human Rights Council—whose members include China, Cuba, Libya, Eritrea, Mauritania, Pakistan, Russia and Somalia (soon to be joined by Qatar, Malaysia & Kazakhstan)—is a key supporter of this week’s Durban 4 racism conference which has a tainted history of antisemitism.


Hillel Neuer-tweet-20September2021-The U.N. Human Rights Council

Hillel Neuer-tweet-20September2021-The U.N. Human Rights Council




UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter to put pressure on Israel

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-December 6, 2023-UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter
Today, the Secretary-General has reached a new moral low. He writes that he is activating, for the first time, Article 99 of the UN Charter in relation to the Israel-Hamas war, an article that can only be invoked in a situation where international peace and security are threatened.

The Secretary-General decided to activate this rare clause only when it allows him to put pressure on Israel, which is fighting the Nazi Hamas terrorists. This is more proof of the Secretary-General’s moral distortion and his bias against Israel.

The Secretary-General’s call for a ceasefire is actually a call to keep Hamas’ reign of terror in Gaza. Instead of the Secretary-General explicitly pointing to Hamas’ responsibility for the situation and calling on the terrorist leaders to turn themselves in and return the hostages, thus ending the war, the Secretary-General chooses to continue playing into Hamas’ hands.

The distorted positions of the Secretary-General only prolong the fighting in Gaza, because they give hope to the Hamas terrorists that the war will be stopped and they will be able to survive. I again call on the Secretary-General to resign immediately – the UN needs a Secretary-General who supports the war on terror, not a Secretary-General who acts according to the script written by Hamas.


Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-December 6, 2023-UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-December 6, 2023-UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter

the Reaction

Eli Cohen-tweet-6December2023-Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace
Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace.
His request to activate Article 99 and the call for a cease fire in Gaza constitutes support of the Hamas terrorist organization and an endorsement of the murder of the elderly, the abduction of babies and the rape of women.
Anyone who supports world peace must support the liberation of Gaza from Hamas

Eli Cohen-tweet-6December2023-Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace

Eli Cohen-tweet-6December2023-Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace




UN General Assembly rejects motion to condemn Hamas, calls for ceasefire



The UN General Assembly adopted an Arab-drafted resolution today calling for a “humanitarian truce” in Gaza, after rejecting a Canadian amendment that would have condemned the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas and demanded immediate release of hostages taken by Hamas.


Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan called it “a day that will go down in infamy.”

The resolution was adopted by a vote of 120 to 14 with 45 abstentions.

Outrageously, the resolution failed to condemn Hamas for its October 7th massacre of 1400 Israelis, or for its abduction of more than 200 Israelis including children and babies, or even to mention the word Hamas.


The resolution also failed to recognize Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens against terrorism.

The resolution calls for “immediate, full, sustained, safe and unhindered humanitarian access…to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid” but, as noted by the Czech Republic, doesn’t provide assurances that this will not be abused by Hamas and other terrorists.


The text also calls on Israel, “the occupying power,” to rescind its order to evacuate northern Gaza.

Prior to taking action on the resolution, an amendment led by Canada did not pass, as it failed to reach the required two-thirds majority. That amendment would have “unequivocally reject[ed] and condemn[ed] the terrorist attacks by Hamas that took place in Israel starting on 7 October 2023 and the taking of hostages.”


UN Watch-tweet-27October2023-LIST OF SHAME: These EU countries just joined Iran, Syria and Russia in voting for a resolution that fails to name Hamas or specifically call for release of hostages.
Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland,Norway


UN Watch-tweet-27October2023-LIST OF SHAME: These EU countries just joined Iran, Syria and Russia in voting for a resolution that fails to name Hamas or specifically call for release of hostages. Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Norway

UN Watch-tweet-27October2023-LIST OF SHAME: These EU countries just joined Iran, Syria and Russia in voting for a resolution that fails to name Hamas or specifically call for release of hostages.
Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Norway


UN Watch-tweet-28October2023-Proving Abba Eban’s timeless observation: “If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring the earth was flat and Israel had flattened it, it would pass by 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.” This UN text fails to condemn the Hamas massacre or to support Israel’s right to self-defence.
United Nations-tweet–27October2023-
120 in favor
14 against
45 abstentions

Countries adopt resolution calling for immediate & sustained humanitarian truce in the Middle East during an Emergency Special Session of

UN Watch-tweet-28October2023-Proving Abba Eban's timeless observation

UN Watch-tweet-28October2023-Proving Abba Eban’s timeless observation

[EDD: The Reaction]


Hillel Neuer-tweet-28October2023-
BREAKING: 🇨🇿 Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová has just called to leave the UN for cheering Hamas terrorists. “Exactly 3 weeks ago, Hamas murdered over 1400 Israelis, more victims for their population than the militant Islamist organization al-Qaeda murdered in the US on 9/11. And only 14 countries, including ours, have spoken out clearly and understandably against this unprecedented terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas terrorists! I am ashamed of the UN. In my opinion, the Czech Republic has no place in an organization that cheers on terrorists and does not respect the fundamental right to self-defence. Let’s get out.”

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28October2023-Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová has just called to leave the UN

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28October2023-Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová has just called to leave the UN


Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs logo

The 1975 “Zionism Is Racism” Resolution: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of a Libel

Dr. Yohanan Manor
May 2, 2010

No. 97

  • The singling out of Zionism as a supposed form of racism was a device invented by the Soviet Union to justify its refusal to condemn anti-Semitism during the negotiation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in the mid-1960s.
  • The failure of the Soviet-Arab strategy to expel Israel from the United Nations and replace it with Palestine led to the adoption in 1975 of UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX), which determined that “Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.”
  • For almost a decade, Israel and the Jewish people remained passive and did not attempt to challenge Resolution 3379. They greatly underestimated its impact and the damage it caused all over the world,  expecting unrealistically that it would fade away by dint of its sheer inanity.
  • The resolution’s revocation in 1991 was not an inevitable outcome of the end of the Cold War but was achieved mainly by convincing the United States to take the lead on the issue; the ostensible UN “automatic majority” was a manifestation of lack of leadership. Today, the efforts to undermine Israel’s legitimacy come mainly from an NGO network inspired and supported by Israel’s enemies, calling for a new counterstrategy.


United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975, defining Zionism as a form of racism, was revoked by the General Assembly sixteen years later on 16 December 1991.


The story of the rise and fall of this libel teaches a good deal about the role of anti-Semitism in international politics, its paralyzing effect on both the Jewish state and the Jewish people, and how such a libel was finally challenged successfully. Since the revocation of 3379, Israel’s international standing and legitimacy have steadily improved, increasing its ability to thwart ongoing attempts to negate its legitimacy.


How It Began

The idea of having Zionism condemned by the United Nations originated with the Soviet Union in the mid-1960s, before the Six Day War. It stemmed from the Soviet refusal to have anti-Semitism condemned by the UN. Since the Soviet Union could not openly voice such a position, it conditioned its acceptance of condemning anti-Semitism on a demand to condemn Zionism and Nazism. This occurred in 1964 and 1965 during the negotiation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination within the framework of the UN Commission on Human Rights.[1]


The Six Day War inflicted a severe blow on the Soviet Union’s weaponry and prestige, and it subsequently developed a more militant policy to regain and enlarge its influence in the Middle East. This policy was based on a near-total backing of the PLO. It was expected that this backing would bring both the “Arab street” and the Arab states to the Soviet Union’s side. This scheme went well and enabled the Soviet Union to gain strongholds in the Middle East, notably in Syria and Egypt, which were on the verge of becoming Soviet colonies.


The expulsion of the Soviet advisers from Egypt, the Israeli-Egyptian disengagement negotiations of November 1973, and the Israeli-Syrian disengagement agreement of May 1974 with the active involvement of the United States, apparently led to a Soviet-PLO plan to bring about Israel’s expulsion from the United Nations, with the PLO taking its place.[2]

On 22 November 1974, the PLO obtained UN observer status as a national liberation movement. In August 1975, the Organization of African Unity explicitly referred to depriving Israel of “its status as member.” At the General Assembly on 1 October 1975, Ugandan dictator Idi Amin called upon


the people of the United States of America…to rid their society from the Zionists in order that the true citizens of this nation may control their own destiny and exploit the natural resources of their country to their own benefit. I call for the expulsion of Israel from the United Nations and the extinction of Israel as a state so that the territorial integrity of Palestine may be ensured and upheld.[3]


In parallel, the Soviet Union and the PLO advanced an initiative to bring about a condemnation of Zionism. In December 1973, for the first time, Zionism was associated with racism in a General Assembly resolution on South Africa’s apartheid policy, condemning in particular “the unholy alliance between Portuguese colonialism, South African racism, Zionism and Israeli imperialism.”[4]


In July 1975, the Soviet Union and the PLO succeeded to have Zionism explicitly condemned at the UN International Women’s Year conference in Mexico City, which stressed in its final declaration that “Peace requires the elimination of colonialism, neocolonialism, foreign occupation, Zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms.”[5] In August 1975, the Organization of African Unity in Kampala stated that “the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regime in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin…organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being”; while the Non-Aligned conference in Lima “severely condemned Zionism as a threat to world peace.”


Stern Western, above all American, opposition to Israel’s expulsion or suspension, notably an American warning that such a move would force the United States to reassess its UN membership,[6] thwarted this initiative – but also much increased the eagerness to advance a substitute for it, namely, the condemnation of Zionism as racism. This was formally achieved first within the framework of the Third Committee of the General Assembly on 16 October 1975, and then on 10 November 1975 by the GA plenary with Resolution 3379 (XXX), which “Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.” The Soviet-Arab coalition won by 72-35 with two abstentions.


Although this result was far from resounding and fell short of the one hundred and more votes this coalition was used to obtaining at the General Assembly, it was followed by an explosion of joy. As Judge Hadassa Ben Ito, then a member of the Israeli delegation to this session, strikingly described this:


It was not only an excitement. The hatred was crawling on the floor. People embraced as if they had won the biggest victory of their lives…. We felt like pariahs. It is not only a sentimental reflection…. We should know that it was not just another resolution of the United Nations. Somebody like myself, who has never really felt personally attacked by, or maligned by an act of anti-Semitism, really felt it physically while sitting there.[7]


Two procedural attempts to postpone the debate and the vote on the draft resolution were rejected. In the Third Committee, a motion put forth by Sierra Leone was defeated by 68-45. In the plenary, a Belgian motion was rejected by 67-55, with fifteen abstentions and five absences.


It is likely that a resolute and coordinated effort by the United States, Canada, Australia, Western Europe, and Latin American and African countries could have mustered the additional votes necessary to secure a postponement (see Table 1). But this did not occur, probably, on the one hand, out of relief that the most ominous threat, Israel’s expulsion from the United Nations, had been foiled, and on the other, out of the inner conviction that this farfetched, aberrant, and shameful resolution from “Um-shmum” – a play on words coined by David Ben-Gurion to express the UN’s impotency -would actually have no palpable weight and the UN would do its best to forget it.


Table 1: Voting Patterns on Resolution 3379 by Blocs

UN Body

Third Committee

Third Committee

Assembly Plenum

Assembly Plenum

Motions and resolutions

Sierra Leone





postponement motion




















Western    21










Latin America 26















Eastern Europe   10








Other Communist

countries 5






League   20





Muslim Countries 6







African  38

















Middle Eastern    5









Asians   11














Total    142















<p ” align=”center”>32


Note: Y=Yes; N=No; An=Abstain; 4 As=Absent.

Source: Yohanan Manor, To Right a Wrong (New York: Shengold, 1996), 56.

The Jewish World’s Passive Posture

Except for the African American lawyer Eleanor Holmes-Norton’s statement[8] days after the resolution’s adoption that “an international committee of women had been set up to annul [it],” there was no other attempt, not even an Israeli or Jewish one, to act for its revocation. Instead, the Israeli and Jewish world viewed the resolution with disdain. For instance, soon after the adoption Rabbi Israel Miller, then chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, was told by the Israeli embassy to “ignore the whole issue, since it was nonsense.”[9] Israel expected that this nonsense would go away by itself and that disregard would achieve this result. This position, which was maintained for almost a decade, was itself sheer nonsense.


During 1976-1984 the “Zionism is racism” resolution was reiterated time and again, sometimes by even larger majorities (see Table 2). In 1980, at the United Nations’ Second World Conference on Women in Copenhagen, the notion of eliminating Zionism was for the first time included in an operative document, “The Program of Action for the Second Half of the UN Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace.” This meant that the administrative units of the UN secretary-general, notably the Office of Public Information, would have to include the defamation of Zionism in their activities.

Table 2: Resolutions on 3379 Adopted by International Bodies, 1976-1984


International body








UN Conference on Human Settlement







UN World Conference to Combat Racism








“Inadmissibility of hegemonism”

New York






Non-Aligned Movement




UN World Conference on Women







International Youth and Student Movement for the UN






Non-Alignment Movement

New Delhi



OAU, African Charter of Human Rights




UNGA on “Living conditions of the Palestinian people”

New York






UNESCO Conference on Cultural Policies







UN World Conference to Combat Racism







UN-sponsored Conference on Palestine




Non-Aligned Movement Summit

New Delhi



International Parliamentary Union






Source: Yohanan Manor, To Right a Wrong (New York: Shengold, 1996), 63.


After the resolution’s adoption, Zionism began to assume “mythical proportions in international discourse as a global cause of most world problems.” This trend was not confined to Arab-Muslim countries and the Third World; it also substantially penetrated Western circles, especially universities. For instance, in Britain in 1976 and 1977, eight student unions adopted “Zionism is racism” resolutions, openly flouting previously held policies not to deal with the Middle East.[10] Subsequently several student unions, such as those at the University of York and the University of Salford, decided to strike Jewish societies from their registers and to restrict their activities.


Some U.S. universities refused to invite lecturers recommended by Jewish organizations on the ground that most Jews were Zionists and, as Zionism was racism, Jews were racists. At the University of California at Riverside, Arab students prevented Jews from attending a program on racism on the ground that “Zionism is a form of racism.”[11]


The trend began to burgeon and win increasing academic sanction. In September 1983 at the Stony Brook campus of the State University of New York, Ernest Dube, a professor in the African Studies Department included Zionism in a course on “The Politics of Race” as one of the three forms of racism, the two other being apartheid and Nazism. One of the research subjects he proposed to his students was “Zionism is as much racism as Nazism,” and he defended this formulation by evoking Resolution 3379.


In Canada, a Jewish group asking to join Québec contre Racisme, an organization set up by Yvon Charbonneau, president of the teachers’ trade union of Quebec, was denied entry unless it renounced Zionism. In 1982, the general student organization of Ontario condemned Israel’s operation in Lebanonstressing that “The state of Israel is Zionism, Zionism is racism,” and decided not to admit Jewish student groups to its ranks. That same year the student federation at Ottawa University decided to prevent the Jewish students’ organization from meeting on the campus on the ground that Zionism was racism.[12]


During this period the vilification of Zionism turned into a permanent feature of international life. That Zionism was a metaphor for universal evil became part of “common knowledge,” accepted or at least not contradicted by almost the entire international body politic. This was not anticipated when Resolution 3379 was adopted, and it came not instead of but in addition to the consequences that were expected, placing Israel beyond the pale and giving anti-Semitism international sanction. During 1969-1972 there were four anti-Israeli resolutions per year at the United Nations. During 1973-1978 this number grew to sixteen per annum, and in 1982 it reached a peak of forty-four.[13]


The vilification of Zionism was not merely a second-best strategy to the one aiming to expel Israel from the United Nations altogether. In a sense it was even worse. Although Israel’s formal membership in the UN was indeed maintained, it was increasingly deprived of its basic rights as a member state. As explained by Jeane Kirkpatrick, the U.S. ambassador to the UN from 1981 to 1985, this involved “denying membership by denying participation,”[14] thereby instilling Israel’s illegitimacy by placing it in a state of growing irrelevancy


As noted by the Israeli academic Ehud Sprinzak, this meant Israel lost “the right to speak or debate in certain forums.” For him, labeling Zionism as racism was much more than an attack on particular policies of the Israeli government; it signified that “every war Israel has ever fought, including the War of Independence and the Six Day War, has been a racist war. Every military response to Arab terror has been a racist response. And of course every domestic law …is a racist one.”[15]


Nevertheless, official Israel did not regard the huge and mounting damage inflicted by “Zionism is racism” as sufficient reason to openly fight the resolution and act to overturn it. The Israeli Foreign Ministry often used two arguments to justify this inertia: that initiating action would be counterproductive since the “automatic majority” at the disposal of the Soviet Union and the Arab-Muslim states would result in reiterations; and that it was formally impossible to overturn a General Assembly resolution as there was no such precedent.


An Urgent Need to Act

By now, however, it was clear that reiteration by other international bodies had been an inevitable consequence from the start, and that the resolution constituted the global legal and political foundation for turning the Jewish state into an illegitimate one. Thus it came to be acknowledged, even by official Israel, that the resolution needed to be fought in itself directly, and not as merely another expression of anti-Semitism.


The question, at this point, was how? A central body was needed to direct this struggle. It took the form of the Steering Committee against the Zionism Is Racism Resolution, set up jointly by the World Zionist Organization and the Israeli Foreign Ministry. It was crucial to seek to overcome the so-called automatic UN majority, namely, by at least preventing reiterations and, more essentially, by undermining the validity and legitimacy of the resolution.


A first success was scored in neutralizing a Kuwaiti initiative seeking to obtain a reiteration of the resolution by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) at its annual session in September 1984 in Geneva. This was achieved by mobilizing both Israeli parties and Jewish communities worldwide to use their links with the political parties of delegates to the IPU to defeat the Kuwaiti initiative.[16]


The real challenge, however, was to find ways to undermine the validity and legitimacy of the resolution and divest it of any moral value. This was achieved mainly through a long series of international, national, and regional conferences in Israel, the United States, Europe, and Latin America, an international petition to the United Nations signed by over a thousand worldwide personalities calling on it to “disavow the abusive Resolution 3379 and rededicate itself to its founding charter,” and by parliamentary resolutions in the same spirit.


The first of these was a “Sense of the Congress resolution” adopted by the U.S. Senate in July 1985. Senate Joint Resolution 98 “formally repudiates UNGA Resolution 3379 and calls upon the Parliaments of all countries which value freedom and democracy to do the same.”


This draft resolution also needed to be adopted by the House of Representatives, and was, several weeks later. It proved decisive in preventing the reiteration of 3379 at the Nairobi Conference closing the UN Decade for Women. Ambassador Alan Keyes, chief adviser to the U.S. delegation, included references to the Senate resolution in his statements and received clear instructions from Washington that Zionism was not to be included in any paragraph of the final document to be adopted by the conference; if this occurred the U.S. delegation was to leave.


All this demonstrated that fighting Resolution 3379 directly could prevent its reiteration and that its abrogation was not a mission impossible but, rather, an attainable goal, albeit still very difficult. Although the Israeli Foreign Ministry began to count the prospective votes in the General Assembly, there was still a very long way to go.


At the initiative of the local Zionist Federation, the Australian government was convinced to table before the Australian parliament a remarkable resolution proclaiming that 3379 was inconsistent with the United Nations’ goals and recommending that “the Government of Australia lend support to efforts to overturn Resolution 3379 (XXX) in the UN.” Moreover, the Australian government further involved itself by checking what would be the position of each of the Asian countries. The results, however, were extremely disappointing.


Only a few other parliamentary resolutions were passed. These were in Peru (1987), the European Parliament (1987), and Uruguay (1988). Their wording was far less committing then the Australian and American ones. Most of the democratic countries remained uninvolved.

How the Repeal Was Achieved

It would take another five years to overturn “Zionism is racism.” The repeal was finally achieved not only thanks to the end of the Cold War, but first and foremost because the United States took the lead in this endeavor. This active involvement resulted from unabated pressure on the administration by Congress and American Jewish organizations. The U.S. administration put this issue even higher on its agenda than it was on Israel’s.


In his address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on 14 May 1989, Secretary of State James Baker called on the Arab countries to take measures to advance the peace process, end the economic boycott of Israel, and “repudiate the odious line that ‘Zionism is racism.’”[17] He thereby put the onus on the Arab states to show that they were serious about the peace process, while linking the peace process to the repeal.


At Yeshiva University on International Human Rights Day on 11 December 1989, Vice-President Dan Quayle did not link the repeal to the peace process but rather to the renewal of the United Nations. Referring to a UN General Assembly resolution cosponsored by the United States and the Soviet Union and calling on all UN members to respect the principles set forth in the UN Charter, Quayle made a resounding statement:


I call on the Soviet Union and other nations to join us in cosponsoring a second resolution in the General Assembly. That resolution will affirm that Zionism is what Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko rightly called it back in 1948: the National Liberation Movement of the Jewish people. This resolution would state that Zionism is not and never has been a form of racism, and would have the Zionism-is-Racism declared null and void. And this resolution would promote, and not set back the prospects for peace by focusing on the real issues in dispute, not on Israel’s right to exist.[18]


The official Soviet reaction was extremely disappointing, as the regime still clung to its traditional anti-Zionist stance. What was more surprising was the lukewarm response from many Western democracies, which held that the repeal was impossible without a breakthrough in the Middle East peace process. For instance, British prime minister Margaret Thatcher reacted skeptically to Quayle’s appeal by arguing that the necessary majority would be secured only if the repeal offered some substantial quid pro quo to the Arab side.[19] Actually, the democracies did not even make such an attempt.


On 30 March 1990, a public hearing in the Senate chaired by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan adopted a joint resolution calling on UN member states to repeal the “Zionism is racism” resolution and requesting the U.S. president to report periodically on progress toward repeal. John Bolton, representing the State Department, gave an optimistic assessment of the prospects for an overturn.[20] Moynihan, however, was infuriated by Bolton’s apparent self-satisfaction and criticized the State Department for its lack of energy in fighting the resolution, saying he wanted to see more action.


Moynihan went on to say: “The West imposed no consequences of any kind on those nations that associated themselves with this filthy proposition of the Soviet Union. I want to see the US cut assistance to countries which supported the resolution. How many of them received and are still receiving US aid?” Bolton replied that of the seventy-two that had voted in favor of the resolution, a clear majority were at that point receiving U.S. aid, and probably still did. Moynihan then asked him: “Did we ever tell one country, just one country, that you are getting American money, and you are not getting it any more until you change your mind?” On the defensive, Bolton answered: “I don’t know that any country’s ever been told that, Senator, but if I could leave one message with the committee here today, it is that the Bush Administration is most serious about having this resolution repealed.”[21]


Joint Resolution 246 was not only adopted by the Senate and House but also officially endorsed by President George H. W. Bush. However, Bush still found it appropriate to add a paragraph on the United States’ “determination to pursue efforts toward a comprehensive, just and lasting Middle East peace. In our view this peace must be achieved on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, and the principle of territories for peace. It must provide for Israel’s security and recognition and for Palestinian political rights….”[22] Several weeks after Bush’s endorsement of 246, the troika then heading the European Union made a commitment to act for the repeal of “Zionism is racism.”


In mid-August 1990, the projected General Assembly vote for a repeal stood at 60-60 with forty abstentions. In mid-September, it was decided to postpone the repeal initiative. The U.S. press claimed this was an American decision aimed at preserving Arab support for sanctions against Iraq. Yohanan Bein, then deputy director-general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, was in charge of the issue of repealing the resolution. He claimed the postponement was an Israeli decision based on evaluation of how much support could be obtained.[23]


During the summer of 1991, there were once again indications that some were seeking postponement. A first indication came from J. S. Wall, private secretary of UK prime minister John Major, then another from Gareth Evans, Australian minister of trade and foreign affairs; they were concerned that there was not yet a majority in favor of a repeal. But the biggest blow came from the United States, which feared that a motion to defer concocted by Egypt, arguing that the repeal should be delayed until a peace conference opened or the peace process was firmly on track, would easily pass in the General Assembly in September.


Although this inclination to postpone probably reflected genuine concern for the repeal’s success, it also manifested tensions between Israel and the United States over the desirable framework for a Middle East peace conference. In June 1991, Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir expressed Israel’s reservations over UN participation in such a conference given the world body’s treatment of Israel over the years. Among many other one-sided UN positions, he mentioned Resolution 3379. Shamir never, though, cited the repeal of 3379 as a condition for accepting UN involvement in such a peace conference.


At the opening of the UN General Assembly in September 1991, Bush took an unprecedented step and raised the issue of the repeal plainly and directly, without linking it to any other issue. Pointing to the renewed role of the United Nations, which had put in place more peacekeeping missions in the previous thirty-six months than during its first forty-three years, he asserted

We should take seriously the Charter’s pledge to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors.


NGA resolution 3379, the so-called Zionism is racism resolution, mocks this pledge and the principles upon which the United Nations was founded. And I call now for its repeal.


Zionism is not a policy, it is the idea that led to the creation of a home for the Jewish people, to the State of Israel. And to equate Zionism with the intolerable sin of racism is to twist history and forget the terrible plight of the Jews in World War II, and indeed throughout history. To equate Zionism with racism, is to reject Israel itself, a member of good standing of the United Nations. This body cannot claim to seek peace and at the same time challenge Israel’s right to exist. By repealing this resolution unconditionally, the United Nations will enhance its credibility and serve the cause of peace.[24]


From then on there was a massive U.S. investment in the repeal endeavor.  Undoubtedly arm-twisting was used in the spirit of Moynihan’s exhortations. President Bush gave “unprecedented instructions to all his ambassadors [to warn] countries that failure to vote for revoking the resolution could affect their ties with the US.”[25] Finally, the draft resolution for a repeal was sponsored by eighty-six states and passed by 111-25 with thirteen abstentions.  


Unfortunately, the revocation of the “Zionism is racism” resolution was not exploited for political and diplomatic advantage by Israel and its supporters. Perhaps the sole, tardy exception was the initiating of a research on the overturn, which was to become this author’s book To Right a Wrong. It was donated to the libraries of more than 1,200 universities, mostly in the United States.


Israel’s Legitimacy Today

Since the overturn of Resolution 3379 more than eighteen years ago, two opposite trends have occurred. On the one hand, Israel’s legitimacy has been strengthened; on the other, there are ongoing attempts to undermine that legitimacy.


On the positive side, there has been an improvement of Israel’s international standing, notably at the United Nations where it has ceased to be a pariah state, regained full membership, and fully takes part in all activities at all levels and in all the specialized agencies. This represents a  complete departure from Jeane Kirkpatrick’s diagnosis of “denying membership by denying participation.”


Moreover, in 2005 the General Assembly unanimously supported the establishment of an annual Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the UN Holocaust Education Program was established. In January 2007, the United Nations adopted a resolution condemning any denial of the Holocaust, which it characterized as “tantamount to approval of genocide in all its forms.”


Progress regarding the condemnation of anti-Semitism was less clear-cut. Soon after the repeal of 3379, for the first time in the history of the United Nations, anti-Semitism was condemned in March 1994 by an official UN body. The fifty member states of the UN Human Rights Commission passed a resolution on “Measures to combat contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” It referred explicitly to anti-Semitism both in its introduction and its operative paragraph, and it

requests the special rapporteur to examine according to this mandate incidents of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, any form of discrimination against blacks, Arabs and Muslims, xenophobia, negrophobia, anti-Semitism and related intolerance as well as governmental measures to overcome them, and to report on these matters to the commission at the fifty-first session.[26]


In December 2003, a General Assembly draft resolution on anti-Semitism was withdrawn under the pressure of the Arab-Muslim bloc. This effectively canceled a deal whereby Israel would drop efforts to include anti-Semitism in a draft resolution on religious intolerance in exchange for Ireland’s commitment to introduce a new resolution specifically on anti-Semitism.  In “compensation,” on 21 June 2004 a seminar on anti-Semitism was held at the United Nations in New York. But again, in August that year, Arab states vehemently opposed the introduction of a draft resolution on anti-Semitism to be adopted by the General Assembly.


In addition to this persistent reluctance to openly condemn anti-Semitism, UN bodies have adopted a series of anti-Israeli positions. Examples include the advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that “the construction by Israel of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its associated régime are contrary to international law”; the positions expressed by the two Durban conferences in 2001 and 2009; the large number of anti-Israeli resolutions adopted since 2006 by the UN Human Rights Council, which replaced the discredited UN Human Rights Commission; and the Goldstone report.


Regarding the advisory opinion of the ICJ, Israel could probably have obtained a more objective and balanced one if it had cooperated with the court and presented the position taken by Israel’s High Court of Justice on this issue.


At Durban I, much of the hatred against Jews and Israel was manifested in the six-day NGO forum that was attended by six thousand representatives of about two thousand NGOs; the attacks on Jews were no less virulent than those on globalization. As for the official conference, its final report expressed concern about “the plight of the Palestinian people under occupation,” recognized “the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent State,” and recognized “the right to security for all the States in the region, including Israel.”


Although European countries and a few others blunted the more extreme anti-Israeli language introduced by Arab countries and Iran, in the end these European and other countries agreed to single out Israel albeit in more moderate and balanced terms. In addition, all states were called upon to counter anti-Semitism and the Durban I final report declared that “the Holocaust must never be forgotten.”


At Durban II, despite a statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, that “all disputed points such as reference to Israel, Zionism and Middle East had been deleted from the [conference’s final] declaration,”[27] nine countries decided to boycott the conference and twenty-three sent only low-level representatives. When Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the floor, most of the European delegations left the hall.


As for the UN Human Right Council, the twenty-seven resolutions it has adopted since 2006 have addressed four issues: human rights in Palestine (nineteen), human rights in Lebanon (three), human rights on the Golan Heights (three), and the council’s general mandate (two). In other words, they focused predominantly on the Arab-Israeli conflict and were always sponsored by the Arab-Muslim groups, which represent over 30 percent of UN members.


Thus, not surprisingly, Israel’s enemies, notably Arab and Muslim counties, are still using the United Nations to condemn Israel and undermine its legitimacy. This is, however, becoming more and more difficult for them and is actually largely confined to the sphere of the Human Rights Council.


Countering the Delegitimators

The bulk of the efforts to undermine Israel’s legitimacy do not come presently from the United Nations, but first and foremost from a coalition of NGOs that are functioning as the spearhead of an anti-Israeli network. This development was recently noted by the Reut Institute (Tel Aviv) in its report on the “Challenge of Delegitimization.”[28] It provides a preliminary analysis of this network’s components, differentiating between those genuinely criticizing Israel’s policies and the “delegitimators” who seek exclusively to ruin Israel’s legitimacy and bring an end to the Jewish state. Although the latter are presently using the Palestinian issue to achieve their aim, they are not dependent on it and even a settlement of the conflict would not put an end to their endeavor. The report contends that “It takes a network to fight a network” and indicates ways to create and operate such a complex.


The Reut Institute has rightly drawn attention to what seems today the most active factor in attacking Israel’s legitimacy. One of the lessons of Resolution 3379 should indeed be kept in mind: not to disregard what may be perceived as a less serious or even innocuous threat compared to a more serious one that had been foiled. In this case, the defeat of the attempt to expel Israel from the United Nations enabled “the planes to fly under the radar.” It is vital not to disregard and underestimate threats to one’s existence.


It is, however, not certain that Reut’s operative conclusion, “It takes a network to fight a network” is the supreme answer to the delegitimization endeavor. There is also still much room for exploiting successes in the United Nations and using them both to bolster Israel’s legitimacy and undermine that of the delegitimators.


