Ruven Levy-The Garden of Emuna-13January2015

Discover the power of emuna and powerful tools for dealing with life’s challenges.

Ruven Levy-Likutey Eitzot-14January2015

“The main thing is not the learning, but doing,” said the Rabbis.
In spiritual matters the basic question is “How to…?” How to
have faith? How to pray? To develop trust? To show love? How to
achieve happiness? This translation of Likutey Etzot,
compiled is a comprehensive collection of Rebbe Nachman’s
practical guidance and teachings on all aspects of life,
presented subject by subject.

Ruven Levy-The Garden of Emuna-12January2015

Discover the power of emuna and powerful tools for dealing with life’s challenges.

Ruven Levy-The Garden of Emuna-11January2015

Discover the power of emuna and powerful tools for dealing with life’s challenges.