Ruven Levy-Reincarnation-21November2013

A class on Reincarnation. You know you have been here before.

Ruven Levy-The Garden of Emuna-20November2013

An explanation of HaRav Salom Arush’s Best Seller The Garden of Emuna
The Garden of Emuna -“By way of emuna, life in this world is more beautiful, and…the entire world is like a blossoming garden.” This is a practical guide to life. Discover the power of emuna and powerful tools for dealing with life’s challenges.By Rabbi Shalom Arush, translated by Rabbi Lazer

Ruven Levy-The Garden of Peace by HaRav Arush-19November2013

The sanctity of human affairs, the meaning and implications of spirituality and materialism, and the right way to achieve it.

Ruven Levy-Reincarnation-19November2013

A class on Reincarnation. You know you have been here before.