In this spirit, Israel and the Jewish people should use all the existing means at their disposal, such as the repeal of 3379, the 1994 instructions to the special rapporteur on racism, and the 2005 establishment of the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day and Holocaust Education Program. Amazingly, the revocation of 3379 is seemingly not mentioned in Israeli textbooks whereas it is mentioned in Palestinian textbooks![29] The directive to the special rapporteur to review anti-Semitic deeds seems to have been utilized by Israel only for the first year. After that it seems that Israel did not provide him with adequate and reliable data on anti-Semitism.


By contrast, a British MP, Louise Ellman, provided a good example of how existing instruments can be used. On 28 January 2010, in the House of Commons, she took advantage of a session dedicated to Holocaust Remembrance Day to emphasize Hamas’s explicit aim of liberating all of Palestine and eliminating its Jews, quoting excerpts from a report on Hamas’s online magazine for children, Al-Fateh.[30]


In addition to exploiting successes, it is important to strive to bring about additional UN resolutions. These should include, among other things, the formal condemnation of anti-Semitism and the adoption of UN educational instruments to recognize and combat it.


All this is achievable despite the so-called automatic majority, which for too long has been a cheap pretext for inaction. As proved clearly by the voting results for the two 1975 attempts to postpone a debate and vote on Resolution 3379, even in those days the automatic majority was not so automatic, and it is even less so nowadays. Pertinent here is the 1985 observation by James Jonah, then assistant UN secretary-general, that the majority of the UN member states were moderate but tended to adopt extreme positions for lack of alternative leadership, whereas, with proper leadership, moderation could have taken the upper hand.[31] It is still not too late to promote, or assume, such proper leadership.

*     *     *


[1] “Haseif leginui Haantishemiut Behatzaat Haamana Lebeur Kol Tsurot Haaflaia Hagizit” (The Paragraph to Condemn Anti-Semitism in the Draft Convention to Eradicate All Forms of Racial Discrimination), top-secret report by Meir Rosenne, New York, 25 October 1965, p. 1, CZA (Central Zionist Archives) S110/12. [Hebrew]
[2] Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan noted that the Soviet side had not yet been properly researched and recommended scholarly investigation “to discover and reveal the origins and the motivations of the lie.” See Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “Z=R, Plus 9,” address to the study day “Refuting the Zionism Is Racism Equation,” President’s Residence, Jerusalem, 11 November 1984, p. 3, CZA/S110/40.
[3] Plenary Meetings, Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirtieth Session.
[4] Resolution 3151 (XXVIII), Section G, 14 December 1973.
[5] Final Declaration of the “Conference on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace,” Mexico City, 2 July 1975.
[6] S.J. (Senate Joint) Resolution  98, adopted on 18 July 1975.<
[7] Tape-recording of the study day “Refuting the Zionism Is Racism Equation,” President’s Residence, Jerusalem, 11 November 1984, CZA/S110/40.
[8] The statement was made at a press conference at the UN press club several days after the resolution was adopted. Eleanor Holmes Norton was then heading the Human Rights Committee of New York. She is presently the District of Columbia’s nonvoting representative to the U.S. Congress.
[9] Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Suzanne Weaver, A Dangerous Place (London: Secker & Warburg, 1979), p. 180.
[10] Ann Hubert and Peter Wallison, “Zionism, Racism, and Free Speech,” Commentary, October 1978, 72; “Anti-Zionism at British Universities,” Patterns of Prejudice, July-August 1977, pp. 1-3.
[11] Ruth Raeli, The Implications of Resolution 3379 on Zionism, World Zionist Organization, Information Department, Research Division, May 1986, p. 45, CZA/S110/48.
[12] Ibid., pp. 45-46.
[13] Michael Curtis, “The United Nations, Zionism and Racism,” Global Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Spring 1986), p. 20.
[14] Jeane Kirkpatrick, address to the conference on “Z-R: An Assault on Human Rights,” cosponsored by the BBI, the WJC, and the WZO, Washington, 10 December 1984, CZA/S110/26.
[15] Ehud Sprinzak, “Anti-Zionism: From Delegitimization to Dehumanization,” Forum, 53 (1985), p. 5. In this article Sprinzak pointed to three major types of damage inflicted by Resolution 3379. The first was political: the harassment, isolation, and delegitimization of Israel. The second was cultural-symbolic: the introduction and activation of anti-Semitic stereotypes; the resolution had broken a taboo and provided a new justification for Jew-hatred. Third, there was psychopersonal damage: the tendency among Jews to feel unease over Zionism and Israel, fostering a restoration of the anxiety toward Zionism that Jews had felt before Israel’s establishment.
[16] The draft resolution tabled by Kuwait stressed that the Israeli military, legislative, and administrative measures designed to prevent Palestinians from implementing the right of return constituted “a crime against humanity” (paragraph 12). A memorandum attached to this draft resolution claimed that the “Jews were never planning to establish a national homeland for themselves…since its inception the Zionist movement was characterized by ethnic and racial discrimination based on the theory of the chosen people of God which is instilled in the mind of every Zionist.”
[17] Near East Report, 9 May 1989, 87. See:
[18] US Information Agency (USIS), Wireless File, 11 December 1989
[19] JTA, 8 March 1990.
[20] US Information Service (USIS), Official Text, “Text of Senate Testimony by John Bolton,” Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, 2 April 1990.
[21] USIS, News Report, “Moynihan Links Aid Cutoff to Zionism Is Racism View,” Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, 2 April 1990. Moynihan added that he was awaiting the responses for a list of aid recipients and wondered whether these countries understood that their aid was in jeopardy: “We don’t like that resolution one damn bit…. Do they know that we don’t like it?” Bolton replied: “We are making it abundantly clear in our consultations in capitals.”
[22] The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 29 June 1990.
[23] Jerusalem Post, 18 September 1990.
[24] President Bush’s address to the UN General Assembly, New York, 23 September 1991. See:
[25] William Harrop, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, disclosed the existence of these unprecedented instructions.  Jerusalem Post, 29 July 1991.
[26] It was sponsored by Turkey with the support of Canada, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Sweden, and the UK. The reference in the introduction was adopted by thirty-four votes with seventeen abstentions, while the operative paragraph was adopted by fifty-one votes with two abstentions.
[27] Deutsche Welle, 17 April 2009.
[28] This report was submitted to the Israeli cabinet on 11 February 2010. See:
[29] Modern and Contemporary History of Palestine, Grade 11, Part 2 (2008), 71; History of the Arabs and the World in the Twentieth Century, Grade 12 (2009), 120-121. [Arabic]
[30] A report issued in 2009 by IMPACT-SE, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education. See:
[31] Yohanan Manor, The UN and Zionism According to James Jonah, 31 March 1985, CZA/S110/16. [Hebrew]

Filed under: Anti-Semitism

Dr. Yohanan Manor

Dr. Yohanan Manor is a co-founder of IMPACT-SE and was the Board Chairman from 2005 to 2011. He is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) and received his Ph.D. at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques for his thesis on “Palestine in the Foreign Policy of Gamal Abd El Nasser.” He was a lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Political Science Department (1970-1984) and coordinator of the campaign (1984-1991) that brought about the revocation of the UN General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism.


Children Soldiers

Kosher Kockney-tweet-1December2023-Askar-UNRWA
A must watch, and a must share.
Comment and let me know your thoughts.

Honestly, if there is one video you should watch today. This is the one.

UNRWA – Askar (2023) a short but extremely revealing video by David Bedein.

UNRWA have created a Palestinian terrorism education system. UNRWA school and “refugee camp” where they breed terror.

It’ll take 7 minutes 55 seconds of your time.
Grab a coffee (or a cigarette, you’ll probably need one)

This is proof that the UN must be completely dissolved and all it’s staff members fully investigated.

I am stunned.

Kosher Kockney-tweet-1December2023- Askar-UNRWA

Kosher Kockney-tweet-1December2023- Askar-UNRWA

Askar-UNRWA Cradle of Killers – Summer 2023


Kosher Kockney-tweet-4December2023-UNRWA’s Child Soldiers
UNRWA’s Child Soldiers .
A must watch and a must share.
Take 12 minutes to watch this.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Hamas & Islamic Jihad Military Summer camp for UNRWA students.

How on earth can UNRWA be getting away with all this?

UNRWA schools send their students to a Hamas terrorism training camp:

“This summer, armed operatives (Hamas) signed up tens of thousands of UNRWA students ages 10 to 17

UNRWA youngsters learned to view the United States and Israel as the Devil”

Quotes from the children:

“Purify it of the Jews” – UNRWA school child talking about “Palestine”

“We’ll die as Martyrs” – UNRWA school child

“The Jews will not remain on this land, I say to the Jews: go back to where you came from. Get out of here before we annihilate you” – UNRWA school child

We need to pressure our governments and leaders to stop funding UNRWA immediately.

Film produced by the Bedein Center

Kosher Kockney-tweet-4December2023-UNRWA's Child Soldiers

Kosher Kockney-tweet-4December2023-UNRWA’s Child Soldiers

UNRWA’s Child Soldiers


Aviva Klompas-tweet-23November2023-Children Soldiers
When you read that children were killed in Gaza fighting Israel – remember that some of these “children” were handed guns and sent to fight while Hamas hid in their tunnels.

Aviva Klompas-tweet-23November2023-Children Soldiers

Aviva Klompas-tweet-23November2023-Children Soldiers



Children raised in a culture of Martyrdom and Death

Ali Adi-tweet-6July2024-Children raised in a culture of Martyrdom and Death
“Trying to attack armed police officers with knives? I bet they didn’t think that through, huh”.

No, they did.

That’s we were trying to tell the west for decades. The western minds refuse to comprehend this: DEATH is their objective. They want to die. They send children to die because it looks “tastier” in the media… “Look at those evil armed men, can’t they see it’s just two small kids?”

This concludes the whole Palestinian frame of work, including the latest war.

I see too many English comments laughing at how Gazans didn’t “think this through” or that they’re finding out the consequences of their actions (October 7th).

But it was all planned. The war is a desired outcome for the Palestinians. The deaths, the more is the merrier for them.

Their own death is their weapon. They think it’ll make Israel look like a merciless aggressor in the world’s eyes, but in reality, people remember who started the war and how.

I’ll leave you with a horrific thought: If someone WANTS his children to die, it’s logical to assume that he’ll not only do nothing to protect them, but also expose them intentionally to danger.

Don’t believe them when they cry for their losses on cameras.

Ali Adi-tweet-6July2024-Children raised in a culture of Martyrdom and Death

Ali Adi-tweet-6July2024-Children raised in a culture of Martyrdom and Death




UNRWA class field trip.

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-16June2024-Learn to steal Cars at UNRWA
Today’s educational enrichment for Palestinian children comes from the town of Tulkaram. [EDD: PA Controlled Area]

Riding on top of a stolen Israeli car with plastic weapons and Islamic Jihad headbands.

These kids are going places.

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-16June2024-Learn to steal Cars at UNRWA

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-16June2024-Learn to steal Cars at UNRWA




Alon Lavi-tweet-12December2023-Gaza is a dangerous place for children from Hamas
Gaza is a dangerous place for children, any place controlled by a terror organization like Hamas=ISIS will be.
A call to @UNICEF and @unicefchief to stop Hamas and make Gaza a better place.

Alon Lavi-tweet-12December2023-Gaza is a dangerous place for children from Hamas

Alon Lavi-tweet-12December2023-Gaza is a dangerous place for children from Hamas


Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza

Visegrád 24-tweet-27November2023-Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza
Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza.

To be allowed to start elementary school, it seems like Palestinian kids need to prove that they know how to fire off a couple of mortar rounds, take some hostages and storm a building.

Hamas must be vanquished for good

Visegrád 24-tweet-27November2023-Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza

Visegrád 24-tweet-27November2023-Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza


leekern-tweet-3December2023-THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT
THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT. Palestinian society conditions their children to become violent racist sociopaths. That’s how they created monsters who cut the heads off babies whilst yelling Allahu Akbar on October 7th. If you want peace: call this out

leekern-tweet-3December2023-THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT

leekern-tweet-3December2023-THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT




From the 2014 Gaza War Operation Protective Edge: מִבְצָע צוּק אֵיתָן, Israel Deserves an Apology

New map confirms: the Shuja’iya neighborhood is a terrorist stronghold where Hamas uses residents as human shields.

New map confirms: the Shuja’iya neighborhood is a terrorist stronghold where Hamas uses residents as human shields.

Elder of Ziyon logo

Elder of Ziyon logo

We were ordered to close all חלון תריסים (Window Shutters) at night. Arab Snipers?

UNRWA incitement

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) employees are constantly on Facebook inciting the Arabs to kill Jews. Here is just one example. 20October2015

UNRWA teacher Hiba Yassin's Facebook page:"The #intifada of Ramadan" (meaning July 2014. Yes, UNRWA teachers were calling for a new intifada last year too,)

UNRWA teacher Hiba Yassin’s Facebook page:”The #intifada of Ramadan” (meaning July 2014. Yes, UNRWA teachers were calling for a new intifada last year too,)

This is an ongoing battle with UNRWA and the UN on what they claim to do and the reality.

UNRWA suspends employees after UN Watch exposed incitement to anti-Semitic violence


‍‍י״ד מרחשון תשע״ו – 2015/10/26  Another disgusting incitement cartoon on @UNRWA teacher page

‍‍י״ה מרחשון תשע״ו – 2015/10/27  .@UNRWA uses Hamas human shield victim for fundraising and demonizing Israel

ט״ו מרחשון תשע״ו- 2015/10/28 .@UNRWA teacher posts “Stab the Jews” video

UNRWA teacher Najlaa Nojom lives in Bethlehem.
She recently shared this video, glorifying stabbing Jews, on her Facebook timeline.

‍‍ל׳ מרחשון תשע״ו – 2015/11/12 Elder gets results – and @UNRWA teachers are angry that they cannot post incitement and Jew-hatred

…It should be noted that some of the most influential leaders of the Palestinian resistance were teachers in UNRWA schools who were able to perform their work without any restrictions on political freedom, and they are active politically.


Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-12March2024-UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until Return
Just listen to Palestinians:
This sign at the entrance to a “refugee camp” near Bethlehem says it all (why on earth are Palestinians “refugees” under the Palestinian Authority?!?):
UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until “Return”
(reminder that Oct 7 is what “return” is).

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-12March2024-UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until Return

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-12March2024-UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until Return


This sign at the entrance to a “refugee camp” near Bethlehem says it all (why on earth are Palestinians “refugees” under the Palestinian Authority?!?): UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until “Return” (reminder that Oct 7 is what “return” is).

This sign at the entrance to a “refugee camp” near Bethlehem says it all (why on earth are Palestinians “refugees” under the Palestinian Authority?!?):
UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until “Return”
(reminder that Oct 7 is what “return” is).




Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA Telegram group
Just a few bad apples?

Here is our saved copy of the UNRWA Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers:

There are 249,000 messages, replete with celebrations of Hamas terrorism:

There is not one case where an UNRWA teacher objected.

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA Telegram group

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA Telegram group


Click to download PDF file Click to Download the file UN Watch-UNRWA Terrorgram



UN finds out that UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism
1/ UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres said he was “horrified” to learn of UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism.

That’s odd.

September 3, 2015: UN Watch Report: UNRWA Officials Operating 12 Separate Facebook Accounts Inciting Terrorism

Report: 12 UNRWA-linked Facebook Accounts Incite Terrorism Against Jews

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism


Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-Seven years ago we sent warnings to UNRWA
Seven years ago, we sent warnings to UNRWA estimating that thousands of their employees were implicated in terrorism.

They did nothing. Worse, UNRWA attacked us.

Last week it was revealed in the WSJ that in Gaza alone, 1,200 UNRWA staffers belong to Hamas or Islamic Jihad.
Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-
Secretary-General Guterres was “horrified” to learn UNRWA staff participated in the Hamas massacre of October 7.

Yet in 2016, UNRWA’s top backer in Canada admitted: “Hamas dominates the UNRWA trade unions and its staff is replete with Hamas supporters.”

Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-Seven years ago we sent warnings to UNRWA

Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-Seven years ago we sent warnings to UNRWA


12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives

Dr. Eli David-tweet-21February2024-12000 UNRWA employees in Gaza 2500 are official Hamas operatives
🚨 Breaking: New evidence revealed by @kann_news shows that out of 12,000 @UNRWA 🇺🇳 employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives, out of which 500 in “combat units” (i.e., terrorists whose job is to carry out terror attacks).

@antonioguterres, you there? Resign!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-21February2024-12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives

Dr. Eli David-tweet-21February2024-12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives


Visegrád 24-tweet-5February2024-unwra terrorist
UNRWA is over

Visegrád 24-tweet-5February2024-unwra terrorist

Visegrád 24-tweet-5February2024-unwra terrorist


Eretz Nehederet-tweet-30January2024-We are UNRWA
The @UNWRA trend
@UN @StandWithUs

Eretz Nehederet-tweet-30January2024-We are UNRWA

Eretz Nehederet-tweet-30January2024-We are UNRWA

We are UNRWA [Eretz Nehederet satire]


Aizenberg-tweet-20February2024-Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes
Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes. This equals 80% of UNRWA’s total annual budget for all activities in Gaza. Yet the lie that Gaza was impoverished continued for decades while Hamas funded tunnels, rockets, RPGs etc. Time for the scam to end.

Aizenberg-tweet-20February2024-Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes.png

Aizenberg-tweet-20February2024-Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes.png



Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that it is no longer possible to determine where UNRWA ends and where Hamas begins.

Oren Marmorstein-tweet-22April2024-Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that
Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that it is no longer possible to determine where UNRWA ends and where Hamas begins.

More than 2,135 UNRWA workers are members of either Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), while one-fifth of UNRWA school administrators are Hamas members.

The problem with UNRWA-Gaza isn’t that of a few bad apples; it is a rotten and poisonous tree whose roots are Hamas.

The Colonna report ignores the severity of the problem, and offers cosmetic solutions that do not deal with the enormous scope of Hamas’ infiltration of UNRWA.

This is not what a genuine and thorough review looks like. This is what an effort to avoid the problem and not address it head on looks like.

Israel calls on the donor countries to refrain from transferring their taxpayers’ money to UNRWA-Gaza, as these funds will go to the Hamas terrorist organization, and that violates legislation in the donor countries themselves.

Israel calls on the donor countries to transfer their funds to other humanitarian organizations in Gaza.

UNRWA-Gaza is part of the problem and not part of the solution.
There are other solutions.
UNRWA can not be part of the solution in Gaza not now, and not in the future.

Oren Marmorstein-tweet-22April2024-Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that

Oren Marmorstein-tweet-22April2024-Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that



The tunnel system beneath UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza used by Hamas as their main intelligence server hub

Yaari Cohen-tweet-10February2024-hamas data center under UNRWA HQ
Official IDF Statement on the massive terror tunnel located underneath @UNRWA HQ in Gaza:

Acting on ISA intelligence, the forces discovered a tunnel shaft near an UNRWA school, leading to an underground terrorist tunnel beneath UNRWA’s main headquarters. The forces found electrical infrastructure inside the tunnel connected to UNRWA’s main HQ, suggesting it was supplying the tunnel with electricity—generated by the fuel provided through humanitarian aid. This 700-meter-long tunnel, 18 meters deep, contained multiple blast doors and various intelligence assets seized by the forces. Intelligence and documents found confirmed the offices’ use by Hamas terrorists. Large quantities of weapons, including rifles, ammunition, grenades and explosives, were uncovered hidden in the building’s offices.

📸: Footage showing the tunnel’s location, near a school.

Yaari Cohen-tweet-10February2024-Hamas data center under UNRWA HQ

Yaari Cohen-tweet-10February2024-Hamas data center under UNRWA HQ

These Findings Were Found Within UNRWA Facilities [Hamas data-center under UNRWA HQ]


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-11February2024-Amazingly, no one in Gaza noticed!
Construction workers
General contractors
Heavy digging machinery
Transportation workers
Truckers to bring in supplies and remove debris
Network engineers
Systems administrators
Years of digging in and under crowded neighborhoods

Amazingly, no one in Gaza noticed!

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-11February2024-Amazingly no one in Gaza noticed

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-11February2024-Amazingly no one in Gaza noticed


Dr. Eli David-tweet-11February2024-all cables go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination
Imagine you find lots of cables in your server room, connected to the main power supply, and all go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination.

What do you do? Nothing, according to head of @UNRWA. You simply “didn’t know” anything about the tunnel underneath 🤡

Dr. Eli David-tweet-11February2024-all cables go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination

Dr. Eli David-tweet-11February2024-all cables go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination



UNRWA staff linked to October 7th Massacre

Hillel Neuer-tweet-29January2024-1,200 UNRWA employees are Hamas or PIJ
BREAKING: The “few bad apples” line pushed by the UN has just been obliterated. The Wall Street Journal front page is reporting that an estimated 1,200 Unrwa employees in Gaza are actual “operatives” of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and about half have close relatives who belong to the Islamist terrorist organizations, according to Israeli intelligence estimates shared with the U.S. government.

The report said 23% of Unrwa’s male employees—the agency has a total staff of 12,000 in Gaza—took active part in the Hamas organization’s military or political framework, a higher percentage than the average of 15% for adult males in Gaza.

The information in the Israeli intelligence reports is based on sensitive signals intelligence as well as cellphone tracking data, interrogations of captured Hamas gunmen and documents recovered from dead terrorists.

Nearly half of all Unrwa employees—an estimated 49%—also had close relatives with official ties to Hamas and other terrorist groups.

The Oct. 7 intelligence reports seen by the Wall Street Journal identified an Unrwa Arabic teacher who was also a Hamas terrorist commander and took part in a terrorist attack on Kibbutz Be’eri, where 97 people were murdered, and about 26 people were kidnapped and taken as hostages to Gaza.

Another Unrwa employee, described in the dossier as an Unrwa social worker, played a role in absconding with the body of a dead Israeli soldier, which was taken to Gaza, the reports said. He also coordinated trucks and munitions distributions for Hamas before being killed.

📍Full story by @cjkeller8 & @davidluhnow @WSJ:

Hillel Neuer-tweet-29January2024-1,200 UNRWA employees are Hamas or PIJ

Hillel Neuer-tweet-29January2024-1,200 UNRWA employees are Hamas or PIJ




How UNRWA Grooms Terrorists

by Bassam Tawil

  • By providing the residents of the Gaza Strip with various services, UNRWA exempted Hamas from its responsibilities as the governing body, such as creating a working economy that would pay for education and healthcare, and allowed it, instead, to invest resources in building tunnels and manufacturing weapons.
  • “They [UNRWA] teach us that the Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to us [Muslims], that Palestine belongs to us,” said Atif Sharha, a student at an UNRWA school.
  • “Yes, they teach us that the Zionists are our enemy,” said Nur Taha, a third-year student from Kalandia. “We should carry out an [terror] operation against them [Zionists].”
  • “The Palestinian matriculation exams [at UNRWA] have become a finishing school in extremism. It is as if the Palestinian Authority is cramming as much hate into the tests as possible, to ensure the twelve previous years of indoctrination stay with them into adulthood.” — Marcus Sheff, CEO at the Institute for Cultural Peace and Tolerance in School Education,, July 23, 2023.
  • Despite years of considerable condemnation of the textbooks, newly produced editions, approved by UNRWA, are exponentially worse….
  • Whatever hopes that anyone may have held for the trustworthiness of UNRWA have long expired, and were arguably misplaced at the outset. UNRWA, in its current state, has proven itself irremediably defective, unworkable and yet another massive stain on the already scandalously stained UN.
  • It is high time for the international community and those who actually want a better future for the Palestinians to liquidate UNRWA and take actions that truly help the Palestinians move forward to a golden life.
A still shot from the documentary film "Camp Jihad," featuring a summer camp in Gaza sponsored and funded by UNRWA

A still shot from the documentary film “Camp Jihad,” featuring a summer camp in Gaza sponsored and funded by UNRWA

More than 50% of UNRWA’s annual budget of $1.6 billion is dedicated to funding Palestinian schools. These schools have been fostering war-mongering hatred against Israel, and against Jews in general, while predictably churning out their final product: terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. Pictured: A still shot from the documentary film “Camp Jihad,” featuring a summer camp in Gaza sponsored and funded by UNRWA. (Image source: Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research)


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was originally a small agency mandated to provide basic humanitarian relief for Palestinians, including a vote for renewal every three years. Seventy-three years and four generations later, and with more than 30,000 employees and an annual budget of more than $1 billion, it has astonishingly become one of the largest UN agencies.


In the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, UNRWA has, in fact, long been operating as the de facto government. By providing the residents of the Gaza Strip with various services, UNRWA exempted Hamas from its responsibilities as the governing body, such as creating a working economy that would pay for education and healthcare, and allowed it, instead, to invest resources in building tunnels and manufacturing weapons. If UNRWA were not there, Hamas would have been forced to fill the vacuum and, for example, build hospitals and schools and find solutions to economic hardship, including unemployment and poverty.


As senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk said, in explaining why no cement could be spared from terror tunnels to build bomb shelters for Gazan citizens:

“The tunnels were built to protect the fighters of Hamas from [Israeli] airstrikes. As you know, 75% of the residents of the Gaza Strip are refugees. It is the responsibility of the United Nations to protect the refugees.”

Hamas was effectively saying: We are responsible for what happens underground, while UNRWA is responsible for what happens above ground.


In addition to evolving into a monster-sized agency, UNRWA has also morphed into a very costly incubator for terror. UNRWA-run schools emphasize and promote the “right of return,” a euphemism for flooding Israel with millions of Palestinians and turning it into a Muslim-majority Islamist state backed by Iran.


More than 50% of UNRWA’s annual budget of $1.6 billion is dedicated to funding Palestinian schools. These schools have been fostering war-mongering hatred against Israel, and against Jews in general, from the youngest, most impressionable ages and onward throughout the school years, while predictably churning out their final product: terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.


“They [UNRWA] teach us that the Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to us [Muslims], that Palestine belongs to us,” said Atif Sharha, a student at a UNRWA school in the Shuafat refugee camp, north of Jerusalem.

“I hate the Jews,” said Yousef, another student at a UNRWA school in Kalandia refugee camp, south of Ramallah.

“Yes, they teach us that the Zionists are our enemy,” said Nur Taha, a third student from Kalandia. “We should carry out an [terror] operation against them [Zionists].”


Marcus Sheff, Chief Executive Officer at The Institute for Cultural Peace and Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) studying these hate-policies, laments:


“The Palestinian matriculation exams have become a finishing school in extremism. It is as if the Palestinian Authority is cramming as much hate into the tests as possible, to ensure the twelve previous years of indoctrination stay with them into adulthood.”


UNRWA then re-inserts many of these hate-infused people right back into its institutions, perpetuating what the UN is keen on blaming Israel for: “the cycle of violence.”


UNRWA schools have been the focus of media scrutiny on many occasions. UNRWA’s textbooks, compiled by the Palestinian Authority, have been blasted for showy, hate-provoking and terror-inciting material such as “a grammar exercise that encourages Palestinians to ‘sacrifice their blood to liberate Jerusalem.'”


Palestinian textbooks produced by UNRWA contain “antisemitic, hateful, and violent passages,” according to IMPACT-se. Some of these passages in an Islamic education drill include labeling Jews as inherently treacherous. A poem included in the educational content glorifies the killing of Israelis, and portrays dying as martyrs by killing Israelis as a “hobby.”


In a grammar exercise, Jews, it is implied, are impure and supposedly defile the Al-Aqsa Mosque. (They do not. The Jews peacefully tour the exterior grounds, called The Temple Mount, a plateau on which the Al Aqsa mosque now sits. The site is the third-holiest in Islam, but in Judaism the holiest. The plateau is where two Jewish Temples once stood, mentioned in the Bible, before they were destroyed — the first by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BCE; the second by the Roman Empire in 70 CE).


Despite years of considerable condemnation of the textbooks, newly produced editions, approved by UNRWA, are exponentially worse.

“Terrorist activities against Israeli civilians are also part of the struggle against the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Thus, the new books exalt Palestinian terrorists who participated in such actions. Dalal al-Mughrabi, for example, who was killed in a terrorist attack she had led against a civilian bus… in which more than 30 men, women and children were murdered, is mentioned in four books, all studied in UNRWA schools at present. In all of them she is described as a heroine and martyr of Palestine.”

According to the textbooks used in UNRWA schools, Jews have no rights whatsoever or any legitimate status in Israel. A Jewish presence in the country is denied historically, geographically and religiously. No reference is made in the books to the history of the Jews throughout the region, either in Biblical or Roman times. Any connection is also denied of the Jews to their ancient capital, Jerusalem, which is presented as an Arab city since its establishment thousands of years ago. The Jews’ presence in Jerusalem today is bewilderingly presented in the books as an aggression against the city’s Arab character.


Beyond the textbooks, both UNRWA administrators and teachers have proudly displayed their approval of terrorism and hatred on countless occasions, including Hamas’s recent October 7 massacre, according to a report published by UN Watch, an independent non-governmental human rights organization, as well as IMPACT-se.


UNRWA math teacher Adnan Shteiwi, for instance, glorified Diaa Hamarsheh, the perpetrator of the March 2022 Bnei Brak shooting attack — in which he murdered four Israeli civilians and one policeman — as a “martyr” whose name should “forever remain in letters of fire, might, and magnificence.”


UNRWA’s Asma Middle School for Girls B encouraged schoolgirls to ” liberate the homeland by sacrificing ‘their Blood’ and pursuing jihad.”


Roni Krivoi, one of the Israeli hostages recently freed from Hamas captivity, reported that he had been kept prisoner in an attic for more than a month and a half, mostly starved and medically untreated. His jailer was an UNRWA teacher.


In Gaza — as with Ahmad Kahalot, Director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital, who admitted that he was the equivalent of a brigadier general for Hamas and that 16 of the hospital’s staff were also “terror operatives for Hamas” — the mesh of Hamas and UNRWA is also illustrated in the high-profile case of Dr. Suhail al-Hindi.


Al-Hindi served as both the principal of an UNRWA elementary school and as the chairman of the UNRWA employee’s union in Gaza. In 2017, UNRWA suspended al-Hindi after it received information that he had just been elected to the Hamas political bureau. UNRWA announced that al-Hindi no longer worked for the agency, but did not say whether he had resigned or been fired. Al-Hindi first said he “resigned” from UNRWA, but later clarified that he was taking early retirement.


The case of al-Hindi and other UNRWA employees suspected of supporting terrorism makes the point that UNRWA is “the money,” while thug terror-groups such as Hamas are “the muscle.”


UNRWA tries to keep up public pretense that its hands are clean, and has taken a belligerently defensive stance against these and other accusations, as it publicly claims that it has a “zero-tolerance policy for hatred.”


The Israeli news site Ynet , however, wrote recently about a UN Watch report:

“In it, some 47 documented cases of school staff promoting antisemitic material are recorded, as school staff openly violates the official UNRWA policy…

“It was only two years ago that UNRWA apologized for similar instances, claiming they were done erroneously and will not occur in the future, but with this latest report, that promise rings hollow.”

One UNRWA employee portrayed Adolf Hitler in a favorable light: “Wake up Hitler, there are people left to burn.”


