HaRav Shalom Arush-A Good Life is a Healthy Spirit-11March2015

Vote for a Torah Party in the 17 March 2015 Knesset election Chanson du partie Yahad – יחד United Torah Judaism choice for generations-יהדות התורה בחירה לדורות Torah Judaism broadcast campaign תשדיר קמפיין ליהדות התורה United Torah Judaism – campaign No. 3 | 2015 {by} Torah Judaism fans}יהדות התורה – בקמפיין מס’ 3 | 2015 […]

Rav Yishai Tokayer-How to Prepare for Pesach-10March2015

Passover is a holiday that mandates our complete involvement, not just during its eight days but for weeks before. Aside from the regular holiday obligations, we are also commanded (Exodus 13:3–7): “No leaven shall be eaten . . . For seven days you shall eat unleavened bread . . . and no leaven shall be seen of yours [in your possession].”

We accomplish this by cleaning and inspecting our homes well before Passover, and gradually eliminating chametz from every room and crevice. This intensive cleaning takes place in Jewish homes throughout the world.

Rav Dror Moshe Cassouto-Likutey Moharan 38-10March2015

Likutey Moharan

Rav Mordachai Naim-Chofetz Chaim Shmiras Halashon 20 Ch5-Likutey Eitzot 11-10March2015

Chofetz Chaim: Shmiras Halashon, Likutey Eitzot,