Rav Micha Golshevsky-The Source of Jewish Holidays-Kiddush-23October2014

Shabbat enters with words of wonder poured upon rich wine, to fulfill the verse, “Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it.”

We call it kiddush, a ritual of words and drink, a magical bridge from the harried weekday to the day of rest. So enchanted we are by the kiddush that we repeat it again in a different form by day. The kiddush serves as the kickoff for the evening and daytime Shabbat meals.

Rav Micha Golshevsky-Pathways to Joy-28October2014

How to get out of depression and enjoy life to the fullest.

Rav Micha Golshevsky-Halachot of Shabbat-Muktzah-27October2014

Muktzeh (Hebrew: מוקצה; is a Hebrew word that means “separated”, or “set aside”. The generally accepted view regarding these items is that they may be touched though not moved during Shabbat or Yom Tov.

Rav Micha Golshevsky-Pathways to Joy-27October2014

Pathways to Joy, How to get out of depression and enjoy life to the fullest.