In addition, as is well-documented, UNRWA has allowed its school buildings to be used by Hamas as storehouses for rocket and other weapons, terror tunnels, and to shelter jihadi terrorists. Hamas and other terror organizations have bet on the media frenzy that would ensue if Israeli forces strike a UN institution (or hospital, mosque, or even a church) that is being used for military purposes. Hamas has been launching rockets at Israel from alongside UNRWA schools, and, when possible, shooting from inside the schools, thereby taking advantage of the sanctuary that a UN institution, especially a “protected space” such as a school, ought to offer under legitimate circumstances.


Last week saw the media explode in condemnation of the Israel Defense Forces for blowing up an UNRWA school, despite the disclosure that the school had been used as a weapons depot and terror tunnels were found in its area.


UNRWA kindergartens have been discovered with weapons hidden inside toys or even in UNRWA bags, and UN officials are charged with being complicit in holding hostages, despite protestations to the contrary. It seems that “zero tolerance” had devolved into “zero oversight.”


When rockets were discovered in UNRWA schools in the past, UNRWA would reassure everyone that they had been turned over to “local authorities.” Those authorities, of course, were Hamas, who most likely relocated them to another equally inappropriate location.


Occasionally, UNRWA officials will make a minor fuss or put on a shocked and affronted façade for donors or the media, but reportedly do nothing in the way of changing the practice. In the upper echelons of UNRWA management, there have been accusations of serious breaches of ethics in the forms of nepotism, bullying, mismanagement of funds — as well as lack of accountability.


This is no small matter, considering that in 2022, annual worldwide contributions to UNRWA alone — not including direct donations to Palestinian governing agencies such as Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, nor to the many NGOs and other Palestinian-specific aid agencies — from 68 donor nations, including the Holy See, was $1.1 billion.


Extensive reports released by UN Watch and IMPACT-se have highlighted the malignant influence of terror organizations such as Hamas, Fatah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad on UNRWA institutions that either feign ignorance or offer enthusiastic complicity. The repercussions of these revelations are becoming an embarrassment.


Switzerland’s Parliament recently voted to stop funding UNRWA ($21 million annually), labelled Hamas a terrorist organization and unanimously banned it. “Hamas’ brutal terrorist attacks against Israel necessitate a clear position from Switzerland,” they said.


In 2018, the Trump administration, calling UNRWA an “irredeemably flawed operation,” completely cut America’s $300 million annual donation. The aid was reinstated by President Joe Biden almost immediately after he took office.


Many have called the very inception of UNRWA into question, as the UN already has an agency specifically designated for refugees: the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


UNRWA remains a refugee organization distinctly apart from UNHCR based upon two premises: first, that the Palestinians will “return” to their homes in Israel by means of a the “right of return“; and second, that there will never be a resolution not to “return,” thereby making these refugees an eternal stick in the eye to Israel.


The first premise would effectively destroy Israel by imposing a demographic shift: flooding millions of Palestinians, demonstrably none too peace-oriented, into Israel.


The second premise would, and has been, effectively enslaving Palestinians as the crying faces that keep the international “pity-cash” flowing into the coffers of both Palestinian and UNRWA leadership.


Perhaps this may be at least one answer as to why, when UNRWA recently cried for more aid money for Palestinians, the organization was found to have an entire warehouse “filled to the brim” with food. When Gazans stormed the warehouse in October, they discovered copious amounts of rice, lentils, flour and oil.


Whatever hopes that anyone may have held for the trustworthiness of UNRWA have long expired, and were arguably misplaced at the outset. UNRWA, in its current state, has proven itself irremediably defective, unworkable and yet another massive stain on the already scandalously stained UN [such as here, here, here, here and here.] The agency has perpetuated the issue of the “refugees” by keeping them in camps while providing them with basic services, only.


Worse, UNRWA has deliberately created new generations of “refugees” by insisting that the descendants of refugees inherit the status of “refugee” – which on its face is nonsense. It is high time for the international community and those who actually want a better future for the Palestinians to liquidate UNRWA and take actions that truly help the Palestinians move forward to a golden life.

Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.




UNRWA: Your child abuse must stop

Lilia Gaufberg, 5February 2024,


As a former elementary school teacher and a human being, my heart breaks for the children of Gaza.


Picture a 5-year-old eagerly skipping to school, still navigating the intricacies of being in the world. In those formative years, curiosity knows no bounds, and imagination has no limits. Having witnessed this as an educator and experienced it as a child myself, I understand the permeable line between a young mind and the world it inhabits — a realm where everything appears possible. Drawings created, songs learned, and playtime activities all lay the groundwork for shaping one’s future self. A simple art class might spark dreams of becoming a sculptor, while an inspirational gym teacher fosters aspirations of winning the World Cup. Papier-mâché volcanoes explode with baking soda and vinegar, and a chemist is born.


Now, imagine you are a child in Gaza. You attend a school run by a UN agency, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), one of whose primary goals is to keep you, a child, in a perpetual state of victimhood by indoctrinating you into believing that you are, and will always be, a refugee, and that there is no way to escape from this identity. At school, you are taught that there’s an evil force — the Jews — out to destroy you and your people. Your textbooks in all subjects, from writing to math, are embedded with calls to maim and murder these nefarious Jews, and you are taught that if you don’t wage jihad against them, your life is rendered meaningless. You learn that heroes are people who blow themselves up on buses or massacre young adults at a music festival, rather than visionaries who cure diseases or write groundbreaking books. Dreams are maliciously stolen, and a singular path is laid out by teachers, leaving malleable minds with no choice but to succumb to the incitement. Oh, and there’s a good chance your teachers are Hamas members, too.


This is what the children of Gaza learn, day in and day out.


An excerpt from a textbook used in UNRWA schools (Our Beautiful Language, Vol. 2, Grade 1, 2023, p. 53). Source: IMPACT-se

An excerpt from a textbook used in UNRWA schools (Our Beautiful Language, Vol. 2, Grade 1, 2023, p. 53). Source: IMPACT-se

source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Click to download PDF file click to download READ: PA-Reports_-Selected-Examples_Update_Sept-2020


Evidence continues to mount of UNRWA staff’s involvement in the October 7th Hamas massacre, their assistance to Hamas in hiding Israeli hostages in Gaza, and the ties of thousands of UNRWA employees to terror groups. Dozens of countries around the world are freezing their aid to UNRWA in response, sparking outrage from some prominent voices, such as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. When I think about those children in Gaza, I say that any country who has not ceased financing UNRWA is complicit in child abuse. Anyone expressing horror at cuts to UNRWA funding by exclaiming something along the lines of, ‘b-b-but the children of Gaza!’ is actually perpetuating the abuse of the children of Gaza.


There is a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. That is a fact, and it is heartbreaking. We should all be concerned about it, and it must be effectively addressed. Let us be clear, however: it is a Hamas-perpetrated, UNRWA-upheld humanitarian crisis. The UN has mechanisms in place to effectively deal with humanitarian disasters. It is perfectly capable of bringing trucks of supplies into areas that need them and providing support for at-risk communities around the globe. I saw one example of this myself when I worked with South Sudanese refugees in Uganda: the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, was there, day in and day out, to assist people in need. There are alternatives to UNRWA, even within the confines of the UN itself. Calling to keep UNRWA in place because there is ‘no other solution’ is naïve and lazy at best and malicious at worst.


I have yet to have children of my own, but when I imagine my younger sisters and me growing up in an UNRWA school system instead of the American public school system, I feel sick. As kids, my sisters and I were instilled with the value of living meaningful lives and repairing the world. Who would we have become if we had attended UNRWA schools? I shudder at this chilling possibility; we would not be ourselves. If the children of Gaza are to have a real chance to dream, to play, to create, to evolve, and to think for themselves, two things must happen: Hamas must be eliminated, and UNRWA must be disbanded.


I dream of a real future for the children of Gaza, a future in which they can dream, too.


About the Author
I am an artist, writer, and content creator employed by the international and non-partisan Israel education organization StandWithUs. I grew up in Boston, MA and lived in Israel from 2017 to 2023, during which time I served in the Israel Defense Forces’ COGAT unit as a lone soldier. I recently returned to the United States, and I currently reside in New York. All ideas expressed on this blog are reflective of my personal opinions, perspectives, and experiences.



UNRWA: Raising the next generation of Terrorists

Dr. Eli David-tweet-14November2023-UNRWA-Raising the next generation of Terrorists
Palestinian children talk about the education they get in @UNRWA 🇺🇳 schools.

It’s all about killing the Jews. “I want to stab them again and again”, “I want to become a suicide bomber”, etc.

Thanks @UN 🇺🇳 for raising the next generation of terrorists.


Dr. Eli David-tweet-14November2023-UNRWA-Raising the next generation of Terrorists

Dr. Eli David-tweet-14November2023-UNRWA-Raising the next generation of Terrorists



UNRWA corruption vs. UNHCR

TX Avi8tor-tweet-13July2024-UNRWA corruption
Based on UN Watch’s litany of reports to @UNRWA and Israel’s presentation to @UN @antonioguterres ::

@UNLazzarini is totally corrupt.

He had to know exactly that hamas was stealing money, and diverting it from gazan citizens to equip and train a terrorist army.

He is actively aiding and abetting terrorism.

His diplomatic credentials must be stripped from him.

And he needs to be deported.

If he did not know, he is not fit enough to run a hotdog 🌭 cart.

TX Avi8tor-tweet-13July2024-UNRWA corruption

TX Avi8tor-tweet-13July2024-UNRWA corruption







The truth about UNRWA


By Ted Belman 25February2019

Not all refugees are the same.

The UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), created in 1951, is dedicated to the resettlement of all refugees except the Palestinian refugees, who fall within the purview of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).


According to UNCHR, a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her home because of persecution, war or violence and who crosses an international border.


UNRWA, on the other hand, defines a Palestinian refugee as “persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine during the period 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict, and their descendants.”


Unlike UNHCR, UNRWA does not seek to resettle its refugees, but rather is dedicated to preserving their status as “refugees”. In addition, it includes their descendants which UNCHR doesn’t. Finally, they need not have been “forced to flee”.


In August 2017, Pres Trump challenged UNRWA by rejecting UNRWA’s estimate of over 5 million refugees suggesting that the number was more like 500,000. In effect he was saying that a new definition should be operative. If he was to exclude descendants, there would be less that 20,000 people still living who fled in 1948


On Aug 31, 2018, The State Department announced that the US would make no further contribution to UNRWA. Therefore the pressure will build to find an alternate solution.


In 1920, the British Government’s Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine stated that there were hardly 700,000 people living in Palestine. By 1948, the population had risen to 1,900,000, of whom 68% were Arabs, and 32% were Jews (UNSCOP report, including Bedouin).


This population growth took place under the Palestine Mandate pursuant to which, Great Britain was responsible to “facilitate Jewish immigration” in line with the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.


Rather than doing so, she hindered it, while at the same time, she encouraged Arab immigration. She went so far as to prevent Jewish immigration, even during the Holocaust, when it was desperately needed.


The end result was that the Jews in Israel in 1948, were millions fewer in number than would otherwise have been the case and the Arabs were far greater in number than they should have been.


This great injustice to the Jews must be born in mind when crafting the Deal of the Century.

The vast majority of the Arab inhabitants of Mandatory Palestine in 1948 were economic migrants who entered Palestine illegally right up until the War of Independence in 1948.


The vast majority of Arabs who fled Israel or remained West of the Jordan River were illegal migrants and their children.

Joan Peters, after considerable research, made this case in her opus, From Time Immemorial.

Daniel Pipes, in his 1984 review of her book, wrote “In the course of research on this subject, she came across a “seemingly casual” discrepancy between the standard definition of a refugee and the definition used for the Palestinian Arabs. In other cases, a refugee is someone forced to leave a permanent or habitual home.  In this case, however, it is someone who had lived in Palestine for just two years before the flight that began in 1948.”


Had the standard definition been used, there would have been few refugees to deal with. Furthermore, by rejecting the standard definition, the Arabs who didn’t flee, who are registered as refugees under UNRWA, now number 2 million west of the Jordan River and 1.3 million in Gaza.


In 1948, though living in Palestine, they considered their home of origin to be Syria, in the main, but including Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt.


Not only were their numbers greatly inflated due to this new definition, but the Arab League prevented their naturalization in the countries they fled to, including their true countries of origin. Furthermore, the Arabs living outside of Israel as defined by the 1949 ceasefire line, yet still within the Mandatory lands, were also prevented from being naturalized.  This applies to Jordan also where there are currently 2 million registered Palestinian “refugees”.


Pipes concludes his review by stating “Thus, the “Palestinian problem” lacks firm grounding. Many of those who now consider themselves Palestinian refugees were either immigrants themselves before 1948 or the children of immigrants. This historical fact reduces their claim to the land of Israel; it also reinforces the point that the real problem in the Middle East has little to do with Palestinian-Arab rights.”


It is now 34 years after Pipes wrote his review. Like it or not, these Palestinian Arabs have put down roots making it more problematic to dispossess them. But one thing must be kept in mind. The reason that they consider themselves to be refugees is because they all claim the right of return to Israel as currently delineated. The corollary to this is that they do not claim the right to stay where they are. They can’t have it both ways.


Since Israel will not permit them to return, whether to Israel as it now stands or to Israel when its eastern boundary is extended to the Jordan River, the best option open to them is to relocate them in Jordan. Because Jordan was part of Mandatory Palestine, to which they originally migrated, these people should be considered as internally displaced persons (IDP) who fled their residences but never crossed an international border.


King Abdullah is dead set against this but his days as king are numbered. When Mudar Zahran, the Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition, becomes the leader of Jordan in the not too distant future, he will invite all these Palestinians to relocate in Jordan where they will be naturalized along with the 2 million “refugees” already there. In addition, over 75% of Jordan’s population of 9.7 million are Palestinian.

According to Zahran, they will be provided with housing, jobs and social security.

In my article International Law and the State of Israel, I discuss the issue of population transfer and its legitimacy.


“After WWII and the crushing defeat of Germany and its allies, the victors changed borders and moved populations. It was their right.

Der Spiegel reported;

“But the people fleeing the Red Army were unaware that the Allies had already agreed with the Polish government-in-exile to hand over large parts of eastern Germany to Poland and resettle the Germans who were living there.


“All those who didn’t manage to escape in time fell victim to the frenzied expulsions that were carried out until July 1945. The organized resettlement of Germans and ethnic Germans from Germany’s former eastern areas and the Sudetenland began in January 1946. In all, some 14 million Germans lost their homes.”


“These expulsions were often done in a brutal manner and were carried out as part of a broader program of nation-building pursued by the new communist government between 1945 and 1949. “The centre-piece of this programme was an attempt to achieve the ethnic homogenization of the state, to ensure as close a match as possible between its ethnic and political borders.”


At no time did the allies object to this “ethnic homogenization”.

The flight of the Arabs from the Palestine Mandate and Israel, whether voluntary or forced, must be viewed in this context. It happened at the same time. The hypocrisy of the West is glaring. In post war Europe, they insisted on the ethnic cleansing as the path to stabilization and peace whereas in the case of the “Palestinian refugees”, the UNGA passed Res 194 in Dec 11/48 even before the war was over in which they recommended that the “Refugees” should be permitted to return. Fortunately for Israel, a recommendation has no binding affect and can be ignored.


President Trump, in configuring his Deal of the Century, should embrace the idea of ethnic homogenization as fundamental to establishing peace and assist in the relocation of as many Arabs as possible to Jordan which will be considered the Palestinian State. There can be no objection to him doing so because of Zahran’s intention to provide them with housing, jobs and social security. Besides, no one is suggesting that they should be forcibly expelled. Instead they should be induced to relocate or emigrate of their own free will. It will be for their benefit.


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The UNRWA Constellation: Partnerships with UN Agencies and Terror-Linked NGOs




The mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), while highly controversial, is widely perceived as relating to humanitarian and educational objectives. UNRWA’s website lists “primary and vocational education, primary health care, relief and social services, infrastructure and camp improvement, microfinance and emergency response.”


However, beyond its core role in fueling the conflict for the past 74 years, as well as severe problems with terror links, antisemitism (discussed briefly below) and corruption, UNRWA also engages in extensive politicized anti-Israel “advocacy work in response to the needs of Palestine refugees affected by the Israeli occupation,” such as “in-person protection briefings to external partners including the donor and diplomatic community.” This activity often involves partnerships with international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as other UN agencies.


In this regard, UNRWA is part of the UN-NGO network dedicated to campaigns to demonize and delegitimize Israel, in contrast to humanitarian principles and promoting peace. Post-October 7, this entire system must be reviewed and reconsidered.


Moreover, UNRWA’s failure to engage in due diligence and to safeguard its aid from diversion by Hamas, as well as its intense involvement in political advocacy, demand a comprehensive independent audit and reform process. If the UN is unable to take these steps, donors should pull their funding.

Background: Funding

The United States is the single largest donor to UNRWA, having pledged $344 million in 2022 (29% of all commitments). Major funders also include Germany ($202M), the EU ($114M), and Sweden ($61M).

UNWRA, as part of the UN system, does not consider Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to be terror groups. As such, it does not hesitate to partner with these groups, which are proscribed by UNRWA’s main donors. Nor does it screen employees for ties to Hamas et al, which is particularly concerning as, according to UNRWA’s 2022 Annual Report, 99.77% of staff in Gaza and the West Bank – 15,589 out of 15,624 – were local Palestinians.


Hamas’ and other terror groups’ exploitation of UNRWA and its facilities is well documented:

  • A study published by IMPACT-se (November 2023) documents the Antisemitism, Encouragement of Martyrdom and Violent Jihad, Violence in Math and Science, and Erasure of Israel in textbooks used in UNRWA schools.
  • A joint study by IMPACT-se and UN Watch (March 2023) found “compelling evidence of UNRWA’s gross and systematic violations of neutrality and other UN rules in their hiring of teachers and in their use of curricula inside UNRWA schools that constitute incitement to hatred, antisemitism and terrorism.”
  • Hamas and other Gaza-based terror groups have repeatedly and systematically abused UNRWA school grounds for terror tunnels and ammunition caches.
  • As noted above, UN agencies, UNRWA included, do not acknowledge that Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and PFLP are terrorist groups. Hence, UNRWA claims to prevent aid diversion and cooperation with proscribed organizations are façades. (For instance, at an October 2023 press conference, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini stated, “All our vendors and partners are vetted against the sanctions list…. UNRWA does not and will not divert any humanitarian aid into the wrong hands.”
  • The PFLP has an official unionized body of UNRWA employees, The Democratic Assembly of UNRWA Workers.
  • In 2021, UNRWA’s Gaza Director was forced to flee and resign after he admitted in an interview that previous IDF strikes appeared to be “precise” and “sophisticated.”

Since October 7, these phenomena have been confirmed:

Advocacy through UN-OCHA “Clusters”

A primary channel for UNRWA’s cooperation with NGOs and other UN agencies is through the UN’s OCHA-oPt branch. The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the “humanitarian arm of the United Nations Secretariat,” is tasked with coordinating “the global emergency response…in humanitarian crises.” OCHA-oPt acknowledges that its involvement in intense political warfare against Israel – as documented by NGO Monitor – is “unique as compared to other OCHA country offices globally.” While other OCHA missions in conflict identify critical humanitarian interventions such as “saving lives” as the top priority, OCHA-oPt’s Strategic Objective 1 is “The rights of Palestinians living under occupation, including those living under the blockade and other restrictions, are protected, respected and promoted … while duty-bearers are increasingly held to account” (emphasis added).


OCHA-oPt activities are implemented through Clusters – “groups of humanitarian UN and non-UN organizations [i.e. NGOs] in each of the main sectors of humanitarian action.” These “clusters” focus on issues such as food security, health and nutrition, education, sanitation, and protection.


UNRWA is an implementing partner in all OCHA-oPt clusters (see UN document from 2021) and participates in their political advocacy. For instance, according to OCHA-oPt’s 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan, “In 2023 UNRWA will seek to address the acute needs of the Palestine refugees [in the West Bank]… [by] monitoring and documentation of protection incidents to advocate…including persuasion, mobilization and denunciation – targeting duty bearers as well as international and national interlocutors.” In other words, UNRWA will level accusations of “war crimes” and “violations of human rights,” and seek condemnations of Israel from international bodies and various governments.

Lawfare and partnerships with terror-linked NGOs

UNRWA activities under the heading of “Monitoring and documentation” and “targeting external actors and duty bearers” are central to the NGO-led “lawfare” campaign against Israel.


UNRWA partners with the main NGOs behind anti-Israel lawfare, Al-Haq, Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), and Al Mezan. For instance, UNRWA was listed as an implementing partner on their joint project titled “Advocacy, monitoring and documentation of HR and IHL violations and related trends (with focus on grave violations against children across the oPt; IHL violations in Gaza; and settler violence and excessive use of force in the West Bank).”


The three NGOs have ties to the PFLP terror group:


  • On October 22, 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense declared Al-Haq a “terror organization” because it is part of “a network of organizations” that operates “on behalf of the ‘Popular Front’.”
  • Al-Haq’s General Director Shawan Jabarin has been linked to the PFLP.
  • On October 8, Al-Haq signed a joint statement describing the October 7 massacre as: “Palestinian armed groups engaged in an operation in response to escalating Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.”
  • On October 12, Al-Haq Legal Researcher and Advocacy Officer Aseel Al-Bajeh tweeted, “We don’t need to speak of our right to resist, for it is not a right, but a way of being & survival for Palestinians. We don’t demand our right to narrate. Our ability to narrate was never out of our hands & resistance doesn’t need the pre- approval of static int’l law codes. Its not ‘our duty to expose the bloody barbarism of zionism, their actions as a fascist state & a ruthless army are more than sufficient to undertake this task. We remain attached to our land & in our humanity, as Pal Arabs no need to prove our humanity to those who have lost it.”

Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)

  • PCHR has multiple links to the PFLP terror organization. For details, see NGO Monitor’s report “Palestinian Centre for Human Rights’ Ties to the PFLP Terror Group.”
  • Founderand director Raji Sourani served “a three-year sentence [1979-1982] imposed by an Israeli court which convicted him of membership in the illegal Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine…” He was also denied a US entry visa in 2012.
  • In February 2014, the PFLP organized a ceremonyin Gaza honoring Sourani. Rabah Muhana, a member of the PFLP Political Bureau, delivered a speech at the prize ceremony. During the ceremony Sourani stated that “I was in the ranks of the Popular Front, and there were comrades who taught us with their own hands. This organization has given us much more. We hope that the direction and the sense of belonging that were planted inside us will remain in our minds. We don’t apologize and don’t regret our past, we are proud that once we were members of this organization and we fought in its ranks” (emphasis added).

Al Mezan

  • A number of Al Mezan board members, officials, and employees appear to have direct affiliations with Hamas and the PFLP.
  • Additionally, Al Mezan officials and board members speak at PFLP events, and many have posted material on their social media accounts promoting terror groups or utilizing antisemitic imagery and rhetoric.
  • For details, see “Al Mezan Center for Human Rights’ Ties to the PFLP Terror Group.”

Two of the other implementing partners, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) and Addameer, also have established links to the PFLP. See NGO Monitor reports, “Defense for Children International – Palestine’s Ties to the PFLP Terror Group” and “Addameer’s Ties to the PFLP Terrorist Group,” for more details.1

Islamic Relief Worldwide

According to UNRWA, “Partnering with Islamic Relief’s chapter in the US has opened opportunities for UNRWA to engage with Islamic Relief chapters in the UK and France, and with the umbrella organization Islamic Relief Worldwide.”


  1. Another lawfare-related project, almost certainly involving both UNRWA and PFLP-linked NGOs, and also consisting of “monitoring and documenting,” is the UNICEF “Working Group” on “grave violations against children.” The UN agencies and NGOs in the working group use false charges of abuse of Palestinian children in the effort to trigger sanctions against Israel. A core goal is to have the IDF included on a list of child rights abusers, published annually by the UN Secretary-General as an annex to the report on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC). See NGO Monitor’s reports for more details.
    Reflecting a lack of transparency, perhaps in response to NGO Monitor research, UNICEF no longer publishes a list of its NGO and UN partners. As of September 2017, members of the UNICEF “Working Group” were: UNRWA, Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P), Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Mezan, B’Tselem, Terre Des Homme – Suisse, Save the Children, War Child Holland, World Vision, OCHA, UNESCO, UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS), and WHO.



Arutz Sheva

Gaza resident tells IDF: Hamas has control of UNRWA in Gaza

Civilian in Gaza tells soldier Hamas has control over the humanitarian aid which is brought into the Gaza Strip.

Gary Willig / 26December2023 /


A resident of the Gaza Strip told the IDF that the Hamas terrorist organization directly controls the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the New York Post reported.<


In a recording obtained by the Post, the man stated that “the situation is terrible because the humanitarian people, those responsible for the humanitarian aid, are thieves.”


He further stated that “Hamas has their hands on UNRWA administration workers, and it manages UNRWA” and that Hamas ensures its own operatives receive any aid first before it is distributed to the civilians of Gaza as intended.


The IDF stated that the conversation was recorded when an IDF officer was delivering warnings to civilians in Gaza where they should evacuate in order to escape the fighting between Israel and Hamas and where to go to receive humanitarian aid.


UNRWA has long been criticized for its cooperation with Hamas, antisemitic incitement, and employment of Hamas terrorists.

It has been revealed that a teacher employed by UNRWA held one of the hostages kidnapped by Hamas during the October 7 massacre in an attic for 50 days without proper food or medical care.


Yesterday (Monday), the IDF reported that dozens of explosive devices were found inside UNRWA bags during operational activity in the area of the “Al Rafaa” and “Zavaha” schools in Tuffah in the northern Gaza Strip. This is not the first time Hamas weapons and explosives have been found inside UNRWA bags.


Earlier this month, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that “UNRWA is part of the problem – not part of the solution. The organization educates to incitement to terror, and ignores Hamas’ cynical use of Gaza residents as human shields.”


Last week, Israeli President Isaac Herzog accused the United Nations of failing to facilitate the transfer of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, saying that three times as much aid could have entered the enclave if the UN had done its job properly.


“Unfortunately, due to the utter failure of the UN in its work with other partners in the region, they have been unable to bring in more than 125 trucks a day,” Herzog told French Senate President Gérard Larcher.


“Today it is possible to provide three times the amount of humanitarian aid to Gaza if the UN — instead of complaining all day — would do its job,” he said.



Honest Reporting New Logo

UNRWA-Hamas isn’t stockpiling fuel

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-Isn’t it amazing that @UNRWA’s commissioner-general seems to be under the impression that Hamas isn’t stockpiling fuel?

What are they firing rockets with? Willpower?




Wall Street Silver-tweet-3December2023-Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders
This is how it also works for countries and quality of life.
Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders

Wall Street Silver-tweet-3December2023-Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders

Wall Street Silver-tweet-3December2023-Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders


Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders

Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders




Gaza: As Defenses Collapse And Men Surrender, Hamas Reportedly Turning To Female Terrorists For Help

IDF uncovers sniper rifle and ammo stuffed inside teddy bear in Gaza school.

Posted by Vijeta Uniyal, 9December2023


Israeli ground forces encircle the terrorist bastion of Khan Younis

Israeli ground forces encircle the terrorist bastion of Khan Younis

With Israeli military tightening the noose around terrorist strongholds across Gaza, the Hamas leadership is pressing female terrorists into service, the Israeli media reports citing IDF sources.


As Israeli ground forces encircle the terrorist bastion of Khan Younis, where Hamas’s Gaza chief and the planner of the October 7 massacre Yahya Sinwar is believed to be hiding, the Islamic terror group is sending women jihadists into harms way.


“In the past 24 hours, the elite IDF 98th Brigade has encountered multiple terrorists in Khan Younis, including the first time in which female terrorists were used in battle,” the Israeli news website Ynet reported Friday evening. “The females are reportedly taking on roles as observers, closely monitoring the movements of the brigade’s forces, and, according to suspicions, may also be carrying explosive devices.”


The news comes as Hamas terror fighters are surrendering to the IDF in large numbers, instead of dying in jihad in the hope of ‘heavenly’ rewards.

Yishai Fleisher-tweet-7December2023-Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern Gaza
Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern #Gaza

Yishai Fleisher-tweet-7December2023-Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern Gaza

Yishai Fleisher-tweet-7December2023-Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern Gaza


Hamas terrorists continue to use Gaza civilians as human shields, firing at Israeli troops from well dug-in positions insides schools, hospitals and residential buildings. On Saturday, terrorists attacked IDF soldiers from a United Nations-run school.


“Israeli forces fought a string of battles with Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza on Saturday as they pressed ahead with the ground offensive, with troops being attacked in at least two instances from within schools, the military said,” the Times of Israel reported. “At least two of the clashes took place inside a mosque and schools, including one run by the United Nations.”


Yoseph Haddad-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists beat Gazian and take humanitarian aid from them
This documentation proves how Hamas terrorists beat the residents of Gaza and forcibly take humanitarian aid from them!

This proves only who Hamas terrorists are and that the aid entering Gaza mostly ends up in the hands of Hamas!

Yoseph Haddad-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists beat Gazian and take humanitarian aid from them

Yoseph Haddad-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists beat Gazian and take humanitarian aid from them


IDF uncovers sniper rifle and ammo stuffed inside teddy bear in Gaza school

During the subsequent search inside the school, the IDF uncovered a weapons cache hidden inside a large teddy bear. “A teddy bear stuffed with sniper rifles and ammunition, along with various weaponry, was found in schools in Gaza,” the military disclosed Saturday.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9December2023-Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear
Israelis placed teddy bears to remind the world of the 137 hostages still held by terrorists in Gaza.

Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear.

Can you see the difference between the two?

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9December2023-Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9December2023-Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear


The IDF reported the last bust inside a Gaza school:

During operational activity by the 551th Division yesterday, a large teddy bear was found containing sniper rifles and ammunition inside a school.

Additionally, in a nearby school, weaponry was found hidden in classrooms, some concealed in UNRWA bags.

The Hamas terrorist organization is using children’s games to conceal weapons, while deliberately putting the children of Gaza at risk. Throughout the war, weapons were found hidden in children’s items and play areas including in a girl’s backpack, under children’s beds, in schools, and in playgrounds.

Dr. Eli David-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists firing from within an UNRWA School
🚨 Breaking: Footage of Hamas terrorists firing from within an @UNRWA
🇺🇳 school in Gaza 👇

Yesterday @antonioguterres said 130 UN staff have been killed in Gaza.
Now you know why and how…

Dr. Eli David-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists firing from within an UNRWA School

Dr. Eli David-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists firing from within an UNRWA School


Defense minister Gallant: Hamas-rule beginning to ‘crumble’ in Gaza

The Israeli military struck further terrorist targets, including Hamas commanders, terror tunnels and weapons depots, spread across Gaza. “IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip continues. IAF fighter jets struck terror targets and terrorists as ground troops continued combat in different locations,” the military revealed Saturday morning.


Amid recent IDF successes on the ground, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant assured that Hamas-rule is beginning to ‘crumble’ in Gaza.

The i24NEWS reported:

Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Friday he was seeing definite “signs indicating the terrorist regime of Hamas was beginning to break under the pressure of Israel’s military offensive.

