Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto-Likutey Moharan 38-16March2015

Likutey Moharan

Yoel Klein-Pirkei Avot-12March2015

Pirkei Avos / Ethics of the Fathers contains timeless wisdom. It is a collection of ethics, honesty, and advice. But at its very beginning it tells us that even this part of Jewish life came from Sinai. All of that is part of Judaism.

Ruven Levy-Likutey Halachot-Parshat Vayak’hel-12March2015

Insights into Rebbe Nachman’s Likutey Halachot. The gleaming of Rebbe Nachman’s wisdom Likutei Halachot – Reb Natan composed these few volumes of books on Halachot, the Codes of Law, following the order of the Shulchan Aruch emphasizing the connections and deeper meanings of the Halachot according to the teachings of the Likutey Moharan.

Rav Mordachai Naim-with Reb Shrier-Gemara Makkos 22B-23A-12March2015

The Talmud, Gemara Makkos