Tag Archives: Politics

Bill Clinton vs Bibi Netanyahu

compiled by Mr. Whiskers PM Netanyahu Quotes Lubavitcher Rebbe at UN assembly >Bill Clinton in Case Studies in Abnormal Behavior Book   Bill Clinton: Netanyahu killed the peace process Who’s to blame for the continued failure of the Middle East peace process? Former President Bill Clinton said today that it is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin […]

CheshireCat: Unified Theory of Obama

  CheshireCat 08/26/2011 02:57 AM Round about the cauldron go In the poisoned entrails throw A day with a conscience, he hath none His campaign of destruction has just begun Sweltered venom from Jeremiah Wright he got Boil the Jews and Honkies in a deep pot All who dare to try to stand in his […]

The Bird Cage Liner Gazette: Hurricane Irene

Lazer Beams: North Carolina’s Jonah Friday, 26 August 2011 North Carolina’s Jonah The Gemara says that sailors are mostly pious people. Why? Sailors see all types of life-threatening tempests and squalls at sea, so not only do they have the fear of The Almighty in their hearts, but they’re always calling His Name to save […]

Response to Glenn Beck – Restoring Courage – Jerusalem 2011

Glenn Beck came to visit in Jerusalem and I wanted to see him, even if it was from far off I just had to go to the Kotel that day. I spoke with some spectators standing around watching, the ones that spoke English liked him in the crowds and one lady that only spoke Hebrew […]