“The results are very impressive,” he said. “I see signs showing Hamas is beginning to fall apart in Gaza. You all play a key role in this,” he said.

Report: Biden WH gives Israel ‘until the end of the year’ to wrap up Gaza op

Meanwhile, the Biden White House is reportedly ramping up to pressure on Israel to ‘wrap up’ the military operation against Hamas. According to the latest news reports, the Biden administration has given Israel little over three weeks to end its counter-terrorism operation in Gaza.


“Biden admin has given Israel ‘until the end of the year’ to wrap up Gaza operation,” the newspaper Israel Hayom reported Saturday. “Israeli officials cited as saying the deadline was relayed by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Israel last week.”


Hamas militants encounter Israeli troops in Gaza school



Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzouk

Tamer Masudin-tweet-25December2023-Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas
Palestinians deserve to starve according to #Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzouk.

“The aid that comes to Gaza must be distributed to the resistance fighters, and what remains is done Distribute it to the people. The attempt of some citizens to seize aid, as happened today in Rafah, will be fought with all force, and the people must offer what is expensive and what is cheap for the sake of the resistance, not steal the food of the resistance.”

According to #Hamas if you are a hungry #Palestinian, you deserve to be shot.

Tamer Masudin-tweet-25December2023-Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas

Tamer Masudin-tweet-25December2023-Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas



Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid
Well, nothing new to see here—just Hamas’ freedom rapists violently stealing the humanitarian aid from their civilian all over again.

Breaching the understanding they signed off to when they still acted like they’re just worried, caring, and need it for nothing but their people.

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid


Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid
Hamas terrorists have hijacked yet another humanitarian aid convoy after it crossed over the Rafah border from Egypt.

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid




Video of UNRWA Camps Showing Children Calling for Jihad Attracts Renewed Attention

by Deborah Danan 9August2014

Camp Jihad from המרכז לחקר מדיניות המזה”ת CFNEPR on Vimeo.

A video of summer camps run by UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is making the rounds on pro-Israel social media networks again with footage that shows Palestinian children as young as 6 calling for “Jihad against the Jews.”


“The resistance in Gaza is not enough,” says one camper in UNRWA’s school in Balata. “We need to unite and fight together.”


The Lawfare Project, which promoted the video, that was produced by the Center for Near East Policy Research, headed by David Bedein, makes the claim that US and Europe-sponsored UNWRA is abusing children with brainwashing methods that include games aimed at teaching the values of war and the Arab “right of return” to Israeli cities. It portrays children writing names on kites of the Israeli cities that they will one day recapture as theirs.


Children are taught to chant mantras such as “Palestine is an Arab land from the river to the sea. We want Haifa, we want Natanya.” Camp counselors tell stories of how their grandparents lived in places like Jaffa and Jerusalem and the many cars, palaces, villas and ships they owned before the “wolf” came. “Isn’t it true that Jews are the wolf?” asks one counselor.


“I dream that I will return to Sheikh Munis [Tel Aviv],” says one child, roughly 10-years-old. “I hope Abu Mazen will achieve this goal and will not disappoint, he has built great hopes.”


Another adds, “The right of return is our holy right. If not me than my grandchildren [will return].”

The songs that are sung include inciteful lyrics which range from tamer verses like “I will not forget my promise to take back my land” and “collect stones, throw them at Israelis” to the more radical such as “we are the revolutionaries and we are filled with rage”, “when we die as martyrs we go to heaven” and “with God’s help we will wage war.”


Another child who appears to be about 7-years-old is asked who the Jews are. “They are a gang of infidels and Christians,” she says. “I will defeat them.”


An older teenager is filmed as saying, “Attacking stage by stage is not the answer. We need to attack all at once.” He continues by saying “There will never be peace between us and Israel.”


In one instance, an older child explains one of the differences between UNRWA schools and regular schools within the PA. “UNRWA schools teach us about the Naqba,” she says. “Government schools also but the course load is less than our schools. They teach us a lot about the right of return, how life was before 1948.”


The video explains how funding for UNRWA comes from 20 donor nations, with most of the money coming from the US, Canada, and Britain. UNRWA schools hold summer camps on their premises every year in Gaza, Jerusalem, Nablus and Jenin.


UNRWA services 5 million descendants of Palestinian refugees from 1948 Arab-Israeli war.



Report: Teachers at UNRWA-run schools celebrated Hamas massacres



Teachers at schools run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees have celebrated Hamas’s October 7 massacre of Israeli civilians, according to a new report.


Click to download PDF file Click to download UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023


The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), says it found at least 14 cases of teachers at UNRWA schools who lauded Hamas’s atrocities and other attacks by the terror group.


It also notes that an UNRWA-run school posted to its official Facebook page an event celebrating Hamas and its “jihad warriors” at the school.


It says textbooks used at UNRWA schools celebrate Hamas as “heroes” of jihad.



Arutz Sheva

IDF reveals: Proof Gazan teachers worked for Hamas

In letters addressed to the head of the Gaza Education Directorate, the terror organization requests to make it easier for teachers to devote themselves to their work with the terror organization.

Israel National News 18January2024

IDF Arabic Language Spokesman Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee on Thursday revealed documents that indicate that teachers in the Gaza Strip worked in the ranks of the Hamas military complex.


In letters, which were apparently addressed to the head of the Gaza Education Directorate, Dr. Mohammad Hamdan, Hamas asks the Education Directorate to make it easier for teachers to devote themselves to their work with the terror organization.


The official letters were located during IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip.


In the first letter, Hamas asks the Gazan Education Directorate to relieve the teachers from their educational requirements so they can work full-time for the organization. In the second letter, Hamas demands that an easy schedule be made for the teachers due to their work in the military arm.


Other letters ask to exempt the teachers from adhering to the teaching schedule so they can train with the organization. The letter notes that the “schedule is not flexible.”




IDF: Troops in Gaza finding caches of Hamas weapons in schools, mosques and homes

By EMANUEL FABIAN 13November2023,


This handout photo released by the Israel Defense Forces on November 13, 2023, shows Israeli ground forces in the Gaza Strip amid the war against Hamas. (Israel Defense Forces)

This handout photo released by the Israel Defense Forces on November 13, 2023, shows Israeli ground forces in the Gaza Strip amid the war against Hamas. (Israel Defense Forces)

The Israel Defense Forces says ground troops continue to find Hamas weaponry and infrastructure during raids in the Gaza Strip, including inside schools, mosques, and the homes of terror operatives.


Troops of the 401st Brigade operating on the outskirts of the al-Shati camp located Hamas infrastructure in Al-Quds University, and a cache of explosives inside the Abu Bakr mosque, the IDF says.


It says that troops seized dozens of weapons, military equipment, and Hamas battle plans.

Troops of the 551st Reserve Brigade meanwhile raided the home of a senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative in the Beit Hanoun area, and found a weapons cache, including some in a child’s bedroom.


In another raid in Beit Hanoun, troops found a tunnel shaft, intelligence materials, and weapons, the IDF adds.


idfonline-tweet-13November2023-401st brigade’s combat team

לוחמי צוות הקרב של חטיבה 401, ממשיכים בביצוע פשיטות בפאתי מחנה ‘שאטי’ תוך מיקוד בתשתיות טרור הממוקמות במוסדות שלטוניים מרכזיים בלב אוכלוסייה אזרחית ובהם- בתי ספר, אוניברסיטאות, מסגדים ובתי פעילים >>

Translated from Hebrew by
The fighters of the 401st brigade’s combat team continue to carry out raids on the outskirts of the ‘Shatti’ camp while targeting terrorist infrastructures located in central government institutions in the heart of a civilian population, including schools, universities, mosques and activist homes >>


idfonline-tweet-13November2023-401st brigade's combat team

idfonline-tweet-13November2023-401st brigade’s combat team




Arutz Sheva

Explosives found in UNRWA bags, terrorists hiding in schools

Nahal Brigade troops battle Hamas, Islamic Jihad terrorists hiding in schools in northern Gaza, dozens of explosives found in UNRWA bags.

Israel National News / 25December2023 /

After receiving information regarding Hamas terrorists hiding inside schools, IDF soldiers of the Nahal Brigade in the 162nd Division conducted operational activity in the area of the “Al Rafaa” and “Zavaha” schools in Tuffah in the northern Gaza Strip.


During the encounter with the terrorists and their elimination, the soldiers located dozens of explosive devices in UNRWA bags, Kalashnikovs and 15 explosive belts. In one of Hamas’ attempts to attack the soldiers, a terrorist fired an anti-tank missile at IDF soldiers. Immediately afterward, the terrorist was eliminated by a precise strike from a tank.


Many terrorists who hid inside the schools were identified as operatives of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad and were brought in for questioning. Some of the terrorists that were brought in for questioning took part in the October 7th massacre.


“This is further evidence of Hamas’ use of the civilian population and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip as human shields for its terrorist activity,” the IDF stated.



The UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-2December2023-UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice
The UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice‼️
Our soldiers have irrefutably exposed how UNRWA aid – aid that is meant to benefit Gazan civilians – is exploited by Hamas to conceal missiles and rockets used to murder Israeli civilians.
I showcased Hamas’ cynical use of the UN’s aid, at the UN and to UN officials. The UN’s indifference to terrorists exploiting UN resources makes the UN a direct accomplice in terror!
Watch and retweet to spread the truth>>

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-2December2023-UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-2December2023-UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice





Adam Albilya-tweet-1December2023-UNRWA-FAFO
Israel in Clear Statement: “Every resident of Gaza who held hostages — is a terrorist marked for elimination”

First publication: Following the exposure of News 13 last night regarding a teacher at UNRA and a doctor who held hostages in their home – today it was reported that the IDF is threatening those kidnapping terrorists: “Every person who held any of the hostages is a deadly terrorist.”

The meaning of this is that the IDF will not separate between “active” Hamas terrorists and ” mostly peaceful civilians” who held the hostages like Jew slaves. Whether they thought they were only “guarding” them or held them in exchange for making money:

Around they fucked — find out THEY WILL. [EDD: Proper Translation: THEY FUCKED AROUND – THEY WILL FIND OUT]

🛑 Spreading unsubstantiated claims about @UNRWA
must stop immediately.

Making serious allegations in the public domain, unsupported by any evidence or verifiable facts in support thereof may amount to misinformation.

FULL Statement ⬇️

Community-Notes-logo Readers added context

Claims against UNRWA have been documented for a long time.

The headmaster of an UNRWA school was a terrorist.

Film by David Bedein in Jenin, UNRWA policies and practices

UNRWA teachers celebrated Oct 7 massacre

UNRWA teacher holds hostage in attic

Adam Albilya-tweet-1December2023-UNRWA-FAFO

Adam Albilya-tweet-1December2023-UNRWA-FAFO


Hillel Neuer-tweet-2December2023-UNRWA’s tweet complaining
UNRWA’s tweet complaining about “unsubstantiated claims about UNRWA” just got Community Noted with lots of substantiated claims.

Hillel Neuer-tweet-2December2023-UNRWA's tweet complaining

Hillel Neuer-tweet-2December2023-UNRWA’s tweet complaining



UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.

Visegrád 24-tweet-4February2024-UNRWA funding has fallen
UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.


Visegrád 24-tweet-4February2024-UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.

Visegrád 24-tweet-4February2024-UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.



UN staff and UNRWA School director among the Hamas Terrorists who surrendered today

miha schwartzenberg-tweet-7December2023-UN-UNRWA staff are Hamas Terrorists surrendered
A @UN staff and a @UNRWA School director, among the #HamasTerrorists who surrendered today.
Don’t take my word for it, the info is from Palestinian accounts, who thought…it’s a good idea to tell us all:).
These terrorists are from Shejaiya Battalion, responsible for heavy attacks on Israel.

miha schwartzenbergs-tweet-7December2023-UN-UNRWA staff are Hamas Terrorists surrendered

miha schwartzenbergs-tweet-7December2023-UN-UNRWA staff are Hamas Terrorists surrendered


Palestinian source:

Ramy Abdu-tweet-7December2023-Among those taken today in Beit Lahia
Among those taken hostage today in Beit Lahia are:
-Khalil Hashem Al-Kahlot, 65,
– Rafiq Ahmad Al-Kahlot, 60,
– Muhammad Ismail Al-Kahlot, 57
– Darwish Gharbawy, @unrwa
School director, 48
– Ahmed Akram Lubad, 56, @UN
In addition to the children
-Muhammad Hamza Al-Kahlot, 15 years old.
– Youssef Khaled Lubad, 15 years old

Ramy Abdus-tweet-7December2023-Among those taken today in Beit Lahia

Ramy Abdus-tweet-7December2023-Among those taken today in Beit Lahia


Adam Albilya-tweet-10December2023-Terrorists are a bunch of cowards
Terrorists are no longer what they used to be…

Oh, wait, they actually are what they’ve always been: a bunch of cowards who are only brave against kids and elderly.

Their ongoing investigation reveals that the most commonly used excuse for surrender is cited as “loss of communication with the leadership.”

Adam Albilya-tweet-10December2023-Terrorists are a bunch of cowards

Adam Albilya-tweet-10December2023-Terrorists are a bunch of cowards



From the 2014 Gaza War


The Price of Hamas’ Underground Terror Network


Hamas could be investing in the people of Gaza. Instead it invests in terrorism.

Construction materials meant for Palestinians routinely enter Gaza from Israel. To be exact, 4,680 trucks carrying 181 thousand tons of gravel, iron, cement, wood and other supplies have passed through the Kerem Shalom crossing since the beginning of 2014.

Imagine what Hamas could build with these resources instead of tunnels. Hundreds of homes and civilian structures for the residents of Gaza go unbuilt while the underground terror network continues to expand.

The price of Hamas underground terror network

The price of Hamas underground terror network



UN and Hamas: Partners in Crime

by Robert Williams


  • To understand how the UN effectively runs the Hamas propaganda war, it is important to know that the UN, through its agency for Palestinian refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), is effectively embedded with Hamas in the Gaza Strip…
  • “The UN has 13,000 employees in tiny Gaza. They know exactly what’s going on… They all knew Hamas’ terror infrastructure was in the hospital compound, where Israel wouldn’t attack. They lied to the world for 16 years. To paint Israel as evil.” — Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, November 16, 2023.
  • [T]he UN has sustained an incessant campaign, especially on social media, that accuses Israel of deliberately targeting schools, children, civilians, hospitals and healthcare workers. While those are protected from attack during war by international law, that protection does not apply to schools, hospitals and other civilian sites that are used for military purposes.
  • When Israel carried out an airstrike on an ambulance in northern Gaza, which was being used by Hamas terrorists, [UN Secretary-General António] Guterres expressed that he was “horrified” with Israel’s action, while ignoring Hamas’s war crimes. In practice, the UN and Hamas act as partners in crime.
  • Above all, the UN’s transparent complicity with Hamas should convince the US, finally, that much of the UN is a destructive organization that prolongs wars, and needs immediately to have its funding decimated, and be reduced in importance to the corrupt relic that it is, deserving no place in this century.


When a rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad exploded outside Gaza's Al-Ahli hospital, Hamas claimed within minutes that Israel had bombed the hospital and falsely asserted that hundreds of people had been killed there. The United Nations rushed to blame Israel, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres used his speech at the Belt and Road Summit in China to condemn Israel for the explosion. Pictured: The parking lot of Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza on October 18, 2023 after a rocket launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad landed there. (Photo by Shadi Al-Tabatibi/AFP via Getty Images)

When a rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad exploded outside Gaza’s Al-Ahli hospital, Hamas claimed within minutes that Israel had bombed the hospital and falsely asserted that hundreds of people had been killed there. The United Nations rushed to blame Israel, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres used his speech at the Belt and Road Summit in China to condemn Israel for the explosion. Pictured: The parking lot of Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza on October 18, 2023 after a rocket launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad landed there. (Photo by Shadi Al-Tabatibi/AFP via Getty Images)


Since October 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israel and massacred at least 1,200 and kidnapped another 240 Israelis and people of other nationalities, the United Nations has been acting as the unofficial propaganda arm of the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist organization.


The propaganda campaign’s main aim – besides smearing Israel – appears to be to build overwhelming international pressure on Israel to agree to an indefinite ceasefire , which will give Hamas the needed time to regroup and replenish to continue its terrorist activities and to avoid being eliminated by the Israeli Defense Forces.


To understand how the UN effectively runs the Hamas propaganda war, it is important to know that the UN, through its agency for Palestinian refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), is effectively embedded with Hamas in the Gaza Strip: it can be difficult to make any meaningful distinction between the two organizations. On October 7, in fact, as the Hamas massacre of civilians in Israel unfolded, UNRWA employees in Gaza celebrated. UN Watch wrote in a report last month:

“As soon as news of the horrific slaughter broke, which was livestreamed on social media by some of the terrorists, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff immediately celebrated and justified it on Facebook… UNRWA has been a breeding ground for Palestinian terrorists from its early days… The perpetrators of the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre, in which 11 Israeli athletes were murdered… almost all were raised and educated in UNRWA schools… Likewise, Mohamed Deif, the commander of Hamas’s Al Qassem Brigades who masterminded the October 7th massacre, was also educated in an UNRWA school.”

According to Associated Press:

“From 2014-2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza, including $600 million in 2020 alone. More than 80% of that funding is channeled through the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, who make up three-fourths of Gaza’s population. Some 280,000 children in Gaza attend schools run by UNRWA, which also provides health services and food aid.”

The UN, through UNRWA in Gaza, likely knows everything that happens there, including the terrorist infrastructure of the underground Hamas tunnels and their use of hospitals and ambulances. Yet throughout this war, the UN has done nothing but feign “horror and shock” at Israel’s necessary measures against Hamas terrorists embedded within civilian society in Gaza. As the executive director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, pointed out:

“The UN has 13,000 employees in tiny Gaza. They know exactly what’s going on… They all knew Hamas’ terror infrastructure was in the hospital compound, where Israel wouldn’t attack. They lied to the world for 16 years. To paint Israel as evil.”

On October 24, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stooped to a new low when pushing a typical Hamas narrative of grievances. He said that the October 7 attacks “did not happen in a vacuum,” thereby seemingly justifying the terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, the UN has not bothered in the least to address in concrete and horrifying detail what happened during the October 7 massacre – the mass rapes, the horrific torture, the ruthless murders and the kidnappings.


This silence on what happened on October 7 is, sadly, in keeping with the UN’s demonization of Israel around the clock. The UN invokes international humanitarian law – which Hamas, not Israel, is breaking by building military installations in protected civilian spaces (which, when used for military purposes become unprotected) and using civilians as human shields. Meanwhile, the UN never calls for Hamas to stop using its civilians as human shields to protect its weapons and show dead babies to the television cameras – to imply that their deaths were Israel’s fault.


Why are Gazan civilians not allowed to take shelter from aerial bombardments in Hamas’s 300 km of underground tunnels? Why did the Israel Defense Forces have to protect the Gazans fleeing south for their lives — as Israel had cautioned them to — while Hamas tried at gunpoint to prevent them from leaving?


Everything that the UN says and does regarding to Israel’s military operations in Gaza turns Hamas’s war crimes on their head — to try to blame them on Israel. Meanwhile, the UN parrots as fact whatever outlandish claims Hamas produces, including Gazan casualty numbers, which oddly never include any mention of Hamas terrorists, but mostly women and children.


When Hamas claimed on October 17 that Israel had bombed Gaza’s Al-Ahli hospital, falsely asserting that hundreds of people had been killed, the UN rushed to blame Israel. Guterres used his speech at the Belt and Road Summit in China to condemn Israel for the explosion outside the hospital and to call for an immediate ceasefire, while Dennis Francis, president of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly announced that he was “shocked and horrified.”


On October 18, Israel published evidence showing that the strike on the hospital compound was a misfired rocket aimed at Israel and launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The UN said nothing. Instead, the UN has sustained an incessant campaign, especially on social media, that accuses Israel of deliberately targeting schools, children, civilians, hospitals and healthcare workers. While those are protected from attack during war by international law, that protection does not apply to schools, hospitals and other civilian sites that are used for military purposes.


Hamas’ unlawful military use of hospitals, schools and other civilian sites was first exposed years ago. Former US President Bill Clinton spoke about it in 2016. “When Hamas chooses to rocket Israel, it insinuates itself into hospitals and into schools,” he said.


NATO published a report in 2019, which bluntly stated:

“Hamas, an Islamist militant group and the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, has been using human shields in conflicts with Israel since 2007. According to the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the war crime of using human shields encompasses “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations.” Hamas has launched rockets, positioned military-related infrastructure-hubs and routes, and engaged the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from, or in proximity to, residential and commercial areas.

“The strategic logic of human shields has two components. It is based on an awareness of Israel’s desire to minimise collateral damage, and of Western public opinion’s sensitivity towards civilian casualties. If the IDF uses lethal force and causes an increase in civilian casualties, Hamas can utilise that as a lawfare tool: it can accuse Israel of committing war crimes, which could result in the imposition of a wide array of sanctions. Alternatively, if the IDF limits its use of military force in Gaza to avoid collateral damage, Hamas will be less susceptible to Israeli attacks, and thereby able to protect its assets while continuing to fight.”

When Israel carried out an airstrike on an ambulance in northern Gaza, which was being used by Hamas terrorists, Guterres expressed that he was “horrified” with Israel’s action, while ignoring Hamas’s war crimes. In practice, the UN and Hamas act as partners in crime.


A Hamas terrorist who participated in the October 7 mass-murder of Israelis and was captured, said during a recent interrogation intercepted by Israel:

“Al-Qassam [the Hamas military wing] has its own ambulances, some of which are located on the military base. The appearance of the ambulances is similar to the civilian ambulances so that they will not arouse suspicion or be bombed by Israel.”

Another captured Hamas terrorist said:

“During combat, the ambulances are used, among other things, to evacuate fighters, commanders and operatives. They also transport food, cargo and weapons in them because that is the safest way to transport them.”

Yet another captured terrorist said that ambulances were useful to transport “important people” such as Hamas commanders because “the Jews don’t attack ambulances.”


When Israel published evidence of the Hamas military command center beneath Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who covered up the transmissibility of the COVID-19 pandemic for China and is accused of trying to cover up three cholera epidemics in Ethiopia, immediately castigated Israel.


UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths, wrote:

“I’m appalled by reports of military raids in Al Shifa hospital in #Gaza. The protection of newborns, patients, medical staff and all civilians must override all other concerns. Hospitals are not battlegrounds.”

While these high-ranking UN officials disingenuously feign ignorance and expect the public to believe that they knew nothing about the Hamas base in Al-Shifa Hospital, foreign doctors and journalists have apparently been aware of it for years.


An unnamed British doctor, who worked at Al-Shifa hospital three years ago, recently said in a television interview:

“The main point was, when I was first asked to work there [at Al-Shifa], I was told there was a part of the hospital I was not to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot… implicit was that it was being used for non-medical purposes… I stayed away, but I saw a few dodgy looking non-medical characters going in and out all the time. It was a ward leading to a basement.”

A journalist from Italy related that in 2009, upon arriving in Al-Shifa Hospital to interview wounded members of Fatah, he came almost face to face with the Hamas command and control center beneath the hospital:

“Shifa is a very large compound. I got lost inside it, and at some point I ended up on an underground floor, and I found myself in front of two armed Hamas men in military attire, who told me to get out. I got the impression they were guarding a security door that gave access to their underground infrastructure. Several Palestinian sources I spoke with later on confirmed that Hamas’s command and control center was located under Shifa Hospital and that [Hamas leader] Ismail Haniyeh had been hiding there throughout the duration of Operation Cast Lead.”

It is also likely that the UN, with its 13,000 employees in Gaza, knew, as did the nurses and doctors at Al-Shifa Hospital, that Israeli hostages were being held at Al-Shifa. Israel recently revealed that Hamas terrorists brought hostages there in broad daylight on October 7, with healthcare staff even holding doors open for the terrorists.


The UN’s pretend show of “shock and horror” that Israel is eliminating its Hamas partner in Gaza is too transparent for anyone to take seriously, although the international mainstream media certainly does, parroting whatever Hamas and the UN allege as facts.


Above all, the UN’s transparent complicity with Hamas should convince the US, finally, that much of the UN is a destructive organization that prolongs wars, and needs immediately to have its funding decimated, and be reduced in importance to the corrupt relic that it is, deserving no place in this century.

Robert Williams is a researcher based in the United States.


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THIRD Rocket Arsenal Found At UN School In Gaza


The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) announced Tuesday that another rocket stockpile has been found at one of its schools in Gaza. This instance marks the third time since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge that a weapons arsenal has been found at an UNRWA school in Gaza.

Dan Williams-tweet-29July2014-UNRWA says rockets found on Tuesday

Dan Williams-tweet-29July2014-UNRWA says rockets found on Tuesday

UNRWA has yet to place blame on any individuals or organizations for placing the weapons stockpile within a children’s school. The UN body refused to do so on the past two previous occasions as well.


The UN body, after both previous findings, has handed the rockets it had found back into the possession of “the local police,” otherwise known as the terrorist group Hamas.


This week, UNRWA supplies and building materials had been found in Hamas’s tunnel infrastructure, which has been used to smuggle weapons and carry out attacks on the State of Israel.


The UN agency has a well-documented history of using their US taxpayer-funded facilities to promote anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda. It has in the past been accused of aiding and abetting radical Islamists in Gaza and elsewhere.

UNRWA was created in 1949 to provide relief and public works programs for displaced Arab refugees that had formerly inhabited the British mandate of Palestine. UNRWA is currently the largest agency-subdivision of the entire UN, employing over 30,000 staff. UNRWA has objectively failed in its primary goal of finding homes for those it has deemed “refugees”. From 1949 to present day, refugees recognized by UNRWA has grown from 750,000 to 5,000,000 people.


,h1>How Hamas assembles and fires rockets near Gaza homes

NDTV exclusive – how Hamas assembles and fires rockets

Published on 05August2014
Minutes before the 72-hour ceasefire began, this rocket was fired from deep within a civilian zone.
Watch more videos:

They waited until they left Gaza to air the report.

This report is being aired on NDTV and published on after our team left the Gaza strip – Hamas has not taken very kindly to any reporting of its rockets being fired. But just as we reported the devastating consequences of Israel’s offensive on Gaza’s civilians, it is equally important to report on how Hamas places those very civilians at risk by firing rockets deep from the heart of civilian zones.

A France 24 TV journalist – who famously ducked for cover during a live interview when a Hamas rocket was fired right next to him – has also gone on the record to report how the rocket which caught him off guard was launched in a crowded civilian area and right in front of a UN building.

Exclusive: Hamas rocket launch pad revealed near Gaza homes

Published on 05August2014
FRANCE 24 has exclusive footage of a Hamas rocket launching pad that appears to prove the militant group has been firing from areas heavily populated with civilians.

The occurrence proves Israel’s contention that Hamas fires rockets from among civilians, using them as human shields and manipulating any civilian casualties that are thus incurred, in order to make Israel look bad.



United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

How the UN and the international community (including the US) keep Hamas going


UNRWA - United Nations Rocket Warehousing Agency

UNRWA – United Nations Rocket Warehousing Agency

Claudia Rossett has a devastating expose on how the United Nations and international community keep Hamas going.

Officially, Unrwa is a strictly humanitarian agency, providing Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and the West Bank, as well as Gaza, with “assistance and protection” in the form of schools, hospitals, construction, loans, jobs and other help. By the agency’s own account, in its 2014-15 budget “the core services UNRWA provides are comparable in nature and scope to those provided by a local or national government.”


But Gaza under Hamas is a place with only two basic industries: aid and terrorism. These are much entwined, and not solely because Hamas controls Unrwa’s staff unions in Gaza, where in 2012 a Hamas-affiliated slate swept 25 of 27 seats. In effect the U.N. group subsidizes Hamas. Among U.N. agencies in the Middle East, Unrwa is the largest employer, with a regular budget for 2014 of $731 million, and a total budget that, with emergency appeals, tops $1 billion.


The agency has roughly 30,000 staff on its payroll, almost all Palestinian. Some 12,500 work in Gaza, home to 1.2 million Unrwa-registered refugees, who account for about two-thirds of Gaza’s population. The U.N. agency’s welfare programs relieve Hamas of many of the costs of servicing the enclave it controls as its launchpad for terror.


With the agency handling household chores, Hamas—especially since its bloody takeover of Gaza in 2007, ousting the Palestinian Authority’s Fatah—has found the time and resources to amass rocket arsenals (Unrwa last month reported finding rockets stashed in three of its vacant schools), to bombard Israel (sometimes in close proximity to Unrwa premises), and to build miles of concrete-reinforced tunnels extending into Israel for terrorist attacks. Israel, in its counteroffensive, has been accused by the U.N. of deadly strikes on Unrwa schools serving as shelters.


How did it come to this? Created by the U.N. General Assembly in 1949, Unrwa began operations in 1950 as an emergency jobs and aid program for Palestinian refugees. It was supposed to be temporary but has been repeatedly renewed. The agency has now carried on for 64 years, vastly expanding its budget, programs and refugee rolls.


Unrwa is unusual among U.N. agencies in ways that render it especially unaccountable, even by U.N. standards. All other refugees world-wide fall under the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. Only the Palestinians have their own dedicated U.N. refugee agency, offering special access to the perquisites of the U.N. logo, stage and fundraising.


Almost all other U.N. agencies report to an executive board, allowing at least some chance of functional oversight. Unrwa reports directly to the entire 193-member General Assembly, where responsibility is broadly dispersed and easily avoided. According to a paper in 2010 by the agency’s own chief of legal affairs, Lance Bartholomeusz, Unrwa enjoys the added flexibility of having no clearly defined mission: “its mandate is not conveniently stated in one place and must be derived from all other relevant resolutions and requests.”


Thus unencumbered, Unrwa has ensured its own survival by transforming itself into the patron of Palestinian grievance, conferring refugee status down the generations, an unusual practice. The agency’s website reports that since 1950 its roster of registered refugees has grown from an original 750,000 to 5.3 million—a sevenfold increase, all eligible for the Unrwa dole. For the Palestinians, this has been ruinous, fostering within an otherwise enterprising culture a crippling sense of entitlement and dependency.

The United States is UNRWA’s largest donor. And rather than reevaluate, some Americans have a vested interest in keeping it that way.

In 2011 the agency opened an office in Washington run by two former U.S. government insiders: Matthew Reynolds, previously the State Department’s assistant secretary for legislative affairs, and Chris McGrath, previously a media-events director for Sen. Harry Reid. The job descriptions include representing the U.N. agency’s interests to the State Department and monitoring Congress on a daily basis to yield an “advocacy strategy dedicated to optimizing Unrwa’s relations with Congress.”


Thus U.S. tax dollars fund Unrwa officials now lobbying in Washington to obtain yet more money for an agency entwined with the rocket-launching, tunnel-digging rulers of Gaza. Mr. Reynolds, reached by phone this week, said he doesn’t answer questions from the media. Christopher Gunness, the agency spokesman, did not respond to repeated queries.

What could go wrong?


Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-9November2023-Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza’s civilians
Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza’s civilians.

While Israel is doing everything possible to prevent civilian casualties, Hamas is INTENTIONALLY putting innocent Palestinians in harm’s way.




Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-9November2023-Hamas doesn't care about Gaza's civilians

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-9November2023-Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza’s civilians

Israel Hayom 385_eng South Gaza UNRWA Camp 11-30-2023

Israel Hayom 385_eng South Gaza UNRWA Camp 11-30-2023


You vowed ‘Never Again’

1945 Jews could not defend themselves (Top image: Jews in Nazi Concentration Camp behind Barbed wire Fence) Today they can, because of Israel (Bottom Image: Women in the Israel Defense Force)

1945 Jews could not defend themselves (Top image: Jews in Nazi Concentration Camp behind Barbed wire Fence) Today they can, because of Israel (Bottom Image: Women in the Israel Defense Force)

Jews, Do you think that the Goyim will protect you?

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH

From the Passover Haggadah:

According to the instructions of Rabbi Isaac Luria, the wine cup is now raised and the Matzot are covered.

This is what has stood by our fathers and us! For not just one alone has risen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand!

Arab Palestinian attacks on Jews since 1517

Arab Palestinian attacks on Jews since 1517

Each of the soldiers in the bottom pic is the grandson of a man in the top pic. @GameOnJD@ScotsFyre @PolitiBunny

— יוסף חיים לוין (@Rabbi224) May 2, 2019

 יוסף חיים לוין @Rabbi224 Tweet-03May2019 Each of the soldiers in the bottom pic is the grandson of a man in the top pic. @GameOnJD @ScotsFyre @PolitiBunny

יוסף חיים לוין @Rabbi224 Tweet-03May2019 Each of the soldiers in the bottom pic is the grandson of a man in the top pic. @GameOnJD @ScotsFyre @PolitiBunny

Stephen Uzzell-tweet-15September2022-The Israeli soldiers in the bottom photo are the granddaughters of the four women at the front of the line at the Nazi concentration camp.

Stephen Uzzell-tweet-15September2022-The Israeli soldiers in the bottom photo are the granddaughters of the four women at the front of the line at the Nazi concentration camp.

“The coming into being of a Jewish state in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand, or even three thousand years.” (Winston Churchill)

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800


You vowed ‘Never Again’

Mike LaChance
Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) explains the meaning of #NeverAgain #Israel


Mike LaChance-tweet-11October2023-Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) explains the meaning of Never Again

Mike LaChance-tweet-11October2023-Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) explains the meaning of Never Again



Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-Never again is now.

Yehuda Dov Galpert is a 96 year old Holocaust survivor who, after losing all his siblings in the war and witnessing his father’s death just weeks before liberation, resettled in New York and build a family with children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

He has a message for the soldiers fighting for our nation in Eretz Yisroel that he would like to be publicized.

Never again is now.

Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-Never again is now

Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-Never again is now



Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-9November2023-the survivors of the Holocaust statement
“Never have we, the survivors of the Holocaust felt the need to make a collective statement … until now.”

Incredibly powerful front page of the @australian!

On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht and in the wake of the Oct 7 Hamas massacre, over 100 Holocaust survivors write joint letter.

“Never did we think that we would witness a re-enactment of the senseless and virulent hatred of Jews that we faced in Europe. The actions of Hamas are so familiar, so barbaric, yet instead of condemning this, the response across the globe is a shameful spike in antisemitism.

Our memories and our experiences in ghettos, concentration camps and in hiding – seeing our families and communities vanish – compel us to raise our voices and implore humanity to reject hatred, bigotry and violence.

We cannot allow history to repeat itself.

We ask you to stand with us.”

Read full letter here:
Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file Holocaust-letter

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-9November2023-the survivors of the Holocaust statement

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-9November2023-the survivors of the Holocaust statement


Sia Kordestani-tweet-20November2023-Ivanhorod 1942-Kibbutz Alumim 2023
Left: Nazi executing a Jewish woman with her child in Ivanhorod, 1942.

Right: CCTV screenshot of Hamas Nazi executing a young Jewish woman cowering, pleading for her life, in Kibbutz Alumim, 2023. Video below.

Never Again Means Destroy Hamas.

Sia Kordestani-tweet-20November2023-Ivanhorod 1942-Kibbutz Alumim 2023

Sia Kordestani-tweet-20November2023-Ivanhorod 1942-Kibbutz Alumim 2023


Im Tirtzu-tweet-24April2024-All Jews please make Aliyah asap
All Jews please make Aliyah asap 💔💔💔

Im Tirtzu-tweet-24April2024-All Jews please make Aliyah asap

Im Tirtzu-tweet-24April2024-All Jews please make Aliyah asap


Behind free Palestine rallies is Iran

Emily Schrader-tweet-4February2024-behind free Palestine rallies is Iran
Just in case you’re wondering who and what is behind these pro-terror “free Palestine” rallies, here is a tip.

These were handed out in London today.

Emily Schrader-tweet-4February2024-behind free Palestine rallies is Iran

Emily Schrader-tweet-4February2024-behind free Palestine rallies is Iran


Elad Simchayoff-tweet-14October2023-Germany, 2023: You vowed “Never Again”
Germany. 2023.
You vowed “Never Again”, and yet houses of Jews are being marked.
I’ve spoken to the person who took the photo yesterday in Berlin. it’s authentic and police is involved. There are other such incidents as well.

Elad Simchayoff-tweet-14October2023-Germany, 2023: You vowed "Never Again"

Elad Simchayoff-tweet-14October2023-Germany, 2023: You vowed “Never Again”


Yoni Freedhoff, MD-tweet-26October2023-We all knew it was bad

Yoni Freedhoff, MD-tweet-26October2023-We all knew it was bad


it’s 1948

Caroline Glick-tweet-5May2024-Biden told Hamas he will guarantee Israeli capitulation
Biden told Hamas he will guarantee Israeli capitulation. He has reportedly stopped weapons shipments to Israel to force us to surrender.
It’s the Eve of Yom HaShoah.
What percentage of the American public signed on to Biden’s decision to support and facilitate another Holocaust?
JerusalemCat-tweet-it’s 1948
Time to really turn to Hashem, start like it’s 1948 and build our Army and Industry trusting no one but Hashem. That means EVERYTHING is built locally. Next tell the Students in the West, We are proud of your bravery. Come Home NOW to Israel. For Your People, For Yourself.

Caroline Glick-tweet-5May2024-Biden told Hamas he will guarantee Israeli capitulation

Caroline Glick-tweet-5May2024-Biden told Hamas he will guarantee Israeli capitulation


Jewish man: my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco

StopAntisemitism-tweet-11January2024-Jewish man-my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco
Jewish man: my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco

Audience members behind him: making pig noises

Are we in Germany 1939 all over again?

StopAntisemitism-tweet-11January2024-Jewish man-my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco

StopAntisemitism-tweet-11January2024-Jewish man-my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco


Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-12October2023-We understand that two Jewish schools in London — Torah Vodaas Primary School in Edgware and Ateres Beis Yaakov Primary School in Colindale — have closed until Monday owing to fears surrounding antisemitism.

Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-12October2023-We understand that two Jewish schools in London — Torah Vodaas Primary School in Edgware and Ateres Beis Yaakov Primary School in Colindale — have closed until Monday owing to fears surrounding antisemitism.


Canary Mission-tweet-1January2024-Google search trends offer a window to society
If Google search trends offer a window to society, this is BAD. Since Oct. 7, there was an 1800% increase in Google searches for “kill Jews.” The terms “intifada revolution,” “From the river to the sea” and “Glory to our martyrs” jumped over 10,000%.

Canary Mission-tweet-1January2024-Google search trends offer a window to society

Canary Mission-tweet-1January2024-Google search trends offer a window to society


The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-20October2023-Official Palestinian Authority document released today to all Palestinian mosques. In it contains a line calling on all Muslims to kill the Jews.

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-20October2023-Official Palestinian Authority document released today to all Palestinian mosques. In it contains a line calling on all Muslims to kill the Jews.

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-20October2023-Official Palestinian Authority document released today to all Palestinian mosques. In it contains a line calling on all Muslims to kill the Jews.


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-9October2023-difference between Nazis and Palestinians
Of course there is a difference between Nazis and Palestinians.

Nazis murdered Jewish women and children as one kills rats – something necessary to do but distasteful. They dehumanized them so people could exterminate them without guilt. It was an assembly line of murder and disposal of bodies.

For Palestinians, murdering Jews and celebrating those murders is their highest aspiration. Slaughtering babies is a source of honor and joy. Raping Jewish women is a badge of honor They will write songs and poems and make films celebrating the massacres in coming years. The vast majority of Palestinians are proud, not disgusted, by the orgy of violence on Saturday.

And if Palestinians had the means to kill 7 million Israeli Jews instead of 1000, they would eagerly do it. And they wouldn’t even try to hide it from the world as the Germans did.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-9October2023-difference between Nazis and Palestinians

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-9October2023-difference between Nazis and Palestinians


“Never Again” is now!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-30November2023-Never Again is now
Two released Israeli children hostages were “marked” by Hamas, so that if they flee, they would be identified. This was done by intentionally burning their legs to leave marks.

“Never Again” is now!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-30November2023-Never Again is now

Dr. Eli David-tweet-30November2023-Never Again is now


"Never Again" is now!

“Never Again” is now!


Israel Defense Forces-tweet18October2023-The BBC claims to be impartial and independent… But we were unable to verify those claims

Israel Defense Forces-tweet18October2023-The BBC claims to be impartial and independent… But we were unable to verify those claims


Garbage For Your Body - Garbage For Your Mind MSM is the mouthpiece of leftist elite. - Nothing but garbage

Garbage For Your Body – Garbage For Your Mind MSM is the mouthpiece of leftist elite. – Nothing but garbage


Reuters-tweet-18October2023-Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cited a marked rise in antisemitism in Canada

Reuters-tweet-18October2023-Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cited a marked rise in antisemitism in Canada


Caroline Glick-tweet-20October2023-New York is under jihadist occupation. Columbia is jihadist. NYU is jihadist. And Jewish women on the NYC subway get beat up because they are Jewish.

Caroline Glick-tweet-20October2023-New York is under jihadist occupation.
Columbia is jihadist. NYU is jihadist. And Jewish women on the NYC subway get beat up because they are Jewish.


Dumisani Washington-tweet-14October2023-Imagine being a Jewish man or woman living outside of Israel

Dumisani Washington-tweet-14October2023-Imagine being a Jewish man or woman living outside of Israel


Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US&CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH UK 0800 075 7200 Israel 02-659-5800 www.
Alyah : mode d’emploi Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur notre site Internet en cliquant ICI ou par téléphone, en appelant le Global Center au 0800 916 647
The Jewish Agency Global Service Center US 1-866-835-0430 UK 0-800-404-8984 Canada 1-866-421-8912

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH

With emuna and prayer, Aliyah to Israel will be the best thing for you, your family and your children. Get the facts before saying no I can’t do it. Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH www. Just compare the costs of a Jewish Education for your children, US vs. Israel. Think about who they will marry in the US vs. Israel

Brooke Goldstein-tweet-25October2023-
I’m wondering if all the so-called progressive “Jewish” organizations and reform rabbis are still asking you to post Black Lives Matter and support all the social Justice woke causes now that it’s undeniable they are pro-Hamas. If you’re a member of a reform congregation or a donor to one of those progressive “Jewish” groups time to ask for an accounting. How did they enable these antisemites? By marching lockstep behind them. By abandoning Jewish pride for Jewish appeasement.
Igor Kaplun-tweet-26October2023-
You bet they are. @ADL , for example, recently posted to condemn white supremacy. Is that the most pressing problem right now?!

Brooke Goldstein-tweet-25October2023-abandoning Jewish pride for Jewish appeasements

Brooke Goldstein-tweet-25October2023-abandoning Jewish pride for Jewish appeasements

Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-14October2023-If the authorities will not act to uphold the law, we will

• Celebration of the Hamas terrorist atrocity
• Genocidal “From the river” chants
• War cries to Jews that “the army of Mohammed is returning”

Where were the hundreds of @metpoliceuk
deployed along the march?

If the authorities will not act to uphold the law, we will.


Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-14October2023-Celebration of the Hamas terrorist atrocity

Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-14October2023-Celebration of the Hamas terrorist atrocity



תהילים פרק קמ Psalms 140 Protection from Hamas.

פרק קמ

א לַמְנַצֵּ֗חַ מִזְמ֥וֹר לְדָוִֽד:
ב חַלְּצֵ֣נִי יְ֭הוָה מֵאָדָ֣ם רָ֑ע מֵאִ֖ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵֽנִי:
ג אֲשֶׁ֤ר חָשְׁב֣וּ רָע֣וֹת בְּלֵ֑ב כָּל-י֝֗וֹם יָג֥וּרוּ מִלְחָמֽוֹת:
ד שָֽׁנֲנ֣וּ לְשׁוֹנָם֮ כְּֽמוֹ-נָ֫חָ֥שׁ חֲמַ֥ת עַכְשׁ֑וּב תַּ֖חַת שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ סֶֽלָה:
ה שָׁמְרֵ֤נִי יְהוָ֨ה | מִ֘ידֵ֤י רָשָׁ֗ע מֵאִ֣ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵ֑נִי אֲשֶׁ֥ר חָ֝שְׁב֗וּ לִדְח֥וֹת פְּעָמָֽי:
ו טָֽמְנֽוּ-גֵאִ֨ים | פַּ֡ח לִ֗י וַחֲבָלִ֗ים פָּ֣רְשׂוּ רֶ֭שֶׁת לְיַד-מַעְגָּ֑ל מֹקְשִׁ֖ים שָֽׁתוּ-לִ֣י סֶֽלָה:
ז אָמַ֣רְתִּי לַ֭יהוָה אֵ֣לִי אָ֑תָּה הַאֲזִ֥ינָה יְ֝הוָ֗ה ק֣וֹל תַּחֲנוּנָֽי:
ח (יְהוִֹ֣ה)  אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֲ֭דֹנָי עֹ֣ז יְשׁוּעָתִ֑י סַכֹּ֥תָה לְ֝רֹאשִׁ֗י בְּי֣וֹם נָֽשֶׁק:
ט אַל-תִּתֵּ֣ן יְ֭הוָה מַאֲוַיֵּ֣י רָשָׁ֑ע זְמָמ֥וֹ אַל-תָּ֝פֵ֗ק יָר֥וּמוּ סֶֽלָה:
י רֹ֥אשׁ מְסִבָּ֑י עֲמַ֖ל שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ (יכסומו)  יְכַסֵּֽמוֹ:
יא (ימיטו)  יִמּ֥וֹטוּ עֲלֵיהֶ֗ם גֶּֽחָ֫לִ֥ים בָּאֵ֥שׁ יַפִּלֵ֑ם בְּ֝מַהֲמֹר֗וֹת בַּֽל-יָקֽוּמוּ:
יב אִ֥ישׁ לָשׁוֹן֮ בַּל-יִכּ֪וֹן בָּ֫אָ֥רֶץ אִישׁ-חָמָ֥ס רָ֑ע יְ֝צוּדֶ֗נּוּ לְמַדְחֵפֹֽת:
יג (ידעת)  יָדַ֗עְתִּי כִּֽי-יַעֲשֶׂ֣ה יְ֭הוָה דִּ֣ין עָנִ֑י מִ֝שְׁפַּ֗ט אֶבְיֹנִֽים:
יד אַ֣ךְ צַ֭דִּיקִים יוֹד֣וּ לִשְׁמֶ֑ךָ יֵשְׁב֥וּ יְ֝שָׁרִ֗ים אֶת-פָּנֶֽיךָ:

1For the conductor, a song of David. אלַֽמְנַצֵּ֗חַ מִזְמ֥וֹר לְדָוִֽד:
2Rescue me, O Lord, from an evil man from a man of robbery You shall guard me. בחַלְּצֵ֣נִי יְ֖הֹוָה מֵֽאָדָ֣ם רָ֑ע מֵאִ֖ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵֽנִי:
3Who plotted evil things in their heart; every day they gather to wage war. גאֲשֶׁ֚ר חָֽשְׁב֣וּ רָע֣וֹת בְּלֵ֑ב כָּל־י֜֗וֹם יָג֥וּרוּ מִלְחָמֽוֹת:
4They whetted their tongue like a serpent; the venom of a spider is under their lips forever. דשָֽׁנְנ֣וּ לְשׁוֹנָם֘ כְּמ֪וֹ נָ֫חָ֥שׁ חֲמַ֥ת עַכְשׁ֑וּב תַּ֖חַת שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ סֶֽלָה:
5Guard me, O Lord, from the hands of a wicked man; from a man of robbery You shall watch me, who plotted to cause my steps to slip. השָׁמְרֵ֚נִי יְהֹוָ֨ה | מִ֘ידֵ֚י רָשָׁ֗ע מֵאִ֣ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵ֑נִי אֲשֶׁ֥ר חָֽ֜שְׁב֗וּ לִדְח֥וֹת פְּעָמָֽי:
6Haughty men have concealed a snare for me, and [with] ropes they spread a net beside [my] path; they laid traps for me constantly. וטָֽמְנוּ־גֵאִ֨ים | פַּ֡ח לִ֗י וַֽחֲבָ֫לִ֥ים פָּ֣רְשׂוּ רֶ֖שֶׁת לְיַ֣ד מַעְגָּ֑ל מֹֽקְשִׁ֖ים שָֽׁתוּ־לִ֣י סֶֽלָה:
7I said to the Lord, “You are my God.” Hearken, O Lord, to the voice of my supplications. זאָמַ֣רְתִּי לַֽיהֹוָה אֵ֣לִי אָ֑תָּה הַֽאֲזִ֥ינָה יְ֜הֹוָ֗ה ק֣וֹל תַּֽחֲנוּנָֽי:
8God, O Lord, the might of my salvation; You shall protect my head on the day of battle. חיֱהֹוִ֣ה אֲ֖דֹנָי עֹ֣ז יְשֽׁוּעָתִ֑י סַכּ֥וֹתָה לְ֜רֹאשִׁ֗י בְּי֣וֹם נָֽשֶׁק:
9O Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked; do not let his thoughts succeed, for they are constantly haughty. טאַל־תִּתֵּ֣ן יְ֖הֹוָה מַֽאֲוַיֵּ֣י רָשָׁ֑ע זְמָמ֥וֹ אַל־תָּ֜פֵ֗ק יָר֥וּמוּ סֶֽלָה:
10The numbers of those who surround me, may the lies of their lips cover them. ירֹ֥אשׁ מְסִבָּ֑י עֲמַ֖ל שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ יְכַסֵּֽימוֹ (כתיב יְכַסֵּֽומוֹ) :
11Let fiery coals descend on them; He will cast them into fire, in wars, so that they will not rise. יאיִמּ֥וֹטוּ (כתיב יִמֹּ֥יטוּ) עֲלֵיהֶ֗ם גֶּֽחָ֫לִ֥ים בָּאֵ֥שׁ יַפִּלֵ֑ם בְּ֜מַֽהֲמֹר֗וֹת בַּל־יָקֽוּמוּ:
12A slanderer will not be established on earth; a man of violence, the evil will trap him with thrust upon thrust. יבאִ֥ישׁ לָשׁוֹן֘ בַּל־יִכּ֪וֹן בָּ֫אָ֥רֶץ אִישׁ־חָמָ֥ס רָ֑ע יְ֜צוּדֶ֗נּוּ לְמַדְחֵפֹֽת:
13I know that the Lord will perform the judgment of a poor man, the cause of the needy. יגיָדַ֗עְתִּי (כתיב יָדַ֗עְתִּ) כִּי־יַֽעֲשֶׂ֣ה יְ֖הֹוָה דִּ֣ין עָנִ֑י מִ֜שְׁפַּ֗ט אֶבְיֹנִֽים:
14But the righteous will thank Your name; the upright will sit before You. ידאַ֣ךְ צַ֖דִּיקִים יוֹד֣וּ לִשְׁמֶ֑ךָ יֵֽשְׁב֥וּ יְ֜שָׁרִ֗ים אֶת־פָּנֶֽיךָ:



Jews in chul – we need your prayers



I literally just got sent this from two people at once, at exactly the same time.

The Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade (main combat unit in the Gaza area), literally crying, begged to convey to us, the chareidi tzibbur, that we’re not awake enough to the war situation in Gaza and that the fighting is very difficult and dangerous.


The terrible situation is that soldiers are being killed each and every night.

He emphasized that the main fighting at night starts from 11PM and continues until the morning, but the hardest hours are 2-5AM.

He brings his soldiers further and further inward to fight, but he doesn’t feel like he has enough support from the יראים ושלמים staying up at night to daven and say Tehillim for the soldiers.


He requested that the chareidim take responsibility for organizing minyanim to say Tehillim, especially during those hours.

– *all the chevre to do is to co-ordinate prayer opportunities in Israel & around the world and in all our yeshivas.


NYC is 6 hours behind Eretz Yisrael.

The times of the hardest fighting in Israel are happening between 5-11 pm New York time.

Please, if you are reading this and you can do ANYTHING, however small, to get a bunch of people together in your network to start saying tehillim for the soldiers fighting in Gaza through the night, please do that right now.


As soon as you finish reading this – use the horrible tech for a good purpose, for once.

Just cut and paste the message from the Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade, and get some tehillim organised for these times in your networks.

Get the shuls involved.

The schools involved.

And of course, say some yourself.

BH, we are seeing open miracles here that it’s not 1,000 dead soldiers a day, like our enemies are hoping for.

But even one more dead soldier is too much.

It’s a whole world.

And it’s a world that our tehillim – you and me, and our friends, neighbours and families – can protect.

So yalla!

And may we just hear good news.




State Department Issues Rare Worldwide Caution Travel Alert

“Pro-Palestine” rallies have infested the West.

Posted by , 19October2023

[EDD: More information]

SEE: What the Department of State Can and Can’t Do in a Crisis

Pro-Palestine London Rally

Pro-Palestine London Rally

The State Department has issued a worldwide caution travel alert.

The caution states: “Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.”


Worldwide Caution

Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.  U.S. citizens should:

OSINTdefender-tweet-19October2023-The U.S. State Department was released an Extremely Rare “Worldwide Travel Alert” stating that American Citizens should Exercise Increased Caution around the World due to Increasing Tensions in various Countries.

OSINTdefender-tweet-19October2023-The U.S. State Department was released an Extremely Rare “Worldwide Travel Alert” stating that American Citizens should Exercise Increased Caution around the World due to Increasing Tensions in various Countries.


The timing comes as we witness massive anti-Jew protests in the West, with Israeli and U.S. embassies accosted in Lebanon and Jordan.

The State Department already issued a “Do Not Travel” alert to Lebanon:

Do Not travel to Lebanon due to the unpredictable security situation related to rocket, missile, and artillery exchanges between Israel and Hizballah or other armed militant factions. Reconsider travel to Lebanon due to terrorism, civil unrest, armed conflict, crime, kidnapping, and Embassy Beirut’s limited capacity to provide support to U.S. citizens.

Citizens should not travel to Gaza. The department asked citizens to reconsider travel to Israel and the West Bank.

I say anti-Jew because the hate we see on display goes beyond Israel’s borders. None of the rallies are pro-Palestine or anti-Israel as advertised. The protests always have people yelling about murdering Jews or phrases calling for the extermination of Jews, like “from the river to the sea.”


Andy Ngô-tweet-15October2023-Wait, wait, oh Jews. The army of Muhammed is coming back

Andy Ngô-tweet-15October2023-Wait, wait, oh Jews. The army of Muhammed is coming back




Drew Pavlou-tweet-15October2023- Melbourne Palestine rally anti-Semitic chants

Drew Pavlou-tweet-15October2023- Melbourne Palestine rally anti-Semitic chants




Schtev-tweet-15October2023-a call for genocide of the Jews

Schtev-tweet-15October2023-a call for genocide of the Jews




Israel raises travel alert for Western Europe, other regions

Great Britain, France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, and Russia are among the countries where the travel warning was raised to level 2.

Israel's National Security Council raised its travel warning for countries around the world on Dec. 4, 2023. Credit: NSC.

Israel’s National Security Council raised its travel warning for countries around the world on Dec. 4, 2023. Credit: NSC. 4, 2023 / JNS) Israel’s National Security Council on Monday raised its travel alert levels for Western Europe, South America, Australia and Russia.


The update comes amid increased terror threats against Israelis traveling abroad nearly two months into Israel’s war with Hamas, dubbed “Operation Swords of Iron,” which was launched after the bloody massacre of Oct. 7. The last NSC security update was on Nov. 3.


“Since the beginning of the war, increased efforts have been detected on the part of Iran and its proxies, as well as on the part of Hamas and elements of global jihad, to attack Israeli and Jewish targets around the world,” according to the NSC statement.


The statement also highlighted “a continuous and significant increase in incitement, attempted attacks and widespread manifestations of anti-Semitism in many countries.”


Great Britain, France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and Russia are among the countries where the travel warning was raised to level 2, recommending increased precautions. Several countries in Africa (including South Africa and Eritrea) and countries in Central Asia (including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan) have been elevated to level 3, recommending reconsidering non-essential travel.


The NSC generally recommends that Israelis reconsider the necessity of traveling at this time and if the public does go abroad to make informed decisions based on the recommended precautions.


Travelers are encouraged to postpone trips to countries with warnings, with an emphasis on Arab and Middle Eastern countries, the North Caucasus, countries surrounding Iran and a number of Muslim countries in Asia.


The NSC also recommends travelers check whether any anti-Israel protests are planned at their destinations, even in countries without travel warnings, and to stay away from these demonstrations.


Israelis should maintain vigilance while abroad and pay attention to their surroundings, the NSC emphasized. Citizens of Israel should also avoid the outward display of Jewish and Israeli symbols and large gatherings of Jewish and Israeli officials.


Finally, the NSC recommends that travelers make sure to learn the phone numbers of local emergency services and of the local Israeli diplomatic representation if there are any.



Assosication of Americans and Canadians in Israel The AACI Max & Gianna Glassman Family Center8 HaRav Kook Street Jerusalem Tel: 02-566-1181 Fax: 02-5661186 email:

Assosication of Americans and Canadians in Israel The AACI Max & Gianna Glassman Family Center
8 HaRav Kook Street
Tel: 02-566-1181 Fax: 02-5661186

Change in Travel Rules to Israel

Visitors to Israel from visa-exempt countries are required to obtain an ETA-IL(Electronic Travel Authorization)

Israel @ War – May 30, 2024 – 22 Iyar 5784 newsletter


The rules for travel to Israel have changed. Starting from August 2024, visitors from visa-exempt countries are required to obtain an ETA-IL(Electronic Travel Authorization) to enter the state of Israel. An approved ETA-IL, indicates that you are allowed to travel to Israel and stay for up to 90 days per visit. All travelers to Israel must have a valid visa or ETA-IL approval before they start their journey. If you are eligible, obtaining an ETA-IL is a simpler and faster process. Learn more: Note: Israeli citizens or holders of an Israeli identity number do not need to apply for an ETA-IL.


Please be aware: The period during which Israelis may exit and enter Israel with their valid foreign passport, has been extended by PIBA until 31.12.2024

Unit: אגף בכיר דוברות, תקשורת והסברה
Publish Date 22.03.2022 Updated date 21.12.2023

The period during which Israelis may exit and enter Israel with their valid foreign passport, has been extended by PIBA until 31December2024

The period during which Israelis may exit and enter Israel with their valid foreign passport, has been extended by PIBA until 31December2024



South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13March-2024-South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship
There is seemingly no end to #SouthAfrica’s downfall into irrelevance and Jew-hatred.

‘When You Come Home, We’re Going to Arrest You’ |
South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship, Foreign Minister Says

IDF soldiers holding dual Israeli-South African citizenship will be subject to immediate arrest, the country’s foreign minister said. The Israeli army is preparing for other that may follow suit

Jonathan Lis and Yaniv Kubovich
13March2024 1:42 pm IST

South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor announced this week that IDF soldiers holding South African citizenship would be arrested upon entering the country.

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13March-2024-South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13March-2024-South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship


Jews, Get a Gun

Uri Pilichowski-tweet-30October2023-
Jews, Get a Gun

The Jews of Germany never thought Germans would kill them.
The Jews of The Tree of Life Synagogue never thought an American would kill them
The Jews of the South never thought the Palestinians of Gaza would break through the fence and kill them.

They were all wrong.

Antisemites, whether they are Arabs, white supremacist, or any other hater, they are coming to kill the Jews. They might not be able to kill all of us but they’re going to kill some of us. 1,400 of us were just killed because they were Jews.

Whether you live in Israel, America, Europe or some small city in Russia you’ve never heard of before, they’re coming to kill you, me, all of us. Those with the means to protect themselves will hopefully survive the next attack, those without the means to protect themselves have little chance of being spared.

Many people that had a gun in their homes in the South were able to protect themselves when Palestinian terrorists came to their town and house. Those without a gun had little chance.

Guns are muktzeh on Shabbat. I’ve carried a gun for the past five years on Shabbat, both within the Eruv and outside of it. In the back of my mind I doubted whether I was doing the right thing by carrying my gun on Shabbat. After the “Simchat Torah Massacre” I am no longer in doubt.

Ask yourself this question, if antisemites came into your home and you have a gun, you can save yourself and your family, if you don’t have a gun your last thoughts will be regretting not having bought a gun for whatever excuse you’re telling yourself now for not buying a gun.

Don’t be irresponsible. Buy a gun, take lessons and be ready for when the Jew haters come for you.

Uri Pilichowski-tweet-30October2023-Jews, Get a Gun

Uri Pilichowski-tweet-30October2023-Jews, Get a Gun


The Persian Jewess-tweet-21January2024-The latest trend for Girls Night-The Gun Range
The latest trend for “Girls Night” among my #Jewish mom friends is heading to the gun range to learn how to fire a Glock for self defense.

I’ve spent my whole life believing my kids would be safer WITHOUT a gun in our home.

But ever since protesters spilled into my neighborhood justifying RAPING TEENAGERS as a form of resistance and glorifying BURNING BABIES IN OVENS, my whole world view has shifted.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-21January2024-The latest trend for Girls Night-The Gun Range

The Persian Jewess-tweet-21January2024-The latest trend for Girls Night-The Gun Range


Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel


Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back
Not something you’d see very often 6 months ago, but a pretty normal thing you’d see now.

I know that it’s inconvenient that the Jews are able to fight back but you’re just gonna have to get used to it.


Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back

Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back





Does the Z in Gen Z stand for ‘zombies’?

The cruelty of the 18-24 demographic against Jews, and Gazans too, is the ultimate failure of free thought and it will destroy society


Molly Livingstone 21December2023,


Do you ever think that the Z in Gen Z stands for zombies? ‘Cause I kind of do. Or at least the ones who are pro-Hamas on college campuses, protesting Jewish-owned stores in malls or parading through the streets calling for genocide.


They come together in large groups. All of them are followers. They also don’t moan as much as they scream. However, like a zombie who has been dead and brought back to go after the living world, these Gen Zombies march to the same beat.


After a quick visit to the US and watching them do their thing, styled in their khaffiyas, masked with actual masks, it was clear that they were not only hiding their faces, but the truth. And boy, are these kids angry. I believe the therapy term is “projection.” And for those of us on the outside, it is quite clear that they are projecting the concept of oppression based on social media propaganda and assumptions.


If we think of the zombies like AI, without the I part, then we can see the basic algorithm to their angry madness. There is an oppressor and an oppressed. In America, that was clear for the Black Lives Matter campaign. The copy-paste takes a Western issue in American culture and inflicts it on a Middle Eastern conflict far away from home and definitely far away from reality.


