Rav Lazer Brody-Parshat Re’eh-20August2014

Parshat Re’eh: The Blessing and the Curse
This week’s Torah portion, Re’eh, guarantees that living our lives observantly will bring blessings, while the opposite holds true also, as we learn in the parable about “The Wise Shoemaker.”
– See more at: http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/#sthash.lqNM0mhZ.dpuf

Rav Lazer Brody-Parshat Va’etchanan-06August2014

Insights into the Parshat from Rebbe Nachman’s Likutey Moharan and other sources.

Rav Lazer Brody-Global Emuna-Look at the Gaza War-06August2014

Emuna ,Look at the Gaza War, Introducing The Garden of Purity – For Men Only

Rav Lazer Brody-Parshat Masaei-Verbal Bloodshed-23July2014

The Torah says that bloodshed contaminates the holiness of our sacred homeland. And, it’s not just talking about physical bloodshed – there’s a verbal type of spilling a person’s blood also.