Tag Archives: השרף

Rav Yishai Tokayer-HaSaraf-Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-07November2013

A biography of the tzadik and “Ish Kadosh” (holy and righteous person) Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-an esteemed member of the Breslov Community in Jerusalem of this past generation.

Rav Yishai Tokayer-HaSaraf-Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-05November2013

A biography of the tzadik and “Ish Kadosh” (holy and righteous person) Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-an esteemed member of the Breslov Community in Jerusalem of this past generation.Both revered and beloved by all,

Rav Yishai Tokayer-HaSaraf-Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-04November2013

A biography of the tzadik and “Ish Kadosh” (holy and righteous person) Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-an esteemed member of the Breslov Community in Jerusalem of this past generation.

Rav Yishai Tokayer-HaSaraf-Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-03November2013

A biography of the tzadik and “Ish Kadosh” (holy and righteous person) Rabbi Shmuel Shapiro-an esteemed member of the Breslov Community in Jerusalem of this past generation.Both revered and beloved by all,Reb Shmuel will forever be remembered for the unbelievable level of” kedushah”-(purity and holiness) that he obtained.Being an extremely modest person,