In their version, the Palestinians are the oppressed and the Jews are the oppressor. And it is that simple. They literally see black and white. Which makes it all the more ironic, since that is somehow making this a race issue, and in fact being racists. Anyone who lives in Israel or understands Jewish culture is aware that Jews come in all colors and backgrounds, many kicked out of Arab countries over the last hundreds of years, and Arabs are not all dark-skinned.


The protesters claim a lot of crazy stuff. As I mentioned earlier, they are all followers, so they speak the same messages, one tweet at a time. In my brief encounter I heard the chant:


“Jews are doing genocide…from the river to the sea…,” you know the rest of that statement. Again we hear the zombies’ hypocritical anger. When I saw one of them holding a sign with “Free Palestine,” I made the silly mistake of engaging. In a calm voice, I said, “Yes, free Palestine…free them from Hamas.” My cute quip was quickly met with a barking-like noise from the zombie. Like one of those little lap dogs, which you always know to stay far away from….those dogs are nuts.


Before this war, I was convinced that climate change was humanity’s biggest mistake and would ultimately lead to our demise. Post-October 7th, it is the Gen Zombies who have taken over as #1 in that department. Their cruelty towards Jews and, frankly, to Gazans, is the destruction of society and the ultimate failure of free thought. They have gone from ridding the world of labels, to ridding the world of Jews. They prefer to decimate the world of the only democracy in the Middle East, so that a terrorist organization can run a dictatorship in Palestine.


We said never again.
The zombies say never, say never.

We celebrate life.
The zombies haven’t lived it.

We see the conflict as complicated and stale.
The zombies see it as a commercial between cat videos.

We mourn our dead.
The zombies are already dead.


My words are harsh. Controversial. But they expose the truth that we keep looking for. As Israelis, we are dumbfounded by this generation’s choice to justify raping women, murdering innocent children and kidnapping elderly. I want to go back to when zombies only existed in myths and movies. When the next generation focused on non-binary issues and saving the trees. Where their free thought provoked change, rather than repeating history.


While we bury another fallen soldier, we continue to fight for our freedom, for democracy, for our lives. It breaks us; we will need a ton of therapy, but we are not zombies. We are not the walking dead. While our fallen return to the earth, they become the seeds of change, growing a nation of compassionate strong leaders. The zombies will follow each other to the ends of the earth, before they can end us.


About the Author
Larry David once said, ‘I’m not an inventor. I’m an improver. I improve things that are broken.’ Whether it’s improvisation, comedy sketch, or stand up, Molly Livingstone is improving life in Israel one chuckle at a time, with an honest and hilarious view of the Holy Land.



Arutz Sheva

Why is anyone surprised that a Jew hater is being promoted in the NYC Dept of Education?

Promoting antisemitic Public School Supervisors has been going on for years. Op-ed.

Cindy Grosz /  25December2023  /


Why is anyone surprised that a Jew hater employed by the New York City Department of Education was not only retained, but is heading to a new job with more responsibility and better benefits.


Last week, Hillcrest High School principal Scott Milczewski, leader in the school where a violent riot broke out attacking a Jewish teacher for attending a pro-Israel rally, announced that he is leaving the Jamaica school for a new job in the city Department of Education bureaucracy.


“It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that I have been offered, and accepted, the position of Director of Teacher Development and Evaluation within the Division of Teaching and Learning,” he wrote in a letter circulated among students, staff and parents.


Milczewski is just the latest in the line of “questionable” administrators that were able to overcome public calls for discipline and termination.


In 2016, I introduced the public to Rushell White, then principal of MS (middle school) 226. Not only did she attack a Jewish teacher, David Possner in a mural displayed on school property, she offended the Hindu community of students as well. Multiple staff members at that time reported to the New York City Department of Education complaints of her “Jew hate” that were well documented and reported by the Parent Advocates organization.


The former teacher’s union chapter leader Zev Angelou of MS 226 was subpoenaed to testify at the 3020-a ( a teacher termination hearing paid for by the Department of Education) of another teacher bullied by White, Clairesa Clay, and his description of the principal included words such as “bully” “pathological liar.”


Today, years later, Rushell White is a Deputy Superintendent overseeing 28,000 students, over 6,000 teachers and staff members, 47 principals and about 56,000 families.


I reported that Queens public school teacher, Lawrence Brenner, was told in 2009 by a controversial principal that “you white teachers are ruining little black children,” and was consistently harassed until Brenner, Jewish, was terminated in a hearing based on questionable evidence submitted by the principal, Antonio K’Tori.


After the firing of Brenner and multiple complaints about PS 15, the school supervised by K’Tori, another teacher sued the NYCDOE and K’Tori for alleged sex harassment in 2014 and that teacher was awarded $500,000. K’Tori was the principal in charge of Simon Watts, the elementary school teacher who was convicted of sexually abusing five of his students and was sentenced to 35 years in prison in 2013. Civil cases are ongoing by the students and one student, Neveah Thompson won $16 million dollars in 2021 in a civil suit judgment against the city.


But it was Brenner and not not K’Tori who was deemed incompetent to teach.

Why was K’Tori even employed in 2009? The Department of Education had removed K’tori from a Jamaica, Queens, NY school on September 10, 2004. He had been officially charged with a list of infractions including circumventing the school’s lottery system by accepting student applications, purchasing goods from unauthorized vendors and attempting to block special education classes. He was suspended without pay.


Brooklyn middle school principal, Principal Amanda Bueno told staffers in May, 2021, at MS 136 in Brooklyn, “If you have been watching the news in absolute horror, you are not alone.”


She urged teachers and administrators to demand government sanctions against Israel in an email on a school business address.Today, she is a head coach for the Department of Education, overseeing classroom instruction and model lessons.


I’m not surprised and you shouldn’t be either. You should be upset that your hard-earned tax dollars pay for this.

You should be angered by the failing test scores for years under the leadership of these people that the New York City Department of Education hires, maintains and supports with comfortable retirement packages and benefits. It should make you sick to realize this practice of education supervisors promoting antisemitism, racism and discrimination has been rewarded.


Don’t blame COVID. Don’t blame January 6th. Blame a system of biased evaluations for teacher and supervisor tenure, unions that are tied to politicians and a biased media.


For years, politicians representing the communities that these principals oversee schools in have had reading and math scores averaging 30 percent passing based on published reports.

The connection has to be exposed.

There are allegations of funds being stolen and indictments have been handed down.This is just the tip of the iceberg and not limited to New York.


Donald Trump was right in 2016 when he said the Department of Education needs to be diminished and/or eliminated.


And the result? Today we see young men and women protesting about a land they seemed to know few, if any, facts about after about 20 years of indoctrination in schools that are educationally useless.




Israeli Labor Party leader bemoans abandonment by global left

“I fail to see how shouting jihad and calling for a mass murder of Jews is pro-Palestinian,” said Merav Michaeli.


(November 14, 2023 / JNS) Merav Michaeli, the head of Israel’s opposition Labor Party, slammed the global political left in an article published on Tuesday for being “complicit” in Hamas’s crimes against humanity.


Speaking to Politico on the sidelines of the Party of European Socialists conference in Spain late last week, Michaeli said she thinks “something very bad is happening on the left.”


“It became very, very clear in this attack that people who consider themselves to be democratic, progressive, are supporting a totalitarian terror regime that oppresses women [and] the LGBTQ+ community,” she claimed.


“It’s important for me to emphasize to them that when you do not very strongly go against Hamas and what it does in Gaza, including to its own people, you are complicit,” continued the Labor leader.
“I fail to see how shouting jihad and calling for a mass murder of Jews is pro-Palestinian,” she said.


According to Michaeli, calling for a ceasefire now is “giving permission to Hamas to continue rearming itself, continue stealing food, water, medicine and fuel from its own people, and yes, rebasing itself.”


At last week’s meeting in Málaga, delegates from France, Ireland and Belgium called for a ceasefire in the fighting against the Gaza-based terror group.


Still, Michaeli reassured that the Jewish state still has some “very strong allies” on the center-left, adding that “the more you go to the left, the more there’s a big mix-up.”


Thunberg skews climate message


More than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed and thousands wounded in the Oct. 7 murderous attacks by Hamas operatives on southern Israel. In addition, terrorists took some 240 people hostage.


Earlier this week, a Dutchman confronted Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg at a left-wing protest in Amsterdam after she attempted to connect the climate movement with the Palestinians.

“I have come here for a climate demonstration, not a political view,” the man said before being escorted off the stage.


Thunberg, who was wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh worn by Hamas terrorists, subsequently led the crowd in a chant of “No climate justice on occupied land.”



As Liberal Jews Feel abandoned by the Left

What’s next?



Liberal Jews - Abandoned by the left (photo credit: COURTESY ADAM MILSTEIN)

Liberal Jews – Abandoned by the left (photo credit: COURTESY ADAM MILSTEIN)


All Jews agree on one thing…that all Jews never agree. At any Jewish gathering around the world, you’ll hear heated debates on food, religion, culture, and everything in between. Politics are no different, but the debate is louder.


James Baker once said “F*** the Jews, they don’t vote for us.” While perhaps untrue, Baker’s sentiment reflected a historical American Jewish political truism – the Jewish community votes Democrat. Since the early 1990’s, a growing number of Jews have shifted rightward, but the majority of the Jewish-American community reside in the “liberal” camp.


After the October 7th terrorist attack, prior to Israel’s ground operation in Gaza, the true sentiment of the left towards Jews was exposed. Protests on college campuses, airports, freeways, bridges, outside synagogues, and Holocaust museums forced Jewish Americans to face a stark reality. Leftist and their Muslim allies were exposed not only as anti-Israel but as plainly anti-Jewish groups. Mobilizing under a guise of liberation (“From the River to the Sea”), and civil rights (“justice” in Palestine), one thing became increasingly clear – for a large coalition of leftists and Muslims in America, Jews have no right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland and deserve no safety anywhere.

Liberal Jews’ residence among American leftists is now in peril.

The Shock

Historically and for good reason, Jews have been fixated on the antisemitism from the far right as our greatest threat. This focus on antisemitism’s political affiliation left us vulnerable. We have virtually ignored the growing warning signs of antisemitism from the Islamo-leftist camp. After all, Jews were an integral part of the left. In the name of Tzedek (Justice), we’ve marched with every marginalized community throughout American history. Yet, on October 7th, 2023, we marched alone. As our women had blood dripping down their legs, women’s rights groups didn’t express any outrage. They stood silent. As our children were identified by their ashes, children’s rights organizations were nowhere to be found. And as our civilians were brutalized, all human, civil, and LGBTQ+ rights didn’t march, didn’t organize, and didn’t protest. On the contrary – they stood with the attackers.


In the wake of October 7th, American Jews were left speechless. The wakeup call has been loud. The Jewish political home, the American left, turns a blind eye to war crimes and to the sexual mutilation of women, children and men when the victims are Jews. It has become evidently clear that in leftist spaces, the American Jew is dehumanized as a mere “oppressor”, an “Occupier”, a “Colonialist”, “White privileged”, and “Apartheid” supporter. Compassion for the deep trauma Jews sustained was nowhere to be found.


One must wonder, if killing Jews and raping women in Israel is ‘just’ and legitimate under the guise of a victim using ‘resistance by any means necessary’, what prevents our enemies from committing the same crimes in America? And where can liberal Jews find a political home?

The Evolution

Jewish-Americans, motivated by our people’s values, traditions and history, gravitated to the political left in America. With an emphasis on Tikkun Olam, American Jews embraced a critical role in social justice movements throughout history. Our commitment to ‘repair the world’ found common cause with social movements on the left, solidifying the Jewish liberal alignment.


We memorialize female ancestors like Deborah, who personified courage as the “woman of torches”. And we lionize Esther who taught of female strength and resilience and Ruth who embodied integrity and diligence. Guided by these matriarchs, Jews across the nation fought for women’s rights and Jewish women like Betty Friedan and Bella Abzug led the feminist movement.


Our scripture mandates us to advocate for the marginalized – “what is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor” (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a). Embedded in Jewish tradition is the notion that all man is “created in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27). Just as Abraham didn’t turn anyone from his tent, Jews fought for the rights of Black Americans. Jews helped establish the NAACP in 1909. And in 1965, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel embodied the Jewish community’s collective support for civil rights as he marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma.


In 1967, Rabbis joined Cesar Chavez and urged Kosher communities to only support union grapes as the non-union grapes were forbidden as Oshek. The Jewish community continued its activism throughout the 2020 marches for Black lives and then again in 2021 to stop Asian hate.


Jewish Americans have served as indispensable allies, leaders, and activists on issues of human dignity, civil rights, and progress throughout American history. This allyship with the left was presumed to be reciprocal. October 7th changed everything.

The Reality Check

In recent years, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ideology and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement carved out large pieces within the left’s agenda. Many liberal Jews have supported these developments believing that they’re the next phase of a long tradition of liberal activism. They were mistaken, no allyship with CRT, DEI, and BLM will protect them. Jews who tirelessly fight for acceptance and admittance in the intersectionality coalition will remain disappointed. We are not welcome.


Enamored with the seemingly laudable goals of DEI: to promote the representation, participation, and fair treatment of historically marginalized groups, liberal Jews ignored DEI promoters, and CRT advocates, as they advanced a radical agenda to fundamentally undermine American values. For years they have been promoting equality of outcome over equality of opportunity, collective identity (race, gender, etc.) over individual character, censorship of opposing viewpoints over freedom of speech, and a “victimhood Olympics” culture that crudely bifurcates society into oppressors and oppressed.


Liberal Jews failed to recognize how CRT and DEI initiatives, and intersectional theory would be weaponized against them. And today, we see how Jewish students are maliciously portrayed as wanton oppressors and colonialist abettors. American universities who fully adopted these doctrines are now hotbeds of antisemitism due to embedded leftist orthodoxy.

The Next Steps

So, where do liberal Jews go from here?

The “October 8th Jew” as Bret Stephens coined it, recognizes their home as a centrist. The October 8th Jew knows that the extreme left, like the extreme right before it, is no political home. The October 8th Jew is united in the mission to fight enemies of America, who always come first for the Jews. “Never again” must be backed by action and Jewish unity.


First, no more blind voting for Democrats or Republican for the sake of historical precedent. All Jews, including liberal Jews, must adopt a litmus test for candidates and support only those determined to fight antisemitism and support the U.S.-Israel alliance.


Second, pull support from organizations and academic institutions that promote the erasure of Jewish suffering and tacitly endorse Jew-hatred.


And finally, unite and support American organizations that protect and promote equality and inclusion rather than division and an ideology that aims to destroy Jewish life and American values.


Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Venture Philanthropist.” He can be reached at, on Twitter @AdamMilstein, and on Facebook


This op-ed is published in partnership with a coalition of organizations that fight antisemitism across the world. Read the previous article by Dan Diker.




Make Never Again – Never Again

“Never again” happened again – a holocaust not in Europe but in Eretz Yisrael. How can that be?! What did we really mean by “never again”?

David Ben Horin Posted on 26November2023

Make Never Again – Never Again by David Ben Horin

Make Never Again – Never Again by David Ben Horin

How can we make sure that the clarion call “Never again!” is permanent?


Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman said, “The Jews in Europe declared war on Hashem. Now, He has declared war on them. That’s why He’s sending His armies against them.”  (Parshat Noach, 5783 by Rabbi Avigdor Miller)  [Editor’s Note: Further examples of what prompted Hashem’s war can be found in Rabbi Miller’s book A Divine Madness.]


To guarantee that there won’t be another Kristallnacht, Auschwitz, or Gaza, we must swallow the hard truth:

Before each of these catastrophes, we were in open rebellion against God.

Holocaust #1

Throughout the 1930s, every European Jewish town had socialists, communists, and nationalists actively rebelling against the Rabbis. We asked to be Soviets. We asked to be Germans. We asked to be protected by the head of the Communist Party and the leader of Germany. They rebelled against the Torah. They told Hashem that they wanted nothing to do with Him.


So, on Kristallnacht, God gave us what we wanted.


Holocaust #2

For all of 5783, every motzei Shabbat, we gathered to tell our Father that He isn’t welcome on His Land. We did it with immorality, injustice, and violence. These are the three abominations that Hashem calls in the Torah “hamas” (המס). For an entire year we told God that we prefer Sodomite flags, locking up the religious, and beating up people for praying on Yom Kippur rather than loyalty to Him and His Torah.


We asked for “hamas”, and Hashem gave us Hamas.


All those demonstrations for “democracy” were nothing more than a cover for the real reason: They didn’t want the religious assuming power. The current government is the first one in the history of Israel to be 50% religious. So, for the first time in modern Israeli history, there were massive demonstrations against a democratically elected leadership.


In truth, the protests were against God and His Torah – our Torah. The preparations for these weekly rebellions were made during Shabbat. In essence, we told God that we preferred “hamas” to His holy day.


So, on Shabbat-Simchat Torah, He let us have it.


What’s the Message?

Our generation will have to live with the trauma of Oct 7. We will go about our lives fearing that it can happen again anywhere and anytime.


What our parent’s generation went through – the dread that another Holocaust might whisk them away to a horrible death – is what we are going through right now.


For 75 years, when we shouted, “Never Again!” the world said “Amen.”


Today, when we say, “Never Again!”, the world says something else.


Only Hashem can protect us. We have to embrace Him.


We didn’t in 1933.


We didn’t in 2023.


We must stop saying “Never Again!” to Hashem and His Torah! We must return to Hashem right now.   We must actively petition our government to return Torah to Israel. We must tell God that we want Him in our country. We must tell Hashem that we want our country to be forever His country.

God will destroy our enemy nations:

But My people did not heed My voice and Israel did not desire Me.

So, I let them follow their heart’s fantasies, I let them follow their own counsels.

If only My nation would heed Me, if Israel would walk in My ways. 

In an instant I would subdue their foes and against their tormentors turn My hand. (Psalm 81:12-15)


Hashem will never let anyone harm His people. He will never let a foreigner harass His nation – as long as we declare ourselves His nation by serving Him according to His law. This is how “never again” will truly be – never again.



David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. David‘s Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show.



Rising Antisemitism

Unbridled hatred for the Jewish people is being unleashed around the world. We say in the Nishmat prayer on Shabbat, “In all times of trouble and distress, we have no king, helper, supporter but You“. Only Hashem can protect His children.

Kalever Rebbe | Posted on 22November2023 |

Rising Antisemitism by Kalever Rebbe

Rising Antisemitism by Kalever Rebbe

“Do not delay me, since the Lord has made my way prosper.” (Bereishit 24:56)

Antisemitism Unleashed

An unbridled hatred for the Jewish people is being unleashed around the world. Each of these haters can simply grab a knife or other weapon and attack a Jew. There are also masses of well-armed terrorists who want to destroy the Jewish people.


With the rising hatred and thirst for violence, it would be natural for there to have been many more attacks, chas v’shalom, against the Jews. Truthfully, there are many individuals who are constantly planning to attack us. They even make all the preparations. Hashem, however, foils their sinister plots and protects the Jews.


We are completely unaware of the countless times the Jewish people were in grave danger and Hashem saved us.

Foiled Plots

During the days of the Chozeh from Lublin, zt”l, there was one minister who passionately hated the Jews in his town, and he wanted to kill the local Rabbi.


The minister knew that the Rabbi woke up very early in the morning and that he would walk to shul in the dark. So, he devised a plan. One night, he asked his servant to dig a deep pit on the path that the rabbi would walk in the following morning, figuring that, in the darkness, the rabbi would not see the pit and would fall in, plummeting to the bottom.


However, Hashem intervened. That same night, a prestigious and wise guest visited the rabbi. They were engrossed in a deep Torah conversation as the hours ticked by. Finally, they retired for the evening far later than the rabbi was accustomed to. The following morning, the rabbi woke up a little later than usual and walked to shul while it was light. Seeing the pit, he simply walked around the dangerous obstacle.


When the minister learned the details about what had happened, he said: “Now I must praise the greatness of the Jews’ God! He is the Omnipresence that controls the events of this world. His Divine Providence protects His beloved children, the Jewish people. He saves them from dangers that they don’t even know about!”


When the Chozeh, zt”l, heard this story, he said: “The pasuk in Tehillim (117:1-2) says, ‘Praise the Lord, all gentiles, laud Him, all nations. For His kindness has overwhelmed us!’ Why do the non-Jews praise Hashem for the kindness that has “overwhelmed” the Jews, and not the Jews themselves? After hearing this story, I know the answer. When the pasuk describes this chessed, this kindness, it is referring to the Jews being saved from being harmed by the non-Jews. Only the non-Jews know how many of their wicked plots were foiled by Hashem and how many times Hashem has saved us, while those for whom these miracles occurred do not know that they happened.”

Hidden Miracles

During Nishmat – which we pray on Shabbat morning – we say: “in all times of trouble and distress, we have no king, helper, supporter but You“.


R’ Nosson Dovid from Shidlovtza, zt”l, explained that you need to divide this phrase into two ideas. First, we say that we understand that “in all times [there is] trouble and distress”, we are constantly at risk of being harmed at the hands of those who want to annihilate us, even when it isn’t publicized that we were living in “a time of trouble.” And therefore – we continue to say – we understand and acknowledge that “we have no king, helper, support but You”, because no other king can protect his people from the hidden dangers that surround them.


In fact, there is another more subtle miracle. Even when the non-Jewish governments and law enforcement officers uncover and, therefore, foil a terrorist attack, that is also a miracle; it goes against the natural order of the world. Those nations of the world don’t like the Jewish people. However, when they intervene on our behalf, saving the Jewish people from an attack, it is solely because Hashem inspires their hearts to help the Jews. As the pasuk says (Mishlei 21:1), “A king’s heart is like rivulets of water in the Lord’s hand; wherever He wishes, He turns it”.

On a Short Leash

R’ Yitzchak from Volozhin related that when he went to Nicholas, the Russian Czar, to lobby for the Jews, he noticed that in the palace there were large dogs that were natural predators. Whenever someone entered the chambers to meet with the Czar, the dogs would approach the visitor and gently lick their feet.


He asked one of the dog’s trainers, “How did you teach these animals to forgo their natural predatory behaviors?”

The caretaker explained that when the dog was chained to a leash, he felt that he was not free to do as he pleases. Therefore, the animal can control its natural tendencies. If the dog were unleashed, it would attack and devour the person.


The Gaon from Volozhin then explained, that the same can be said regarding how the Kingdom of Heaven oversees the Jewish people. The natural tendency of the world’s non-Jewish kings is to devour the Jewish people. The Jews are described as being a lamb surrounded by seventy wolves. When we see one of these nations acting benevolently towards the Jewish people and serving their interests, it is because those kings have been shackled and leashed by Hashem. If Hashem were to unleash them, they would immediately begin issuing harsh and evil decrees against the Jews.

Don’t be Afraid

This helps us understand the episode in Parshat Chayei Sarah that described the shidduch between Yitzchak and Rivkah:

Betuel was a king that ruled over an evil nation that despised Avraham Avinu. They wanted to kill his servant, Eliezer. Therefore, he poisoned Eliezer’s food. However, an angel came and switched the bowls of food. And, as the Midrash elaborates, Betuel ate the poisoned food instead and died. Eliezer was saved.


Immediately afterwards, her brother Lavan and her mother tried to postpone Rivkah’s journey to Avraham’s house. They feared that she would be harmed by the Jew-haters. However, Eliezer reassured them saying, “Do not delay me… ” Don’t worry about the Jew-haters, because you just witnessed that “the Lord has made my way prosper” – Hashem is the one who has made my journey successful. I naturally should not have been saved from that danger. I didn’t even know that there was a plot to poison me. Therefore, you don’t need to be worried about the Jew-haters, because Hashem will always protect His people.


The Kalever Rebbe is the seventh Rebbe of the Kaalov Chasidic dynasty, begun by his ancestor who was born to his previously childless parents after receiving a blessing from the Baal Shem Tov zy”a, and later learned under the Maggid of Mezeritch zt”l. The Rebbe has been involved in outreach for more than 30 years and writes weekly emails on understanding current issues through the Torah. Sign up at




Why is There Antisemitism?

Why do they hate Jews? Why does “equality and justice for all” and women’s rights and more apply to everyone – except Jews?

Rachel Avrahami | Posted on 22December2023 |

Why is There Antisemitism by Rachel Avrahami

Why is There Antisemitism by Rachel Avrahamiv

As I touched on in my previous article The Shocking Truth, the antisemitism that has reared its ugly head around the world in response to the current war in Gaza has reached previously unheard-of levels.


If you haven’t figured it out already, you can’t convince these people. They don’t want the truth; they don’t care about the truth!


Of course, there are some clueless people out there, but the stark reality of the genocide of Oct. 7 pushes people to choose sides. In fact, Rabbi Arush said that is one of the purposes of this war! Those that were not sure before where truth and good lies, and which side is evil, saw it plain and clear before their eyes. If at this point, they still don’t get it – they aren’t going to get it.


I’ve said since the beginning of the war that as we prove without a shadow of a doubt that Hamas broke international law a hundred different ways, the antisemites won’t care and won’t change their minds – their rationalizations will just get more and more ludicrous.


And that’s what we’ve indeed seen so far. Just when I think I’ve seen it all, I see a comment that Jews aren’t descendants from Abraham, or that Jews are an “invented race.” Or a recent post that Jesus was Palestinian which was made fun of by the official Israel feed… All those terror tunnels – 1,500 that the IDF has uncovered thus far – the IDF built those in 1982! Or the videos were faked! Oh, and the videos from Oct. 7 were faked too, just to justify the “Israeli colonizers” to go after another “Gaza genocide.”


For sure these outrageous claims by antisemites are classic psychopathic gaslighting. But this is still the sad reality – a good chunk of this world is living in total delusions against God, and His people.


The million-dollar question is: WHY?


Someone asked Rabbi Arush on a recent Q&A video why so many people aren’t changing their minds after seeing the videos of Oct. 7. He answered simply: “They are against God, who is Truth. They don’t want the truth. The problem is inside them, so no matter how much truth you show them, it won’t help, the lies will come right back to them.”

Jews represent God


That’s exactly it: Jews represent God. God is holy, and each and every Jew is holy!


We represent truth, and goodness. We are God’s nation, God’s people. We learn and teach the Torah, which is God’s Eternal wisdom and truth. Jewish law is God’s law!


And they don’t want that. The same liberalism that promotes equality, also promotes the freedom to do anything you want, so long as it doesn’t hurt someone else. But the reality of God negates that, because if there is a God who created you – then not only do you have a purpose in life, but you must now also follow His rules.


The reality is that the rules and regulations and laws of the Torah actually serve to reign in the lusts of the body and confusions of the mind. Torah laws give a human a fighting chance to reach up to Godliness, which is our purpose in life – instead of wallowing in muck. Without keeping Torah, a person isn’t free – they are a slave to their bodies, instead of the body serving the soul.


Of course, they don’t understand that – they want the freedom to commit every abomination and immoral act in the book, without consequences, without morality, without conscience. The very existence of even one single Jew in the world negates that, even if that Jew never says a word to anyone.


(PS The Kalever Rebbe also discusses this topic in his article The “Progressive” Culture? – I highly recommend you check it out!)


The Hidden Message

I would like to posit that there is an even deeper message behind this irrational refusal to care about facts, truth, and reality.


Rabbi Arush’s teachings are based on spiritual laws. Just like there are physical laws like gravity, so too, there are spiritual laws.


One of the laws that Hashem uses to run the world is called midda k’neged midda – measure for measure, tit-for-tat. For instance, someone who has mercy on others – Hashem has mercy on him – and the opposite, G-d forbid.


One aspect of this is that we can understand His messages because He does to us what we are doing to others, in order for us to understand our mistakes and repent.


Hence, if antisemites are stubbornly refusing to recognize the truth – then it must be that in some way, the Jewish people are also stubbornly refusing to recognize the truth! Both on a communal, and individual, level.


Just take a minute to contemplate that, with all of its ramifications.

And I challenge you to decide to do one thing differently because of it.


That being said, thank G-d! One of the miracles of the last couple months is that Jews now are starting to get it, starting to realize that if they hate us for being Jews–maybe we should go find out what being Jewish really is?

"If they haeis - maybe we should go find out what being Jewish really is?"

Because they want to kill us no matter what we wear, with or without a kippah, regardless of our political or religious opinions.


Update: If you still aren’t convinced of just how clear and present the danger is to Jews in America, journalist Ami Horowitz spoke to 35 random students on a left-leaning campus. 80% of them supported killing Jews around the world, specifically hitting soft targets like schools and synagogues. 50% were willing to put money towards the cause. Not one pushed back. Watch for yourself.


Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.  
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email:




Dear world: I don’t care

I don’t care if you’re out on the street, waving your flag and chanting your slogans. We won’t die silently the way you want us to

An Israeli soldier on patrol in the southern city of Sderot

An Israeli soldier on patrol in the southern city of Sderot

Avi Lewis   30October2023, 12:43 PM


I don’t care that you sympathize with Hamas.

I know you wouldn’t tolerate any of the things they did to us if they would’ve done it to you.


I don’t care that you’re outraged by Israel’s response to the massacre more than the massacre itself.

I know you would do everything to eliminate such pure evil if you experienced it yourself.


I don’t care that this doesn’t fit neatly into your carefully constructed narrative of ‘Israel as aggressor’ and ‘Palestinian as victim.’


The truth hurts sometimes, but hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your feelings.


I don’t care if you think we are at fault, that we had it coming, that Hamas’ actions’ didn’t occur in a vacuum (or to deny they ever happened).


If you feel that the poster of a kidnapped child hurts your cause, maybe yours is a lost cause.


I don’t care about your calls for a premature ceasefire, about your demand that we provide them with electricity, that we stop fighting for ‘humanitarian reasons.’


What of a humanitarian gesture to release our 230+ hostages – elderly, children, babies – snatched from their cribs?


I don’t care that you’ve rallied for Palestine as part of your march for LGBTQ rights, trans rights, workers rights, socialism, climate change, intersectionality, Black Lives Matter, fighting Islamaphobia and ‘all forms of racism.’


Your gullibility would be laughable if it wasn’t so hypocritical. None of those things exist under Hamas.


I don’t care that you ‘love Jewish people – just hate Israel’, that you have some friends that are Jewish, that maybe you’re ethnically Jewish yourself – and therefore you’re entitled to levy every libel in the playbook against us.


Words matter. They lead to actions. When a lie is repeated often enough it’s accepted as truth. You are laying the groundwork for more attacks against us.


I don’t care that you wave the flag of ‘human rights’, that you’ve become overnight experts in international law, that you shout fancy slogans you don’t understand such as proportionality, occupation and apartheid.


Your humanity is selective. In your mind, human rights don’t apply to us because we are undeserving. You didn’t speak up when our women and children were horribly assaulted.


I don’t care if you think we are colonialists, imperialists and settlers and that we should just go back to where we came from.


We are back to where we came from.

I don’t care if you believe in a one-state solution, a two-state solution, a federation, an internationalized Jerusalem or any other theory drawn up in your ivory tower.


We won’t readily hold out our necks and endanger our lives in order to satisfy your thought experiments and placate your conscience from afar.


I don’t care if you consider yourself anti-Zionist but not antisemitic.

We’ve seen enough Jews around the world attacked over the last 3 weeks under the guise of ‘anti-Zionism’.


