Tag Archives: The Source of Jewish Holidays

Rav Micha Golshevsky-The Source of Jewish Holidays-Shavuot-25May2014

Insights into Tehillim and Shavuot from Rebbe Nachman’s Likutey Moharan, Likutey Halachot and other sources.

Rav Micha Golshevsky-The Source of Jewish Holidays-31March2014

Why do we celebrate the Jewish Holidays? What are the deeper meanings of each holiday?

Rav Micha Golshevsky-The Source of Jewish Holidays-30March2014

Why do we celebrate the Jewish Holidays? What are the deeper meanings of each holiday?

Rav Micha Golshevsky-The Source of Jewish Holidays-Pesach-Shine the light on Egypt-27March2014

Pesach-Shine the light on Egypt. Where were we in Egypt mentally? How bad was the Egyptian society morally? How does it compare with today in western society?

With the open sexuality in advertising
immodest women’s fashion
The Pornography, violent video games and TV
Treating Women like meat or objects
The social pressure for girls to have sex as teenagers and for women to have sex with any man outside of marriage.