Rav Yishai Tokayer-Yom Tov-What you can do-23April2015

Yom Tov-What you can do

Rav Yishai Tokayer-Yom Tov-What you can do-26April2015

Yom Tov-What you can do

Rav-Yishai-Tokayer-Yom Tov-Chol HaMoed-What you can do-28April2015

Chol Hamoed (literally, “the weekday of the holiday”) refers to the “intermediate period” of the festivals of Passover and Sukkot. They are the days sandwiched between the beginning and ending holy days of both festivals.

Rav Yishai Tokayer-Yom Tov-Chol HaMoed-What you can do-27April2015

Chol Hamoed (literally, “the weekday of the holiday”) refers to the “intermediate period” of the festivals of Passover and Sukkot. They are the days sandwiched between the beginning and ending holy days of both festivals.