I don’t care that you think we are too powerful, too technologically advanced, too sophisticated.


If we didn’t build ourselves up to this point we’d get eaten alive by Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran and Palestinian terrorism.

I don’t care that you blame us for 1948 refugees, for the fact that they have no state, for the keys that they wave in their fantasy of ‘right of return.’


Three weeks ago we got a glimpse of what that ‘return’ looks like and what it means for our children.


I don’t care if you think we aren’t real Jews, that Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, that Jews are a religion and not a nationality and so we deserve no state.


Your denials have zero impact on the strength of our ideals and the self-affirmation of our identity.


I don’t care that you accuse us of flaunting the myriad UN resolutions, inquiries and statements.


They reflect more on the institutional decay of the UN than on us.


I don’t care about your media coverage, the lies, the equivocation, the acceptance of Hamas talking points and statistics.


Your echo chamber is just another weapon in their strategic arsenal.


I don’t care that you accused us of bombing the Al Ahli hospital.

It was only a matter of time before you found a symbol for Israel’s wickedness. The subsequent retractions were a fig leaf once the truth emerged that Islamic Jihad was responsible and that the hospital is still standing.


I don’t care that you see us as a criminal state, a terror state, usurpers, baby killers, Christ-killers, Khaybar Jews or any other depravity that exists in your mind.


Your libels lay the groundwork for our dehumanization. Rings a bell. We will fight it.

I don’t care that you’ve inverted the truth by accusing us of genocide.


If positions were reversed and Hamas held the power we do now, you’d see what a genocide looks like.

I don’t care that you’re angry, boiling and outraged.


I don’t care that you’re glued to your TV screens and Telegram channels.

I don’t care that you’re mad.


I don’t care if you’re out on the street, waving your flag and chanting your slogans.

We won’t die silently the way you want us to.


For the first time in 2,000 years we are organized, we are motivated and we will defend ourselves.


We fight for light over darkness,


Morality over evil.


Not that it matters to you – but we will stick to the rules and hold the high moral ground not because you expect it from us, but because they are a value for us.


We will do so ethically and thoughtfully, for we are the People of the Book.


Our power and strength are a necessity because the alternative for us is:


Be’eri, Kfar Aza, Pittsburgh, Toulouse, Farhud, Hebron, Birkenau, Belzec, Babi Yar, Kristalnacht, Kielce and Kishinev.


Do you think for a moment that we would return to that reality just to make you feel a little better?


You are deeply mistaken…


For so, so long, I really, deeply cared.

I cared about fitting in;

I cared about what you think;

I cared about being a model citizen;

I cared about setting a personal example of how a tiny people in a tough neighborhood could still be a Light unto the Nations.


How the world’s oldest minority – now a majority here – could treat its own internal minorities par excellence amidst the complicated and messy reality of ethnic conflict;


How we could painfully dismember parts of our homeland and offer them on the platter of peace to Palestinians that want neither peace nor some parts (they want all of it);


How we could dazzle you with USB sticks, drip irrigation, operating system kernels, Nobel Prize winners, swallowable medical cameras, deep tech, quantum mechanics, generative AI and cures for disease.


But now I’m finally accepting that you don’t care.

You never did.

You don’t see and you don’t hear.

And because I cared about what you think so much, that so deeply hurts.

But you don’t have my best interests at heart.

You take issue with my base identity, with what I represent.

Don’t expect me to wait for your approval this time.

It doesn’t matter what I do, you’re not going to change.

It doesn’t matter how I act, because your issue is with who I am.

Now I’m going to block out your noise and do what it takes to win this war.

I no longer care

About the Author
Avi was formerly a news writer at the Times of Israel. Originally from Australia, he served in the IDF and today works in Israel’s thriving Hi Tech sector in Tel Aviv. He lives near Modi’in with wife and 3 kids


JerusalemCats Comments: So You think your safe outside of the Land of Israel?


NYC On “High Alert” For “Lone Wolves” After Hamas Attack On Israel

by Tyler Durden, 11October2023 –


New York City was placed on “high alert” Tuesday by New York Mayor Eric Adams, who told law-abiding residents not to “underestimate” the threat from lone-wolf terrorists who have been radicalized by Hamas.

New York Mayor Eric Adams

New York Mayor Eric Adams


We cannot let our guards down,” said Adams.

The announcement comes as Israel prepares to turn parts of the Gaza Strip into “rubble” following the terrorist attack.

New Yorkers should not “underestimate” the threat from lone-wolf style terrorists who have been radicalized by Hamas online, warned New York Mayor Eric Adams, as the horror of the Israel-Palestine conflict continues to send shockwaves around the world.


Speaking at a press conference, the Democrat may have warned the city to be on guard, saying: “Don’t underestimate lone wolves…people being radicalized online.”


He added that messaging social media sites – where Hamas has shared horrific footage of Saturday’s attack on Israel – can motivate people to carry out similar attacks.


Authorities in New York are paying “special attention” to communities of Hasidic Jews in the Big Apple while monitoring social media sites, he said. –Daily Express

Adams’ comments come days after Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel over the weekend, in which more than 1,800 people have been killed on both sides.


Making matters worse for NYC’s Jewish population, which, outside of Israel is the largest in the world, has been disastrous border policies pushed by Democrats which have allowed a steady stream of illegal migrants to enter the country – most of whom are unvetted.


Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.’s Democratic Socialists of America party led pro-Palestinian rallies in Times Square after the Hamas attack.


Democratic Socialists of America party led pro-Palestinian rallies in Times Square 8October2023 - Photo by Stuart Meissner

Democratic Socialists of America party led pro-Palestinian rallies in Times Square 8October2023 – Photo by Stuart Meissner


Perhaps the FBI will be forced to do its job instead of targeting enemies of the Democrat party?

FBI New York-tweet-10October2023

FBI New York-tweet-10October2023



NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police

Richard Goldberg-tweet-26December2023-NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police
Pro-Hamas, not Pro-Palestine

Rioters, not Protesters

Large Riot, not Large Protest
R A W S A L E R T S -tweet-25December2023
🚨#BREAKING: NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

📌#Manhattan l #NewYork

Currently, the New York Police Department has requested a Level Three mobilization for a large protest that is taking place in Midtown Manhattan, where Pro-Palestine protesters are reportedly engaging in fights with the police. Numerous altercations have broken out between the two resulting in reported injuries to multiple officers. The extent of the injuries is currently unknown at this time. Police have also Reportedly made multiple arrests

Richard Goldberg-tweet-26December2023-NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police

Richard Goldberg-tweet-26December2023-NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police



New York City supports Hamas terror

Ritchie Torres-tweet-15October2023-A NYC club known as The End is holding an “Intifada Fundraver,” glorifying the deadliest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

Ritchie Torres-tweet-15October2023-A NYC club known as The End is holding an “Intifada Fundraver,” glorifying the deadliest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.


Rabbi S Litvin-tweet-11March2024-open call to murder Jewish babies
This is in New York City.

It’s an open call to murder Jewish babies.

We have seen this before.

Pro-Hamas = Pro-Holocaust

Rabbi S Litvin-tweet-11March2024-open call to murder Jewish babies

Rabbi S Litvin-tweet-11March2024-open call to murder Jewish babies



NYPD told Eli Wiesel’s Son to Hide Israeli flag at Protest


Told to Hide Israeli flag at Protest, Eli Wiesel’s Son Complies

19December2023 | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem |

Elisha Weisel had an Israeli flag draped around his back and Hamas Terrorist

Elisha Weisel had an Israeli flag draped around his back and Hamas Terrorist

Elisha Wiesel’s Stand Against Antisemitism: A Voice in Turbulent Times, Upholding Father’s Legacy in Tense New York City Confrontation

Elisha Wiesel, son of the late Elie Wiesel, a renowned Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate, recently found himself in a tense situation during a protest in New York City. At this event, organized by Within Our Lifetime, Wiesel was advised by NYPD to remove his Israeli flag amidst a crowd of about 500 Hamas supporters, citing safety concerns. This incident has brought Wiesel’s activism and his stance against antisemitism into the spotlight.


Wiesel, continuing his father’s legacy, has become a significant voice advocating against antisemitism and for the state of Israel. Reflecting on the incident, Wiesel expressed his experience via Twitter: “500 Hamas supporters shouting slogans surrounded us. I put on an Israeli flag I carry with me. The cowards hid behind their masks. NYPD insisted I remove the flag as the situation was getting dangerous”​​​​.

Elisha Wiesel-tweet-18December2023-Elisha Weisel and Hamas Terrorist
Video of the Penn Station incident. 500 Hamas supporters shouting slogans surrounded us. I put on an Israeli flag I carry with me. The cowards hid behind their masks. NYPD insisted I remove the flag as situation was getting dangerous.

Elisha Wiesel-tweet-18December2023-Elisha Weisel and Hamas Terrorist

Elisha Wiesel-tweet-18December2023-Elisha Weisel and Hamas Terrorist

In his advocacy, Wiesel has often emphasized the importance of Israel as a safeguard against potential future atrocities against the Jewish people. He has said, “My father saw Israel as the only guarantee against a second Holocaust” and stressed that “hate is a stain that is hard to wash out”​​. His views echo the sentiments of his father, who was not only a witness to the horrors of the Holocaust but also a passionate supporter of Israel.


Wiesel’s public addresses have highlighted the continual threats posed by antisemitism and the need for vigilance. He has remarked on the historical and current situation in Gaza, stating, “When Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005, the hope truly was that with the help of the U.S., the European Union, and the U.N. and Russia, Gaza would become a thriving demilitarized country, powered by tourism, economically tied, to Israel, a new chance”​​.


Elisha Wiesel’s involvement in these recent events and his subsequent remarks are a testament to his commitment to combating antisemitism and supporting Israel. His actions and words resonate with the enduring legacy of his father and highlight the ongoing relevance of these issues in today’s world.



Canadian Jews time to Pack your Bags and make Aliyah

Canary Mission-tweet-5March2024-Hamas supporters block Montreal’s Holocaust Museum
“Settlers, settlers, go back home!” “We’re going to kill all your kids!” Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters blocked the entrance to an event by IDF reservists at Montreal’s Holocaust Museum. In Nazi Germany, the Jews were also told to “go back home” (ironically, to Israel).

Canary Mission-tweet-5March2024-Hamas supporters block Montreal’s Holocaust Museum

Canary Mission-tweet-5March2024-Hamas supporters block Montreal’s Holocaust Museum




Hamas in Toronto

Ariella-tweet-5March2024-open call for violence against Jews in Toronto
Good morning Toronto!
Just another day with an open call for violence against Jews.

What is it that people think globalize the intifada means?
Ahuvah Berger-Burcat-tweet-6March2024-If you support this poster
If you post this, or support this poster – then don’t come crying when you fuck around and find out.
Xin Yang-tweet-Hamas Poster in Toronto
Outside the courthouse on University Ave
JerusalemCats-tweet-7March2024-Israel will hunt down these Hamas supporters
Israel will spare no expense in hunting down these Hamas supporters that are putting up these Posters calling to kill the Jews. There are consequences for your actions. You will get to visit Yasser Arafat and Osama Bin Laden. Remember the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre aftermath.

Ariella-tweet-5March2024-open call for violence against Jews in Toronto

Ariella-tweet-5March2024-open call for violence against Jews in Toronto

Ahuvah Berger-Burcat-tweet-6March2024-If you support this poster

Ahuvah Berger-Burcat-tweet-6March2024-If you support this poster



Being Jewish in 2024 – Canada

Oli London-tweet-15May2024-Israeli teenager visciously assaulted outside her school for being Jewish.
Israeli teenager visciously assaulted outside her school for being Jewish.

Shaked Tsurkan, an Israeli girl attending a high school in New Brunswick, Canada was assaulted from behind by an older Muslim student.

The assault came after the teenager was subjected to months of bullying for being Israeli.

The teenager was left with cuts, bruises and black eyes.

The assailant, who the victim identified as an older Muslim student, was suspended for a week from school for carrying out the attack.

Source: @TheCJN
Moy Miz--tweet-15May2024-Being Jewish in 2024 – Canada
Being Jewish in 2024 (microcosm)

The Jewish girl gets assaulted from behind, the adult does nothing, the friend just watches, many film (media) for the likes and finally the adult yells at her for trying to defend herself.

Moy Miz-tweet-15May2024-Being Jewish in 2024-Canada

Moy Miz-tweet-15May2024-Being Jewish in 2024-Canada



dahlia kurtz-tweet-24April2024-Hamas running public daycare in Ontario
A Jewish mum just dropped off her toddler at a public daycare in Ontario.

The daycare supervisor was wearing a keffiyeh.

Imagine dropping your Jewish 3-year-old off at public school, and the person responsible for their care was wearing a Swastika.

That’s what just happened.

@Sflecce @brianlilley

dahlia kurtz-tweet-24April2024-Hamas running public daycare in Ontario

dahlia kurtz-tweet-24April2024-Hamas running public daycare in Ontario




A GENERAL WARNING TO THE JEWISH PUBLIC and A Purim Lesson for Simchat Torah

1 Marcheshvan 5784 15October2023
Rosh Chodesh Bet


Every Christian and missionary organization is hoping to capitalize on the crisis situation in Israel in order to push their man-god idolatry onto Jews.  I wish I had the room here to name all the names and show you how much money they have already collected in “donations” to “help Israel.”  [One prominent group actually living in Shomron is trying to raise 29 million dollars].  But anyway we don’t want to give them the publicity.


They are talking amongst themselves about the great opportunity this presents to give gifts to Jews in the name of their man-god while they are feeling most vulnerable and hope they will think kindly toward that false religion as a result.


It is forbidden to accept these gifts, even in the name of pikuach nefesh.  The supplies on offer are also being provided by Jewish sources, so if you feel the need of them, you must go to a fellow Jew for those items and take nothing from the Christians.  It would be a chillul Hashem because they report back to their followers how the Jews do not take care of each other and how it is left to them to do it as an act of Christian kindness.


Their “love and kindness” is a poison.  It’s a sham and a spiritual crime deserving of the death penalty al pi halachahHKB”H can provide all your needs through acceptable avenues.  If He doesn’t provide it, you don’t need it.


A Purim Lesson for Simchat Torah


Since the murderous bloody massacre of our people on Shabbat-Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, I’ve seen a particular phrase used over and over in shocked awe:  “They [Hamas] killed men and women as well as babies and old people.”


That echoed in my mind.


“…to destroy, kill, and cause to perish all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, on one day….”  (Megillat Esther)


“…in every province, wherever the king’s orders and his edict reached, there was great mourning for the Jews, and fasting and weeping and lamenting; sackcloth and ashes were put on the most prominent.”  (Megillat Esther


“…the Jews be ready for that day, to avenge themselves upon their enemies.”  (Megillat Esther)


This is the Jewish response to this kind of threat.  Sadly, the warning has come too late for so many.


With hopes and prayers for better days and good news…





We are letting them do it to us again

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again
Dear European Jews in the 30s,

I owe you an apology. For the last 40 years, I’ve accused you of being blind, and quite frankly, stupid!

I’ve said it thousands of times.

“Why didn’t they get out? How did they not see the writing on the wall? Were they that comfortable and assimilated that they really believed it’d be ok? And even if they believed that, when Germany started legislating against Jews, how was THAT not enough of a sign to get out??”

For years, I thought you were weak. I thought you were led to the gas chambers like sheep to the slaughter.

For years, I thought that your mistakes could never be repeated again. I thought we, the Jewish nation, would surely see the writing on the wall.

I said Never Again and deep down, I thought it would never happen again, because WE, the Jewish people would never let it happen again.

“We are not as weak as they were”, I told myself.

And now I have to say, I’m sorry. I didn’t understand you until about a month or two ago when I realized that I was wrong about you.

More precisely, I was wrong about us.

It could happen again. The Jewish people WOULD let it happen again. We ARE letting it happen again.

Antisemites in the United States congress? Yep.

Pop stars declaring their love for Hitler? Uh huh

Banning Jews from entering educational institutions? Sadly that happened too.

Jews being assaulted and beaten in the streets? Yep, so that’s now a thing.

Mass antisemitic marches across America? We are there…

Jews women being raped and murdered just because they are a Jew? Can’t believe I’m saying this but yea, that too.

So, my European ancestors, and I’m talking to you, Grandma, I’m sorry. You weren’t weak and we aren’t strong.

We are letting them do it to us again and we are again not reading the writing on the wall.

I always believed that if I, we experienced what you experienced, we’d get the hell out immediately.

I was wrong. My brothers and sisters are continuing to be sitting ducks waiting for the next attack, the next vandalism of a synagogue, the next hate crime, the next blood thirsty antisemitic march, the next murder.

It’s 2024 and we haven’t learned the lesson that Germany was not our home. Poland was not our home. Austria was not our home.

Today, America is not our home. South Africa is not our home. The UK is not our home. Australia is not our home.

We only have one home and that is Israel. Is everything perfect in Israel? 100% not. But in Israel, your people protect you and if God forbid bad things happen, and they happen, (you don’t have to tell me, my brother was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist), your government, your army, your people will retaliate and ensure it never happens again.

No one is protecting you at Harvard. Or MIT. Or Columbia. You’re on your own there and this isn’t going to end well.

So, my European ancestors, I’m sorry I judged you. You weren’t weak. You weren’t blind. You weren’t dumb.

You were Jews who refused to internalize that other nations don’t behave like us and just because we’d never try to annihilate a nation doesn’t mean they won’t.

To my brothers and sisters in 2024, please, I beg of you, internalize the lesson of history. It’s happening right before your eyes. Don’t wait till it’s too late.

Leave. Get out. Come home.

We are waiting for you with open hours. You worry about us in Israel? I get it. That’s kind. But here, our fate is in our hands (And Hashem’s) and we know what we need to do.

No one there has your back. We have your back here.

So come home. Help us help you.

Allow us to welcome you at Ben Gurion Airport with chants of Am Yisrael Chai instead of staying there to hear chants of Globalize the Intifada and From the River to the Sea.

This is your home and we want you here with us. We need you here with us.

If you won’t come home for you, come home for us. We love you and want you here safe in our embrace.

Come home. It will be the best thing you ever did!

We are waiting. I am waiting! 🇮🇱🙏✡️

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-1

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-2

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-3

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-3




7 Marcheshvan 5784  22 October 2023

It may already be too late!!!

This is a follow-up to The Flood of Hamas.  It alludes to The Flood of Violence (חָמָס) that accompanies The Flood of Antisemitism at the End of Days.  See, Heaven’s messages are everywhere!  HKB”H is screaming to His Children, “Choose life!!”

How can the Jews of the Diaspora not see this!??  Don’t be fooled by fear of what is happening in Eretz Yisrael.  It’s not what it seems.  (See the next post which should be ready later today, iy”H.)  If you are already here, this is NOT the time to leave!!!


  • Yehudit: ‘…in America, antisemitism will rise to unimaginable heights.'”
  • “Rav Sheinberger: ‘The whole world will flood and Eretz Israel will be like Noah’s ark, floating on top.'”
  • Ovadia HaNavi (1:17):  “On Mount Zion there will be refuge….”
  • The Lubavitcher Rebbe (During the Gulf War):  “There is no safer place in the world today than Eretz Yisrael.  Heaven forbid that anyone living in Eretz Yisrael should think of leaving at this time.  On the contrary, whoever is planning to visit Eretz Yisrael should go without fear and should let others know of his trip as well, for this will raise the confidence of the Jewish people throughout the world.
  • SEE: Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz’s Third Prediction


Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD

Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD


About 100,000 protesters join pro-Palestinian march through London

About 100,000 protesters join pro-Palestinian march through London


Protests across Canada oppose Israel's onslaught against Gaza

Protests across Canada oppose Israel’s onslaught against Gaza


Today it is “thousands,” tomorrow it will be millions and nothing will stop them.  Hashem yerachem!  


Do you think what happened here cannot happen there???


Do you think you could possibly be safer outside the Land G-d gave us???

[EDD: Examples]

Visegrád 24-tweet-23October2023-The Minneapolis City Council candidate Zach Metzger filmed this clip of himself and fellow anti-Israel protesters trying to chase down an elderly man trying to drive past their protest which was blocking a major street.

Visegrád 24-tweet-23October2023-The Minneapolis City Council candidate Zach Metzger filmed this clip of himself and fellow anti-Israel protesters trying to chase down an elderly man trying to drive past their protest which was blocking a major street.


Andy Ngô-tweet-24October2023-
“Reproductive justice means free Palestine” Far-left protesters at the NYC Queers for Palestine direct action falsely link the long regional conflict to American social issues. Abortion is almost entirely banned in the Palestinian territories, even in cases of rape or incest. West Bank Palestinian women who seek the procedure will sometimes go to Israel. Photos courtesy of

Andy Ngô-tweet-24October2023-Reproductive justice means free Palestine

Andy Ngô-tweet-24October2023-Reproductive justice means free Palestine


Hamas to Nazi "I'll Take it From Here" grabbing holocaust survivor

Hamas to Nazi “I’ll Take it From Here” grabbing holocaust survivor


9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht

Israel-tweet-9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht
Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht, the November Pogrom of 1938, in which more than 100 synagogues and 7500 Jewish businesses were vandalized in Germany.

This horrific event was the culmination of years of incitement and antisemitic rhetoric against Jews.

In the past couple of weeks we’ve seen Jewish communities around the world face horrific antisemitism.

Antisemitism starts with words but it doesn’t end there.

More often than not it kills.

Israel-tweet-9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht

Israel-tweet-9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht


85 years since Kristallnacht

85 years since Kristallnacht



Arye (ARO) Sharuz Shalicar-tweet-8November2023-NIE WIEDER ist JETZT!


Translated from Hebrew by


Arye (ARO) Sharuz Shalicar-tweet-8November2023-NIE WIEDER ist JETZT!

Arye (ARO) Sharuz Shalicar-tweet-8November2023-NIE WIEDER ist JETZT!



The Night of the Broken Glass

Nov 9-10, 1938: “The Night of Broken Glass”, which in German was called Kristallnacht, was an anti-Jewish pogrom in Nazi Germany and Austria on…
Yaakov Bar Nahman Posted on 10November2023


“The Night of the Broken Glass”, which in German was called Kristallnacht, was an anti-Jewish pogrom in Nazi Germany and Austria on 9 to 10 November 1938. Kristallnacht was triggered by the assassination in Paris of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew. In a coordinated attack on Jewish people and their property, 91 Jews were murdered and 30,000 were arrested and placed in concentration camps. 267 synagogues were destroyed, and thousands of homes and businesses were ransacked. This was done by the Brown Shirt Hitler Youth, the Gestapo, the SA, and the SS. Kristallnacht also served as a pretext and as a means for the wholesale confiscation of firearms from German Jews in order to assure their being left defenseless.


This woke up some Jews to the unfolding dangers, but not enough. So very many chose to remain blind and stayed, waiting for the storm to go away. History was to recount what an immense mistake that choice was.


While the fledgling Nazi party was growing in size and power, the concept of what Jewish life is really about became  dried up, diluted, and all but lost. The Jewish community was crumbling. The Reform movement and the Enlightenment were taking their toll. Tens of thousands of Jews were losing all feeling of what being Jewish really is. Theirs was more like a drab, colorless, lifeless cardboard cutout rather than a living, vibrant spiritual life. It was devoid of anything that stimulates the heart and soul. When there is nothing to draw interest, nothing to love, nothing to respect; there is nothing to attract loyalty, there is no inner bond.   Even the most basic level of a Jewish soul desires spirituality. If “at home” their lives were devoid of spirituality, they would seek some semblance of spirituality elsewhere.


Together, this resulted in myriads of German Jews leaving Judaism. By the onset of WW 2, there were 10,000 Catholic and Protestant priests and pastors in Germany from Jewish families!


They sought the spirituality that had been stolen from them and replaced by the dried up version of Judaism they were  raised in.


Even among those who “remained Jewish”, many had adopted the attitude of, “Be a Jew at home and a human being outside”.


Is there any wonder that God let loose the Angel of Death with an ‘open license to kill wholesale’? This process and its horrific outcome was to become one of the most gruesome chapters in human history.


With the worsening socioeconomic situation in Germany, the increasing political radicalism, and the turning of Divine Providence against the Jews of Germany due to the vast number who abandoned Torah life and values, the stage was set for…


Holocaust, the Greek word for sacrifice.



With antisemitism surging, Diaspora synagogues are ‘afraid’ to mark Kristallnacht

As Holocaust survivors reflect on Oct. 7 and the ‘global pogrom’ during Israel’s war with Hamas, some Jewish communities avoid commemorating 85 years to the Night of Broken Glass

By Matt Lebovic 8November2023


On the morning after Kristallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass," local residents watch as the synagogue in Ober-Ramstadt, Germany, is destroyed by fire in 1938. (CNS photo/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)

On the morning after Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass,” local residents watch as the synagogue in Ober-Ramstadt, Germany, is destroyed by fire in 1938. (CNS photo/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)


NEW YORK — Jewish communities from South America to Europe are canceling plans to commemorate the 85th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s Kristallnacht pogrom Thursday night due to surging antisemitism following the Hamas massacres of October 7, The Times of Israel has learned.


That day, Hamas terrorists infiltrated southern Israel by land, air and sea in a shock assault and killed some 1,400 people, mostly civilians, amid acts of horrible cruelty. Over 240 people are now in captivity in Gaza, including dozens of children. In the wake of the invasion, Israel declared war and vowed to destroy Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, where mounting casualties from the Israeli offensive have shifted public attention away from the October 7 massacres.


Thousands of synagogues had planned to participate in an annual Israel-based Kristallnacht initiative called “Light from the Synagogue,” with congregations and Jewish organizations invited to keep their lights on all night to mark the German pogrom in which 99 Jews were murdered and 30,000 men sent to concentration camps.


“When we first started to plan how to adapt this beautiful project to Brazil, we were aiming for an interreligious effort,” said Hana Nusbaum, a Holocaust educator based in Sao Paulo.


“However, due to the rise of antisemitism worldwide, we don’t think the synagogues and other Jewish institutions would be comfortable with a physical demonstration of support that highlights their locations,” Nusbaum told The Times of Israel.


Kristallnacht commemoration organizers in Los Angeles and New York City told The Times of Israel about “bolstered” security for synagogue gatherings set for Thursday evening. However, unlike Brazil, there were no reports that Kristallnacht gatherings were canceled in the US so far.


Marking this year’s wartime commemoration, the iconic March of the Living program released testimonies of Holocaust survivors who reflected on antisemitism following the Hamas massacres of October 7.


“I never thought in my life that something as terrible as now would happen again,” said Tirza HaLivni, who survived Kristallnacht and later moved to Israel.


Kvutzat Yavneh’s synagogue during Kristallnacht commemoration ‘Light from the Synagogue’ (courtesy: Dalia Yohanan)

Kvutzat Yavneh’s synagogue during Kristallnacht commemoration ‘Light from the Synagogue’ (courtesy: Dalia Yohanan)


“On October 7, Hamas came and slaughtered children, young and old. I have to say honestly, all the lectures I give, and I give a lot, in Israel, in Germany and wherever I can, but I think back 85 years ago to how horrible it was, and here we are, experiencing it again,” said HaLivni.


Through March of the Living (MOTL), thousands of Israelis and Diaspora teens have toured Holocaust sites in Poland followed by visits to Israel. Many of the survivors solicited by MOTL this year were uncomfortable allowing the organization to use their full names, according to a MOTL press release.


“[They] feared for their own safety, were initially hesitant to speak out, [or] worried that revealing their identities could place them in immediate danger,” said the statement.


As for synagogues afraid to commemorate Kristallnacht this week, “Light from the Synagogue” organizer Dalia Yohanan said she was deeply upset by emails she received.


In Graz, Austria, onlookers watch a smoldering synagogue the morning after Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938 (public domain)

In Graz, Austria, onlookers watch a smoldering synagogue the morning after Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938 (public domain)


“I nearly cried when I read how many synagogues are afraid to share their locations,” Yohanan told The Times of Israel.

“We thought those days would never come back,” said Yohanan, who lives on Kibbutz Tirat Tzvi.

Although it appears there have not been Kristallnacht cancellations in the US, that is not the case in Europe. In Groningen, the Netherlands, for example, an annual “silent march” for Kristallnacht was canceled due to fears that Palestinian supporters would find it provocative.


“We don’t want the march to be viewed as a demonstration because it is not,” said Geert Volders, director of the city’s Stichting Folkingestraat Synagogue.


Historians regard “The Night of Broken Glass” on November 9-10, 1938, as a prelude to the Holocaust, as well as a “test run” for Hitler to gauge global reaction to his plans for Europe’s Jews.

‘Jews are not safe’

Outside the Jewish state, survivors are now reluctant to wear Jewish symbols, said Manya Wallenfels, a Polish-born survivor who lives in the US.


“I think twice before I wear my Star of David,” said Wallenfels. “It is a catastrophe what is happening today: not only Hamas but the antisemitism in the universities. Before, I went outside with a Magen David on my shirt, now I think twice about it,” said Wallenfels.


In Los Angeles, a Jewish man was attacked in public by a Palestinian activist and died several hours later. One California-based survivor interviewed by MOTL said “sleepless nights” became part of their lives again since October 7.


“The October 7 terror attack brought back so many memories of what I saw as a child,” said Maud Dahme, a survivor who lives in San Diego.


“When it all happened on October 7, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve had sleepless nights since and it just brought back so many memories. I don’t know how to cope,” said Dahme.

Jewish man murdered by Palestinian protestor

Jewish man
murdered by Palestinian protestor

A Jewish man falls to the ground after allegedly being struck with a megaphone by an anti-Israel protester in Los Angeles on November 5, 2023. (Screen capture/X)

Some survivors said the Hamas massacres shattered a relative sense of inner balance they toiled to achieve for decades.

“I am devastated to see how Jews are being attacked today. Jews are not safe,” said Nate Leipciger, a survivor who lives in Canada.


“I am very troubled by this and am struggling to retain my equilibrium,” said Leipciger, who was attacked on the street for being a Jew while growing up.


“My optimism is shattered. We must collectively feel the pain felt by parents whose child is abducted and threatened with death. Hamas’s barbarism is equal and almost exceeds what I experienced during the Shoah,” said Leipciger, most of whose family were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

“Hamas’s barbarism is equal and almost exceeds what I experienced during the Shoah

“It started with words and continued with actions. I am devastated to see how Jews are being attacked today. Jews are not safe. I saw where antisemitism can lead to and I am very concerned,” said Leipciger.


With hundreds of American synagogues set to go forward with Kristallnacht programs on Thursday, some have committed to keep their lights on all night, as per the Israel-based initiative.


For example, at Young Israel of Sharon, Massachusetts, a 90-minute “Light From the Synagogue” program will focus on “our light” having not been “extinguished” during the Holocaust or after the Hamas massacres.


According to Young Israel, many congregants in Sharon, located outside Boston, had not heard about the Kristallnacht event due to a strenuous news cycle. In gathering as many Jews as possible, the shul hopes to express “our continued presence and vibrancy,” said a flyer.



Jewish doctors launch group to combat antisemitism in medicine: ‘It’s Nazi Germany all over again’

By Carl Campanile

Published May 19, 2024, 11:46 a.m. ET


Jewish doctors alarmed by “rampant” antisemitism and even violence at health-care institutions in the US have launched their own national advocacy group to combat the hatred in medicine.


