HaRav Shalom Arush -The Month of Redemption 21 March 2012

the lucky one is the one putting his effort in learning Torah
there are 2 months of Tzuvah, Tishri and Nissan. Tishri Tzuvah out of fear and Nissan out of love for Ha-Shem. The month of the Geulah.

HaRav Shalom Arush-The Joy of Nissan-06March2013

Good for you, you should be happy. Hard for you, you are going to grow. From the difficulties we are growing. HaShem is growing the salvation. In the time of difficulties there is tremendous darkness.

HaRav Shalom Arush-South Africa, Fast of Esther and Purim-20February2013

Of stead of Drinking and Drinking on Purim clap your hands and dance on Purim between drinking a glass wine. Listen to the Tzadikim so you will not repeat the decree of Haman. You need to receive the light of the Torah. Israel received the Torah with love at Purim. All of the starts of the year are from Purim.

HaRav Shalom Arush-Purim-06February2013

HaRav Arush: Purim 6-Feb-2013 Shir