Rav Mordachai Naim-Ben Ish Chai-Parshat Tazria-Metzora-16April2015

Insights into the Parshat from Ben Ish Chai and other sources.

Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto-Likutey Moharan 38-Believe in yourself-19April2015

Likutey Moharan

Rav Mordachai Naim and Rav Naftali Linder-Siyum Gemara Makkos-19April2015

The Talmud, Gemara Makkos

Rav Mordachai Naim-Gemara Beitzah 2A-Chofetz Chaim-Shmiras Halashon Ch5-Likutey Eitzot-15April2015

Chofetz Chaim: Shmiras Halashon, The Talmud, Gemara Beitzah, Likutey Eitzot,