Thousands of medical professionals from across the country have joined the new American Jewish Medical Association to stand up for Jews, the group recently told The Post.


“It’s fundamentally scary for those of us who care about humanity. It’s Nazi Germany all over again,” said Manhattan plastic surgeon Yael Halaas, founder and president of the new group and a graduate of Columbia University and Cornell Medical School.


The hatred leveled against Jews after the Palestinian terror group Hamas’ Oct. 7 invasion of Israel hit home for Halaas, whose Jewish parents emigrated to the US from Cuba and Argentina.


Many members of her dad’s family were killed in Auschwitz during the Holocaust.


Medical schools particularly have become hostile environments for Jewish students, the organizers said.

Among the troubling incidents:


-George Washington University’s medical school hosted a faculty panel in December that declared the terrorists have a “right of resistance” against Israel.


logo American Jewish Medical Association

logo American Jewish Medical Association

-Some medical professionals have praised the Hamas Oct. 7 attack on Israel and denied the fact that victims in Israel were sexually assaulted.


— A sign that read, “Free Palestine from Nazi Zionist Schwein” — the German word meaning “pig” — appeared in front of the cancer center at the University of California at San Francisco’s medical school.


—  Anti-Israel protesters at rallies at Columbia University’s Medical School/Mailman School of Public Health have chanted “From the River to the Sea,” a phrase many interpret as calling for the elimination of Israel and celebrating suicide bombers who kill Israelis.


“The Jewish medical students are bullied into silence,” Halaas said. “They are being ostracized. It shouldn’t be controversial to say Israel is integral to Jewish identity.


“Anti-Zionism is antisemitism,” she said.


The term “zionism” refers to the right of the Jewish state to exist.


Orthopedist Cary Schwartzbach, a Queens native who practices in Fairfax, Va., and a son of Holocaust survivors and treasurer of the new group, said, “Oct. 7 was a wake-up call.


“It opened the gates for antisemitism,” the doctor said.


“There’s a sense of hostilities against Jews. Antisemitism has made a lot of hospital residency programs uncomfortable for Jewish students,” he said.


“We need a voice. We need to protect ourselves. We need to protect medical school students.”


Larisa Geskin, an oncologist and director of the Comprehensive Skin Cancer Center at Columbia University’s Medical Center who emigrated from Latvia in the former Soviet Union when she was 20, said she was stunned by the antisemitism she’s personally witnessed on campus.


“There is rampant antisemitism in the medical community,” the 56-year-old doctor said.


A portrait of Dr. Benjamin Harouni, a 28-year-old bearded Jewish dentist who was shot and killed in his office near San Diego in 3February2024Dr. Benjamin Harouni, a Jewish dentist, was fatally shot by a disgruntled former patient.

A portrait of Dr. Benjamin Harouni, a 28-year-old bearded Jewish dentist who was shot and killed in his office near San Diego in 3February2024
Dr. Benjamin Harouni, a Jewish dentist, was fatally shot by a disgruntled former patient.


“This is so familiar to me. In the Soviet Union antisemitism was rampant. I never thought I’d hear the same rhetoric in the United States that I heard in the Soviet Union,” she said.


Given how Jews have been abused throughout history, the doctors said it’s horrifying to hear propaganda painting Israelis as white oppressors.


“Jews are also a minority. We need protection like other minorities,” Geskin said.


“We see history repeating itself. We feel we have to say something. They were chanting `From the River to the Sea’ in my backyard. This is what is happening in the medical community.”




Antisemitic incidents surged globally since Oct. 7 but most aren’t reported. Here’s why

Up to 79% of antisemitic harassment is never divulged, according to experts who weigh in on ‘obstacles’ that deter Jewish victims – especially youth – from speaking out

By Matt Lebovic 21 November 2023,

Illstrative: A hand-drawn swastika is seen on the front of Union Station near the Capitol in Washington, January 28, 2022. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

Illstrative: A hand-drawn swastika is seen on the front of Union Station near the Capitol in Washington, January 28, 2022. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

NEW YORK — John Michael Graves, 25, was walking out of his Moishe House residence in Seattle when he spotted half a dozen antisemitic flyers “plastered” onto poles near the unmarked building’s gate.


“I ripped them down. It’s not clear how they even knew it was a Moishe House,” said Graves, referring to a cooperative group home for Jewish young adults. The flyers read “F–k You Israel” with crossed-out Jewish stars and were affixed onto street poles during the afternoon of October 24.


“It really hit me in the gut,” Graves told The Times of Israel. But he and his fellow residents did not report the incident to the Moishe House movement, which says it reaches 70,000 Jews in 27 countries, including six locations in Israel.


“We were scared and — it sounds ironic now — because this is going in a newspaper and more attention is being drawn to ourselves — I didn’t want to make it a bigger deal than it was,” said Graves. He is one of four residents in his Moishe House, which are generally populated by a mix of young professionals and grad students.


“We are programmed to think it’s just some flyer, not an active death threat,” said Graves, who added that Moishe House has been an “incredible” resource for himself and other residents regarding the Israel-Hamas war.


“When I saw the posters, I felt my hand grabbing at my Jewish star necklace,” said Madison Holt, 23, another resident of Moishe House in Seattle.

John Michael Graves. (Courtesy)

John Michael Graves. (Courtesy)

“I couldn’t decide if I wanted to hide my necklace or not. I have always felt safe living here, but this definitely was a wake-up call for how things have changed since October 7,” Holt told The Times of Israel.


Since the unprecedented Hamas massacres of 1,200 people in Israel last month and the taking of some 240 hostages, the Moishe House movement has provided new resources to its “community builders” around the world, including access to emotional support services, said Graves.


Now, six weeks after the eruption of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7, world opinion has shifted away from recognizing and mourning these atrocities.


The reluctance of Graves and Holt to report this incident of antisemitism is part of a widespread phenomenon, experts told The Times of Israel. Nearly four in five Jews who experience antisemitic harassment do not report it to law enforcement or media, according to American Jewish Committee statistics.


Moishe House resident Madison Holt. (Courtesy)

Moishe House resident Madison Holt. (Courtesy)

“Varying degrees of trauma” are behind the lack of reporting, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) spokesperson Jake Hyman told The Times of Israel.


“Some people may report right away, while others may want to pretend it never happened, which would be understandable,” said Hyman.


An important development for universities, said Hyman, is the new “Campus Antisemitism Legal Line” (CALL) for any student, family, faculty, or staff member to “report incidents of antisemitic discrimination, intimidation, harassment, vandalism, or violence that may necessitate legal action,” said Hyman.


Intake reports will be handled by lawyers working pro bono to represent victims “who choose to move forward with specific cases,” said Hyman.


“CALL will also provide referrals to social services, mental health counseling services, and other relevant support services in their area,” said the ADL spokesperson.

Not in my name

Experts told The Times of Israel that many high school pupils and college students are afraid to document harassment because it’s “nearly impossible to report anonymously if one wants an investigation with actual results and repercussions,” said Yael Lerman, executive director of the Saidoff Legal Department at StandWithUs, a pro-Israel educational organization. (This reporter works for StandWithUs as the director of its Holocaust Education Center.)


“Students who file discrimination or bias complaints under their name nearly inevitably become targets for ongoing harassment or social media by individuals, by anti-Israel student groups, and even in-person,” Lerman told The Times of Israel.

Several copies of this flyer were posted onto poles adjacent to a Moishe House building in Seattle, Washington, October 24, 2023. (John Michael Graves)

Several copies of this flyer were posted onto poles adjacent to a Moishe House building in Seattle, Washington, October 24, 2023. (John Michael Graves)

The non-reporting of antisemitism extends beyond student bodies, said Lerman.

“Many Jewish professionals on campus are not reporting antisemitic incidents because they are scared by what they see,” said Lerman, an attorney who leads a StandWithUs-cultivated network of lawyers willing to defend victims of antisemitism on campus, for free.


“They delete evidence and hope that by not dealing with it, it will go away. The idea of holding antisemites accountable through the criminal justice system instead of remaining scared hasn’t taken hold yet in a broad enough way,” said Lerman.


With social media and evolving technologies, students and staff alike are “afraid of being doxed and targeted for more harassment by being willing to come forward as witnessing antisemitic attacks,” Lerman said.

Feelings of shame

The Israeli American Council (IAC) pointed to “shame” as one reason why so many American Jews do not report on antisemitism.


“We know this because when we do receive reports [of antisemitic incidents], many times students and parents will indicate that they have experienced several other incidents before deciding to report,” said Karen Bar-On, the IAC’s vice president of activism.


“Also, when we discuss the topic with community members or provide antisemitism training to educators and students through our school or community events, they will bring up cases they have experienced while admitting they have not reported them,” Bar-On told The Times of Israel.


Founded in 2007, the IAC represents more than 800,000 Israelis and their families living in the US. Bar-On echoed attorney Lerman in asking Jews to reconsider the importance of reporting antisemitic harassment, as opposed to brushing it off.


“First and foremost, we need to let people know how to report and constantly remind them what resources are at their service,” said Bar-On. “More importantly, community members must understand the importance of reporting and standing up to each and every incident they experience, no matter how ‘minor’ they may feel it is,” she said.

Abraham Foxman, national director emeritus for the Anti-Defamation League, speaks at the Israeli American Council’s eighth annual summit in Austin, Texas, on January 20, 2023. (David Finkel photography)

Abraham Foxman, national director emeritus for the Anti-Defamation League, speaks at the Israeli American Council’s eighth annual summit in Austin, Texas, on January 20, 2023. (David Finkel photography)

According to data collected by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in 2021, 79% of American Jews “targeted by antisemitic remarks did not report these incidents,” said Aaron Bregman, AJC’s director of high school affairs.


“Many high school students who face antisemitism, discrimination, or bias choose not to report these incidents, fearing social retaliation and potential isolation,” said Bregman.


Another factor involved in underreporting is that students “may not be certain whether they have experienced discrimination and may underestimate the severity of the issue,” said Bregman, adding, “Some students may also struggle to recognize and define antisemitic actions, hindering their ability to report accurately.”


Bregman told The Times of Israel that “uncertainty” around discrimination “often stems from a perception that [Jewish students’] experiences do not compare to the discrimination faced by their peers,” he said.


Several experts pointed to “microaggressions” as key to understanding the underreporting phenomenon. One long-time student services director at Ivy League universities said that far too many professors “challenge observant Jewish students about missing class during Jewish holidays,” she told The Times of Israel.


Additionally, students may assume they have documented an incident when, procedurally, they haven’t.

“Students think they have reported something when they comment on it in an institutional survey, but that reporting doesn’t get shared with the systems that track or even do anything about antisemitism on campus,” said the former Hillel professional, who asked to remain anonymous due to her position in academia.

Disbelief that anything will be done

Across the Atlantic, in Britain, a “large proportion” of antisemitic incidents in public schools and university campuses are never reported, said Dave Rich of the Community Service Trust, which has recorded and responded to antisemitism since 1984.


“The most likely reasons for not reporting are that they don’t feel anything will be done, or they don’t know how to report,” Rich told The Times of Israel.

Hamas supporters at a march in London, November 11, 2023. (Metropolitan Police)

Hamas supporters at a march in London, November 11, 2023. (Metropolitan Police)

Within Europe, the European Union has conducted research into antisemitism in 2012 and 2018. Findings demonstrated that “most antisemitic harassment was not reported to anyone,” said Rich.


“We don’t have specific data for non-reporting of campus or school-related antisemitism, but this gives some indication of what we might be looking at,” said Rich.


With private Catholic universities in the US now opening their doors to enroll harassed Jewish students, the public is still only seeing the “tip of the iceberg” regarding antisemitism, experts believe. Without a significant increase in victims reporting on incidents of harassment, discrimination against Jews may continue to fly mostly under the radar.



JerusalemCats Comments: This sums it up!

All About the Facts

This biting musical parody, featuring the talented Latma team, will have you laughing out loud. Parody about the European Union, the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority and the lies they tell and the lies they believe during the Peace Negotiations and News Reports..



Michael Oren: A War Against the Jews

Hatred of Israel cannot be distinguished from hatred of the Jewish people. Incontestably now, anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

By Michael Oren 26October2023 Source:


“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews. When the Jew will hide behind stones and trees, the stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’?” —The Hamas Charter


“The conventional war of conquest was to be waged parallel to, and was also to camouflage, the ideological war against the Jews.” —Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews 1933–1945


It wasn’t the rallies with “Keep the World Clean” posters and chants of “gas the Jews.” Nor was it the glorification of Hamas paragliders by the Chicago branch of Black Lives Matter or, in New York and London, the tearing down of posters with the faces of Israeli children held hostage by Hamas. Not even the off-the-charts uptick in antisemitic incidents in Germany (240 percent), the United States (nearly 400 percent), and London (1,353 percent) convinced me.


It was, rather, one of those realizations that so many generations of Jews before me have experienced. A realization that they, like me, surely tried to push out of their minds until the reality became unmistakeable.

This war is not simply between Hamas terrorists and Israelis. It is a war against the Jews.

The insight began with the international media’s coverage of the conflict. Again, it wasn’t the press’s insistence on calling mass murderers “militants” or citing Hamas and its “Health Ministry” as a reliable source. For close to fifty years—as a student activist, a diplomat, a soldier, a government and military spokesman, and above all, as a historian—I’ve grappled with the media’s bias against Israel. I’ve long known that the terrorists are “militants” solely because their victims are Jews, and only in a conflict with Israel are terrorists considered credible.


Instead, it was the media’s predictable switch from an Israel-empathetic to an Israel-demonizing narrative as the image of Palestinian suffering supplanted that of Israelis beheaded, dismembered, and burnt. It was the gnawing awareness that dead Jews buy us only so much sympathy.


In fact, there is probably a formula. Six million dead in the Holocaust procured us roughly 25 years of grace before the Europeans refused to refuel the U.S. planes bringing lifesaving munitions to Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Fourteen hundred butchered Jews bought us a little less than two weeks’ worth of positive coverage.


Europeans, it’s long been said, never forgave the Jews for the Holocaust. Their guilt was collective and their antisemitism no longer socially acceptable. What a relief many of them felt when it became de rigueur to call Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians Nazi-like. Similarly, haters of Israelis can’t forgive them for being massacred by Hamas terrorists on October 7, and were relieved when, on October 17, they could go back to vilifying the “colonial apartheid state.”


October 17—that was the date of the al-Ahli Arab Hospital incident. Hamas claimed that an Israeli bomb hit the hospital and killed 500 civilians. Again, there was nothing new about Hamas blaming Israel for atrocities that never happened and counting as dead the many who didn’t die. What was unprecedented was the speed at which the world accepted this triple lie—not a hospital but its parking lot was struck by a Palestinian rocket, not an Israeli bomb, killing far fewer than 500. Nevertheless, reflexively, the world imputed evil to Israel.


Within hours of the al-Ahli bombing, both Israel and the United States revealed the truth behind it. Still, almost no one in the media apologized. A full week after the explosion, The New York Times was still bringing in “experts” to intimate Israel’s guilt. After all, the paper was subtly telling us, Israel is perfectly capable of bombing hospitals and, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, possibly bombed this one as well.


What was previously an inkling became, October 17, an epiphany. It marked the moment when I finally peered behind the headlines and recognized their ancient, vicious, core.


For many centuries, the term “innocent Jew” was an oxymoron. Jews were guilty by birth, by belief, and by ancestry. There is a religious tenet of Judaism, reenacted each year at Passover, that all Jews were present at the exodus from Egypt and when God gave the laws to Moses at Sinai. Twisting this is a Christian belief that all Jews were present at, and responsible for, the crucifixion. More than Pilate, more than Judas—a name not chosen randomly—the Jews were damned for deicide.


But killing God is only one of the sins for which Israelis—read: Jews—are being demonized in this war. Behind the reports of the deliberate Israeli bombing of Palestinian neighborhoods—reports that meticulously stress the number of children killed—lies the 144,000 children mythically massacred by the Judean King Herod.


Though understandably feeling vengeful toward Hamas and their allies in Gaza, the vast majority of Israelis do not want innocent Palestinians to die. Hamas, however, places its bunkers, rocket launchers, and headquarters in civilian areas. Though Israel warns these noncombatants to evacuate, Hamas tries to prevent their flight, sometimes at gunpoint. The goal is twofold: to kill as many Israelis as possible, and to kill Palestinians to win the sympathy of the world and so that Israel can be denounced internationally for war crimes.


Hamas’s strategy is clear. Yet much of the press prefers to ignore it. Instead, it repeatedly accuses Israel of seeking to inflict the maximum number of civilian deaths and especially of children. In the media’s rendering, Israel is the new Herod butchering Palestinian innocents.


Forgotten are the thousands of Gazans who followed Hamas terrorists through the ruptured fence into Israel where they joined in the mutilations and raping. Forgotten are the Gazans who beat and spat at a nineteen-year-old Israeli woman who was raped and paraded through their streets. Gone were Gazans who gave out candy and celebrated the slaughter of 1,400 civilians who were truly innocent.




‘There is No Antisemitism Here,’ South African Justice Minister Claims, Despite 631 Percent Increase in Attacks on Jews

by Ben Cohen 31January2024

SEE: South Africa takes Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, UN) for the Gaza War

The claim of South Africa’s Justice Minister that there is no antisemitism targeting the country’s Jewish community drew a forthright response from Jewish leaders on Wednesday, who also accused the South African government of “creating an environment that emboldens antisemites.”


In an interview with the BBC’s “Hard Talk” program on Monday, Justice Minister Ronald Lamola flatly denied that antisemitism — which has soared in South Africa in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in southern Israel and the Israeli government’s military response — was a problem.


When presenter Stephen Sackur quoted South African Jewish leader Howard Sackstein saying that he was “staring at my suitcase contemplating whether it’s time to leave the only home I’ve ever known,” underlining as well his fear that the ruling African National Congress (ANC) government had been “captured by radical Islamists,” Lamola dismissed these concerns outright, going on to attack the “Zionist state.”


“It’s a very unfortunate statement not backed by any facts, it’s a figment of his own imagination,” Lamola said.

Lamola added that the case charging Israel with “genocide” brought to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by South Africa was “not against the Jews as a people, it’s against the Zionist State of Israel,” which was “maiming and killing the Palestinians as a group in Gaza,” he said.


The ICJ’s ruling last week essentially rejected South Africa’s argument, with no immediate order issued to Israel to halt the war, only the demand that assistance must be provided to improve humanitarian conditions and measures taken to prevent acts or incitement against the UN’s 1948 Genocide Convention.


When Sackur pointed out that there had been a precipitous rise in antisemitic attacks in South Africa since Oct. 7, Lamola fired back, “there’s no such…there is no antisemitism in South Africa against the Jewish people.”


A statement from the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) on Wednesday highlighted that between October and December of last year, in the weeks following the Hamas assault, 139 antisemitic incidents were recorded, compared with 19 in the same period of 2022 — an increase of 631 percent.


The statement pointed out that there had also been as “a sharp increase in physical attacks against Jewish persons or property, something which had occurred only rarely in previous years. There were six cases of physical assault, whereas the annual average had been only one in the preceding decade.”


Among the violent incidents recorded were two cases of assault outside a Johannesburg synagogue, an attack on a Johannesburg rabbi, and a Jewish community member being repeatedly struck over the head with a pole at a pro-Hamas rally in Cape Town. Vandalism included damage and desecration to Jewish cemeteries in Pretoria and Durban.


During the incident in Cape Town, the targeted individual was surrounded by dozens of violent protestors who bellowed “Viva Hamas” and “Murderers,” telling him “Hitler did not kill all of you guys, just so that we could all see exactly why he did it.”


South Africa’s Jewish community “has prided itself on the relatively low levels of antisemitism compared to other Jewish Diaspora communities,” the SAJBD remarked. “However our government has created an environment where antisemitism can flourish with Minister Lamola’s comments being an example. We call on Minister Lamola and the ANC Government to stop dismissing antisemitism and to stop creating an environment that emboldens antisemites.”


A report on South African antisemitism submitted by the SAJBD to the US State Department and shared with The Algemeiner described how South African Jews increasingly face opprobrium and hatred in their daily lives.


“A ‘naming and shaming’ process has been adopted, where people are encouraged to shun those characterized as ‘genocidal baby killers’ and the like,” the report noted.


In one of several hateful emails sent to members of the community, a Jewish doctor in Cape Town was virulently abused by a former patient who accused him of financial dishonesty.


“I don’t expect anything from a Jewish c*** like you; it’s true what they say about you Jews, it’s ******* huge noses ***** greedy,” the email ranted. It ended, “my sexy rat-eyed y*d, we are coming for you. Hail [sic] HITLER.”


Lamola’s denial of South Africa’s antisemitism problem followed his assertion last week that the ICJ case brought against Israel meant that Nelson Mandela, the late South African President who led the ANC in its struggle against apartheid, “will be smiling in his grave.”


ANC leaders have repeatedly invoked Mandela in a political campaign against Israel that has intensified over the last decade. However, Mandela was a supporter of the two-state solution, declaring in a 1993 address to the Jewish community, “As a movement we recognize the legitimacy of Palestinian nationalism just as we recognize the legitimacy of Zionism as a Jewish nationalism. We insist on the right of the state of Israel to exist within secure borders but with equal vigor support the Palestinian right to national self-determination.”




Some of the People Defending Hamas Are Using the Same Argument the Nazis Tried After the Holocaust

“I am a historian (like Khalidi), interested in the origins of ideas and arguments. It turns out that Khalidi’s premier talking point has a very specific genesis.”

Posted by Mike LaChance 28October2023


Martin Kramer notes that Rashid Khalidi of Columbia University is using the same justification that the Nazis used during the Nuremberg tribunals.


From his blog:

The Nazi case for Hamas


Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor at Columbia University, is no fool. He started out as a spokesperson for the PLO in Beirut in the 1970s, and he’s been at it ever since. A New Yorker by birth, he knows something about perceptions of the conflict in America. And he knows that terrorism has set back the Palestinian cause time and again. That’s why he’s spent much of his career trying to anesthetize America to terrorism, divert attention from it, or minimize it.


The horrific massacre of Israeli men, women, and children committed by Hamas on October 7 has made his mission much harder. “The current sentiment,” he told an Arab interviewer (in Arabic),

politically, popularly, and in the media, is overwhelmingly negative. This contrasts sharply with the past decade, which saw growing support for Palestinian political rights and strong opposition to Israeli policies…. They’re capitalizing on the deaths of Israeli civilians during the Al-Aqsa Storm operation…. Having lived in the U.S., particularly New York, for over half my life, I’ve never seen such an onslaught of lies and crude propaganda that are actually making an impact.

Khalidi recommends a number of talking points to his followers. He’s dropped some in reaction to new and awful evidence, but one remains constant. Here is how Khalidi has made it, on two separate occasions:


There are ways of making war, which advanced technological societies employ, which involve the killing of huge numbers of civilians, who are never somehow counted in the calculus. Oh, that’s collateral damage. Oh, we didn’t mean to do it. If a pilot does it from 1,000 feet, and kills fifty people, or some somebody with a gun comes in and murders fifty people, there is a difference, obviously, but in the last analysis, if this is a violation of the rules of war on the one hand, it’s a violation of the rules of war on the other hand… One kind of killing of civilians—only that kind—is called terrorism and another kind of systematic killing of civilians, with much higher death counts, is simply ignored.

Sound familiar? It should.

The ‘Dresden defense’


I am a historian (like Khalidi), interested in the origins of ideas and arguments. It turns out that Khalidi’s premier talking point has a very specific genesis.


It figured in the case for the defense in the Einsatzgruppen Trial, conducted by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal from late 1947 to the spring of 1948. The Einsatzgruppen were the paramilitary death squads of Nazi Germany, which carried out mass murder by shooting in Nazi-occupied Europe. They destroyed well over a million Jews, and two million people all told. After the war, their surviving senior commanders were put on trial at Nuremberg, charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes.


The chief defendant, SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf, had been commander of Einsatzgruppe D, which carried out mass murders in Moldova, southern Ukraine, and the Caucasus. An economist and father of five, he had supervised the killing of 90,000 Jews. Ohlendorf imagined that he had a moral conscience. The killers under his command, he told a U.S. Army prosecutor, were prohibited from using infants for target practice, or smashing their heads against trees.


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When Gaza has Money, Hamas has Rockets

By John F. Di Leo
October 18, 2023


Whether you grew up watching reality law enforcement programs or fictional mafia movies, there’s one thing everyone knows: When a known hit man murders a stranger, the odds are at least ten to one that he was paid to do it. Find the person who paid him, and you’ve identified the real responsible party.


This doesn’t just go for individual crimes, either.  The same principle applies on the grand scale.

On Oct. 7, 2023, a horde of Islamofascist terrorists known as Hamas launched simultaneous, carefully coordinated attacks on Israel.


Hundreds of rockets were fired into civilian communities in Israel.  Crowds of terrorists charged across the border and attacked private residences, shooting up apartments and houses, raping and beating innocent individuals and families. Squads sought out the partygoers at a music festival, slaughtering the unarmed with abandon. Hamas killed or injured thousands that day – mostly unarmed, unsuspecting civilians.


Israel is responding, as Israel must.  But on the world stage, Israel doesn’t have the ability to go much further back, to deal with the sources, as we can in regular domestic law enforcement.


Israel can attack the nearby perpetrators, the bloodthirsty demons of Hamas who gave the orders and managed the attacks.  But Israel is limited in what it can do beyond the Holy Land.


They can study, publicize their findings, try to shame the guilty on the world stage, but their reach is limited.

In much the same way as that hit man we identified can be caught by local police, but we need the FBI to capture the mafiosi who hired him, Israel can root out the Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip, but Israel is limited in its ability to go after the global villains who fund and direct Hamas.


Someone is buying Hamas all these missiles.  Someone provides them with training and gear, intelligence and equipment, rifles and grenades.  And these people who ship them money and weaponry, fully intending that the recipients will use them against innocent Israeli civilians, are just as guilty as the homicidal maniacs pulling the trigger.


It’s not even a secret.

The group that has been chanting “Death to Israel” for decades, the group that has taught their children and their allies to shout “From the river to the sea,” confirming in no uncertain terms that their genocidal goal is to wipe the nation of Israel off the face of the earth, is a client state of Iran.


Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, and ever since local elections were held in 2006, the people of the Gaza Strip have chosen the terrorists of Hamas to rule them.


The Gaza Strip is located on a stretch of seashore on the Mediterranean. Has its government sought international investors to build a modern economy to support its people?  Have they taken advantage of their 24 miles of potentially beautiful coastline to build resorts, or have they attempted to build manufacturing centers to provide careers and prosperity for their two million residents?


Time and time again, when Israel and others have tried to support the building of plants, factories, and logistics centers in the Gaza Strip, Hamas terrorism has necessitated Israel closing the borders and revoking import/export privileges.  It’s impossible to have a manufacturing sector without public utilities, but Hamas sabotage has destroyed such facilities. It’s impossible to manufacture goods without raw materials, but Israel has had to close down maritime traffic to Gaza because Gaza’s suppliers keep filling “humanitarian aid” shipments full of armaments.


Whether from Egypt, Turkey, Iran or Lebanon, Israelis have learned the hard way that allowing goods into the Gaza Strip means endangering the innocent civilians of Israel.  So Israel has had to crack down, again and again.


The events of October 7 prove the case. Hamas is not allowed to maintain a military; they get billions of dollars in aid from their foreign allies, money that could and should be targeted to improving the lot of their people, the so-called “palestinians,” of whom nearly half are children and teenagers.  But despite this very real need for humanitarian support and economic development, Hamas puts its energy, its funding, and its rhetoric into its single-minded war cry: “Death to Israel.”


And where exactly does Gaza’s funding come from?

The governments of Iran and Qatar are major donors, plus a global network of expats who either identify with the Gazans (a mixture of arab ethnicities, but primarily Egyptian) or with Hamas’ very public goal of destroying Israel and emptying it of Jews.


The history books tell us that Hamas was originally an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian terrorist organization. Today, however, Hamas is usually considered more directly a client of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, itself the Lebanese branch of the Iranian council of mullahs – an oligarchy that has ruled Iran with a bloody iron fist for almost 45 years now.


So it is that when Hamas moves a muscle, one can safely assume that Iran is the one pulling the strings.

The issue of Hamas’ funding sources has attracted a bit more attention than usual, in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks.  Israel has announced that it’s blocking whatever sources it can find with proof of the money going to weaponry. They have blocked bank accounts at Barclays and huge cryptocurrency accounts that have long been a way for investors to move money in violation of sanctions, crypto being more easily hidden from view than real currency or investments.


But these are the obvious sources – terrorist supporting rogue states and fellow islamofascist extremists. The really big money in Gaza comes from sources that many would assume are peacemakers.


The United Nations, in fact, is arguably the biggest single funding source for Hamas, having directed well over five billion dollars in spending to the Gaza Strip in the past decade.  Such money isn’t provided without strings, of course, but money is fungible. If one source covers food and water, that frees up the money from other charities to be spent on rockets and rifles.


Perhaps most shocking to Americans is the amount of U.S. taxpayer dollars that are sent to Hamas. Outside of an attempt by the Trump administration to block U.S. taxes from going to Hamas from 2017 through 2020, the Obama and Biden regimes have diverted tens of millions, again and again, whenever they could find an excuse.  Never for arms, directly, of course; but money is fungible.


One of the first visual images confronted by an economics student is the idea of “expending resources on guns or butter.” The larger a percentage of your income you have to spend on butter, the less you can afford to spend on guns, and vice versa.


As long as the United States, the United Nations, and other allegedly peaceful countries provide funds to Gaza, and as long as Hamas continues to direct Gaza’s treasury, it’s as if we peaceful westerners ourselves were the ones buying Hamas the weapons.


People who’ve been paying attention will recall the midnight flights of billions of dollars in currency that the Obama regime illegally sent to Tehran, a vision refreshed by the Biden regime’s gift of releasing billions in foreign funds to Tehran a few short weeks ago.


When Iran has money, their client terror states have rockets.

The courageous and talented Israeli Defense Forces can work on ridding Gaza of its homicidal anti-semitic population, but what can we do, here, a world away?


Well, at the very least, we can stand up on election day, and fire the American politicians who keep paying these hit men with our money. The Democratic Party has been funding these vermin for far too long.


John F. Di Leo is a Chicagoland-based international transportation professional and consultant.  A onetime Milwaukee County Republican Party chairman, he has been writing a regular column for Illinois Review since 2009.  His book on vote fraud (The Tales of Little Pavel) and his political satires on the current administration (Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volumes I and II).


Israel’s Ballistic & Cruise Missiles

Israel War Room-tweet-13April2024-Israel’s Ballistic & Cruise Missiles

Israel War Room-tweet-13April2024-Israel's Ballistic & Cruise Missiles

Israel War Room-tweet-13April2024-Israel’s Ballistic & Cruise Missiles

Israel's Ballistic and Cruise Missiles

Israel’s Ballistic and Cruise Missiles


JerusalemCats-tweet-28April2024-For the ICC
This map is for the International Criminal Court in the Hague. They will love the sound of the Air Raid Siren.

JerusalemCats-tweet-28April2024-For the ICC

JerusalemCats-tweet-28April2024-For the ICC