Yehoshua Goldstein – The Holy Zohar 20June2013

It is a very good practice to read “Patach Eliyahu Hanavi z”l” before every tefila (Shacharit, Mincha, and Maariv). Chazal, (our holy Sages) have a tradition that one who recites this prayer before davening is assured that his tefilot will be accepted. (Morei Ba’Etzba)

Pasha Lech Lecha-10October2013

Insights into the Weekly Torah Portion

Rav Moishe Mendlowitz-Just One Jew-10October2013

He’s the grandson of Rav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, and he left behind his Jewish heritage and the yeshivah world he grew up in to take a wild ride through secular, upstate New York where his long-haired, businessman image took over.

Until Hashem tapped Moishe Mendlowitz on the shoulder and led him, through a series of miraculous events, back to Torah Judaism in a roller-coaster ride across continents and turbulent emotions. Today he’s the manager of the Heritage House in Jerusalem’s Old City and a sought-after speaker and founder of a kiruv organization.

In this inspiring, fascinating, and exciting book, the author brings the reader into his inner world, telling a tale that will have you crying, laughing and thinking–about the power of just one Jew.

Eulogy of HaRav Ovadia Yosef by Harav Amar-09October2013

Eulogy of HaRav Ovadia Yosef by Harav Amar at Yeshivat Chut Shel Chessed 9Oct2013Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, 93, returned his soul to his Maker on Monday, 3 Heshvan, October 7, 2013 at 1:30 p.m.